Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics Genomics, proteomics & bioinformatics / Beijing Genomics Institute. 1672-0229 (P) Continues: Developmental & reproductive biology. 2003- 101197608 Geogr Med Geographia medica. 0300-807X (P) Supersedes Geographia medica Hungarica. Absorbed by: Health & place. 1970-1994 0356650 Geogr Med Suppl Geographia medica. Supplement = Geographia medica. Sonderband. 0866-4323 (P) 1988-1992 9011764 Georgetown Dent J Georgetown dental journal. 0016-8084 (P) Continued by: Mirror. 1933-1981 17120070R Georgetown Univ Sch Dent Mirror Mirror / Georgetown University School of Dentistry. 0730-0808 (P) Continues: Georgetown dental journal. 1981-1988 9879908 Georgian Med News Georgian medical news. 1512-0112 (P) 1994- 101218222 Ger J Ophthalmol German journal of ophthalmology. 0941-2921 (P) Continues in part: Fortschritte der Ophthalmologie. Absorbed by: Graefe’s archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology. 1992-1997 Acid-free 9206441 Ger Med German medicine. 0046-5844 (P) Supersedes German medical monthly. 1971-1973 1274101 Ger Med Mon German medical monthly. 0016-8785 (P) 1956-1970 1274100 Geriatr Nephrol Urol Geriatric nephrology and urology. 0924-8455 (P) Absorbed by: International urology and nephrology. 1991-1999 Acid-free 9112603 Geriatr Nurs Geriatric nursing (New York, N. Y.) 0197-4572 (P) 1980- 8309633 Geriatr Nurs (Lond) Geriatric nursing (London, England) 0950-0448 (P) Continued by: Geriatric nursing and home care. 1981-1986 8510067 Geriatr Nurs (Minneap) Geriatric nursing. 0435-5733 (P) 1965-1968 0046433 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Geriatr Nurs Home Care Geriatric nursing and home care. 0269-9079 (P) Continues: Geriatric nursing (London, England). Continued by: Nursing the elderly. 1986-1989 8701774 Geriatrics * Geriatrics. 0016-867X (P) 1946- 2985102R Gerodontics Gerodontics. 0109-565X (P) 1985-1988 8508083 Gerodontology Gerodontology. 0734-0664 (P) 1982- 8215850 Geron Geron. 0072-4157 (P) 1949-1979 0374637 Gerontion Gerontion. 0829-8297 (P) 1986-1987 8608449 Gerontol Clin (Basel) Gerontologia clinica. 0016-8998 (P) Merged with Gerontologia to form Gerontology. 1959-1975 7601653 Gerontol Geriatr Educ Gerontology & geriatrics education. 0270-1960 (P) 1980- 8101294 Gerontologia Gerontologia. 0016-898X (P) Merged with Gerontologia clinica to form Gerontology. 1957-1975 7601654 Gerontologie Gerontologie. 0168-8774 (P) Continues: Nederlands tijdschrift voor gerontologie. 1980-1981 8005608 Gerontologist The Gerontologist. 0016-9013 (P) Continues: Newsletter. Gerontological Society. 1961- 0375327 Gerontology Gerontology. 0304-324X (P) 1423-0003 (E) Formed by the union of Gerontologia and Gerontologia clinica, and continues the vol. numbering of the former. 1976- Acid-free 7601655 Gesnerus Gesnerus. 0016-9161 (P) 1943- 1257130 Gesnerus Suppl Gesnerus. Supplement. 1017-3293 (P) Continues: Veroffentlichungen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften. 1990- 9101438 2006 Gesund Ing Gesundheits-Ingenieur. 0016-9277 (P) Continues der Rohrleger und Gesundheits- Ingenieur. Continued by Haustechnik, Bauphysik, Umwelttechnik. 1880-1978 0370743 Gesundheitswesen Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)) 0941-3790 (P) Continues: Offentliche Gesundheitswesen. 1992- 9204210 GHA Today GHA today. 1551-8434 (P) Continues: Georgia hospitals today. 1997- 9715778 GHAA J GHAA journal. 0888-4250 (P) Continues: The Group health journal. 1986-1989 8703123 Ghana Med J Ghana medical journal. 0016-9560 (P) 1962- 0073210 Ghana Nurse The Ghanaian nurse. 1961-1970 0235326 Gifu Shika Gakkai Zasshi s) Gifu Shika Gakkai zasshi = The Journal of Gifu Dental Society. 0385-0072 (P) 1974- 8109799 Gig Sanit Gigiena i sanitariia. 0016-9900 (P) 1936- 0412700 Gig Tr Prof Zabol Gigiena truda i professional’nye zabolevaniia. 0016-9919 (P) Continued by: Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia. 1957-1992 2985104R Ginecol Obstet Mex Ginecologia y obstetricia de Mexico. 0300-9041 (P) 1946- 0376552 Ginekol Pol Ginekologia polska. 0017-0011 (P) 1922- 0374641 Glas Srp Akad Nauka [Med] Glas. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. Odeljenje medicinskih nauka. 0081-3966 (P) Continues the Glas of the Odeljenje medicinskih nauka of the Srpska akademija nauka, Belgrad. 1960- 0027437 Glasg Dent J Glasgow dental journal. 0046-600X (P) 1969-1974 0434574 Glia Glia. 0894-1491 (P) 1988- Acid-free 8806785 105

Globe Globe. International College of Dentists. Continues: Newsletter. International College of Dentists. 1985-???? 9881896 Glycobiology Glycobiology. 0959-6658 (P) 1460-2423 (E) 1990- 9104124 Glycoconj J Glycoconjugate journal. 0282-0080 (P) Absorbed: Glycosylation & disease. 1984- 8603310 GMDA Bull Gmda Bulletin. 0884-6898 (P) Continues: Greater Milwaukee Dental Bulletin. Continued by: Gmda Journal. 1982-1993 9879573 GMHC Treat Issues GMHC treatment issues: the Gay Men’s Health Crisis newsletter of experimental AIDS therapies. 1077-1824 (P) Continues: Treatment issues. 1994- 9509489 God Vojnomed Akad Godisnjak Vojnomedicinske akademije = Annual of the Military Medical Academy. 0352-664X (P) Continues: Vojnomedicinska akademija (Yugoslavia). Zbornik. 1984-1989 8606929 God Zb Med Fak Skopje Godisen zbornik na Medicinskiot fakultet vo Skopje. 0065-1214 (P) 1954- 0414607 Gov Relat Note s) Government relations note. Continued by: Washington report. 1975-1981 7808490 GP GP. 0016-3600 (P) Merged with American family physician to form American family physician/GP. 1950-1969 0230511 Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol Graefe’s archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie. 0721-832X (P) Continues: Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie. Absorbed: German journal of ophthalmology. 1998 1982- Acid-free 8205248 Grants Mag s) Grants magazine. 0160-9734 (P) 1978-1989 7807279 Grantsmanship Cent News s) Grantsmanship Center News. 0364-3115 (P) 1973-1985 9877044 Gravit Space Biol Bull s) Gravitational and space biology bulletin: publication of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology. 1089-988X (P) Continues: ASGSB bulletin. 1996- 9816128 106 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Greater Milw Dent Bull The Greater Milwaukee dental bulletin. 0017-3754 (P) Continues the Bulletin of the Greater Milwaukee Dental Association. 1957-1981 17210340R Greater St Louis Dent Soc Bull The Greater St. Louis Dental Society bulletin. 0072-7369 (P) Continues Bulletin - St. Louis Dental Society. Continued by Bulletin - Greater St. Louis Dental Society. 1960-1974 7513598 Ground Water Ground water. 0017-467X (P) 1745-6584 (E) 1963- 9882886 Group Health J The Group health journal. 0196-6332 (P) Continued by: GHAA journal. 1980-1985 8009788 Group Pract s) Group practice. 0017-4726 (P) Continues American Association of Medical Clinics. Bulletin. Continued by Group Practice Journal. 1957-1979 0432550 Group Pract J s) Group practice journal. 0199-5103 (P) Continues Group practice. 1980- 8004962 Growth Growth. 0017-4793 (P) Continued by: Growth, development, and aging. 1937-1987 0205044 Growth Dev Aging Growth, development, and aging: GDA. 1041-1232 (P) Continues: Growth. 1988- 8809704 Growth Factors Growth factors (Chur, Switzerland) 0897-7194 (P) 1988- 9000468 Growth Horm IGF Res Growth hormone & IGF research: official journal of the Growth Hormone Research Society and the International IGF Research Society. 1096-6374 (P) Merger of: Endocrinology and metabolism (London, England); and: Growth regulation, continuing the numbering of the latter. 1998- 9814320 Growth Regul Growth regulation. 0956-523X (P) Merged with: Endocrinology and metabolism (London, England), to become: Growth hormone & IGF research. 1991-1997 Acid-free 9106990 Grud Serdechnososudistaia Khir Grudnaia i serdechno-sosudistaia khirurgiia / Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia SSSR [i] Vsesoiuznoe nauchnoe obshchestvo khirurgov. 0236-2791 (P) Continues: Grudnaia khirurgiia (Moscow, Russia). 1990- 9004552 2006 Grudn Khir Grudnaia khirurgiia (Moscow, Russia) 0017-4866 (P) Continued by: Grudnaia i serdechno- sosudistaia khirurgiia. 1959-1989 8708014 Gruzlica Gruzlica i choroby pluc; tuberculosis et pneumonologia. 0017-4955 (P) Continues Gruzlica (Warsaw, Poland: 1926). Continued by Pneumonologia polska. 1962-1975 0167652 Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi s) Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi = Guang pu. 1000-0593 (P) 1981- 9424805 Gunma J Med Sci The Gunma journal of medical sciences. 0017-565X (P) 1952-1969 0234221 Gut * Gut. 0017-5749 (P) 1458-3288 (E) 1960- 2985108R Guys Hosp Rep Guy’s Hospital reports. 0017-5889 (P) 1836-1974 7612021 Gynaecologia Gynaecologia. International monthly review of obstetrics and gynecology. Revue internationale mensuelle d’obstetrique et de gynecologie. Monatsschrift fur Geburtshilfe und Gynakologie. 0367-5513 (P) Continues: Monatsschrift fur Geburtshulfe und Gynakologie. Continued by: Gynecologic investigation. 1946-1969 0245617 Gynakol Geburtshilfliche Rundsch Gynakologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau. 1018-8843 (P) 1423-0011 (E) Continues: Gynakologische Rundschau. 1992- Acid-free 9212667 Gynakol Rundsch Gynakologische Rundschau. 0017-6001 (P) Continued by: Gynkologischgeburtshilfliche Rundschau. 1964-1991 0011363 Gynakologe Der Gynakologe. 0017-5994 (P) 1968- Acid-free 0410275 Gynecol Endocrinol Gynecological endocrinology: the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology. 0951-3590 (P) 1987- 8807913 Gynecol Invest Gynecologic investigation. 0017-5986 (P) Supersedes Gynaecologia. Continued by Gynecologic and obstetric investigation. 1970-1977 0245073 Gynecol Obstet (Paris) Gynecologie et obstetrique. 0017-601X (P) Formed by the union of Annales de gynecologie et d’obstetrique and Archives mensuelles d’obstetrique et de gynecologie. 1920-1971 17220330R

Globe Globe. International College of Dentists.<br />

Continues: Newsletter. International<br />

College of Dentists.<br />

1985-???? 9881896<br />

Glycobiology<br />

Glycobiology.<br />

0959-6658 (P) 1460-2423 (E)<br />

1990- 9104124<br />

Glycoconj J<br />

Glycoconjugate journal.<br />

0282-0080 (P)<br />

Absorbed: Glycosylation & disease.<br />

1984- 8603310<br />

GMDA Bull<br />

Gmda Bulletin.<br />

0884-6898 (P)<br />

Continues: Greater Milwaukee Dental Bulletin.<br />

Continued by: Gmda Journal.<br />

1982-1993 9879573<br />

GMHC Treat Issues<br />

GMHC treatment issues: the Gay Men’s Health<br />

Crisis newsletter of experimental AIDS<br />

therapies.<br />

1077-1824 (P)<br />

Continues: Treatment issues.<br />

1994- 9509489<br />

God Vojnomed Akad<br />

Godisnjak Vojnomedicinske akademije = Annual<br />

of the Military Medical Academy.<br />

0352-664X (P)<br />

Continues: Vojnomedicinska akademija<br />

(Yugoslavia). Zbornik.<br />

1984-1989 8606929<br />

God Zb Med Fak Skopje<br />

Godisen zbornik na Medicinskiot fakultet vo<br />

Skopje.<br />

0065-1214 (P)<br />

1954- 0414607<br />

Gov Relat Note<br />

s) Government relations note.<br />

Continued by: Washington report.<br />

1975-1981 7808490<br />

GP GP.<br />

0016-3600 (P)<br />

Merged with American family physician to<br />

form American family physician/GP.<br />

1950-1969 0230511<br />

Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol<br />

Graefe’s archive for clinical and<br />

experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von<br />

Graefes Archiv fur klinische und<br />

experimentelle Ophthalmologie.<br />

0721-832X (P)<br />

Continues: Albrecht von Graefes Archiv fur<br />

klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie.<br />

Absorbed: German journal of ophthalmology.<br />

1998<br />

1982- Acid-free 8205248<br />

Grants Mag<br />

s) Grants magazine.<br />

0160-9734 (P)<br />

1978-1989 7807279<br />

Grantsmanship Cent News<br />

s) Grantsmanship Center News.<br />

0364-3115 (P)<br />

1973-1985 9877044<br />

Gravit Space Biol Bull<br />

s) Gravitational and space biology bulletin:<br />

publication of the American Society for<br />

Gravitational and Space Biology.<br />

1089-988X (P)<br />

Continues: ASGSB bulletin.<br />

1996- 9816128<br />

106<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Greater Milw Dent Bull<br />

The Greater Milwaukee dental bulletin.<br />

0017-3754 (P)<br />

Continues the Bulletin of the Greater<br />

Milwaukee Dental Association.<br />

1957-1981 17210340R<br />

Greater St Louis Dent Soc Bull<br />

The Greater St. Louis Dental Society<br />

bulletin.<br />

0072-7369 (P)<br />

Continues Bulletin - St. Louis Dental<br />

Society. Continued by Bulletin - Greater St.<br />

Louis Dental Society.<br />

1960-1974 7513598<br />

Ground Water<br />

Ground water.<br />

0017-467X (P) 1745-6584 (E)<br />

1963- 9882886<br />

Group Health J<br />

The Group health journal.<br />

0196-6332 (P)<br />

Continued by: GHAA journal.<br />

1980-1985 8009788<br />

Group Pract<br />

s) Group practice.<br />

0017-4726 (P)<br />

Continues American Association of Medical<br />

Clinics. Bulletin. Continued by Group<br />

Practice Journal.<br />

1957-1979 0432550<br />

Group Pract J<br />

s) Group practice journal.<br />

0199-5103 (P)<br />

Continues Group practice.<br />

1980- 8004962<br />

Growth<br />

Growth.<br />

0017-4793 (P)<br />

Continued by: Growth, development, and aging.<br />

1937-1987 0205044<br />

Growth Dev Aging<br />

Growth, development, and aging: GDA.<br />

1041-1232 (P)<br />

Continues: Growth.<br />

1988- 8809704<br />

Growth Factors<br />

Growth factors (Chur, Switzerland)<br />

0897-7194 (P)<br />

1988- 9000468<br />

Growth Horm IGF Res<br />

Growth hormone & IGF research: official<br />

journal of the Growth Hormone Research<br />

Society and the International IGF Research<br />

Society.<br />

1096-6374 (P)<br />

Merger of: Endocrinology and metabolism<br />

(London, England); and: Growth regulation,<br />

continuing the numbering of the latter.<br />

1998- 9814320<br />

Growth Regul<br />

Growth regulation.<br />

0956-523X (P)<br />

Merged with: Endocrinology and metabolism<br />

(London, England), to become: Growth hormone<br />

& IGF research.<br />

1991-1997 Acid-free 9106990<br />

Grud Serdechnososudistaia Khir<br />

Grudnaia i serdechno-sosudistaia khirurgiia<br />

/ Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia SSSR [i]<br />

Vsesoiuznoe nauchnoe obshchestvo khirurgov.<br />

0236-2791 (P)<br />

Continues: Grudnaia khirurgiia (Moscow,<br />

Russia).<br />

1990- 9004552<br />

2006<br />

Grudn Khir<br />

Grudnaia khirurgiia (Moscow, Russia)<br />

0017-4866 (P)<br />

Continued by: Grudnaia i serdechno-<br />

sosudistaia khirurgiia.<br />

1959-1989 8708014<br />

Gruzlica<br />

Gruzlica i choroby pluc; tuberculosis et<br />

pneumonologia.<br />

0017-4955 (P)<br />

Continues Gruzlica (Warsaw, Poland: 1926).<br />

Continued by Pneumonologia polska.<br />

1962-1975 0167652<br />

Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi<br />

s) Guang pu xue yu guang pu fen xi = Guang pu.<br />

1000-0593 (P)<br />

1981- 9424805<br />

Gunma J Med Sci<br />

The Gunma journal of medical sciences.<br />

0017-565X (P)<br />

1952-1969 0234221<br />

Gut<br />

* Gut.<br />

0017-5749 (P) 1458-3288 (E)<br />

1960- 2985108R<br />

Guys Hosp Rep<br />

Guy’s Hospital reports.<br />

0017-5889 (P)<br />

1836-1974 7612021<br />

Gynaecologia<br />

Gynaecologia. International monthly review<br />

of obstetrics and gynecology. Revue<br />

internationale mensuelle d’obstetrique et de<br />

gynecologie. Monatsschrift fur Geburtshilfe<br />

und Gynakologie.<br />

0367-5513 (P)<br />

Continues: Monatsschrift fur Geburtshulfe<br />

und Gynakologie. Continued by: Gynecologic<br />

investigation.<br />

1946-1969 0245617<br />

Gynakol Geburtshilfliche Rundsch<br />

Gynakologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau.<br />

1018-8843 (P) 1423-0011 (E)<br />

Continues: Gynakologische Rundschau.<br />

1992- Acid-free 9212667<br />

Gynakol Rundsch<br />

Gynakologische Rundschau.<br />

0017-6001 (P)<br />

Continued by: Gynkologischgeburtshilfliche<br />

Rundschau.<br />

1964-1991 0011363<br />

Gynakologe<br />

Der Gynakologe.<br />

0017-5994 (P)<br />

1968- Acid-free 0410275<br />

Gynecol Endocrinol<br />

Gynecological endocrinology: the official<br />

journal of the International Society of<br />

Gynecological Endocrinology.<br />

0951-3590 (P)<br />

1987- 8807913<br />

Gynecol Invest<br />

Gynecologic investigation.<br />

0017-5986 (P)<br />

Supersedes Gynaecologia. Continued by<br />

Gynecologic and obstetric investigation.<br />

1970-1977 0245073<br />

Gynecol Obstet (Paris)<br />

Gynecologie et obstetrique.<br />

0017-601X (P)<br />

Formed by the union of Annales de<br />

gynecologie et d’obstetrique and Archives<br />

mensuelles d’obstetrique et de gynecologie.<br />

1920-1971 17220330R

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