J Pak Med Assoc JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. 0030-9982 (P) Continues Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. 1974- 7501162 J Palliat Care Journal of palliative care. 0825-8597 (P) 1985- 8610345 J Palliat Med Journal of palliative medicine. 1096-6218 (P) 1998- Acid-free 9808462 J Parasitol The Journal of parasitology. 0022-3395 (P) 1914- Acid-free 7803124 J Parenter Drug Assoc Journal of the Parenteral Drug Association. 0161-1933 (P) Continues Bulletin of the Parenteral Drug Association. Continued by Journal of parenteral science and technology. 1978-1980 7803538 J Parenter Sci Technol Journal of parenteral science and technology: a publication of the Parenteral Drug Association. 0279-7976 (P) Continues: Journal of the Parenteral Drug Association. Continued by: Journal of pharmaceutical science and technology. 1981-1993 8103145 J Parodontol Journal de parodontologie. 0750-1838 (P) Continued by: Journal de paradontologie & d’implantologie orale. 1982-1993 8506963 J Pastoral Care Journal of pastoral care. 0022-3409 (P) Absorbed the Journal of clinical pastoral work in 1950. Continued by: Journal of pastoral care & counseling. 1947-2001 17930120R J Pastoral Care Counsel The journal of pastoral care & counseling: JPCC. 1542-3050 (P) Continues: Journal of pastoral care. 2002- 101144384 J Pathol The Journal of pathology. 0022-3417 (P) Continues in part: Journal of pathology and bacteriology. Absorbed in part by: Diagnostic histopathology. 1969- 0204634 J Pathol Bacteriol The Journal of pathology and bacteriology. 0368-3494 (P) Continued by the Journal of pathology and the Journal of medical microbiology. 1892-1968 0204750 J Patient Acc Manage s) Journal of patient account management. 0890-6068 (P) 19??- 9878499 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED J Pediatr * The Journal of pediatrics. 0022-3476 (P) 1097-6833 (E) Continues: Transactions. American Academy of Pediatrics. 1932- 0375410 J Pediatr (Rio J) Jornal de pediatria. 0021-7557 (P) 1678-4782 (E) 1934- 2985188R J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology. 1083-3188 (P) Continues: Adolescent and pediatric gynecology. 1996- 9610774 J Pediatr Endocrinol The Journal of pediatric endocrinology. 0334-018X (P) Continued by: Journal of pediatric endocrinology and metabolism. 1985-1994 8510464 J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism: JPEM. 0334-018X (P) Continues: Journal of pediatric endocrinology. 1995- 9508900 J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition. 0277-2116 (P) 1982- 8211545 J Pediatr Health Care Journal of pediatric health care: official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners. 0891-5245 (P) 1987- 8709735 J Pediatr Hematol Oncol Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology: official journal of the American Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 1077-4114 (P) Continues: American journal of pediatric hematology/oncology. 1995- 9505928 J Pediatr Nurs Journal of pediatric nursing. 0882-5963 (P) 1986- 8607529 J Pediatr Oncol Nurs Journal of pediatric oncology nursing: official journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses. 1043-4542 (P) Continues: Journal of the Association of Pediatric Oncology Nurses. 1989- 8917825 J Pediatr Ophthalmol Journal of pediatric ophthalmology. 0022-345X (P) Continued by Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. 1964-1977 0044350 J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. 0191-3913 (P) Continues Journal of pediatric ophthalmology. 1978- 7901143 2006 J Pediatr Orthop Journal of pediatric orthopedics. 0271-6798 (P) 1981- 8109053 J Pediatr Orthop B Journal of pediatric orthopaedics. Part B / European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society, Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America. 1060-152X (P) 1992- 9300904 J Pediatr Perinat Nutr Journal of pediatric & perinatal nutrition. 8756-6206 (P) 1987-1990 8712414 J Pediatr Psychol Journal of pediatric psychology. 0146-8693 (P) 1465-735X (E) Supersedes Pediatric psychology. 1976- 7801773 J Pediatr Surg Journal of pediatric surgery. 0022-3468 (P) 1531-5037 (E) 1966- 0052631 J Pedod The Journal of pedodontics. 0145-5508 (P) Continued by: Journal of clinical pediatric dentistry. 1976-1990 7702327 J Pept Res The journal of peptide research: official journal of the American Peptide Society. 1397-002X (P) 1399-3011 (E) Merger of: International journal of peptide & protein research, and: Peptide research, continuing the numbering of the former. 1997- 9707067 J Pept Sci Journal of peptide science: an official publication of the European Peptide Society. 1075-2617 (P) 1995- 9506309 J Perianesth Nurs Journal of perianesthesia nursing: official journal of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses / American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses. 1089-9472 (P) Continues: Journal of post anesthesia nursing. 1996- 9610507 J Perinat Med Journal of perinatal medicine. 0300-5577 (P) 1973- 0361031 J Perinat Neonatal Nurs The Journal of perinatal & neonatal nursing. 0893-2190 (P) 1987- 8801387 J Perinatol Journal of perinatology: official journal of the California Perinatal Association. 0743-8346 (P) Continues: Journal of the California Perinatal Association. 1984- 8501884 J Periodontal Res Journal of periodontal research. 0022-3484 (P) 1600-0765 (E) 1966- 0055107 159

J Periodontal Res Suppl Journal of periodontal research. Supplement. 0075-4331 (P) 1967-1986 0101604 J Periodontol Journal of periodontology. 0022-3492 (P) Continues Journal of periodontology- periodontics. 1970- 8000345 J Peripher Nerv Syst Journal of the peripheral nervous system: JPNS. 1085-9489 (P) 1529-8027 (E) 1996- Acid-free 9704532 J Pers Journal of personality. 0022-3506 (P) Continues: Character and personality. 1945- 2985194R J Pers Assess Journal of personality assessment. 0022-3891 (P) 1532-7752 (E) Continues: Journal of projective techniques & personality assessment. 1971- 1260201 J Pers Soc Psychol Journal of personality and social psychology. 0022-3514 (P) Supersedes in part the Journal of abnormal and social psychology. 1965- Acid-free 0014171 J Personal Disord Journal of personality disorders. 0885-579X (P) 1987- Acid-free 8710838 J Pharm Belg Journal de pharmacie de Belgique. 0047-2166 (P) 1919- 0375351 J Pharm Biomed Anal Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. 0731-7085 (P) 1983- Acid-free 8309336 J Pharm Mark Manage s) Journal of pharmaceutical marketing & management. 0883-7597 (P) 1986- 8709879 J Pharm Pharm Sci Journal of pharmacy & pharmaceutical sciences [electronic resource]: a publication of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Societe canadienne des sciences pharmaceutiques. 1482-1826 (E) 1998- 9807281 J Pharm Pharmacol The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. 0022-3573 (P) Supersedes: Quarterly journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. Absorbed: Pharmacy and pharmacology communications, Jan. 2001. 1949- 0376363 J Pharm Sci Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 0022-3549 (P) Formed by the merger of: American Pharmaceutical Association. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Scientific edition, and: Drug standards, and continues the numbering of the former. 1961- 2985195R 160 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED J Pharm Sci Technol Journal of pharmaceutical science and technology: the official journal of PDA. 1076-397X (P) Continues: Journal of parenteral science and technology. Continued by: PDA journal of pharmaceutical science and technology. 1994-1994 9432967 J Pharm Technol s) The Journal of pharmacy technology: jPT: official publication of the Association of Pharmacy Technicians. 8755-1225 (P) 1985- 8504643 J Pharmacobiodyn Journal of pharmacobio-dynamics. 0386-846X (P) Continued by: Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin. 1978-1992 7901854 J Pharmacokinet Biopharm Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics. 0090-466X (P) Continued by: Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics,. 1973-1999 0357115 J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. 1567-567X (P) Continues: Journal of pharmacokinetics and biopharmaceutics. 2001- 101096520 J Pharmacol Journal de pharmacologie. 0021-793X (P) Continued by: Fundamental & clinical pharmacology. 1970-1986 1247760 J Pharmacol Exp Ther The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. 0022-3565 (P) 1521-0103 (E) Vols. 1-2 of: Pharmacological reviews issued as supplements in v. 95-100, consisting of pt. 2 of Apr., Aug., and Dec. issues. 1909- 0376362 J Pharmacol Methods Journal of pharmacological methods. 0160-5402 (P) Continued by: Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods. 1978-1991 Acid-free 7806596 J Pharmacol Sci Journal of pharmacological sciences. 1347-8613 (P) 1347-8648 (E) Continues: Japanese journal of pharmacology. 2003- 101167001 J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods. 1056-8719 (P) Continues: Journal of pharmacological methods. 1992- Acid-free 9206091 J Phila Cty Dent Soc The journal of the Philadelphia County Dental Society. 1523-5238 (P) Continues: Bulletin of the Philadelphia County Dental Society (1965). 1983- 9880286 2006 J Philipp Dent Assoc The Journal of the Philippine Dental Association. 0031-7497 (P) 1948- 7505626 J Philipp Fed Priv Med Pract Journal of the Philippine Federation of Private Medical Practitioners. 0031-7535 (P) Continues: Philippine medical world. 1952-1967 7503101 J Philipp Med Assoc s) Journal of the Philippine Medical Association. Continues the Journal of the Philippine Islands Medical Association. 1940- 7503102 J Philos Sci Law The journal of philosophy, science & law [electronic resource]. 1549-8549 (E) 2001- 101197577 J Photochem Photobiol B Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology. 1011-1344 (P) Continues in part: Journal of photochemistry. 1987- 8804966 J Phys Chem The Journal of physical chemistry. 0022-3654 (P) Continues: Journal of physical & colloid chemistry. Split into: Journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory; and: Journal of physical chemistry. B, Materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical. 1952-1996 0406042 J Phys Chem A Mol Spectrosc Kinet Environ Gen Theory s) The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment & general theory. 1089-5639 (P) 1520-5215 (E) Continues in part: Journal of physical chemistry (1952). 1997- 9890903 J Phys Chem B Condens Matter Mater Surf Interfaces Biophys s) The journal of physical chemistry. B, Condensed matter, materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical. 1520-6106 (P) 1520-5207 (E) Continues: Journal of physical chemistry. B, Materials, surfaces, interfaces & biophysical. 1997- 101157530 J Phys [E] s) Journal of physics E: Scientific instruments. 0022-3735 (P) Continues the Journal of scientific instruments. Continued by: Measurement science & technology. 1970-1989 1276760 J Physicians Assoc AIDS Care Journal of the Physicians Association for AIDS Care. 1074-2395 (P) Continues: PAACnotes. Continued by: Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care. 1994-1995 9431848 J Physiol The Journal of physiology. 0022-3751 (P) 1469-7793 (E) 1878- 0266262

J Periodontal Res Suppl<br />

Journal of periodontal research. Supplement.<br />

0075-4331 (P)<br />

1967-1986 0101604<br />

J Periodontol<br />

Journal of periodontology.<br />

0022-3492 (P)<br />

Continues Journal of periodontology-<br />

periodontics.<br />

1970- 8000345<br />

J Peripher Nerv Syst<br />

Journal of the peripheral nervous system:<br />

JPNS.<br />

1085-9489 (P) 1529-8027 (E)<br />

1996- Acid-free 9704532<br />

J Pers Journal of personality.<br />

0022-3506 (P)<br />

Continues: Character and personality.<br />

1945- 2985194R<br />

J Pers Assess<br />

Journal of personality assessment.<br />

0022-3891 (P) 1532-7752 (E)<br />

Continues: Journal of projective techniques &<br />

personality assessment.<br />

1971- 1260201<br />

J Pers Soc Psychol<br />

Journal of personality and social psychology.<br />

0022-3514 (P)<br />

Supersedes in part the Journal of abnormal<br />

and social psychology.<br />

1965- Acid-free 0014171<br />

J Personal Disord<br />

Journal of personality disorders.<br />

0885-579X (P)<br />

1987- Acid-free 8710838<br />

J Pharm Belg<br />

Journal de pharmacie de Belgique.<br />

0047-2166 (P)<br />

1919- 0375351<br />

J Pharm Biomed Anal<br />

Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical<br />

analysis.<br />

0731-7085 (P)<br />

1983- Acid-free 8309336<br />

J Pharm Mark Manage<br />

s) Journal of pharmaceutical marketing &<br />

management.<br />

0883-7597 (P)<br />

1986- 8709879<br />

J Pharm Pharm Sci<br />

Journal of pharmacy & pharmaceutical<br />

sciences [electronic resource]: a<br />

publication of the Canadian Society for<br />

Pharmaceutical Sciences, Societe canadienne<br />

des sciences pharmaceutiques. 1482-1826 (E)<br />

1998- 9807281<br />

J Pharm Pharmacol<br />

The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology.<br />

0022-3573 (P)<br />

Supersedes: Quarterly journal of pharmacy<br />

and pharmacology. Absorbed: Pharmacy and<br />

pharmacology communications, Jan. 2001.<br />

1949- 0376363<br />

J Pharm Sci<br />

Journal of pharmaceutical sciences.<br />

0022-3549 (P)<br />

Formed by the merger of: American<br />

Pharmaceutical Association. Journal of the<br />

American Pharmaceutical Association.<br />

Scientific edition, and: Drug standards, and<br />

continues the numbering of the former.<br />

1961- 2985195R<br />

160<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

J Pharm Sci Technol<br />

Journal of pharmaceutical science and<br />

technology: the official journal of PDA.<br />

1076-397X (P)<br />

Continues: Journal of parenteral science and<br />

technology. Continued by: PDA journal of<br />

pharmaceutical science and technology.<br />

1994-1994 9432967<br />

J Pharm Technol<br />

s) The Journal of pharmacy technology: jPT:<br />

official publication of the Association of<br />

Pharmacy Technicians.<br />

8755-1225 (P)<br />

1985- 8504643<br />

J Pharmacobiodyn<br />

Journal of pharmacobio-dynamics.<br />

0386-846X (P)<br />

Continued by: Biological & pharmaceutical<br />

bulletin.<br />

1978-1992 7901854<br />

J Pharmacokinet Biopharm<br />

Journal of pharmacokinetics and<br />

biopharmaceutics.<br />

0090-466X (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal of pharmacokinetics<br />

and pharmacodynamics,.<br />

1973-1999 0357115<br />

J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn<br />

Journal of pharmacokinetics and<br />

pharmacodynamics.<br />

1567-567X (P)<br />

Continues: Journal of pharmacokinetics and<br />

biopharmaceutics.<br />

2001- 101096520<br />

J Pharmacol<br />

Journal de pharmacologie.<br />

0021-793X (P)<br />

Continued by: Fundamental & clinical<br />

pharmacology.<br />

1970-1986 1247760<br />

J Pharmacol Exp Ther<br />

The Journal of pharmacology and experimental<br />

therapeutics.<br />

0022-3565 (P) 1521-0103 (E)<br />

Vols. 1-2 of: Pharmacological reviews<br />

issued as supplements in v. 95-100,<br />

consisting of pt. 2 of Apr., Aug., and Dec.<br />

issues.<br />

1909- 0376362<br />

J Pharmacol Methods<br />

Journal of pharmacological methods.<br />

0160-5402 (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal of pharmacological and<br />

toxicological methods.<br />

1978-1991 Acid-free 7806596<br />

J Pharmacol Sci<br />

Journal of pharmacological sciences.<br />

1347-8613 (P) 1347-8648 (E)<br />

Continues: Japanese journal of pharmacology.<br />

2003- 101167001<br />

J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods<br />

Journal of pharmacological and toxicological<br />

methods.<br />

1056-8719 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal of pharmacological<br />

methods.<br />

1992- Acid-free 9206091<br />

J Phila Cty Dent Soc<br />

The journal of the Philadelphia County<br />

Dental Society.<br />

1523-5238 (P)<br />

Continues: Bulletin of the Philadelphia<br />

County Dental Society (1965).<br />

1983- 9880286<br />

2006<br />

J Philipp Dent Assoc<br />

The Journal of the Philippine Dental<br />

Association.<br />

0031-7497 (P)<br />

1948- 7505626<br />

J Philipp Fed Priv Med Pract<br />

Journal of the Philippine Federation of<br />

Private Medical Practitioners.<br />

0031-7535 (P)<br />

Continues: Philippine medical world.<br />

1952-1967 7503101<br />

J Philipp Med Assoc<br />

s) Journal of the Philippine Medical<br />

Association.<br />

Continues the Journal of the Philippine<br />

Islands Medical Association.<br />

1940- 7503102<br />

J Philos Sci Law<br />

The journal of philosophy, science & law<br />

[electronic resource].<br />

1549-8549 (E)<br />

2001- 101197577<br />

J Photochem Photobiol B<br />

Journal of photochemistry and photobiology.<br />

B, Biology.<br />

1011-1344 (P)<br />

Continues in part: Journal of photochemistry.<br />

1987- 8804966<br />

J Phys Chem<br />

The Journal of physical chemistry.<br />

0022-3654 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal of physical & colloid<br />

chemistry. Split into: Journal of physical<br />

chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy,<br />

kinetics, environment & general theory; and:<br />

Journal of physical chemistry. B, Materials,<br />

surfaces, interfaces & biophysical.<br />

1952-1996 0406042<br />

J Phys Chem A Mol Spectrosc Kinet Environ<br />

Gen Theory<br />

s) The journal of physical chemistry. A,<br />

Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics,<br />

environment & general theory.<br />

1089-5639 (P) 1520-5215 (E)<br />

Continues in part: Journal of physical<br />

chemistry (1952).<br />

1997- 9890903<br />

J Phys Chem B Condens Matter Mater Surf<br />

Interfaces Biophys<br />

s) The journal of physical chemistry. B,<br />

Condensed matter, materials, surfaces,<br />

interfaces & biophysical.<br />

1520-6106 (P) 1520-5207 (E)<br />

Continues: Journal of physical chemistry.<br />

B, Materials, surfaces, interfaces &<br />

biophysical.<br />

1997- 101157530<br />

J Phys [E]<br />

s) Journal of physics E: Scientific instruments.<br />

0022-3735 (P)<br />

Continues the Journal of scientific<br />

instruments. Continued by: Measurement<br />

science & technology.<br />

1970-1989 1276760<br />

J Physicians Assoc AIDS Care<br />

Journal of the Physicians Association for<br />

AIDS Care.<br />

1074-2395 (P)<br />

Continues: PAACnotes. Continued by: Journal<br />

of the International Association of<br />

Physicians in AIDS Care.<br />

1994-1995 9431848<br />

J Physiol<br />

The Journal of physiology.<br />

0022-3751 (P) 1469-7793 (E)<br />

1878- 0266262

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