Lasers Surg Med Suppl Lasers in surgery and medicine. Supplement. 1050-9267 (P) 1989- Acid-free 9005665 Laterality Laterality. 1357-650X (P) 1464-0678 (E) 1996- Acid-free 9609064 Lattante Il Lattante. 0023-8864 (P) 1930-1974 2985216R Laund News s) Laundry news. 0164-5765 (P) Continued by: American laundry news. 19??-1996 9877785 Lav Ist Anat Istol Patol Univ Studi Perugia Lavori dell’Istituto di anatomia e istologia patologica, Universita degli studi di Perugia. 0041-8943 (P) 1940-1978 7505645 Lav Um Lavoro umano. 0023-9127 (P) Continued by: Archivio di scienze del Lavoro, in 1985. 1940-1984 0404434 Laval Med Laval medical. 0023-9046 (P) Supersedes the Bulletin of the Societe medical des hopitaux universitaires de Quebec. Superseded by: Vie metdicale au Canada franciais. 1936-1971 2985217R Law Contemp Probl s) Law and contemporary problems. 0023-9186 (P) 1933- 9875488 Law Hum Behav Law and human behavior. 0147-7307 (P) 1977- 7801255 Law Hum Genome Rev Law and the human genome review = Revista de derecho y genoma humano / Chair in Law and the Human Genome, BBV Foundation-Provincial Government of Biscay, University of Deusto. 1134-7708 (P) 1994- 9700234 Law Med Health Care Law, medicine & health care: a publication of the American Society of Law & Medicine. 0277-8459 (P) Formed by the union of: Medicolegal news, and: Nursing law & ethics and continues the numbering of the former. Continued by: Journal of law, medicine & ethics. 1981-1992 8205794 LDA J LDA journal. 0092-4458 (P) Continues Journal of the Louisiana Dental Association. 1973- 0403231 LDI Issue Brief LDI issue brief [electronic resource]. 1553-0671 (E) 1994- 9815837 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Leadersh Health Serv Leadership in health services = Leadership dans les services de sante. 1188-3669 (P) Formed by the union of: Dimensions in health service, and: Hospital trustee. Continued as a separately paged section within: International journal of health care quality assurance incorporating Leadership in health services. 1992-1996 9211318 League Exch League exchange. 0077-5134 (P) 1952-1982 7507243 League Lines League lines. 1955-1969 0102673 Learn Behav Learning & behavior: a Psychonomic Society publication. 1543-4494 (P) 1543-4508 (E) Continues: Animal learning & behavior. 2003- 101155056 Learn Mem Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.) 1072-0502 (P) 1994- 9435678 Lebensversicher Med Lebensversicherungs Medizin. 0024-0044 (P) Continued by: Versicherungsmedizin. 1949-1987 2985219R Leber Magen Darm Leber, Magen, Darm. 0300-8622 (P) Absorbed: Innere Medizin in 1992. 1971- 0311747 Leeds Dent J Leeds Dental Journal. 0024-0265 (P) 1962-1968 9881977 Leg Aspects Med Pract Legal aspects of medical practice. 0190-2350 (P) Continues The Journal of legal medicine. 1977-1989 7801257 Leg Med Legal medicine. 0197-9981 (P) Continues Legal medicine annual. 1980-1995 Acid-free 8003226 Leg Med (Tokyo) Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 1344-6223 (P) Continues English language articles formerly published in: Nippon hoigaku zasshi. 1999- 100889186 Leg Med Annu Legal medicine annual. 0075-8590 (P) Continued by Legal medicine. 1969-1978 0206765 Leg Med Q s) Legal medical quarterly. 0703-1211 (P) 1977- 7810301 Lek Pr Lekarske prace. 1961-1987 0260743 2006 Lek Veda Zahr Lekarska veda v zahranici. 0139-889X (P) 1957-1967 1306751 Lens Eye Toxic Res Lens and eye toxicity research. 1042-6922 (P) Continues: Lens research. 1989-1992 Acid-free 8916639 Lepr India Leprosy in India. 0024-1024 (P) Continued by Indian journal of leprosy. 1929-1983 0376624 Lepr Rev Leprosy review. 0305-7518 (P) Supersedes Leprosy notes. 1930- 0243711 Lett Appl Microbiol Letters in applied microbiology. 0266-8254 (P) 1472-765X (E) 1985- 8510094 Leuk Lymphoma Leukemia & lymphoma. 1042-8194 (P) 1029-2403 (E) 1989- 9007422 Leuk Res Leukemia research. 0145-2126 (P) 1977- Acid-free 7706787 Leukemia Leukemia: official journal of the Leukemia Society of America, Leukemia Research Fund, U. K. 0887-6924 (P) 1476-5551 (E) 1987- Acid-free 8704895 Libr J s) Library journal. 0363-0277 (P) 1876- 57630670R Libr Resour Tech Serv s) Library resources & technical services. 0024-2527 (P) Supersedes the Journal of cataloging and classification and Serial slants. Continued in part by: New directions in technical services. 1957- 57920670R Libr Technol Rep s) Library technology reports. 0024-2586 (P) 1976- 57630720R Life Sci Life sciences. 0024-3205 (P) Formed by the union of Life sciences. Part 1, Physiology and pharmacology; and: Life sciences. Part 2, Biochemistry, general and molecular biology. 1973- Acid-free 0375521 Life Sci I Life sciences. Pt. 1: Physiology and pharmacology. 0300-9653 (P) Continues in part Life sciences. Merged with Life sciences. Pt. 2: Biochemistry, general and molecular biology to form Life sciences. 1970-1973 0375522 173

Life Sci II Life sciences. Pt. 2: Biochemistry, general and molecular biology. 0300-9637 (P) Continues in part Life sciences. Merged with Life sciences. Pt. 1: Physiology and pharmacology to form Life sciences. 1970-1973 0375523 Life Sci Space Res s) Life sciences and space research. 0075-9422 (P) Absorbed by: Advances in space research. 1962-1980 1250331 Life Support Biosph Sci s) Life support & biosphere science: international journal of earth space. 1069-9422 (P) Continued by: Habitation (Elmsford, N. Y.). 1994-2002 9431217 Life Support Syst Life support systems: the journal of the European Society for Artificial Organs. 0261-989X (P) 1983-1987 8219681 Life Threat Behav Life-threatening behavior. 0047-4592 (P) Continued by Suicide. 1971-1974 7610536 Lifelong Learn Adult Years s) Lifelong learning, the adult years / Adult Education Association of the United States of America. 0148-2165 (P) Continues: Adult leadership. Continued by: Lifelong learning (Washington, D. C.). 1977-1983 9877808 Lifetime Data Anal Lifetime data analysis. 1380-7870 (P) 1995- Acid-free 9516348 Ligament Ligament. 1963- 9880095 Lijec Vjesn Lijecnicki vjesnik. 0024-3477 (P) 1877- 0074253 Lik Sprava Likars’ka sprava / Ministerstvo okhorony zdorov’ia Ukrainy. 1019-5297 (P) Continues: Vrachebnoe delo. 1992- 9601540 Lille Chir Lille chirurgical. 0024-3493 (P) 1946-1987 0376625 Lille Med Lille medical: journal de la Faculte de medecine et de pharmacie de l’Universite de Lille. 0024-3507 (P) Continues: L’Echo medical du Nord. Continued by: LARC medical. 1956-1981 8203780 Lin Chuang Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi Lin chuang er bi yan hou ke za zhi = Journal of clinical otorhinolaryngology. 1001-1781 (P) 1987- 9426080 174 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Linacre Q s) The Linacre quarterly. 0024-3639 (P) 1932- 2985221R Linen Supply News s) Linen supply news. 0024-3825 (P) Continued by: Textile rental. 19??-197? 9877786 Lipids Lipids. 0024-4201 (P) 1966- 0060450 Lipids Health Dis Lipids in health and disease [electronic resource]. 1476-511X (E) 2002- 101147696 Lippincott Health Promot Lett The Lippincott health promotion letter. 1089-9693 (P) 1997- 9715780 Lippincotts Case Manag Lippincott’s case management: managing the process of patient care. 1529-7764 (P) Continues: Nursing case management. Absorbed: Inside case management. 2004 2000- 100961551 Lippincotts Prim Care Pract Lippincott’s primary care practice. 1088-5471 (P) 1997-2000 Acid-free 9706704 Lit Med Literature and medicine. 0278-9671 (P) 1080-6571 (E) 1982- Acid-free 8309346 Liver Liver. 0106-9543 (P) 1600-0676 (E) Continued by: Liver international. 1981-2002 8200939 Liver Int Liver international: official journal of the International Association for the Study of the Liver. 1478-3223 (P) 1478-3231 (E) Continues: Liver. 2003- 101160857 Liver Transpl Liver transplantation: official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society. 1527-6465 (P) 1527-6473 (E) Continues: Liver transplantation and surgery. 2000- 100909185 Liver Transpl Surg Liver transplantation and surgery: official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society. 1074-3022 (P) Continued by: Liver transplanation. 1995-1999 9502504 Lloydia s) Lloydia. 0024-5461 (P) Supersedes Lloyd Library and Museum, Cincinnatti. Bulletin. Continued by Journal of natural products. 1938-1978 0376626 2006 LMT LMT: Lab management today. 1058-7845 (P) Continues: Dental lab management today. 1991- 9211328 Log The Log. Supersedes the Harbor dental log, with caption title still carrying that name. 1971-1980 0316657 Logoped Phoniatr Vocol Logopedics, phoniatrics, vocology. 1401-5439 (P) Merger of: Scandinavian journal of logopedics & phoniatrics, and: Voice (London, England). 1996- Acid-free 9617311 Loma Linda Univ Dent Mag Loma Linda University Dentist Magazine. 1962-1967 9883833 Lond Clin Med J London Clinic medical journal. 0024-6018 (P) 1960-1971 0413706 Long Range Plann s) Long range planning. 0024-6301 (P) 1968- 9878044 Long Term Care (Don Mills) Long term care (Don Mills, Ont. ) 0831-5035 (P) 1985-1986 8503900 Long Term Care Health Serv Adm Q Long term care and health services administration quarterly. 0161-6773 (P) 1977-1980 7801260 Long Term Care Q Long-term care quarterly. 0891-8104 (P) 1986-1986 8608499 Lotta Contro Tuberc Malat Polm Sociali Lotta contro la tubercolosi e le malattie polmonari sociali. 6368-7546 (P) Continues Lotta contro la tubercolosi. Continued by: Prevenzione respiratoria. 1972-1999 0333116 Lotta Tuberc Lotta contro la tubercolosi. 0024-6638 (P) Continued by Lotta contro la tuberculosi e le malattie polmonari sociali. 1930-1971 0333115 LTC Regul Risk Liabil Advis LTC regulatory risk & liability advisor. Continues: National report on subacute care. 2000- 101087137 Luminescence Luminescence: the journal of biological and chemical luminescence. 1522-7235 (P) 1522-7243 (E) Continues: Journal of bioluminescence and chemiluminescence. 1999- 100889025 Lung Lung. 0341-2040 (P) Continues Pneumonologie. Pneumonology. 1976- Acid-free 7701875

Lasers Surg Med Suppl<br />

Lasers in surgery and medicine. Supplement.<br />

1050-9267 (P)<br />

1989- Acid-free 9005665<br />

Laterality<br />

Laterality.<br />

1357-650X (P) 1464-0678 (E)<br />

1996- Acid-free 9609064<br />

Lattante<br />

Il Lattante.<br />

0023-8864 (P)<br />

1930-1974 2985216R<br />

Laund News<br />

s) Laundry news.<br />

0164-5765 (P)<br />

Continued by: American laundry news.<br />

19??-1996 9877785<br />

Lav Ist Anat Istol Patol Univ Studi Perugia<br />

Lavori dell’Istituto di anatomia e istologia<br />

patologica, Universita degli studi di<br />

Perugia.<br />

0041-8943 (P)<br />

1940-1978 7505645<br />

Lav Um<br />

Lavoro umano.<br />

0023-9127 (P)<br />

Continued by: Archivio di scienze del<br />

Lavoro, in 1985.<br />

1940-1984 0404434<br />

Laval Med<br />

Laval medical.<br />

0023-9046 (P)<br />

Supersedes the Bulletin of the Societe<br />

medical des hopitaux universitaires de<br />

Quebec. Superseded by: Vie metdicale au<br />

Canada franciais.<br />

1936-1971 2985217R<br />

Law Contemp Probl<br />

s) Law and contemporary problems.<br />

0023-9186 (P)<br />

1933- 9875488<br />

Law Hum Behav<br />

Law and human behavior.<br />

0147-7307 (P)<br />

1977- 7801255<br />

Law Hum Genome Rev<br />

Law and the human genome review = Revista de<br />

derecho y genoma humano / Chair in Law and<br />

the Human Genome, BBV Foundation-Provincial<br />

Government of Biscay, University of Deusto.<br />

1134-7708 (P)<br />

1994- 9700234<br />

Law Med Health Care<br />

Law, medicine & health care: a publication<br />

of the American Society of Law & Medicine.<br />

0277-8459 (P)<br />

Formed by the union of: Medicolegal news,<br />

and: Nursing law & ethics and continues the<br />

numbering of the former. Continued by:<br />

Journal of law, medicine & ethics.<br />

1981-1992 8205794<br />

LDA J LDA journal.<br />

0092-4458 (P)<br />

Continues Journal of the Louisiana Dental<br />

Association.<br />

1973- 0403231<br />

LDI Issue Brief<br />

LDI issue brief [electronic resource].<br />

1553-0671 (E)<br />

1994- 9815837<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Leadersh Health Serv<br />

Leadership in health services = Leadership<br />

dans les services de sante.<br />

1188-3669 (P)<br />

Formed by the union of: Dimensions in health<br />

service, and: Hospital trustee. Continued<br />

as a separately paged section within:<br />

International journal of health care quality<br />

assurance incorporating Leadership in health<br />

services.<br />

1992-1996 9211318<br />

League Exch<br />

League exchange.<br />

0077-5134 (P)<br />

1952-1982 7507243<br />

League Lines<br />

League lines.<br />

1955-1969 0102673<br />

Learn Behav<br />

Learning & behavior: a Psychonomic Society<br />

publication.<br />

1543-4494 (P) 1543-4508 (E)<br />

Continues: Animal learning & behavior.<br />

2003- 101155056<br />

Learn Mem<br />

Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.)<br />

1072-0502 (P)<br />

1994- 9435678<br />

Lebensversicher Med<br />

Lebensversicherungs Medizin.<br />

0024-0044 (P)<br />

Continued by: Versicherungsmedizin.<br />

1949-1987 2985219R<br />

Leber Magen Darm<br />

Leber, Magen, Darm.<br />

0300-8622 (P)<br />

Absorbed: Innere Medizin in 1992.<br />

1971- 0311747<br />

Leeds Dent J<br />

Leeds Dental Journal.<br />

0024-0265 (P)<br />

1962-1968 9881977<br />

Leg Aspects Med Pract<br />

Legal aspects of medical practice.<br />

0190-2350 (P)<br />

Continues The Journal of legal medicine.<br />

1977-1989 7801257<br />

Leg Med<br />

Legal medicine.<br />

0197-9981 (P)<br />

Continues Legal medicine annual.<br />

1980-1995 Acid-free 8003226<br />

Leg Med (Tokyo)<br />

Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)<br />

1344-6223 (P)<br />

Continues English language articles formerly<br />

published in: Nippon hoigaku zasshi.<br />

1999- 100889186<br />

Leg Med Annu<br />

Legal medicine annual.<br />

0075-8590 (P)<br />

Continued by Legal medicine.<br />

1969-1978 0206765<br />

Leg Med Q<br />

s) Legal medical quarterly.<br />

0703-1211 (P)<br />

1977- 7810301<br />

Lek Pr<br />

Lekarske prace.<br />

1961-1987 0260743<br />

2006<br />

Lek Veda Zahr<br />

Lekarska veda v zahranici.<br />

0139-889X (P)<br />

1957-1967 1306751<br />

Lens Eye Toxic Res<br />

Lens and eye toxicity research.<br />

1042-6922 (P)<br />

Continues: Lens research.<br />

1989-1992 Acid-free 8916639<br />

Lepr India<br />

Leprosy in India.<br />

0024-1024 (P)<br />

Continued by Indian journal of leprosy.<br />

1929-1983 0376624<br />

Lepr Rev<br />

Leprosy review.<br />

0305-7518 (P)<br />

Supersedes Leprosy notes.<br />

1930- 0243711<br />

Lett Appl Microbiol<br />

Letters in applied microbiology.<br />

0266-8254 (P) 1472-765X (E)<br />

1985- 8510094<br />

Leuk Lymphoma<br />

Leukemia & lymphoma.<br />

1042-8194 (P) 1029-2403 (E)<br />

1989- 9007422<br />

Leuk Res<br />

Leukemia research.<br />

0145-2126 (P)<br />

1977- Acid-free 7706787<br />

Leukemia<br />

Leukemia: official journal of the Leukemia<br />

Society of America, Leukemia Research Fund,<br />

U. K.<br />

0887-6924 (P) 1476-5551 (E)<br />

1987- Acid-free 8704895<br />

Libr J<br />

s) <strong>Library</strong> journal.<br />

0363-0277 (P)<br />

1876- 57630670R<br />

Libr Resour Tech Serv<br />

s) <strong>Library</strong> resources & technical services.<br />

0024-2527 (P)<br />

Supersedes the Journal of cataloging and<br />

classification and Serial slants. Continued<br />

in part by: New directions in technical<br />

services.<br />

1957- 57920670R<br />

Libr Technol Rep<br />

s) <strong>Library</strong> technology reports.<br />

0024-2586 (P)<br />

1976- 57630720R<br />

Life Sci<br />

Life sciences.<br />

0024-3205 (P)<br />

Formed by the union of Life sciences. Part<br />

1, Physiology and pharmacology; and: Life<br />

sciences. Part 2, Biochemistry, general and<br />

molecular biology.<br />

1973- Acid-free 0375521<br />

Life Sci I<br />

Life sciences. Pt. 1: Physiology and<br />

pharmacology.<br />

0300-9653 (P)<br />

Continues in part Life sciences. Merged<br />

with Life sciences. Pt. 2: Biochemistry,<br />

general and molecular biology to form Life<br />

sciences.<br />

1970-1973 0375522<br />


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