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Wherefore I perceive that there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoice in<br />

his own works; for that is his portion: for who shall bring him to see what shall be after<br />

him'! (Ecclesiastes 3:22 KJV)<br />

Retirement. What does it mean? How is it done? Our estecmcd colleague, Dr. E.<br />

Edward Hackmann, has embarked on that portion of his pilgrimage, along with his<br />

life's companion, Pa~rline. This has meant leaving St. Catharines, where Ed served<br />

Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary as Professor of Systematic Thcology for<br />

about a decade. It has meant moving into a new house in Albuquer-que, New Mexico,<br />

Ed's boyhood home, "where the sun shines 360 days a year." It has meant caravanning<br />

(in an Air Stream trailer) under that sun, and having time for reflection on the beauty<br />

oS everything which God has madc and continues to make "in its season."<br />

It is good, sail11 Koheleth, indeed: nothing is better than to rcjoice in onc's works<br />

which have been his portion. Ed Hackmann's "portion" has been the noble calling, a<br />

vocation to sellre the Lord in His Ministry. This he did, with faithfulness and integrity,<br />

for nigh unto fifty years, as a parish pastor in Iowa and Nebraska and as a professor at<br />

Concordia Theological Seminary, Springfield, Illinois; Concordia Teachers' College,<br />

Sewwd, Nebraska; Capital <strong>University</strong>, Columbus, Ohio; Concordia College, Ann<br />

Arbor, Michigan; and Concordia Lulheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines.<br />

The fruits of his labours in his vocation arc many. Scores of colleagues remember<br />

him with respecl and affection; his st~tdents, trained to think clearly and to take every<br />

thought captivc to Christ, are legion. The crisp reasoning of his clear mind lives on in<br />

things he has written, including a number of contributions to this journal.<br />

This is how retirement is done: to rejoice in those labours, not with a wrongf~d<br />

pride, but not with a falsc humility, either. There is a genuine and appropriate joy in<br />

recalling the encouragement given, the love shared, and yes: the doctrines taught. To<br />

attain to that joy is a gift from God, amongsl the best of the gifts He gives "under the<br />

SUII."<br />

"Who shall bring him to see what shall be after him?" No one can tcll what lics<br />

ahead for Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, SOS Lutheran Church-Canada or<br />

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. These instit~ltions, for whose weal Ed laboured<br />

and in whose fellowship Ecl and Pauline served and still are serving, are entities of this<br />

age. But all of his preaching and teaching, all of their counseling and encouraging, yes:<br />

even all of those meetings attended contributed to thc building up of the Church, the<br />

Body of Christ. Concerning the Ch~~rch, there is One who has caused us to see what<br />

shall be after all of this: the Lord Jesus Himself brings revelation hom beyond the sun<br />

and shows to us all our glorious future in Him.<br />

There is joj7 in retirement under the wn ... and joy beyond that in the life of the world<br />

beyond the sun.<br />

Wilh this issue OS Lutherzlri Theological Review the faculties of Concordia Lu-

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