Kline, T. C., C. A. Woody, M. A. Bishop, S. P. Powers, and E. E. ...

Kline, T. C., C. A. Woody, M. A. Bishop, S. P. Powers, and E. E. ...

Kline, T. C., C. A. Woody, M. A. Bishop, S. P. Powers, and E. E. ...


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KLINE ET AL.<br />

Plateau Stable Isotope Laboratory, Northern<br />

Arizona University performed the SIA. Signe<br />

Fritsch <strong>and</strong> Bess Ranger assisted in field sampling<br />

<strong>and</strong> led laboratory preparation of samples<br />

for SIA. Brad Reynolds <strong>and</strong> Ben Heermans led<br />

fish sampling. Additional help in the hook <strong>and</strong><br />

line sampling of adult salmon was provided by<br />

G. Reeves, M. <strong>Powers</strong>, W. Cox, J. Grabowski,<br />

D. Lang, L. Senear, N. Geraldi, K. Gregalis, <strong>and</strong><br />

K. Hodges. Captain Dan Bilderback of the F/V<br />

Summertime Sage provided vessel support.<br />

John Tucker provided helicopter support.<br />

References<br />

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