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live by the Word that proceeds from the mouth of thc Lord, that is, wc live by the<br />

gracious will of our God, who leads us, even when we do not see Him. Jesus is not so<br />

much pointing to Script~lre in these verses as rather showing Himself ay the One who<br />

will trust in God and do the will of the Father in all circumstances. Even when that<br />

will seems to be hunger, seems to be abandonnienl. . . In this confsontatiorl betweer1<br />

Christ and Satan, we see a foretaste of that final abandonment by thc Fathcr of the Son<br />

that would take place upon the cross. And as our Lord Jesus holds in faith to the will<br />

of the Father in spite ol'all the evidence of His hurnan senses, He wins approval from<br />

God for all humankind. For it is for us that Hc suffers, and it is for us that IIe submits<br />

Himself to the will of God in every deep and dark circumstance. Jesus meets the<br />

attempt of Satan to launch Him into despair by clinging to the will of the Fathcr. Wc<br />

begin to see and understand the action of Cod in the world, or the seeming nonaction<br />

of God in the world, only by looking to our Lord Christ and how lie acts here in our<br />

tcxt with Satan, how Hc acts at thc inomcnt that He offers Himself upon the trcc of<br />

the cross.<br />

Asaph, the psalmist, a man not too different from ourselves, says in Psalm 73 that<br />

he became full of despair and doubt as he saw the evil and violence in the world. When<br />

he looked and saw [.he ease and the good I'urlune OS the wicked in the world, he began<br />

to doubt and hc could not understand it, it made no scnsc to him, until hc wcnt into<br />

the House of the Lord. Then he undesstood, and thenhe saw the doomed slippery paths<br />

of the wicked, how (heir lime in this world passes like a dream, and eternal destruction<br />

is their fate. Are wc not liltcwisc to scc and understand? Only as we stand inside this<br />

House of God looking out can we begin to understand anything at all of what happened<br />

to Kristen French. Only from inside the House of God can we understand anything at<br />

all of what is happening in our world. For as we stand at the altar of God and look out<br />

upon the world we begin 10 see Irom God's perspective. As we stand before Lhe altar<br />

of God at the moment when He givcs His Body brokcn for thc world, as we stand<br />

before the altar at the moment when He gives His Blood shed for the world, then do<br />

we begin 10 understand things from God's pelxpeclive. This Jesus whom we adore:<br />

this Jesus whom we worship, this Jesus whom we receive with our lips and hearts is<br />

the One who gave Himself into death so that the evil one might be clelealecl, su that<br />

Satan and all his seeming power would come to naught.<br />

This Jesus is well familiar with Satan. He has heard the same voice speaking to<br />

Him that comes arid speaks to us in the night, and that comes and speaks to us in our<br />

day to day living. This Jcsus who hung upon thc cross heard Satan's voice behind the<br />

curses and oaths of the soldiers who gambled for His gasments. He heard Satan's voice<br />

and saw Satan's I'ace staring al Him horn the crowd that gathered beneath His cross<br />

and jeered at Him with blasphemy and rage, "If You are the Son of God, why do You<br />

not save yourself'? You saved others, You camlot save Yoursell'."<br />

But Satnn twists it all around. God is not helpless, nor is Hc indiffcrcnt. Jesus<br />

could have saved Himself, but He does not; so that we might we saved. He does not<br />

save Himsell'; so that we might be rescued. He allows Himself to be taken, to be beaten,

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