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<strong>VITA</strong><br />

<strong>KAROL</strong> M. <strong>LUCKEN</strong><br />

<strong>CURRENT</strong> <strong>POSITION</strong><br />

<strong>Associate</strong> Professor<br />

Department of Criminal Justice and Legal Studies<br />

University of Central Florida<br />

Orlando, Florida<br />


Doctorate of Philosophy in Criminology<br />

School of Criminology Florida State University<br />

Tallahassee, Florida<br />

1994<br />

Master of Science in Criminology<br />

School of Criminology<br />

Florida State University<br />

Tallahassee, Florida<br />

1988<br />

Bachelor of Science in Criminology<br />

School of Criminology<br />

Florida State University<br />

Tallahassee, Florida<br />

1986<br />


Instructor, School of Criminology, Florida State University. (1993 - 1994)<br />

Legislative Intern, Florida House of Representatives. Corrections Committee. Tallahassee,<br />

Florida. (1992 - 1993)<br />

Probation Officer, Orange County Corrections Division, Orlando, Florida. (1988 - 1990)<br />




Lucken, K. (2011) “Leaving Mass Incarceration: The Ways and Means of Penal<br />

Change.” Criminology and Public Policy 10 (3):707-714.<br />

Lucken, K. and L.Ponte. (2008) “A Just Measure of Forgiveness: Reforming Occupational<br />

Barriers for Ex-Offenders Using BFOQ Analysis.” Law and Policy 30 (1):46-72.<br />

Lucken, K. and W. Bales (2008) “Florida’s Sexually Violent Predator Program: Assessing<br />

Risk and Civil Commitment Eligibility” Crime and Delinquency 54 (1):95-127<br />

Lucken, K. and J. Latina (2002) "Sex Offender Civil Commitment: Medicalizing Sexual Deviant<br />

Behavior." Barry Law Review, 3, pp.15-37.<br />

Clear, T.R., Hardyman, P., Stout, B., and K. Lucken (2000) “The Value of Religion in Prison:<br />

An Inmate Perspective.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 16 (1).<br />

Lucken, K. (1999) “Victims and the Criminal Justice System: The Vagaries of Integration.”<br />

International Review of Victimology 6 (2):137-157.<br />

Lucken, K. (1998) "Contemporary Penal Trends: Modern or Postmodern? The British Journal of<br />

Criminology 38 (1):106-123.<br />

Blomberg, T.G., Yeisley, M. and K. Lucken (1998). "American Penology: Words, Deeds, and<br />

Consequences." Crime, Law, and Social Change 27(1):269-286<br />

Lucken, K. (1997). "Privatizing Discretion: 'Rehabilitating' Treatment in Community<br />

Corrections" Crime and Delinquency 43 (3):243-259.<br />

Reprinted in Kratcoski, P.C. (2000). Correctional Counseling and Treatment. Prospect<br />

Heights, IL: Waveland Press, Inc. 4 th Edition<br />

Lucken, K. (1997) "Dynamics of Penal Reform" Crime, Law, and Social Change 26 (4): 367-384.<br />

Blomberg, T.G. and K. Lucken (1994) "Stacking the Deck by Piling Up Sanctions: Is<br />

Intermediate Punishment Destined to Fail?" The Howard Journal 33:62-80.<br />


BOOKS<br />

Blomberg, T.G. and K. Lucken (2010). American Penology: A History of Control- An Enlarged 2 nd<br />

Edition. New Brunswick: NJ. Transaction Publishers<br />

Blomberg, T.G. and K. Lucken. (2000) American Penology: A History of Control. Hawthorne, NY:<br />

Aldine de Gruyter.<br />

Cited by U.S. Supreme Court; Smith et al. v Doe et al. 2002<br />


Lucken, K. and T.G. Blomberg (2012) “American Corrections: Reform Without Change.”<br />

In Oxford Handbook on Sentencing and Corrections, edited by Joan Petersilia and Kevin Reitz.<br />

Oxford University Press.<br />

Lanier, M.M., Lucken, K. and T.A. Akers (2008) “Correctional Opportunities: Epidemiological<br />

Criminology” in Key Correctional Issues (ed. Rosalyn Muraskin). 2 nd Edition. Prentice Hall.<br />

Lucken, K. (1998) "Has Community Corrections Become Community Control?" in J.Fuller and<br />

E.Hickey (Eds.) Controversial Perspectives in Criminology. Allyn & Bacon Publishing.<br />

Lucken, K. (1998) "Can Penal Reform Theory, Evaluation, and Policy Ever Meet?" in Sociology of<br />

Crime, Law, and Deviance Volume I, (series editor, Jeffrey T. Ulmer) pp. 85-103. Greenwich, CT:<br />

JAI Press<br />

Blomberg, T.G. and K. Lucken (1993). "Intermediate Punishment and the Piling Up of<br />

Sanctions," in George F. Cole (Ed) Criminal Justice: Law and Politics, 6th Edition, p.470-481.<br />

Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.<br />


Lucken, K. (2010). Do Prisons Make Us Safer? The Benefits and Costs of the Prison Boom by Steven<br />

Raphael and Michael A.Stoll (eds). New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2009. Punishment and<br />

Society 12 (2): 231-232.<br />

Lucken, K. (2008). Managing Correctional Crises by John M. McCullough. Jones and Bartlett<br />

Publishers. International Criminal Justice Review, 18:3.<br />

Lucken, K. (2005) Thinking About Crime: Sense and Sensibility in American Penal Culture by Michael<br />

Tonry. Oxford University Press. Punishment and Society, 7 (3):331-334.<br />

Lucken, K. (2001). Undoing Time (Edited by Jeff Evans). Northeastern University Press. Criminal<br />

Justice Review 26 (2): 293/294.<br />



Lucken, K. (1995) Orange County Corrections Program Evaluation Project--Phase I. Final Report.<br />

Orlando, Florida: Orange County Corrections Division.<br />

Lucken, K. (1994). Corrections at the Crossroads. Published Proceedings of the 1993 Southern<br />

Conference on Corrections. Florida Department of Corrections: Tallahassee, Florida 1994.<br />

Lucken, K. (1988). The Youthful Offender Program. Final Report. Tallahassee, Florida: Department<br />

of Corrections.<br />

Lucken, K. (1988). An Examination of the Precedents for the Development of Regional Jails. Final Report.<br />

Tallahassee, Florida: State of Florida . Executive Office of the Governor.<br />


(2003) “Sex Offender Civil Commitment: Evaluating Risk Assessment and Treatment.” The<br />

National Institute of Justice. Principal. Amount $226,327.<br />

(2003) “Actuarial Justice: Predicting Risk in Sex Offender Civil Commitment”. (2003) Society<br />

of Actuaries. Co-Principal. Amount $10,000 (Principal-Lorrie Hoffman, Dept. of Statistics)<br />

(2001) Religion, Crime, & Punishment. John Templeton Foundation. Amount $52,546.<br />

(1998) Assessment of Police/Child Advocacy Center. National Institute of Justice. Co-Principal<br />

Investigator with Police Executive Research Forum (PERF). Amount $343,966<br />

(1997) Evaluation of Teen Courts. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and<br />

Delinquency Prevention. Co-principal with PERF Amount $796,686.<br />


Periodic Reviewer for Following Journals:<br />

Criminology and Public Policy<br />

Crime & Delinquency<br />

Punishment & Society<br />

Justice Quarterly<br />

Critical Journal of Crime, Law & Society<br />

Criminal Justice Review<br />

Criminology<br />

American Journal of Criminal Justice<br />

Journal of Drug Issues<br />

Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice<br />

Violence Against Women: An International & Interdisciplinary Journal<br />



Speaker/Training Workshop. “The Meaning of Evidence-Based Practice.” Florida Association<br />

of Community Corrections. Orlando, FL. (April, 2010).<br />

Speaker. “Adolescent Correctional Education and Crime Desistance: A Response.”<br />

International Community Corrections Association. Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. (October,<br />

2009)<br />

Participant. Restoration of Rights Summit: Offender Re-Entry. Florida Department of<br />

Corrections and Governor’s Office. Tallahassee, FL (June 2008).<br />

Invited Speaker on Florida’s Sex Offender Civil Commitment Program. National Association<br />

of Sentencing Commissions Annual Conference. Philadelphia. (August 2006).<br />

Scientific Review Committee. 12 th Annual World Society of Victimology Conference. (August<br />

2006).<br />

Interviewed by Neil Munro of the National Journal on the use of inmates in investigational drug<br />

studies. (October, 2005).<br />

Interviewed by Pierre Duchesne of Radio Canada/Canadian Public Television on Faith-Based<br />

Prison Programs (2004).<br />

Task Force Member. Targeted Community Action Plan/Comprehensive Juvenile Strategic Plan.<br />

9 th Judicial Circuit, State of Florida. (2003).<br />

Guest Editor (2000). Spirituality and Forgiveness Considerations in Criminology and Criminal<br />

Justice. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 16 (1).<br />

Mentor. American Society of Criminology Mentoring Program (2000-present)<br />

Committee Member. American Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Outstanding Book of the<br />

Year Award (2001).<br />

Reviewer. American Society of Criminology Student Paper Awards. (2001)<br />

Editor of Corrections Newsletter. Corrections Division of the Academy of Criminal Justice<br />

Sciences. (2000)<br />

Editorial Board. The Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. Sage Periodicals Press. (1995-2002)<br />

Member of Student Affairs Committee. Division on Corrections and Sentencing for the<br />

American Society of Criminology (present)<br />

Program Planning Committee. 44th Annual Southern Conference on Corrections. Palm Beach,<br />

Florida. (September, 1998).<br />



Invited Discussant. Theological Symposium on Justice, Center for Justice Initiatives,<br />

Washington D.C. (April, 1999)<br />

Invited Speaker. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Southern Conference on Corrections. Orlando,<br />

Florida (October, 1997).<br />

Invited Speaker. 25th Annual National Association of Pre-Trial Services Conference. Miami, FL<br />

(September 1997).<br />

Invited Speaker. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Florida Association of Community Corrections.<br />

Sarasota, Florida. (June 1996)<br />

Program Committee. Division Chair on Teaching, Education, and Academic Issues- 46th<br />

Annual American Society of Criminology Meetings. Miami, Florida (November 1994)<br />

Advisory Committee, Victim Offender Meeting Program, Orange County Victim Service Center<br />

& Orange County Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Services (2000)<br />

Chair of Human Subject Review Board. Central Florida Reception Center Florida Department<br />

of Corrections. Orlando, Florida. (1997-1999)<br />

Member of Florida Department of Corrections Bioethics Committee. Tallahassee, FL.<br />

(1997-2000)<br />

Member of Commissioner Mary I. Johnson’s Victim Center Task Force (1997-1998) Member<br />

of the Arnold Palmer Hospital Child Advocacy Center Task Force (1998) Correctional Staff<br />

Training Workshop. Florida Department of Corrections. (February, 1998).<br />


American Society of Criminology<br />


“Making Reentry ‘Work’: A Loss Prevention Versus a Crime Prevention Narrative. Paper<br />

presented at the American Society of Criminology. Philadelphia (November, 2009)<br />

“A Just Measure of Forgiveness: Reforming Occupational Barriers for Ex-Felons.” Paper<br />

presented at the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta. (November 2007)<br />


“A Just Measure of Forgiveness: Reforming Occupational Barriers for Ex-Felons.” Paper<br />

presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Seattle, Washington (March 2007)<br />

“Florida’s Sexually Violent Predator Program: A Multivariate Analysis of Risk Factors<br />

Determining Civil Commitment Eligibility.” Paper presented at the 57 th Annual Meeting of the<br />

American Society of Criminology. Toronto, Canada (November 2005).<br />

“Curious Rehabilitation: Assessing Risk and Treatment in Sex Offender Civil<br />

Commitment.” Paper presented at the 55 th Annual Meeting of the American Society of<br />

Criminology. Denver, CO (November 2003)<br />

Rountable Discussant. “Religion in Corrections. What Do We Know?” 53 rd Annual Meeting of<br />

the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta, GA. (November, 2001)<br />

“Whither Punitive Attitudes: The Impact of Punishment on Society.” Paper presented at the<br />

52 nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA. (November<br />

2000).<br />

“Defining Punishment and Measuring Its Prevalence: A Case Study of the ‘Punitive City.’ ”<br />

paper presented at the 51 st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto,<br />

Canada (November, 1999).<br />

Presenter. Panel- Criminal Justice System Evaluation Issues. 44 th Annual Meeting of the<br />

Southern Conference on Corrections. Palm Beach, Florida (September, 1998)<br />

Chair of Panel Bioethics Behind Bars: Issues in Biotechnology in Corrections 44 th Annual<br />

Meeting of the Southern Conference on Corrections Palm Beach, Florida (September, 1998).<br />

"Criminal Justice Perspectives on Crime Victims and Victim Services" paper presented at 50 th<br />

Annual Meeting of American Society of Criminology, Washington, D.C. (November, 1998)<br />

"Diversion in the Nineties: 'Deep-Enders' and Weaker Nets?" paper presented at 49 th<br />

Annual Meeting of American Society of Criminology, San Diego (November 1997)<br />

"Privatized Treatment in Community Corrections," paper presented at the 48 th Annual<br />

Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, Illinois. (November 1996)<br />

Chair of "Punishment and Deterrence," panel. 47 th Annual Meeting the American Society of<br />

Criminology, Boston, Massachusetts. (November 1995)<br />

"Penal Reform: New Directions in Theory and Research," paper presented at the 47 th Annual<br />

Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Boston, Massachusetts. (November 1995)<br />

"Toward an Integrative Approach in the Study of Correctional Reform," paper presented at the<br />

46 th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Miami, Florida. (November 1994)<br />


Overview and Critique of Intermediate Punishment," paper presented at 38 th Southern<br />

Conference on Corrections, Tallahassee, FL (Fall, 1991).<br />

"Stacking the Deck by Piling Up Sanctions," paper presented at 43 rd Annual Meeting of the<br />

American Society of Criminology, San Francisco. (Nov, 1991)<br />

Intermediate Punishment and the Piling Up of Sanctions," paper presented at the 42 nd Annual<br />

Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Baltimore, Maryland. (November 1990)<br />


Corrections/Punishment/Social Control<br />

-Theory, History, Philosophy, Practice<br />

-Offender Reentry<br />

- -Intermediate Punishment<br />

-Sex Offender Civil Commitment<br />

Victims<br />

-Victim Services<br />

-Domestic Violence Civil Injunctions<br />


Caliber Research <strong>Associate</strong>s/Kairos Horizon Prison Ministry Evaluation (2003-2004)<br />

Orange County Victim Service Center (2002)<br />

Louisiana Department of Corrections (1991)<br />


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