Eye Ear Nose Throat Mon Eye, ear, nose & throat monthly. 0014-5491 (P) Absorbed: Diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Continued by: Ear, nose, & throat journal. 1922-1976 0370714 F Fa Yi Xue Za Zhi Fa yi xue za zhi. 1004-5619 (P) 1985- 9426151 Fac Notes (New Orleans La) Faculty notes (New Orleans, La. ) Continued by: HIV clinician. 19??-1999 100893937 Facial Orthop Temporomandibular Arthrol Facial orthopedics and temporomandibular arthrology. 0749-0399 (P) 1984-1988 8510890 Facial Plast Surg Facial plastic surgery: FPS. 0736-6825 (P) 1983- 8405303 Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am Facial plastic surgery clinics of North America. 1064-7406 (P) 1993- 9414907 Factor Odontol Factor odontologico. Continues: Revista cientifica, tecnica y cultural F. O. 1986- 9108447 Fag Tidsskr Sykepleien Fag tidsskriftet sykepleien. 0802-9768 (P) Continues in part: Sykepleien. Continued by: Sykepleien. Fag. 1989-1992 9008896 Fam Cancer Familial cancer. 1389-9600 (P) 1573-7292 (E) 2000- 100898211 Fam Community Health s) Family & community health. 0160-6379 (P) 1978- 7809641 Fam Health s) Family health. 0014-7249 (P) Absorbed Today’s health, Apr. 1976. Continued by Health (Family Media, Inc. ). 1969-1981 7610780 Fam Med Family medicine. 0742-3225 (P) Continues: Family medicine teacher. 1981- Acid-free 8306464 Fam Plann s) Family planning. 0014-7338 (P) Continued by: Family planning today. 1952-1976 7703901 Fam Plann Perspect Family planning perspectives. 0014-7354 (P) Continued by: Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health. 1969-2001 0241370 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Fam Pract Family practice. 0263-2136 (P) 1460-2229 (E) 1984- 8500875 Fam Pract Manag Family practice management. 1069-5648 (P) 1993- 9417533 Fam Pract Res J The Family practice research journal. 0270-2304 (P) 1981-1994 8208228 Fam Process Family process. 0014-7370 (P) 1962- 0400666 FAO Food Nutr Pap FAO food and nutrition paper. 0254-4725 (P) Continues in part: FAO nutrition meetings report series. 1977- 8110156 FAO Food Nutr Ser FAO food and nutrition series. 1014-3181 (P) Supersedes FAO nutritional studies. Supersedes in part FAO nutrition meetings report series. 1976- 7804985 FAO Nutr Meet Rep Ser FAO nutrition meetings report series. 0071-707X (P) 1948-1977 0373227 FAO Nutr Stud FAO nutritional studies. 0071-7088 (P) Continued by: FAO food and nutrition series. 1948-1974 0373230 Faraday Discuss s) Faraday discussions. 1359-6640 (P) Continues: Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society. 1991- 9212301 Faraday Discuss Chem Soc s) Faraday discussions of the Chemical Society. 0301-5696 (P) Continues: Discussions of the Faraday Society. Continued by: Faraday discussions. 1972-1991 7507112 Farm Hosp Farmacia hospitalaria: organo oficial de expresion cientifica de la Sociedad Espanola de Farmacia Hospitalaria. 1130-6343 (P) Continues: Revista de la Sociedad Espanola de Farmacia Hospitalaria. 199?- 9440679 Farm Zh Farmatsevtychnyi zhurnal. 0014-8342 (P) 1928- 0374603 Farmaco Farmaco (Societa chimica italiana: 1989) 0014-827X (P) Formed by the union of: Farmaco (Edizione pratica); and: Farmaco (Edizione scientifica) 1989- 8912641 2006 Farmaco [Prat] Il Farmaco; edizione pratica. 0014-827X (P) Continues in part Il Farmaco; scienza e tecnica. Merged with: Farmaco; edizione scientifica, to form: Farmaco (Societa chimica italiana: 1989). 1953-1988 0376330 Farmaco [Sci] s) Il Farmaco; edizione scientifica. 0430-0920 (P) Continues in part Il Farmaco; scienza e tecnica. Merged with: Farmaco; edizione practica, to form: Farmaco (Societa chimica italiana: 1989). 1953-1988 0370716 Farmacognosia Farmacognosia; anales del Instituto Jose Celestino Mutis. 1942-1967 16920340R Farmakol Toksikol Farmakologiia i toksikologiia. 0014-8318 (P) Supersedes, in part, Farmatsiia i farmakologiia. Continued by: Eksperimental’naia i klinicheskaia farmakologiia. 1938-1991 16920420R Farmatsiia Farmatsiia. 0367-3014 (P) Continues Aptechnoe delo. 1967- 0136541 FASEB J The FASEB journal: official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 0892-6638 (P) 1530-6860 (E) Continues: Federation proceedings. 1987- 8804484 Fasett Fasett. 0802-6939 (P) 1966- 8502354 Fauchard Fauchard. 0533-0319 (P) 1970- 9875646 Faulkner Grays Med Health s) Faulkner & Gray’s medicine & health. 1047-8892 (P) Continues: Medicine & health. Continued by: Medicine & health (1997). 1989-1997 9001350 FDA Consum FDA consumer. 0362-1332 (P) Continues: FDA papers. 1972- 0344327 FDA Drug Bull FDA drug bulletin. 0361-4344 (P) Continued by: FDA medical bulletin. 1971-1990 1302430 FDI World FDI world. 1025-403X (P) Continues: Dental world (London, England). Continued by: Dental world (London, England). 1994-2001 9432540 FEBS J The FEBS journal. 1742-464X (P) Continues: European journal of biochemistry. 2005- 101229646 97

FEBS Lett FEBS letters. 0014-5793 (P) 1968- Acid-free 0155157 Fed Bull s) Federation bulletin / Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States. 0014-9306 (P) Continues: Monthly bulletin. Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States. Continued by: Journal of medical licensure and discipline. 1921-2000 0375044 Fed Oper Dent Federation of operative dentistry. 1990- 9885646 Fed Proc Federation proceedings. 0014-9446 (P) Continues: Federation yearbook. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Continued by: FASEB journal. 1942-1987 0372771 Fed Proc Transl Suppl Federation proceedings. Translation supplement; selected translations from medical-related science. 0430-2494 (P) 1963-1966 16920890R Fed Regist s) Federal register. 0097-6326 (P) 1936- 7808722 Fegato Il Fegato. 0014-9659 (P) Continued by: Fegato (San Donato Milanese, Italy: 1994). 1955-1990 2984756R Feldsher Akush Feldsher i akusherka. 0014-9772 (P) Continues: Feldsher. Continues Fel’dsher. Merged with: Medit s inskai a sestra, to form: Medit s inskai a pomoshch. 1940-1992 16930040R FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol FEMS immunology and medical microbiology. 0928-8244 (P) Continues: FEMS microbiology immunology. 1993- Acid-free 9315554 FEMS Microbiol Ecol FEMS microbiology ecology. 0168-6496 (P) 1985- 8901229 FEMS Microbiol Immunol FEMS microbiology immunology. 0920-8534 (P) Continued by: FEMS immunology and medical microbiology. 1988-1992 Acid-free 8901230 FEMS Microbiol Lett FEMS microbiology letters. 0378-1097 (P) 1977- Acid-free 7705721 FEMS Microbiol Rev FEMS microbiology reviews. 0168-6445 (P) 1985- Acid-free 8902526 FEMS Yeast Res FEMS yeast research. 1567-1356 (P) 2001- Acid-free 101085384 98 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED Fertil Steril Fertility and sterility. 0015-0282 (P) 1556-5653 (E) 1950- Acid-free 0372772 Fetal Diagn Ther Fetal diagnosis and therapy. 1015-3837 (P) 1421-9964 (E) Continues: Fetal therapy. 1990- Acid-free 9107463 Fetal Pediatr Pathol Fetal and pediatric pathology. 1551-3815 (P) 1551-3823 (E) Continues: Pediatric pathology & molecular medicine. 2004- 101230972 Fetal Ther Fetal therapy. 0257-2788 (P) Continued by: Fetal diagnosis and therapy. 1986-1989 8700083 Fin Lakaresallsk Handl Finska lakaresallskapets handlingar. 0015-2501 (P) 1841- 0371572 Find Brief Findings brief [electronic resource]: health care financing & organization. 1553-0302 (E) 1996- 101149237 Fire J s) Fire journal (Boston, Mass. ) 0015-2617 (P) Continues: Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association. Merged with: Fire command (Quincy, Mass. ), to form: NFPA journal. 1965-1990 9877774 Fire Technol s) Fire technology. 0015-2684 (P) 1965- 9877775 First Things s) First things (New York, N. Y.) 1047-5141 (P) 1990- 100971765 Fish Shellfish Immunol Fish & shellfish immunology. 1050-4648 (P) 1991- 9505220 Fission Prod Inhal Proj Fission product inhalation project [technical progress report]. Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research. 1962-1969 21830910R Fitoterapia Fitoterapia. 0367-326X (P) Continues: Estratti fluidi titolati. 1947- Acid-free 16930290R Fiziol Cheloveka Fiziologiia cheloveka. 0131-1646 (P) 1975- 7603567 Fiziol Norm Patol Fiziologia normala si patologica. 0015-3281 (P) Continues Revista de fiziologie normala si patologica. 1960-1973 7612005 2006 Fiziol Zh Fiziologicheskii zhurnal. 0201-8489 (P) Continues Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal published 1955-77. Continued by: Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine: 1994). 1978-1993 7806822 Fiziol Zh Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal. 0015-3311 (P) Formed by the union of Medychnyi zhurnal and Voprosy fiziologii. Continued by Fiziologicheskii zhurnal. 1955-1977 7806823 Fiziol Zh Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine: 1994) Continues: Fiziologicheskii zhurnal. 1994- 9601541 Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova Fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I. M. Sechenova / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk. 1027-3646 (P) Continues: Fiziologicheskii zhurnal SSSR im. I. M. Sechenova. Continued by: Rossiiskiia fiziologicheskii zhurnal. 1992-1996 9308360 Fiziol Zh SSSR Im I M Sechenova Fiziologicheskii zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova. 0015-329X (P) Continues: Russkii fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I. M. Sechenova. Continued by: Fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I. M. Sechenova. 1932-1991 0427673 Fla Dent J Florida dental journal. 0015-3990 (P) Continues The Journal of the Florida State Dental Society. Merged with: Dental times dispatch, to form: Today’s FDA. 1968-1989 7512730 Fla Nurse The Florida nurse. 0015-4199 (P) Continues the Bulletin of the Florida State Nurse’s Association. 1955- 16930510R Flash Inf Flash-Informations. 0771-8187 (P) Continues: Fnib; Organe De La Federation Nationale Des Infirmier(e)s Belges. Continued by: Fnib Info. 1982-1988 9880024 FNIB F. N.I.B.; organe de la Federation nationale des infirmier(e)s belges. 0301-0813 (P) Continues L’Infirmiere. Continued by: Flash- informations (Brussels, Belgium). 1972-1981 0366610 FNIB Info FNIB info. 0774-935X (P) Continues: Flash-informations (Brussels, Belgium). 1987- 9002951 FO Fo. Facultad De Odontologia. Continues: Eno Fo. 1976-1980 9878156 Focus Focus (San Francisco, Calif. ) 1047-0719 (P) 1985- 8911231

FEBS Lett<br />

FEBS letters.<br />

0014-5793 (P)<br />

1968- Acid-free 0155157<br />

Fed Bull<br />

s) Federation bulletin / Federation of State<br />

Medical Boards of the United States.<br />

0014-9306 (P)<br />

Continues: Monthly bulletin. Federation of<br />

State Medical Boards of the United States.<br />

Continued by: Journal of medical licensure<br />

and discipline.<br />

1921-2000 0375044<br />

Fed Oper Dent<br />

Federation of operative dentistry.<br />

1990- 9885646<br />

Fed Proc<br />

Federation proceedings.<br />

0014-9446 (P)<br />

Continues: Federation yearbook. Federation<br />

of American Societies for Experimental<br />

Biology. Continued by: FASEB journal.<br />

1942-1987 0372771<br />

Fed Proc Transl Suppl<br />

Federation proceedings. Translation<br />

supplement; selected translations from<br />

medical-related science.<br />

0430-2494 (P)<br />

1963-1966 16920890R<br />

Fed Regist<br />

s) Federal register.<br />

0097-6326 (P)<br />

1936- 7808722<br />

Fegato<br />

Il Fegato.<br />

0014-9659 (P)<br />

Continued by: Fegato (San Donato Milanese,<br />

Italy: 1994).<br />

1955-1990 2984756R<br />

Feldsher Akush<br />

Feldsher i akusherka.<br />

0014-9772 (P)<br />

Continues: Feldsher. Continues Fel’dsher.<br />

Merged with: Medit s inskai a sestra, to<br />

form: Medit s inskai a pomoshch.<br />

1940-1992 16930040R<br />

FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol<br />

FEMS immunology and medical microbiology.<br />

0928-8244 (P)<br />

Continues: FEMS microbiology immunology.<br />

1993- Acid-free 9315554<br />

FEMS Microbiol Ecol<br />

FEMS microbiology ecology.<br />

0168-6496 (P)<br />

1985- 8901229<br />

FEMS Microbiol Immunol<br />

FEMS microbiology immunology.<br />

0920-8534 (P)<br />

Continued by: FEMS immunology and medical<br />

microbiology.<br />

1988-1992 Acid-free 8901230<br />

FEMS Microbiol Lett<br />

FEMS microbiology letters.<br />

0378-1097 (P)<br />

1977- Acid-free 7705721<br />

FEMS Microbiol Rev<br />

FEMS microbiology reviews.<br />

0168-6445 (P)<br />

1985- Acid-free 8902526<br />

FEMS Yeast Res<br />

FEMS yeast research.<br />

1567-1356 (P)<br />

2001- Acid-free 101085384<br />

98<br />

<strong>LIST</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>SERIALS</strong> <strong>INDEXED</strong><br />

Fertil Steril<br />

Fertility and sterility.<br />

0015-0282 (P) 1556-5653 (E)<br />

1950- Acid-free 0372772<br />

Fetal Diagn Ther<br />

Fetal diagnosis and therapy.<br />

1015-3837 (P) 1421-9964 (E)<br />

Continues: Fetal therapy.<br />

1990- Acid-free 9107463<br />

Fetal Pediatr Pathol<br />

Fetal and pediatric pathology.<br />

1551-3815 (P) 1551-3823 (E)<br />

Continues: Pediatric pathology & molecular<br />

medicine.<br />

2004- 101230972<br />

Fetal Ther<br />

Fetal therapy.<br />

0257-2788 (P)<br />

Continued by: Fetal diagnosis and therapy.<br />

1986-1989 8700083<br />

Fin Lakaresallsk Handl<br />

Finska lakaresallskapets handlingar.<br />

0015-2501 (P)<br />

1841- 0371572<br />

Find Brief<br />

Findings brief [electronic resource]:<br />

health care financing & organization.<br />

1553-0302 (E)<br />

1996- 101149237<br />

Fire J<br />

s) Fire journal (Boston, Mass. )<br />

0015-2617 (P)<br />

Continues: Quarterly of the National Fire<br />

Protection Association. Merged with: Fire<br />

command (Quincy, Mass. ), to form: NFPA<br />

journal.<br />

1965-1990 9877774<br />

Fire Technol<br />

s) Fire technology.<br />

0015-2684 (P)<br />

1965- 9877775<br />

First Things<br />

s) First things (New York, N. Y.)<br />

1047-5141 (P)<br />

1990- 100971765<br />

Fish Shellfish Immunol<br />

Fish & shellfish immunology.<br />

1050-4648 (P)<br />

1991- 9505220<br />

Fission Prod Inhal Proj<br />

Fission product inhalation project<br />

[technical progress report]. Lovelace<br />

Foundation for Medical Education and<br />

Research.<br />

1962-1969 21830910R<br />

Fitoterapia<br />

Fitoterapia.<br />

0367-326X (P)<br />

Continues: Estratti fluidi titolati.<br />

1947- Acid-free 16930290R<br />

Fiziol Cheloveka<br />

Fiziologiia cheloveka.<br />

0131-1646 (P)<br />

1975- 7603567<br />

Fiziol Norm Patol<br />

Fiziologia normala si patologica.<br />

0015-3281 (P)<br />

Continues Revista de fiziologie normala si<br />

patologica.<br />

1960-1973 7612005<br />

2006<br />

Fiziol Zh<br />

Fiziologicheskii zhurnal.<br />

0201-8489 (P)<br />

Continues Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal published<br />

1955-77. Continued by: Fiziolohichnyi<br />

zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine: 1994).<br />

1978-1993 7806822<br />

Fiziol Zh<br />

Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal.<br />

0015-3311 (P)<br />

Formed by the union of Medychnyi zhurnal and<br />

Voprosy fiziologii. Continued by<br />

Fiziologicheskii zhurnal.<br />

1955-1977 7806823<br />

Fiziol Zh<br />

Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine: 1994)<br />

Continues: Fiziologicheskii zhurnal.<br />

1994- 9601541<br />

Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova<br />

Fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I. M.<br />

Sechenova / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk.<br />

1027-3646 (P)<br />

Continues: Fiziologicheskii zhurnal SSSR im.<br />

I. M. Sechenova. Continued by: Rossiiskiia<br />

fiziologicheskii zhurnal.<br />

1992-1996 9308360<br />

Fiziol Zh SSSR Im I M Sechenova<br />

Fiziologicheskii zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M.<br />

Sechenova.<br />

0015-329X (P)<br />

Continues: Russkii fiziologicheskii zhurnal<br />

imeni I. M. Sechenova. Continued by:<br />

Fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I. M.<br />

Sechenova.<br />

1932-1991 0427673<br />

Fla Dent J<br />

Florida dental journal.<br />

0015-3990 (P)<br />

Continues The Journal of the Florida State<br />

Dental Society. Merged with: Dental times<br />

dispatch, to form: Today’s FDA.<br />

1968-1989 7512730<br />

Fla Nurse<br />

The Florida nurse.<br />

0015-4199 (P)<br />

Continues the Bulletin of the Florida State<br />

Nurse’s Association.<br />

1955- 16930510R<br />

Flash Inf<br />

Flash-Informations.<br />

0771-8187 (P)<br />

Continues: Fnib; Organe De La Federation<br />

Nationale Des Infirmier(e)s Belges.<br />

Continued by: Fnib Info.<br />

1982-1988 9880024<br />

FNIB F. N.I.B.; organe de la Federation nationale<br />

des infirmier(e)s belges.<br />

0301-0813 (P)<br />

Continues L’Infirmiere. Continued by: Flash-<br />

informations (Brussels, Belgium).<br />

1972-1981 0366610<br />

FNIB Info<br />

FNIB info.<br />

0774-935X (P)<br />

Continues: Flash-informations (Brussels,<br />

Belgium).<br />

1987- 9002951<br />

FO Fo. Facultad De Odontologia.<br />

Continues: Eno Fo.<br />

1976-1980 9878156<br />

Focus Focus (San Francisco, Calif. )<br />

1047-0719 (P)<br />

1985- 8911231

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