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Roger J. Humann: SCKIP'I'URE WITHIN SCRIPTURE 49 of this interpsetation, but it is a new idea which is worth a little critical thought. The Holy Gospels (series B) for Pentecost 11, 12, and 13 are all from John 6, thc location of two old Testament citations. Schuchard does a fine job of taking one through the content of Jesus' discourse in that chapter. There we germinal ideas here for at least three good scrmons. Indccd, since the Old Tcstamcnt citations are scattered at a number of key locations in John's Gospel, this study throws considerable light on the Gospel as a whole. There are more exegetical resources than Lenski! For some ncw idcas try Schuchard. POSTSCRIPT This is not a criticism of Schuchard's exemplary study, and it may be scholarly heresy to say so, but theie is the risk for all of ua, who from the distance ot two millenia attempt to interpret the motives and methods of ancient writcrs, on occasion to be too clever by half. The data can usually be identified but the interpretation 1s somewhat less than an exact science. A Pcan~~ts cartoon from over twenty years ago may help instill a healthy dose of that scholarly agnosticism which on occasion can serve us well. Charlie Brown is qtanding with Linus and looking at a drawing Linus has done. FIRST PANEL. Charlie Brown: "This is a very nice drawing of a man, Linus." SECOND PANEL. Charlie continues: "I notice, howcvcr, that you've drawn him with his hands behind his back." THIRD PANEL. Charlie concludes: "You did that because you yourself have feelings of insccurity." FOURTH PANEL. Linus responds: "I did that because I myself can't draw hands! " Koger H. Humuntz is u~soriatr profisror of Exegetical Theology at Concordin Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, Ontano.

THE KINGDOM OURS REMAINETH St. Matthew 4:l-11 Mawin M. Meitz 0 Holy Spint, enlcr in, ~lnd in our henrts Your work hegin and make our hem-ts Your dwelling. Amen. In the name of our victorious Saviour, Jesus Christ, dear fellow redeemed: It was not too long ago, although I am not sure of the cxact Sunday, but it was during a Communion Service, while standing at the altar, that I was suddenly very moved at the whole wonder that was happening in our midst. Our Lord and Saviour, who had so freely and willingly given Himsclf into death for our sins, was here offering to us the fruits of His death in this Blessed Sacrament. How to understand and grasp it'? Here He stood before us according to His Word and Promise giving us His very Body and Blood brokcn and shed for us. What grace is this! As the hymnwriter said, concesning the Sacrament: In my heart I fitld ascending, Holy Awe with rapture blending. . .And while such thoughts were filling my mind and heart, I happened to turn and glance to my right out of the window here at the altar, and then it struck me: Kristen French was not only abducted within the shadow of our church walls, but she was takcn and abducted just within fcct of our altar. This thought has not left me. What a fearfully Satanic thing this was that happened. How it seems as if the evil one himself is leering and laughing at our God who seems so powerless and hclpless that even within fcct of His holy altar such a thing could and did happen. How real this stiuggle between Lhe Corces of the prince or this world and the hosts of God really is. How it is the ongoing battlc of our times and of our livcs, even though we so often overlook it. How Satan works in the world so that people might believe God is powerless, or that God isn't truthl'ul when He promises every care and protcction. How Satan uses cvcry insinuation and every bold maneuver to imprison people in their fears and sins. "There is no hope," he says. "Give yoursell' over Lo despair. The world is out of control. Your God can't hclp you. All is chance. Some crazy gcnc or some excess of hormones was the reason for all the horrible crimes one inan coinmitted." And the tactic is to deflect attention Irom the cosmic battle that rages behind thc sccncs. Is this not what Matthcw points out to us in his Gospel? Our Lord Himself is attacked by the Satanic suggestion, "Shouldn't Your God, Your loving Father, led You? You trust in Him, and He brought You here to this barrcn place. Command these stoncs to bccome bread. Feed Yourself, 0 Son of God, for Your Father is powerless. He cannot help You. Nor does He even care." What a temptation to despair Satan launches against Christ. What temptation to despair Satan launches against all believers, whenever we come to the end of our resomces, to the desest times in our life. How we need to bc bolstcred up and strengthcncd by the Lord's assertion that we

Roger J. Humann: SCKIP'I'URE WITHIN SCRIPTURE 49<br />

of this interpsetation, but it is a new idea which is worth a little critical thought.<br />

The Holy Gospels (series B) for Pentecost 11, 12, and 13 are all from John 6, thc<br />

location of two old Testament citations. Schuchard does a fine job of taking one<br />

through the content of Jesus' discourse in that chapter. There we germinal ideas here<br />

for at least three good scrmons. Indccd, since the Old Tcstamcnt citations are scattered<br />

at a number of key locations in John's Gospel, this study throws considerable light on<br />

the Gospel as a whole. There are more exegetical resources than Lenski! For some<br />

ncw idcas try Schuchard.<br />

PO<strong>ST</strong>SCRIPT<br />

This is not a criticism of Schuchard's exemplary study, and it may be scholarly<br />

heresy to say so, but theie is the risk for all of ua, who from the distance ot two millenia<br />

attempt to interpret the motives and methods of ancient writcrs, on occasion to be too<br />

clever by half. The data can usually be identified but the interpretation 1s somewhat<br />

less than an exact science. A Pcan~~ts cartoon from over twenty years ago may help<br />

instill a healthy dose of that scholarly agnosticism which on occasion can serve us<br />

well.<br />

Charlie Brown is qtanding with Linus and looking at a drawing Linus has done.<br />

FIR<strong>ST</strong> PANEL. Charlie Brown: "This is a very nice drawing of a<br />

man, Linus."<br />

SECOND PANEL. Charlie continues: "I notice, howcvcr, that<br />

you've drawn him with his hands behind his back."<br />

THIRD PANEL. Charlie concludes: "You did that because you<br />

yourself have feelings of insccurity."<br />

FOURTH PANEL. Linus responds: "I did that because I myself<br />

can't draw hands! "<br />

Koger H. Humuntz is u~soriatr profisror of Exegetical Theology at Concordin<br />

Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines, Ontano.

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