J Nurs Res The journal of nursing research: JNR. 1682-3141 (P) Continues: Hu li yan jiu. 2001- 101128757 J Nurs Scholarsh Journal of nursing scholarship: an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing / Sigma Theta Tau. 1527-6546 (P) Continues: Image--the journal of nursing scholarship. 2000- 100911591 J Nurs Staff Dev Journal of nursing staff development: JNSD. 0882-0627 (P) Continued by: Journal for nurses in staff development. 1985-1998 8601288 J Nurse Midwifery Journal of nurse-midwifery. 0091-2182 (P) Continues: Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-Midwives. Continued by: Journal of midwifery & women’s health. 1973-1999 Acid-free 0365647 J Nurses Staff Dev Journal for nurses in staff development: JNSD: official journal of the National Nursing Staff Development Organization. 1098-7886 (P) Continues: Journal of nursing staff development. 1998- Acid-free 9809908 J Nutr The Journal of nutrition. 0022-3166 (P) 1541-6100 (E) 1928- 0404243 J Nutr Biochem The Journal of nutritional biochemistry. 0955-2863 (P) Continues: Nutrition reports international. 1990- Acid-free 9010081 J Nutr Educ Journal of nutrition education. 0022-3182 (P) Continued by: Journal of nutrition education and behavior. 1969-2001 Acid-free 0246004 J Nutr Educ Behav Journal of nutrition education and behavior. 1499-4046 (P) 1708-8259 (E) Continues: Journal of nutrition education. 2002- 101132622 J Nutr Elder Journal of nutrition for the elderly. 0163-9366 (P) 1980- Acid-free 8208739 J Nutr Health Aging The journal of nutrition, health & aging. 1279-7707 (P) 1997- 100893366 J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo) Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology. 0301-4800 (P) Continues the Journal of Vitaminology. 1973- 0402640 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED J Obstet Gynaecol Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology (Tokyo, Japan) 1340-9654 (P) Continues: Asia-Oceania journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. Continued by: Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. 1995-1995 9515066 J Obstet Gynaecol Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology: the journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 0144-3615 (P) 1364-6893 (E) 1980- 8309140 J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw * The Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Commonwealth. 0022-3204 (P) Continues: Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of the British Empire. Continued by: British journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. 1961-1974 7512801 J Obstet Gynaecol Can Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Canada: JOGC = Journal d’obstetrique et gynecologie du Canada: JOGC. 1701-2163 (P) Continues: Journal SOGC. 2001- Acid-free 101126664 J Obstet Gynaecol Res The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research. 1341-8076 (P) Continues: Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology (Tokyo, Japan). 1996- 9612761 J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing: JOGNN / NAACOG. 0884-2175 (P) Continues: JOGN nursing. 1985- 8503123 J Occup Environ Hyg Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene. 1545-9624 (P) 1545-9632 (E) Formed by the union of: AIHA journal; and: Applied occupational and environmental hygiene. 2004- 101189458 J Occup Environ Med Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 1076-2752 (P) 1536-5948 (E) Continues: Journal of occupational medicine. 1995- Acid-free 9504688 J Occup Health Journal of occupational health. 1341-9145 (P) Continues in part: Sangyo eiseigaku zasshi. 1996- 9616320 J Occup Health Psychol Journal of occupational health psychology. 1076-8998 (P) 1996- 9612485 J Occup Med Journal of occupational medicine. : official publication of the Industrial Medical Association. 0096-1736 (P) Continued by: Journal of occupational and environmental medicine. 1959-1994 7502807 2006 J Occup Rehabil Journal of occupational rehabilitation. 1053-0487 (P) 1991- Acid-free 9202814 J Ocul Pharmacol Journal of ocular pharmacology. 8756-3320 (P) Continued by: Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics. 1985-1994 8511297 J Ocul Pharmacol Ther Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics: the official journal of the Association for Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 1080-7683 (P) Continues: Journal of ocular pharmacology. 1995- 9511091 J Odontol Conserv Journal d’odontologie conservatrice / CNEOC. 0756-1911 (P) 1983-1989 8804107 J Okla Dent Assoc s) Journal - Oklahoma Dental Association. 0164-9442 (P) Continues Your Oklahoma Dental Association journal. 1978- 7905263 J Okla State Dent Assoc Journal - Oklahoma State Dental Association. 0030-1868 (P) Continues Oklahoma State Dental Association. Bulletin. Continued by Your Oklahoma Dental Association journal. 1951-1974 7503042 J Okla State Med Assoc The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association. 0030-1876 (P) 1908- 7503043 J Oncol Manag The Journal of oncology management: the official journal of the American College of Oncology Administrators. 1061-9364 (P) 1992- 9305645 J Oncol Pharm Pract Journal of oncology pharmacy practice: official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners. 1078-1552 (P) 1477-092X (E) 1995- 9511372 J Ont Dent Assoc The Journal of the Ontario Dental Association. 0030-2864 (P) Continues the Booster. Continued by Ontario dentist. 1931-19?? 7503096 J Oper Res Soc s) The Journal of the Operational Research Society. 0160-5682 (P) Continues Operational Research Quarterly. 1978- Acid-free 7804132 J Oper Room Res Inst The Journal of the Operating Room Research Institute: JORRI. 0276-6353 (P) 1980-1983 8204894 J Ophthalmic Nurs Technol Journal of ophthalmic nursing & technology. 0744-7132 (P) 1982-2000 8219658 157

J Opt Soc Am s) Journal of the Optical Society of America. 0030-3941 (P) Continues in part Journal of the Optical Society of America and review of scientific instruments. Split into: Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science, and: Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics. 1930-1983 7503097 J Opt Soc Am A s) Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science. 0740-3232 (P) Continues in part: Journal of the Optical Society of America. Continued by: Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision. 1984-1993 Acid-free 8402086 J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis s) Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision. 1084-7529 (P) Continues: Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science. 1993- Acid-free 9800943 J Oral Implant Transplant Surg The Journal of oral implant and transplant surgery. Continues: Journal of implant dentistry. 1964-1966 0256541 J Oral Implantol The Journal of oral implantology. 0160-6972 (P) Continues Oral implantology. 1977- 7801086 J Oral Maxillofac Surg * Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery: official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. 0278-2391 (P) 1531-5053 (E) Continues: Journal of oral surgery (American Dental Association: 1965). 1982- 8206428 J Oral Med Journal of oral medicine. 0022-3247 (P) Continues Journal of dental medicine. 1966-1987 0045507 J Oral Pathol Journal of oral pathology. 0300-9777 (P) Continued by: Journal of oral pathology & medicine. 1972-1988 0342050 J Oral Pathol Med Journal of oral pathology & medicine: official publication of the International Association of Oral Pathologists and the American Academy of Oral Pathology. 0904-2512 (P) 1600-0714 (E) Continues: Journal of oral pathology. 1989- 8911934 J Oral Rehabil Journal of oral rehabilitation. 0305-182X (P) 1356-2842 (E) 1974- 0433604 J Oral Sci Journal of oral science. 1343-4934 (P) Continues: Journal of Nihon University School of Dentistry. 1998- 9808942 158 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED J Oral Surg * Journal of oral surgery (American Dental Association: 1965) 0022-3255 (P) Continues: Journal of oral surgery, anesthesia and hospital dental service. Continued by: Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery. 1965-1981 8302454 J Oral Ther Pharmacol Journal of oral therapeutics and pharmacology. 0449-2889 (P) 1964-1968 17930060R J Oreg Dent Assoc The Journal of the Oregon Dental Association. 0030-4670 (P) Continues the Oregon state dental journal. Continued by: Membership matters (Portland, Or. : 1995). 1968-1995 7503098 J Org Chem s) The Journal of organic chemistry. 0022-3263 (P) 1936- 2985193R J Orofac Orthop Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie: Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie. 1434-5293 (P) Continues: Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie. 1996- 9713484 J Orofac Pain Journal of orofacial pain. 1064-6655 (P) Continues: Journal of craniomandibular disorders. 1993- 9418507 J Orthod Journal of orthodontics. 1465-3125 (P) 1465-3133 (E) Continues: British journal of orthodontics. 2000- 100957268 J Orthop Res Journal of orthopaedic research: official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society. 0736-0266 (P) 1554-527X (E) 1983- 8404726 J Orthop Sci Journal of orthopaedic science: official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association. 0949-2658 (P) 1996- 9604934 J Orthop Sports Phys Ther The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy. 0190-6011 (P) Formed by the union of the Bulletin of the Orthopaedic Section and the Bulletin of the Sports Medicine Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. 1979- 7908150 J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong) Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong) 1022-5536 (P) Continues: Journal of the Western Pacific Orthopaedic Association. 1993- 9440382 J Orthop Trauma Journal of orthopaedic trauma. 0890-5339 (P) 1987- 8807705 2006 J Osaka Dent Univ Journal of Osaka Dental University. 0475-2058 (P) 1967- 7507225 J Osaka Univ Dent Sch The Journal of Osaka University Dental School. 0473-4599 (P) Supersedes Dental bulletin of Osaka Daigaku. 1961-1995 7503132 J Oslo City Hosp Journal of the Oslo city hospitals. 0030-6207 (P) 1951-1989 7908151 J Otolaryngol The Journal of otolaryngology. 0381-6605 (P) 1708-833X (E) Continues Canadian journal of otolaryngology. Journal canadien d’otolaryngologie. 1976- 7610513 J Otolaryngol Soc Aust Journal of the Oto-laryngological Society of Australia. 0030-6614 (P) Continued by: Australian journal of oto- laryngology. 1961-1991 7503099 J Otolaryngol Suppl The Journal of otolaryngology. Supplement. 0707-7270 (P) Continues Canadian journal of otolaryngology. Journal canadien d’otolaryngologie. Supplement. 1977-1986 7708963 J Outcome Meas Journal of outcome measurement. 1090-655X (P) Absorbed by: Journal of applied measurement. 1997-2002 9710385 J Paediatr Child Health Journal of paediatrics and child health. 1034-4810 (P) 1440-1754 (E) Continues: Australian paediatric journal. 1990- Acid-free 9005421 J Paediatr Dent Journal of paediatric dentistry. 0267-2073 (P) Continues: Proceedings of the British Paedodontic Society. Merged with: Journal of the International Association of Dentistry for Children, to form: International journal of paediatric dentistry. 1985-1990 8508400 J Pain The journal of pain: official journal of the American Pain Society. 1526-5900 (P) Continues: Pain forum. 2000- Acid-free 100898657 J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy. 1536-0288 (P) 1536-0539 (E) Merger of: Hospice journal, and: Journal of pharmaceutical care in pain & symptom control. 2002- Acid-free 101125608 J Pain Symptom Manage Journal of pain and symptom management. 0885-3924 (P) Continues: PRN forum. 1986- Acid-free 8605836

J Nurs Res<br />

The journal of nursing research: JNR.<br />

1682-3141 (P)<br />

Continues: Hu li yan jiu.<br />

2001- 101128757<br />

J Nurs Scholarsh<br />

Journal of nursing scholarship: an official<br />

publication of Sigma Theta Tau International<br />

Honor Society of Nursing / Sigma Theta Tau.<br />

1527-6546 (P)<br />

Continues: Image--the journal of nursing<br />

scholarship.<br />

2000- 100911591<br />

J Nurs Staff Dev<br />

Journal of nursing staff development: JNSD.<br />

0882-0627 (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal for nurses in staff<br />

development.<br />

1985-1998 8601288<br />

J Nurse Midwifery<br />

Journal of nurse-midwifery.<br />

0091-2182 (P)<br />

Continues: Bulletin of the American College<br />

of Nurse-Midwives. Continued by: Journal of<br />

midwifery & women’s health.<br />

1973-1999 Acid-free 0365647<br />

J Nurses Staff Dev<br />

Journal for nurses in staff development:<br />

JNSD: official journal of the National<br />

Nursing Staff Development Organization.<br />

1098-7886 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal of nursing staff<br />

development.<br />

1998- Acid-free 9809908<br />

J Nutr The Journal of nutrition.<br />

0022-3166 (P) 1541-6100 (E)<br />

1928- 0404243<br />

J Nutr Biochem<br />

The Journal of nutritional biochemistry.<br />

0955-2863 (P)<br />

Continues: Nutrition reports international.<br />

1990- Acid-free 9010081<br />

J Nutr Educ<br />

Journal of nutrition education.<br />

0022-3182 (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal of nutrition education<br />

and behavior.<br />

1969-2001 Acid-free 0246004<br />

J Nutr Educ Behav<br />

Journal of nutrition education and behavior.<br />

1499-4046 (P) 1708-8259 (E)<br />

Continues: Journal of nutrition education.<br />

2002- 101132622<br />

J Nutr Elder<br />

Journal of nutrition for the elderly.<br />

0163-9366 (P)<br />

1980- Acid-free 8208739<br />

J Nutr Health Aging<br />

The journal of nutrition, health & aging.<br />

1279-7707 (P)<br />

1997- 100893366<br />

J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo)<br />

Journal of nutritional science and<br />

vitaminology.<br />

0301-4800 (P)<br />

Continues the Journal of Vitaminology.<br />

1973- 0402640<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

J Obstet Gynaecol<br />

Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology<br />

(Tokyo, Japan)<br />

1340-9654 (P)<br />

Continues: Asia-Oceania journal of<br />

obstetrics and gynaecology. Continued by:<br />

Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.<br />

1995-1995 9515066<br />

J Obstet Gynaecol<br />

Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology: the<br />

journal of the Institute of Obstetrics and<br />

Gynaecology.<br />

0144-3615 (P) 1364-6893 (E)<br />

1980- 8309140<br />

J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw<br />

* The Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of<br />

the British Commonwealth.<br />

0022-3204 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal of obstetrics and<br />

gynaecology of the British Empire.<br />

Continued by: British journal of obstetrics<br />

and gynaecology.<br />

1961-1974 7512801<br />

J Obstet Gynaecol Can<br />

Journal of obstetrics and gynaecology Canada:<br />

JOGC = Journal d’obstetrique et<br />

gynecologie du Canada: JOGC.<br />

1701-2163 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal SOGC.<br />

2001- Acid-free 101126664<br />

J Obstet Gynaecol Res<br />

The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology<br />

research.<br />

1341-8076 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal of obstetrics and<br />

gynaecology (Tokyo, Japan).<br />

1996- 9612761<br />

J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs<br />

Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and<br />

neonatal nursing: JOGNN / NAACOG.<br />

0884-2175 (P)<br />

Continues: JOGN nursing.<br />

1985- 8503123<br />

J Occup Environ Hyg<br />

Journal of occupational and environmental<br />

hygiene.<br />

1545-9624 (P) 1545-9632 (E)<br />

Formed by the union of: AIHA journal; and:<br />

Applied occupational and environmental<br />

hygiene.<br />

2004- 101189458<br />

J Occup Environ Med<br />

Journal of occupational and environmental<br />

medicine / American College of Occupational<br />

and Environmental Medicine.<br />

1076-2752 (P) 1536-5948 (E)<br />

Continues: Journal of occupational medicine.<br />

1995- Acid-free 9504688<br />

J Occup Health<br />

Journal of occupational health.<br />

1341-9145 (P)<br />

Continues in part: Sangyo eiseigaku zasshi.<br />

1996- 9616320<br />

J Occup Health Psychol<br />

Journal of occupational health psychology.<br />

1076-8998 (P)<br />

1996- 9612485<br />

J Occup Med<br />

Journal of occupational medicine. :<br />

official publication of the Industrial<br />

Medical Association.<br />

0096-1736 (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal of occupational and<br />

environmental medicine.<br />

1959-1994 7502807<br />

2006<br />

J Occup Rehabil<br />

Journal of occupational rehabilitation.<br />

1053-0487 (P)<br />

1991- Acid-free 9202814<br />

J Ocul Pharmacol<br />

Journal of ocular pharmacology.<br />

8756-3320 (P)<br />

Continued by: Journal of ocular pharmacology<br />

and therapeutics.<br />

1985-1994 8511297<br />

J Ocul Pharmacol Ther<br />

Journal of ocular pharmacology and<br />

therapeutics: the official journal of the<br />

Association for Ocular Pharmacology and<br />

Therapeutics.<br />

1080-7683 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal of ocular pharmacology.<br />

1995- 9511091<br />

J Odontol Conserv<br />

Journal d’odontologie conservatrice / CNEOC.<br />

0756-1911 (P)<br />

1983-1989 8804107<br />

J Okla Dent Assoc<br />

s) Journal - Oklahoma Dental Association.<br />

0164-9442 (P)<br />

Continues Your Oklahoma Dental Association<br />

journal.<br />

1978- 7905263<br />

J Okla State Dent Assoc<br />

Journal - Oklahoma State Dental Association.<br />

0030-1868 (P)<br />

Continues Oklahoma State Dental Association.<br />

Bulletin. Continued by Your Oklahoma Dental<br />

Association journal.<br />

1951-1974 7503042<br />

J Okla State Med Assoc<br />

The Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical<br />

Association.<br />

0030-1876 (P)<br />

1908- 7503043<br />

J Oncol Manag<br />

The Journal of oncology management: the<br />

official journal of the American College of<br />

Oncology Administrators.<br />

1061-9364 (P)<br />

1992- 9305645<br />

J Oncol Pharm Pract<br />

Journal of oncology pharmacy practice:<br />

official publication of the International<br />

Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners.<br />

1078-1552 (P) 1477-092X (E)<br />

1995- 9511372<br />

J Ont Dent Assoc<br />

The Journal of the Ontario Dental<br />

Association.<br />

0030-2864 (P)<br />

Continues the Booster. Continued by Ontario<br />

dentist.<br />

1931-19?? 7503096<br />

J Oper Res Soc<br />

s) The Journal of the Operational Research<br />

Society.<br />

0160-5682 (P)<br />

Continues Operational Research Quarterly.<br />

1978- Acid-free 7804132<br />

J Oper Room Res Inst<br />

The Journal of the Operating Room Research<br />

Institute: JORRI.<br />

0276-6353 (P)<br />

1980-1983 8204894<br />

J Ophthalmic Nurs Technol<br />

Journal of ophthalmic nursing & technology.<br />

0744-7132 (P)<br />

1982-2000 8219658<br />


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