J Exp Psychol Anim Behav Process Journal of experimental psychology. Animal behavior processes. 0097-7403 (P) Supersedes in part Journal of experimental psychology. 1975- Acid-free 7504289 J Exp Psychol Appl Journal of experimental psychology. Applied. 1076-898X (P) 1995- Acid-free 9507618 J Exp Psychol Gen Journal of experimental psychology. General. 0096-3445 (P) Continues in part Journal of experimental psychology. 1975- Acid-free 7502587 J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance. 0096-1523 (P) Supersedes in part Journal of experimental psychology. 1975- Acid-free 7502589 J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition. 0278-7393 (P) Continues: Journal of experimental psychology. Human learning and memory. 1982- Acid-free 8207540 J Exp Psychol [Hum Learn] s) Journal of experimental psychology. Human learning and memory. 0096-1515 (P) Supersedes in part Journal of experimental psychology. Continued by Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition. 1975-1981 7502588 J Exp Ther Oncol Journal of experimental therapeutics & oncology. 1359-4117 (P) 1533-869X (E) 1996- 9604933 J Exp Zool The Journal of experimental zoology. 0022-104X (P) 1097-010X (E) Split into: Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Comparative experimental biology, and: Journal of experimental zoology. Part B, Molecular and developmental evolution. 1904-2002 Acid-free 0375365 J Exp Zool Suppl The Journal of experimental zoology. Supplement: published under auspices of the American Society of Zoologists and the Division of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry / the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. 1059-8324 (P) 1987-1990 Acid-free 9005420 J Exp Zoolog A Comp Exp Biol Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Comparative experimental biology. 1548-8969 (P) 1552-499X (E) Absorbed in part: Journal of experimental zoology. 2003- 101168223 J Exp Zoolog B Mol Dev Evol Journal of experimental zoology. Part B. Molecular and developmental evolution. 1552-5007 (P) 1552-5015 (E) Absorbed in part: Journal of experimental zoology. 2003- 101168228 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology. 1053-4245 (P) 1476-5519 (E) 1991- 9111438 J Extra Corpor Technol The Journal of extra-corporeal technology. 0022-1058 (P) 1968- 0267637 J Fam Health Care The journal of family health care. 1474-9114 (P) Continues: Professional care of mother and child. 2002- 101142028 J Fam Nurs Journal of family nursing. 1074-8407 (P) 1552-549X (E) 1995- Acid-free 9503761 J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care The journal of family planning and reproductive health care / Faculty of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. 1471-1893 (P) Continues: British journal of family planning. 2001- 101087687 J Fam Pract * The Journal of family practice. 0094-3509 (P) 1533-7294 (E) 1974- 7502590 J Fam Psychol Journal of family psychology: JFP: journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). 0893-3200 (P) 1987- Acid-free 8802265 J Feline Med Surg Journal of feline medicine and surgery. 1098-612X (P) 1999- Acid-free 100897329 J Fish Dis Journal of fish diseases. 0140-7775 (P) 1365-2761 (E) 1978- Acid-free 9881188 J Fla Med Assoc The Journal of the Florida Medical Association. 0015-4148 (P) Continues: JFMA, the Journal of the Florida Medical Association. Florida Medical Association. 1974-1998 7505604 J Fla Med Assoc The Journal of the Florida Medical Association. Florida Medical Association. 0093-0970 (P) Continued by: JFMA, the journal of the Florida Medical Association. 1914-1971 100964058 J Fla State Dent Soc The Journal of the Florida State Dental Society. 0360-1676 (P) Continues Florida dental journal. Continued by Florida dental journal. 1937-1967 7512802 J Fluency Disord Journal of fluency disorders. 0094-730X (P) 1974- Acid-free 7601744 2006 J Fluoresc s) Journal of fluorescence. 1053-0509 (P) 1991- 9201341 J Food Prot Journal of food protection. 0362-028X (P) Continues: Journal of milk and food technology. 1977- 7703944 J Foot Ankle Surg The Journal of foot and ankle surgery: official publication of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. 1067-2516 (P) 1542-2224 (E) Continues: Journal of foot surgery. 1993- 9308427 J Foot Surg The Journal of foot surgery. 0449-2544 (P) Continues the Journal of the American College of Foot Surgeons. Continued by: Journal of foot and ankle surgery. 1967-1992 0132575 J Forensic Med Journal of forensic medicine. 0022-1171 (P) Absorbed by: Forensic science. 1953-1971 0330423 J Forensic Odontostomatol The Journal of forensic odonto-stomatology. 0258-414X (P) 1983- 8501421 J Forensic Sci s) Journal of forensic sciences. 0022-1198 (P) 1956- 0375370 J Forensic Sci Soc s) Journal - Forensic Science Society. 0015-7368 (P) Continued by: Science & justice. 1960-1994 7505560 J Formos Med Assoc Journal of the Formosan Medical Association = Taiwan yi zhi. 0929-6646 (P) Continues: Taiwan yi xue hui za zhi. 1991- 9214933 J Fr Med Chir Thorac Journal francais de medecine et chirurgie thoraciques. 0021-8324 (P) Supersedes Archives medico-chirurgicales de l’appareil respiratoire. 1947-1972 0376571 J Fr Ophtalmol Journal francais d’ophtalmologie. 0181-5512 (P) 1773-0597 (E) Formed by the union of: Annales d’oculistique and Archives d’ophtalmologie. 1978- 7804128 J Fr Otorhinolaryngol Audiophonol Chir Maxillofac Journal francais d’oto-rhino-laryngologie, audio-phonologie et chirurgie maxillo- faciale. 0021-8332 (P) Continues: Journal francais d’oto-rhino- laryngologie et chirurgie maxillo-faciale. Continued by: JFORL; journal francais d’oto- rhino laryngologie, audiophonologie et chirurgie maxillo-faciale. 1967-1971 0320134 145

J Fr Otorhinolaryngol Audiophonol Chir Maxillofac Journal francais d’oto-rhino-laryngologie; audiophonologie, chirurgie maxillo-faciale. 0398-9771 (P) Continues: JFORL. Journal francais d’oto- rhino-laryngologie; audiophonologie et chirurgie maxillo-faciale. Absorbed by: Annales d’oto-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico faciale. 1977-2003 7703703 J Fr Otorhinolaryngol Chir Maxillofac Journal francais d’oto-rhino-laryngologie et chirurgie maxillo-faciale. Supersedes Bulletin of the Societe d’oto- rhino-laryngologie de Lyon et de la region. Continued by Journal francais d’oto-rhino- laryngologie audio-phonologie et chirurgie maxillo-faciale. 1952-1966 0120644 J Free Radic Biol Med Journal of free radicals in biology & medicine. 0748-5514 (P) Merged with: Advances in free radical biology and medicine, to form: Free radical biology & medicine. 1985-1986 8508399 J Ga Dent Assoc Journal of the Georgia Dental Association. 0016-819X (P) Continues the Journal of the Georgia State Dental Association. 1944-1981 7505605 J Gambl Stud Journal of gambling studies / co-sponsored by the National Council on Problem Gambling and Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming. 1050-5350 (P) Continues: Journal of gambling behavior. 1990- Acid-free 9425991 J Gastroenterol Journal of gastroenterology. 0944-1174 (P) Continues: Gastroenterologia Japonica. 1994- 9430794 J Gastroenterol Hepatol Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology. 0815-9319 (P) 1440-1746 (E) 1986- Acid-free 8607909 J Gastrointest Surg Journal of gastrointestinal surgery: official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 1091-255X (P) 1997- Acid-free 9706084 J Gen Appl Microbiol The Journal of general and applied microbiology. 0022-1260 (P) 1955- Acid-free 0165543 J Gen Intern Med Journal of general internal medicine: official journal of the Society for Research and Education in Primary Care Internal Medicine. 0884-8734 (P) 1525-1497 (E) 1986- 8605834 J Gen Microbiol s) Journal of general microbiology. 0022-1287 (P) Continued by: Microbiology (Reading, England) 1947-1993 0375371 146 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED J Gen Orthod Journal of general orthodontics. 1048-1990 (P) Continued by: International journal of orthodontics (Milwukee, Wis. ). 1990-2001 9100530 J Gen Physiol The Journal of general physiology. 0022-1295 (P) 1540-7748 (E) 1918- 2985110R J Gen Psychol The Journal of general psychology. 0022-1309 (P) 1928- 2985111R J Gen Virol The Journal of general virology. 0022-1317 (P) 1465-2099 (E) 1967- 0077340 J Gend Specif Med The journal of gender-specific medicine: JGSM: the official journal of the Partnership for Women’s Health at Columbia. 1523-7036 (P) 1998-2003 100887298 J Gene Med The journal of gene medicine. 1099-498X (P) 1521-2254 (E) 1999- 9815764 J Genet Journal of genetics. 0022-1333 (P) 1910- 2985113R J Genet Couns Journal of genetic counseling. 1059-7700 (P) 1992- 9206865 J Genet Hum Journal de genetique humaine. 0021-7743 (P) Continued by: Genetic counseling (Geneva, Switzerland). 1952-1989 2983308R J Genet Psychol The Journal of genetic psychology ; child behavior, animal behavior, and comparative psychology. 0022-1325 (P) Continues: Pedagogical seminary and journal of genetic psychology. 1954- 2985112R J Geriatr Phys Ther Journal of geriatric physical therapy (2001) 1539-8412 (P) Continues: Issues on aging. 2001- 101142169 J Geriatr Psychiatry Journal of geriatric psychiatry. 0022-1414 (P) 1967-2002 0255141 J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology. 0891-9887 (P) Continues: Massachusetts General Hospital newsletter. Topics in geriatrics. 1988- 8805645 J Gerontol * Journal of gerontology. 0022-1422 (P) Split into: Journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, and: Journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences. 1946-1994 0374762 2006 J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci * The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. 1079-5006 (P) Continues in part: Journal of gerontology. 1995- 9502837 J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci * The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences. 1079-5014 (P) Continues in part: Journal of gerontology. 1995- 9508483 J Gerontol Nurs Journal of gerontological nursing. 0098-9134 (P) 1975- 7510258 J Gerontol Soc Work Journal of gerontological social work. 0163-4372 (P) 1540-4048 (E) 1978- Acid-free 7903311 J Glaucoma Journal of glaucoma. 1057-0829 (P) 1992- 9300903 J Gnathol The Journal of gnathology. 0891-8171 (P) 1982-199? 8508120 J Gt Houst Dent Soc The Journal of the Greater Houston Dental Society. 1062-0265 (P) Continues: Houston District Dental Society. Journal. 1989- 8917480 J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) Journal de gynecologie, obstetrique et biologie de la reproduction. 0368-2315 (P) Supersedes Gynecologie et obstetrique and the Bulletin of the Federation des societes de gynecologie et d’obstetrique de langue francaise. 1972- 0322206 J Gynecol Surg Journal of gynecologic surgery. 1042-4067 (P) Continues: Colposcopy & gynecologic laser surgery. 1989- 9000936 J Halacha Contemporary Society s) Journal of halacha and contemporary society. 0730-2614 (P) 1981- 100971781 J Hand Surg [Am] The Journal of hand surgery. 0363-5023 (P) 1976- 7609631 J Hand Surg [Br] Journal of hand surgery (Edinburgh, Lothian) 0266-7681 (P) Continues: Hand. 1984- Acid-free 8403839 J Hand Ther Journal of hand therapy: official journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists. 0894-1130 (P) 1987- 8806591

J Exp Psychol Anim Behav Process<br />

Journal of experimental psychology. Animal<br />

behavior processes.<br />

0097-7403 (P)<br />

Supersedes in part Journal of experimental<br />

psychology.<br />

1975- Acid-free 7504289<br />

J Exp Psychol Appl<br />

Journal of experimental psychology. Applied.<br />

1076-898X (P)<br />

1995- Acid-free 9507618<br />

J Exp Psychol Gen<br />

Journal of experimental psychology. General.<br />

0096-3445 (P)<br />

Continues in part Journal of experimental<br />

psychology.<br />

1975- Acid-free 7502587<br />

J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform<br />

Journal of experimental psychology. Human<br />

perception and performance.<br />

0096-1523 (P)<br />

Supersedes in part Journal of experimental<br />

psychology.<br />

1975- Acid-free 7502589<br />

J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn<br />

Journal of experimental psychology.<br />

Learning, memory, and cognition.<br />

0278-7393 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal of experimental<br />

psychology. Human learning and memory.<br />

1982- Acid-free 8207540<br />

J Exp Psychol [Hum Learn]<br />

s) Journal of experimental psychology. Human<br />

learning and memory.<br />

0096-1515 (P)<br />

Supersedes in part Journal of experimental<br />

psychology. Continued by Journal of<br />

experimental psychology. Learning, memory,<br />

and cognition.<br />

1975-1981 7502588<br />

J Exp Ther Oncol<br />

Journal of experimental therapeutics &<br />

oncology.<br />

1359-4117 (P) 1533-869X (E)<br />

1996- 9604933<br />

J Exp Zool<br />

The Journal of experimental zoology.<br />

0022-104X (P) 1097-010X (E)<br />

Split into: Journal of experimental zoology.<br />

Part A, Comparative experimental biology,<br />

and: Journal of experimental zoology. Part<br />

B, Molecular and developmental evolution.<br />

1904-2002 Acid-free 0375365<br />

J Exp Zool Suppl<br />

The Journal of experimental zoology.<br />

Supplement: published under auspices of the<br />

American Society of Zoologists and the<br />

Division of Comparative Physiology and<br />

Biochemistry / the Wistar Institute of<br />

Anatomy and Biology.<br />

1059-8324 (P)<br />

1987-1990 Acid-free 9005420<br />

J Exp Zoolog A Comp Exp Biol<br />

Journal of experimental zoology. Part A,<br />

Comparative experimental biology.<br />

1548-8969 (P) 1552-499X (E)<br />

Absorbed in part: Journal of experimental<br />

zoology.<br />

2003- 101168223<br />

J Exp Zoolog B Mol Dev Evol<br />

Journal of experimental zoology. Part B.<br />

Molecular and developmental evolution.<br />

1552-5007 (P) 1552-5015 (E)<br />

Absorbed in part: Journal of experimental<br />

zoology.<br />

2003- 101168228<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol<br />

Journal of exposure analysis and<br />

environmental epidemiology.<br />

1053-4245 (P) 1476-5519 (E)<br />

1991- 9111438<br />

J Extra Corpor Technol<br />

The Journal of extra-corporeal technology.<br />

0022-1058 (P)<br />

1968- 0267637<br />

J Fam Health Care<br />

The journal of family health care.<br />

1474-9114 (P)<br />

Continues: Professional care of mother and<br />

child.<br />

2002- 101142028<br />

J Fam Nurs<br />

Journal of family nursing.<br />

1074-8407 (P) 1552-549X (E)<br />

1995- Acid-free 9503761<br />

J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care<br />

The journal of family planning and<br />

reproductive health care / Faculty of Family<br />

Planning & Reproductive Health Care, Royal<br />

College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists.<br />

1471-1893 (P)<br />

Continues: British journal of family<br />

planning.<br />

2001- 101087687<br />

J Fam Pract<br />

* The Journal of family practice.<br />

0094-3509 (P) 1533-7294 (E)<br />

1974- 7502590<br />

J Fam Psychol<br />

Journal of family psychology: JFP: journal<br />

of the Division of Family Psychology of the<br />

American Psychological Association (Division<br />

43).<br />

0893-3200 (P)<br />

1987- Acid-free 8802265<br />

J Feline Med Surg<br />

Journal of feline medicine and surgery.<br />

1098-612X (P)<br />

1999- Acid-free 100897329<br />

J Fish Dis<br />

Journal of fish diseases.<br />

0140-7775 (P) 1365-2761 (E)<br />

1978- Acid-free 9881188<br />

J Fla Med Assoc<br />

The Journal of the Florida Medical<br />

Association.<br />

0015-4148 (P)<br />

Continues: JFMA, the Journal of the Florida<br />

Medical Association. Florida Medical<br />

Association.<br />

1974-1998 7505604<br />

J Fla Med Assoc<br />

The Journal of the Florida Medical<br />

Association. Florida Medical Association.<br />

0093-0970 (P)<br />

Continued by: JFMA, the journal of the<br />

Florida Medical Association.<br />

1914-1971 100964058<br />

J Fla State Dent Soc<br />

The Journal of the Florida State Dental<br />

Society.<br />

0360-1676 (P)<br />

Continues Florida dental journal. Continued<br />

by Florida dental journal.<br />

1937-1967 7512802<br />

J Fluency Disord<br />

Journal of fluency disorders.<br />

0094-730X (P)<br />

1974- Acid-free 7601744<br />

2006<br />

J Fluoresc<br />

s) Journal of fluorescence.<br />

1053-0509 (P)<br />

1991- 9201341<br />

J Food Prot<br />

Journal of food protection.<br />

0362-028X (P)<br />

Continues: Journal of milk and food<br />

technology.<br />

1977- 7703944<br />

J Foot Ankle Surg<br />

The Journal of foot and ankle surgery:<br />

official publication of the American College<br />

of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.<br />

1067-2516 (P) 1542-2224 (E)<br />

Continues: Journal of foot surgery.<br />

1993- 9308427<br />

J Foot Surg<br />

The Journal of foot surgery.<br />

0449-2544 (P)<br />

Continues the Journal of the American<br />

College of Foot Surgeons. Continued by:<br />

Journal of foot and ankle surgery.<br />

1967-1992 0132575<br />

J Forensic Med<br />

Journal of forensic medicine.<br />

0022-1171 (P)<br />

Absorbed by: Forensic science.<br />

1953-1971 0330423<br />

J Forensic Odontostomatol<br />

The Journal of forensic odonto-stomatology.<br />

0258-414X (P)<br />

1983- 8501421<br />

J Forensic Sci<br />

s) Journal of forensic sciences.<br />

0022-1198 (P)<br />

1956- 0375370<br />

J Forensic Sci Soc<br />

s) Journal - Forensic Science Society.<br />

0015-7368 (P)<br />

Continued by: Science & justice.<br />

1960-1994 7505560<br />

J Formos Med Assoc<br />

Journal of the Formosan Medical Association =<br />

Taiwan yi zhi.<br />

0929-6646 (P)<br />

Continues: Taiwan yi xue hui za zhi.<br />

1991- 9214933<br />

J Fr Med Chir Thorac<br />

Journal francais de medecine et chirurgie<br />

thoraciques.<br />

0021-8324 (P)<br />

Supersedes Archives medico-chirurgicales de<br />

l’appareil respiratoire.<br />

1947-1972 0376571<br />

J Fr Ophtalmol<br />

Journal francais d’ophtalmologie.<br />

0181-5512 (P) 1773-0597 (E)<br />

Formed by the union of: Annales<br />

d’oculistique and Archives d’ophtalmologie.<br />

1978- 7804128<br />

J Fr Otorhinolaryngol Audiophonol Chir<br />

Maxillofac<br />

Journal francais d’oto-rhino-laryngologie,<br />

audio-phonologie et chirurgie maxillo-<br />

faciale.<br />

0021-8332 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal francais d’oto-rhino-<br />

laryngologie et chirurgie maxillo-faciale.<br />

Continued by: JFORL; journal francais d’oto-<br />

rhino laryngologie, audiophonologie et<br />

chirurgie maxillo-faciale.<br />

1967-1971 0320134<br />


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