Med Image Anal Medical image analysis. 1361-8415 (P) 1361-8423 (E) 1996- 9713490 Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Int Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Medical image computing and computer- assisted intervention: MICCAI... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. 1998- 101249582 Med Infant (Paris) La Medecine infantile. 0025-6773 (P) 1897-1993 2985233R Med Inform (Lond) Medical informatics = Medecine et informatique. 0307-7640 (P) Continued by: Medical informatics and the Internet in medicine. 1976-1998 Acid-free 7612096 Med Inform Internet Med Medical informatics and the Internet in medicine. 1463-9238 (P) Continues: Medical informatics. 1999- 100883495 Med Instrum Medical instrumentation. 0090-6689 (P) Continues JAAMI: journal of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. Merged with: Biomedical technology today, to form: Biomedical instrumentation & technology. 1973-1988 0361136 Med Interface s) Medical interface. 0896-4831 (P) Continued by: Managed care interface. 1988-1997 8916855 Med Interna Medicina interna (Bucharest, Romania: 1991) 1220-5818 (P) Continues: Revista de medicina interna, neurologie, psihiatrie, neurochirurgie, dermato-venerologie. Medicina interna. 1991-1993 9431273 Med Interna (Bucur) Medicina interna. 0025-7869 (P) Continues: Revista stiintelor medicale: medicina interna. Continued by: Revista de medicina interna, neurologie, psihiatrie, neurochirurgie, dermato-venerologie. Medicina interna. 1955-1974 7503144 Med Interne Medecine interne. 0377-1202 (P) Continues in part Revue roumaine de medecine. Continued by: Romanian journal of internal medicine. 1975-1990 7506353 Med J Aust The Medical journal of Australia. 0025-729X (P) 1326-5377 (E) Formed by the union of the Australasian medical gazette and the Australian medical journal. 1914- 0400714 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Med J Malaya The Medical journal of Malaya. 0025-7303 (P) Supersedes the Journal of the Malaya Branch of the British Medical Association. Continued by the Medical journal of Malaysia. 1946-1972 0361546 Med J Malaysia The Medical journal of Malaysia. 0300-5283 (P) Continues the Medical journal of Malaya. 1972- 0361547 Med J Osaka Univ Medical journal of Osaka University. 0030-6169 (P) 1949- 0135201 Med J Zambia Medical journal of Zambia. 0047-651X (P) 1967- 0251103 Med Klin Medizinische Klinik. 0025-8458 (P) Merged with several other medical periodicals to form Medizinische Zeitschrift, Oct. 1944-Feb. 1945. Split into: Medizinische Klinik (Klinik-Ausg. ) and Medizinische Klinik (Praxis-Ausg. ). 1904-1981 0376637 Med Klin (Munich) Medizinische Klinik (Munich, Germany: 1983) 0723-5003 (P) Continues: Medizinische Klinik (Klinik-Ausg. ). 1983- 8303501 Med Klin Suppl Medizinische Klinik (Munich, Germany: 1983). Supplement. 0931-2595 (P) 1985-1986 8611127 Med Klin [Klin] Medizinische Klinik (Klinik-Ausg. ) 0722-9321 (P) Continues in part: Medizinische Klinik. Continued by: Medizinische Klinik (Munich, Germany: 1983). 1982-1982 8302967 Med Klin [Prax] Medizinische Klinik (Praxis-Ausg. ) 0722-933X (P) Continues in part: Medizinische Klinik. Continued by: Medizinische Klinik & Praxis. 1982-1982 8302966 Med Lab (Stuttg) Das Medizinische Laboratorium. 0025-8466 (P) Continues in part Rontgen- und Laboratoriumspraxis. 1963-1982 0375264 Med Lab Sci Medical laboratory sciences. 0308-3616 (P) Continues Medical laboratory technology. Continued by: British journal of biomedical science. 1976-1992 7609161 Med Lab Technol Medical laboratory technology. 0022-2607 (P) Continues The Journal of medical laboratory technology. Continued by Medical laboratory sciences. 1971-1975 7609162 2006 Med Lav La Medicina del lavoro. 0025-7818 (P) Continues: Il Lavoro (Clinica delle malattie professionali di Milano). 1925- 0401176 Med Law Medicine and law. 0723-1393 (P) 1982- Acid-free 8218185 Med Law Int s) Medical law international. 0968-5332 (P) 1993- 9419080 Med Leg Bull Medico-legal bulletin. 0025-8164 (P) Continues Bulletin of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Virginia. 1959-1990 0376631 Med Leg Dommage Corpor Medecine legale et dommage corporel. 0025-679X (P) Supersedes Annales de medecine legale. 1968-1974 7513649 Med Leg J The Medico-legal journal. 0025-8172 (P) Continues the Medico-legal and criminological review. 1947- 0412004 Med Lett Drugs Ther * The Medical letter on drugs and therapeutics. 0025-732X (P) 1523-2859 (E) 1959- 2985240R Med Mal Infect Medecine et maladies infectieuses. 0399-077X (P) 1971- 0311416 Med Malpract Cost Containment J s) The Medical malpractice cost containment journal. 0194-7400 (P) 1979-1980 7910744 Med Manag Netw Medical management network. 1097-0835 (P) Continues: Patient care management abstracts. 1997-1999 9801899 Med Mark Media s) Medical marketing & media. 0025-7354 (P) Continues Pharmaceutical marketing & media. 1969- 0261537 Med Microbiol Immunol (Berl) Medical microbiology and immunology. 0300-8584 (P) Continues Zeitschrift fur medizinische Mikrobiologie und Immunologie. 1971- Acid-free 0314524 Med Mol Morphol Medical molecular morphology. 1860-1480 (P) 1860-1499 (E) Continues: Medical electron microscopy. 2005- 101239023 Med Monatsschr Medizinische Monatsschrift. 0025-8474 (P) Continued by: Medizinische Monatsschrift fur Pharmazeuten. 1947-1977 0375265 179

Med Monatsschr Pharm Medizinische Monatsschrift fur Pharmazeuten. 0342-9601 (P) Supersedes Medizinische Monatsschrift. 1978- 7802665 Med Mycol Medical mycology: official publication of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology. 1369-3786 (P) Continues: Journal of medical and veterinary mycology. 1998- 9815835 Med Netw Strategy Rep Medical network strategy report. 1079-3003 (P) Continues: Medical staff strategy report. Continued by: Physician performance & payment report. 1994-1999 9442877 Med Newsl (Lond) Medical newsletter. 0309-2569 (P) Continued by Fertility and contraception. 1958-1976 7606227 Med Oncol Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England) 1357-0560 (P) Continues: Medical oncology and tumor pharmacotherapy. 1994- 9435512 Med Oncol Tumor Pharmacother Medical oncology and tumor pharmacotherapy. 0736-0118 (P) Continued by: Medical oncology (Northwood, London, England). 1984-1993 8405039 Med Oral Medicina oral: organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Medicina Oral y de la Academia Iberoamericana de Patologia y Medicina Bucal. 1137-2834 (P) Continued by: Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal. 1996-2004 9815821 Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal. 1698-4447 (P) 1698-6946 (E) Continues: Medicina oral. 2004- 101231694 Med Panam Medicina panamericana. 1953-1965 18610080R Med Parazitol (Mosk) Meditsinskaia parazitologiia i parazitarnye bolezni. 0025-8326 (P) Continues: Tropicheskai a medit s ina i veterinarii a. 1932- 0376635 Med Pediatr Oncol Medical and pediatric oncology. 0098-1532 (P) 1096-911X (E) Continued by: Pediatric blood & cancer. 1975-2003 Acid-free 7506654 Med Pediatr Oncol Suppl Medical and pediatric oncology. Supplement. 0740-8226 (P) 1982- 8305678 180 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Med Pharmacol Exp Int J Exp Med Medicina et pharmacologia experimentalis. International journal of experimental medicine. 0543-3002 (P) Continues Medicina experimentalis. Split into: Medicina experimentalis, and: Pharmacology. 1965-1967 0152106 Med Phys Medical physics. 0094-2405 (P) 1974- 0425746 Med Pr Medycyna pracy. 0465-5893 (P) 1948- 0376642 Med Pregl Medicinski pregled. 0025-8105 (P) 1948- 2985249R Med Princ Pract Medical principles and practice: international journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre. 1011-7571 (P) 1423-0151 (E) 1988- 8901334 Med Prod Sales s) Medical products sales: MPS: the official journal of the American Surgical Trade Association. 0279-4802 (P) Continues: MPS. Medical products salesman. Continued by: Healtcare products today magazine. 1981-2001 8202448 Med Prog Technol Medical progress through technology. 0047-6552 (P) 1972-1997 Acid-free 0331260 Med Prom SSSR Meditsinskaia promyshlennost’ SSSR. 1947-1966 1305622 Med Radiogr Photogr Medical radiography and photography. 0025-746X (P) Continues Radiography and clinical photography. 1947-1988 0412772 Med Radiol (Mosk) Meditsinskaia radiologiia. 0025-8334 (P) Continued by: Meditsinskaia radiologiia i radiatsionnaia bezopasnost. 1956-1993 2984767R Med Rec Health Care Inf J s) Medical record and health care information journal. 0950-5539 (P) Continues: Medical record. Continued by: AMRO. 1977-1988 8405388 Med Rec News s) Medical record news. 0025-7486 (P) Continues Journal of the American Association of Medical Record Librarians. Continued by Journal of the American Medical Record Association. 1962-1980 0400715 Med Ref Serv Q Medical reference services quarterly. 0276-3869 (P) 1982- 8219208 2006 Med Res Eng Medical research engineering. 0025-7508 (P) Continues the American journal of medical electronics. 1966-1980 0051420 Med Res Rev Medicinal research reviews. 0198-6325 (P) 1981- 8103150 Med Sci (Paris) Medecine sciences: M/S. 0767-0974 (P) 1985- Acid-free 8710980 Med Sci Law Medicine, science, and the law. 0025-8024 (P) 1960- 0400721 Med Sci Monit Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research. 1234-1010 (P) 1643-3750 (E) 1995- 9609063 Med Sci Sports Medicine and science in sports. 0025-7990 (P) Continued by Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 1969-1979 0203246 Med Sci Sports Exerc Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 0195-9131 (P) Continues: Medicine and science in sports. 1980- 8005433 Med Secoli Medicina nei secoli. 0394-9001 (P) Supersedes Collana storico-scientifica. 1964- 0176472 Med Sect Proc Medical Section proceedings: the... annual Meeting of the Medical Section of the American Council of Life Insurance. American Council of Life Insurance. Medical Section. Meeting. Continues: Proceedings, the annual meeting of the Medical Section of the American Council of Life Insurance. 1983-1995 9710573 Med Serv s) Medical service. 0008-8102 (P) 1944-1983 0221461 Med Serv J Can Medical services journal, Canada. 0368-9204 (P) Continues the Canadian services medical journal. 1958-1967 0236073 Med Sestra Medit s inskai a sestra. 0025-8342 (P) Merged with: Feldsher i akusherka, to form: Medit s inskai a pomoshch. 1942-1992 18620490R Med Sport (Roma) Medicina dello sport; rivista di fisiopatologia dello sport. 0025-7826 (P) 1961- 18540470R

Med Image Anal<br />

Medical image analysis.<br />

1361-8415 (P) 1361-8423 (E)<br />

1996- 9713490<br />

Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Int<br />

Conf Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv<br />

Medical image computing and computer-<br />

assisted intervention: MICCAI...<br />

International Conference on Medical Image<br />

Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention.<br />

1998- 101249582<br />

Med Infant (Paris)<br />

La Medecine infantile.<br />

0025-6773 (P)<br />

1897-1993 2985233R<br />

Med Inform (Lond)<br />

Medical informatics = Medecine et<br />

informatique.<br />

0307-7640 (P)<br />

Continued by: Medical informatics and the<br />

Internet in medicine.<br />

1976-1998 Acid-free 7612096<br />

Med Inform Internet Med<br />

Medical informatics and the Internet in<br />

medicine.<br />

1463-9238 (P)<br />

Continues: Medical informatics.<br />

1999- 100883495<br />

Med Instrum<br />

Medical instrumentation.<br />

0090-6689 (P)<br />

Continues JAAMI: journal of the Association<br />

for the Advancement of Medical<br />

Instrumentation. Merged with: Biomedical<br />

technology today, to form: Biomedical<br />

instrumentation & technology.<br />

1973-1988 0361136<br />

Med Interface<br />

s) Medical interface.<br />

0896-4831 (P)<br />

Continued by: Managed care interface.<br />

1988-1997 8916855<br />

Med Interna<br />

Medicina interna (Bucharest, Romania: 1991)<br />

1220-5818 (P)<br />

Continues: Revista de medicina interna,<br />

neurologie, psihiatrie, neurochirurgie,<br />

dermato-venerologie. Medicina interna.<br />

1991-1993 9431273<br />

Med Interna (Bucur)<br />

Medicina interna.<br />

0025-7869 (P)<br />

Continues: Revista stiintelor medicale:<br />

medicina interna. Continued by: Revista de<br />

medicina interna, neurologie, psihiatrie,<br />

neurochirurgie, dermato-venerologie.<br />

Medicina interna.<br />

1955-1974 7503144<br />

Med Interne<br />

Medecine interne.<br />

0377-1202 (P)<br />

Continues in part Revue roumaine de medecine.<br />

Continued by: Romanian journal of internal<br />

medicine.<br />

1975-1990 7506353<br />

Med J Aust<br />

The Medical journal of Australia.<br />

0025-729X (P) 1326-5377 (E)<br />

Formed by the union of the Australasian<br />

medical gazette and the Australian medical<br />

journal.<br />

1914- 0400714<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Med J Malaya<br />

The Medical journal of Malaya.<br />

0025-7303 (P)<br />

Supersedes the Journal of the Malaya Branch<br />

of the British Medical Association.<br />

Continued by the Medical journal of Malaysia.<br />

1946-1972 0361546<br />

Med J Malaysia<br />

The Medical journal of Malaysia.<br />

0300-5283 (P)<br />

Continues the Medical journal of Malaya.<br />

1972- 0361547<br />

Med J Osaka Univ<br />

Medical journal of Osaka University.<br />

0030-6169 (P)<br />

1949- 0135201<br />

Med J Zambia<br />

Medical journal of Zambia.<br />

0047-651X (P)<br />

1967- 0251103<br />

Med Klin<br />

Medizinische Klinik.<br />

0025-8458 (P)<br />

Merged with several other medical<br />

periodicals to form Medizinische<br />

Zeitschrift, Oct. 1944-Feb. 1945. Split<br />

into: Medizinische Klinik (Klinik-Ausg. ) and<br />

Medizinische Klinik (Praxis-Ausg. ).<br />

1904-1981 0376637<br />

Med Klin (Munich)<br />

Medizinische Klinik (Munich, Germany: 1983)<br />

0723-5003 (P)<br />

Continues: Medizinische Klinik (Klinik-Ausg.<br />

).<br />

1983- 8303501<br />

Med Klin Suppl<br />

Medizinische Klinik (Munich, Germany: 1983).<br />

Supplement.<br />

0931-2595 (P)<br />

1985-1986 8611127<br />

Med Klin [Klin]<br />

Medizinische Klinik (Klinik-Ausg. )<br />

0722-9321 (P)<br />

Continues in part: Medizinische Klinik.<br />

Continued by: Medizinische Klinik (Munich,<br />

Germany: 1983).<br />

1982-1982 8302967<br />

Med Klin [Prax]<br />

Medizinische Klinik (Praxis-Ausg. )<br />

0722-933X (P)<br />

Continues in part: Medizinische Klinik.<br />

Continued by: Medizinische Klinik & Praxis.<br />

1982-1982 8302966<br />

Med Lab (Stuttg)<br />

Das Medizinische Laboratorium.<br />

0025-8466 (P)<br />

Continues in part Rontgen- und<br />

Laboratoriumspraxis.<br />

1963-1982 0375264<br />

Med Lab Sci<br />

Medical laboratory sciences.<br />

0308-3616 (P)<br />

Continues Medical laboratory technology.<br />

Continued by: British journal of biomedical<br />

science.<br />

1976-1992 7609161<br />

Med Lab Technol<br />

Medical laboratory technology.<br />

0022-2607 (P)<br />

Continues The Journal of medical laboratory<br />

technology. Continued by Medical laboratory<br />

sciences.<br />

1971-1975 7609162<br />

2006<br />

Med Lav<br />

La Medicina del lavoro.<br />

0025-7818 (P)<br />

Continues: Il Lavoro (Clinica delle malattie<br />

professionali di Milano).<br />

1925- 0401176<br />

Med Law<br />

Medicine and law.<br />

0723-1393 (P)<br />

1982- Acid-free 8218185<br />

Med Law Int<br />

s) Medical law international.<br />

0968-5332 (P)<br />

1993- 9419080<br />

Med Leg Bull<br />

Medico-legal bulletin.<br />

0025-8164 (P)<br />

Continues Bulletin of the Office of the<br />

Chief Medical Examiner, Virginia.<br />

1959-1990 0376631<br />

Med Leg Dommage Corpor<br />

Medecine legale et dommage corporel.<br />

0025-679X (P)<br />

Supersedes Annales de medecine legale.<br />

1968-1974 7513649<br />

Med Leg J<br />

The Medico-legal journal.<br />

0025-8172 (P)<br />

Continues the Medico-legal and<br />

criminological review.<br />

1947- 0412004<br />

Med Lett Drugs Ther<br />

* The Medical letter on drugs and therapeutics.<br />

0025-732X (P) 1523-2859 (E)<br />

1959- 2985240R<br />

Med Mal Infect<br />

Medecine et maladies infectieuses.<br />

0399-077X (P)<br />

1971- 0311416<br />

Med Malpract Cost Containment J<br />

s) The Medical malpractice cost containment<br />

journal.<br />

0194-7400 (P)<br />

1979-1980 7910744<br />

Med Manag Netw<br />

Medical management network.<br />

1097-0835 (P)<br />

Continues: Patient care management abstracts.<br />

1997-1999 9801899<br />

Med Mark Media<br />

s) Medical marketing & media.<br />

0025-7354 (P)<br />

Continues Pharmaceutical marketing & media.<br />

1969- 0261537<br />

Med Microbiol Immunol (Berl)<br />

Medical microbiology and immunology.<br />

0300-8584 (P)<br />

Continues Zeitschrift fur medizinische<br />

Mikrobiologie und Immunologie.<br />

1971- Acid-free 0314524<br />

Med Mol Morphol<br />

Medical molecular morphology.<br />

1860-1480 (P) 1860-1499 (E)<br />

Continues: Medical electron microscopy.<br />

2005- 101239023<br />

Med Monatsschr<br />

Medizinische Monatsschrift.<br />

0025-8474 (P)<br />

Continued by: Medizinische Monatsschrift fur<br />

Pharmazeuten.<br />

1947-1977 0375265<br />


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