Ga Hosp Today s) Georgia hospitals today / GHA. 0898-316X (P) Continues: Georgia hospital affairs. Continued by: GHA today. 1986-1997 8610313 Ga Nurse Georgia nursing. 0016-8335 (P) 1945- 0047220 Gac Med Caracas Gaceta medica de Caracas. 0367-4762 (P) 1893- 0374627 Gac Med Mex Gaceta medica de Mexico. 0016-3813 (P) 1864- 0010333 Gac Sanit Gaceta sanitaria / S. E.S.P.A.S. 0213-9111 (P) Continues: Gaseta sanitaria de Barcelona. 1987- 8901623 Gait Posture Gait & posture. 0966-6362 (P) 1993- Acid-free 9416830 Gamete Res Gamete research. 0148-7280 (P) 1978-1989 Acid-free 7806559 Gan No Rinsho Gan no rinsho. Japan journal of cancer clinics. 0021-4949 (P) 1954- 1257753 Gan To Kagaku Ryoho Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy. 0385-0684 (P) 1974- 7810034 Ganka Ganka. Ophthalmology. 0016-4488 (P) 1959- 2984765R Gann Gann = Gan. 0016-450X (P) Continues: Gan. Continued by: Japanese journal of cancer research. 1959-1984 8214471 Gaoxiong Yi Xue Ke Xue Za Zhi Gaoxiong yi xue ke xue za zhi = The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences. 0257-5655 (P) Continued by: Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences. 1985-1995 8603880 Gastric Cancer Gastric cancer: official journal of the International Gastric Cancer Association and the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association. 1436-3291 (P) 1998- Acid-free 100886238 Gastroenterol Clin Biol Gastroenterologie clinique et biologique. 0399-8320 (P) Formed by the union of Archives francaises des maladies de l’appareil digestif and Biologie et gastro-enterologie. 1977- 7704825 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Gastroenterol Clin North Am Gastroenterology clinics of North America. 0889-8553 (P) Continues in part: Clinics in gastroenterology. 1987- 8706257 Gastroenterol Fortbildungskurse Prax Gastroenterologische Fortbildungskurse fur die Praxis. 0302-9255 (P) Continues Fortbildungskurse fur praktische Gastroenterologie. 1973-1975 0410443 Gastroenterol Hepatol Gastroenterologia y hepatologia. 0210-5705 (P) 1978- Acid-free 8406671 Gastroenterol J Gastroenterologisches Journal: Organ der Gesellschaft fur Gastroenterologie der DDR. 0863-1743 (P) Continues: Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten. 1989-1991 8913769 Gastroenterol Jpn Gastroenterologia Japonica. 0435-1339 (P) Continued by: Journal of gastroenterology. 1966-1993 0152744 Gastroenterol Nurs Gastroenterology nursing: the official journal of the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates. 1042-895X (P) Continues: SGA journal (Society of Gastrointestinal Assistants (U. S.)). 1989- 8915377 Gastroenterologia Gastroenterologia. 0301-164X (P) Continues Archiv fur Verdauungs-Krankheiten, Stoffwechselpathologie und Diatetik. Superseded by Digestion. 1939-1967 0151054 Gastroenterologist The Gastroenterologist. 1065-2477 (P) Absorbed by: Journal of clinical gastroenterology. 1993-1998 9308839 Gastroenterology * Gastroenterology. 0016-5085 (P) 1528-0012 (E) 1943- Acid-free 0374630 Gastrointest Endosc Gastrointestinal endoscopy. 0016-5107 (P) Continues the Bulletin of gastrointestinal endoscopy. 1965- 0010505 Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am Gastrointestinal endoscopy clinics of North America. 1052-5157 (P) 1991- 9202792 Gastrointest Radiol Gastrointestinal radiology. 0364-2356 (P) Merged with: Urologic radiology; to form: Abdominal imaging. 1976-1992 Acid-free 7611134 2006 Gaz Egypt Paediatr Assoc The Gazette of the Egyptian Paediatric Association. 1110-6638 (P) 1952- 7509401 Gaz Med Fr Gazette medicale de France. 0016-5557 (P) Continued by Gazette medicale (Paris, France) 1927-1983 0034270 Gazz Int Med Chir Gazzetta internazionale di medicina e chirurgia. 0016-5662 (P) 1899-1972 0373000 Gazz Med Ital Gazzetta medica italiana. 0393-3660 (P) Continues Gazzetta medica lombarda. Absorbed: Archivio per le scienze mediche, Jan. /Feb. 1984. 1936- 0370730 Gazz Sanit Gazzetta sanitaria. 0016-5697 (P) 1928-1980 0370731 Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde. 0016-5751 (P) 1939- 0370732 Gegenbaurs Morphol Jahrb Gegenbaurs morphologisches Jahrbuch. 0016-5840 (P) Continues Morphologisches Jahrbuch. 1903-1990 0370733 Geka Chiryo Geka chiryo. Surgical therapy. 0433-2644 (P) 1959- 2985100R Gem State RN News Lett The Gem State RN news letter. 0072-0569 (P) Continues The Gem State R. N. Superseded by RN Idaho. 1964-1977 7902818 Gematol Transfuziol Gematologiia i transfuziologiia. 0234-5730 (P) Continues: Problemy gematologii i perelivaniia krovi. 1983- 8301796 Gen Comp Endocrinol General and comparative endocrinology. 0016-6480 (P) 1961- Acid-free 0370735 Gen Dent General dentistry. 0363-6771 (P) Continues Journal - Academy of General Dentistry. 1976- 7610466 Gen Diagn Pathol General & diagnostic pathology. 0947-823X (P) Continues: Zentralblatt fur Pathologie. 1995-1997 9511700 Gen Hosp Psychiatry General hospital psychiatry. 0163-8343 (P) 1979- Acid-free 7905527 103

Gen Pharmacol General pharmacology. 0306-3623 (P) Continues: Comparative and general pharmacology. Continued by: Vascular pharmacology. 1975-2001 Acid-free 7602417 Gen Physiol Biophys General physiology and biophysics. 0231-5882 (P) 1982- 8400604 Gend Med Gender medicine: official journal of the Partnership for Gender-Specific Medicine at Columbia University. 1550-8579 (P) 2004- Acid-free 101225178 Gene Gene. 0378-1119 (P) 1976- Acid-free 7706761 Gene Amplif Anal Gene amplification and analysis. 0275-2778 (P) 1981-1987 8101596 Gene Anal Tech Gene analysis techniques. 0735-0651 (P) Continued by: Genetic anaiysis. 1984-1989 Acid-free 8408118 Gene Expr Gene expression. 1052-2166 (P) 1991- Acid-free 9200651 Gene Expr Patterns Gene expression patterns: GEP. 1567-133X (P) Continues: Brain research. Gene expression patterns. 2002- 101167473 Gene Geogr Gene geography: a computerized bulletin on human gene frequencies. 0394-249X (P) 1987-1997 9100053 Gene Ther Gene therapy. 0969-7128 (P) 1476-5462 (E) 1994- Acid-free 9421525 Geneeskd Bl Geneeskundige bladen uit kliniek en laboratorium voor de praktijk. 0016-6456 (P) 1894-1970 0370734 Geneeskd Gids Geneeskundige gids. 0016-6464 (P) 1923-1969 0225640 Genes Brain Behav Genes, brain, and behavior. 1601-1848 (P) 1601-183X (E) 2002- Acid-free 101129617 Genes Cells Genes to cells: devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms. 1356-9597 (P) 1365-2443 (E) 1996- Acid-free 9607379 Genes Chromosomes Cancer Genes, chromosomes & cancer. 1045-2257 (P) 1098-2264 (E) 1989- Acid-free 9007329 104 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Genes Dev Genes & development. 0890-9369 (P) 1987- 8711660 Genes Funct Genes and function. 1360-7413 (P) 1997-1997 9706385 Genes Genet Syst Genes & genetic systems. 1341-7568 (P) Continues: Japanese journal of genetics. 1996- 9607822 Genes Immun Genes and immunity. 1466-4879 (P) 1476-5470 (E) 199?- Acid-free 100953417 Genesis Genesis (New York, N. Y.: 2000) 1526-954X (P) 1526-968X (E) Continues: Developmental genetics. 2000- 100931242 Genet Anal Genetic analysis: biomolecular engineering. Continues: Genetic analysis, techniques and applications. Continued by: Biomolecular engineering. 1995-1999 Acid-free 9509403 Genet Anal Tech Appl Genetic analysis, techniques and applications. 1050-3862 (P) Continues: Gene analysis techniques. Continued by: Genetic analysis. 1990-1994 Acid-free 9004550 Genet Couns Genetic counseling (Geneva, Switzerland) 1015-8146 (P) Continues: Journal de genetique humaine. 1990- 9015261 Genet Eng s) Genetic engineering (Academic Press) 0887-8307 (P) 1981-1988 8302443 Genet Eng (N Y) Genetic engineering. 0196-3716 (P) 1979- 7907340 Genet Epidemiol Genetic epidemiology. 0741-0395 (P) 1984- Acid-free 8411723 Genet Epidemiol Suppl Genetic epidemiology. Supplement. 1986-1986 8914640 Genet Med Genetics in medicine: official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics. 1098-3600 (P) 1998- Acid-free 9815831 Genet Mol Res Genetics and molecular research [electronic resource]: GMR. 1676-5680 (E) 2002- 101169387 Genet Psychol Monogr s) Genetic psychology monographs. 0016-6677 (P) Continued by: Genetic, social, and general psychology monographs. 1926-1984 0370737 2006 Genet Res Genetical research. 0016-6723 (P) 1960- 0370741 Genet Sel Evol Genetics, selection, evolution. : GSE. 0999-193X (P) 1297-9686 (E) Continues: Genetique, selection, evolution. 1989- 9114088 Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr Genetic, social, and general psychology monographs. 8756-7547 (P) Continues: Genetic psychology monographs. 1985- 8508368 Genet Test Genetic testing. 1090-6576 (P) 1997- Acid-free 9802546 Genetica Genetica. 0016-6707 (P) 1919- 0370740 Genetics Genetics. 0016-6731 (P) 1916- 0374636 Genetika Genetika. 0016-6758 (P) 1965- 0047354 Genewatch s) Genewatch: a bulletin of the Committee for Responsible Genetics. 0740-9737 (P) 1984- 9426048 Genitourin Med Genitourinary medicine. 0266-4348 (P) Continues: British journal of venereal diseases. Continued by: Sexually transmitted infections. 1985-1997 8503853 Genome Genome / National Research Council Canada = Genome / Conseil national de recherches Canada. 0831-2796 (P) 1480-3321 (E) Continues: Canadian journal of genetics and cytology. 1987- 8704544 Genome Biol Genome biology 1465-6906 (P) 1465-6914 (E) 2000- 100960660 Genome Inform Ser Workshop Genome Inform Genome informatics series: proceedings of the... Workshop on Genome Informatics. Workshop on Genome Informatics. 0919-9454 (P) 199?- 9717234 Genome Res Genome research. 1088-9051 (P) Continues: PCR methods and applications. 1995- 9518021 Genomics Genomics. 0888-7543 (P) 1089-8646 (E) 1987- Acid-free 8800135

Gen Pharmacol<br />

General pharmacology.<br />

0306-3623 (P)<br />

Continues: Comparative and general<br />

pharmacology. Continued by: Vascular<br />

pharmacology.<br />

1975-2001 Acid-free 7602417<br />

Gen Physiol Biophys<br />

General physiology and biophysics.<br />

0231-5882 (P)<br />

1982- 8400604<br />

Gend Med<br />

Gender medicine: official journal of the<br />

Partnership for Gender-Specific Medicine at<br />

Columbia University.<br />

1550-8579 (P)<br />

2004- Acid-free 101225178<br />

Gene Gene.<br />

0378-1119 (P)<br />

1976- Acid-free 7706761<br />

Gene Amplif Anal<br />

Gene amplification and analysis.<br />

0275-2778 (P)<br />

1981-1987 8101596<br />

Gene Anal Tech<br />

Gene analysis techniques.<br />

0735-0651 (P)<br />

Continued by: Genetic anaiysis.<br />

1984-1989 Acid-free 8408118<br />

Gene Expr<br />

Gene expression.<br />

1052-2166 (P)<br />

1991- Acid-free 9200651<br />

Gene Expr Patterns<br />

Gene expression patterns: GEP.<br />

1567-133X (P)<br />

Continues: Brain research. Gene expression<br />

patterns.<br />

2002- 101167473<br />

Gene Geogr<br />

Gene geography: a computerized bulletin on<br />

human gene frequencies.<br />

0394-249X (P)<br />

1987-1997 9100053<br />

Gene Ther<br />

Gene therapy.<br />

0969-7128 (P) 1476-5462 (E)<br />

1994- Acid-free 9421525<br />

Geneeskd Bl<br />

Geneeskundige bladen uit kliniek en<br />

laboratorium voor de praktijk.<br />

0016-6456 (P)<br />

1894-1970 0370734<br />

Geneeskd Gids<br />

Geneeskundige gids.<br />

0016-6464 (P)<br />

1923-1969 0225640<br />

Genes Brain Behav<br />

Genes, brain, and behavior.<br />

1601-1848 (P) 1601-183X (E)<br />

2002- Acid-free 101129617<br />

Genes Cells<br />

Genes to cells: devoted to molecular &<br />

cellular mechanisms.<br />

1356-9597 (P) 1365-2443 (E)<br />

1996- Acid-free 9607379<br />

Genes Chromosomes Cancer<br />

Genes, chromosomes & cancer.<br />

1045-2257 (P) 1098-2264 (E)<br />

1989- Acid-free 9007329<br />

104<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Genes Dev<br />

Genes & development.<br />

0890-9369 (P)<br />

1987- 8711660<br />

Genes Funct<br />

Genes and function.<br />

1360-7413 (P)<br />

1997-1997 9706385<br />

Genes Genet Syst<br />

Genes & genetic systems.<br />

1341-7568 (P)<br />

Continues: Japanese journal of genetics.<br />

1996- 9607822<br />

Genes Immun<br />

Genes and immunity.<br />

1466-4879 (P) 1476-5470 (E)<br />

199?- Acid-free 100953417<br />

Genesis<br />

Genesis (New York, N. Y.: 2000)<br />

1526-954X (P) 1526-968X (E)<br />

Continues: Developmental genetics.<br />

2000- 100931242<br />

Genet Anal<br />

Genetic analysis: biomolecular engineering.<br />

Continues: Genetic analysis, techniques and<br />

applications. Continued by: Biomolecular<br />

engineering.<br />

1995-1999 Acid-free 9509403<br />

Genet Anal Tech Appl<br />

Genetic analysis, techniques and<br />

applications.<br />

1050-3862 (P)<br />

Continues: Gene analysis techniques.<br />

Continued by: Genetic analysis.<br />

1990-1994 Acid-free 9004550<br />

Genet Couns<br />

Genetic counseling (Geneva, Switzerland)<br />

1015-8146 (P)<br />

Continues: Journal de genetique humaine.<br />

1990- 9015261<br />

Genet Eng<br />

s) Genetic engineering (Academic Press)<br />

0887-8307 (P)<br />

1981-1988 8302443<br />

Genet Eng (N Y)<br />

Genetic engineering.<br />

0196-3716 (P)<br />

1979- 7907340<br />

Genet Epidemiol<br />

Genetic epidemiology.<br />

0741-0395 (P)<br />

1984- Acid-free 8411723<br />

Genet Epidemiol Suppl<br />

Genetic epidemiology. Supplement.<br />

1986-1986 8914640<br />

Genet Med<br />

Genetics in medicine: official journal of<br />

the American College of Medical Genetics.<br />

1098-3600 (P)<br />

1998- Acid-free 9815831<br />

Genet Mol Res<br />

Genetics and molecular research [electronic<br />

resource]: GMR.<br />

1676-5680 (E)<br />

2002- 101169387<br />

Genet Psychol Monogr<br />

s) Genetic psychology monographs.<br />

0016-6677 (P)<br />

Continued by: Genetic, social, and general<br />

psychology monographs.<br />

1926-1984 0370737<br />

2006<br />

Genet Res<br />

Genetical research.<br />

0016-6723 (P)<br />

1960- 0370741<br />

Genet Sel Evol<br />

Genetics, selection, evolution. : GSE.<br />

0999-193X (P) 1297-9686 (E)<br />

Continues: Genetique, selection, evolution.<br />

1989- 9114088<br />

Genet Soc Gen Psychol Monogr<br />

Genetic, social, and general psychology<br />

monographs.<br />

8756-7547 (P)<br />

Continues: Genetic psychology monographs.<br />

1985- 8508368<br />

Genet Test<br />

Genetic testing.<br />

1090-6576 (P)<br />

1997- Acid-free 9802546<br />

Genetica<br />

Genetica.<br />

0016-6707 (P)<br />

1919- 0370740<br />

Genetics<br />

Genetics.<br />

0016-6731 (P)<br />

1916- 0374636<br />

Genetika<br />

Genetika.<br />

0016-6758 (P)<br />

1965- 0047354<br />

Genewatch<br />

s) Genewatch: a bulletin of the Committee for<br />

Responsible Genetics.<br />

0740-9737 (P)<br />

1984- 9426048<br />

Genitourin Med<br />

Genitourinary medicine.<br />

0266-4348 (P)<br />

Continues: British journal of venereal<br />

diseases. Continued by: Sexually<br />

transmitted infections.<br />

1985-1997 8503853<br />

Genome<br />

Genome / National Research Council Canada =<br />

Genome / Conseil national de recherches<br />

Canada.<br />

0831-2796 (P) 1480-3321 (E)<br />

Continues: Canadian journal of genetics and<br />

cytology.<br />

1987- 8704544<br />

Genome Biol<br />

Genome biology<br />

1465-6906 (P) 1465-6914 (E)<br />

2000- 100960660<br />

Genome Inform Ser Workshop Genome Inform<br />

Genome informatics series: proceedings of<br />

the... Workshop on Genome Informatics.<br />

Workshop on Genome Informatics.<br />

0919-9454 (P)<br />

199?- 9717234<br />

Genome Res<br />

Genome research.<br />

1088-9051 (P)<br />

Continues: PCR methods and applications.<br />

1995- 9518021<br />

Genomics<br />

Genomics.<br />

0888-7543 (P) 1089-8646 (E)<br />

1987- Acid-free 8800135

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