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reading of Holstcn Fagcrbcrg. Yet Fagerberg merely stresses that the Confessions<br />

view the Office according to its functions. Against Rome's view that ordination places<br />

the priest into a higher class, ignoring the Means of Grace, the Confessions emphasize<br />

that the Office has been instituted for the sake of thc Mcans of Grace. Therefore, for<br />

apologetic reasons, they never talk about the Office apart from its functions. 46<br />

Against this background we can now understand AC V. This<br />

article says more about the Word and sacraments than it docs about<br />

the office of the ministry, because the Holy Spisit comes to man<br />

though thcsc and not through the office. When Melwchthon<br />

formulated AC V, he did not exclude the special office of the<br />

ministry, but he was anxious to give expression to its new meaning<br />

as an instrument for thc Word and the sacraments. As a result, he<br />

shilled the emphasis from the ministry to the means of grace. 47<br />

The Office cannot be discussed apart from Lhe Means of Grace, nor can the Means<br />

be discussed apart from the Office, for "To be effective, the gospel must actually be<br />

preached and the sacraments ~nust be administered. But these are precisely the<br />

functions the symbolical books attribute to the incumbents OS the sacred<br />

Divorced from the Office of the Ministry, thc Mcans of Gracc arc just an<br />

ab~traction.~~ As we have noticed, the purpose of the sequence AC IV-V1 was to point<br />

man ootsidc of himself for his salvation. Just as Christ is the external object of' faith,<br />

and the Means of Grace are the external delivery points, so also thc Officc of the<br />

Ministry is the instrument for keeping the Means external. One cannot preach to<br />

oneself, baptize oncsclf, commune oncsclf (alone), or absolve oneself.<br />

Cannot one have those [objective, external] means of grace without<br />

ordained clergy'! The unexpressed premise, however, is that<br />

the ministerial office is necessary to prcaching and sacraments.<br />

The word of God communicated orally and sacramentally does<br />

not retain its true life-giving character a\ God's word, not ours,<br />

unless it is offered by ministcrs who stand over against the con-<br />

46 Holsten I'agcl.hct.g, A New Look at the Lutheran Corfcssions (1529-1537), trans. Gene Lund (St. Louis:<br />

Concordia, 1972) 226-50: especially 233.<br />

47 Faperbelg 246.<br />

48 Arlliu~ Car1 Piepkorn, "The Sacred Ministry and IIoly Ordination in the Symbolical Books ot thc 1,uthcran<br />

Church", in Lutherctn.~ und Cu/holic~ in Diulu~ue IV: E[lririi~-ist utld Mitristry (U5.4. National Committee of<br />

the Lutheran World Federation and the Bishop's Cornniilkz Ivr Ecurrienicdl and Inle~~eligious Arfairs, 1970)<br />

104.<br />

49 Cf. Dawd Trucmpcr, "Church and Ministly in the Lutheran Symbols: Serving the Gospel to the Priestly People",<br />

in Chiirri~ end A4uzistr.y: Chosoz Race, Royal Priesthood, Holy Nation, God's Own People, ed. Daniel C.<br />

Urockopp, Brim I.. f lelge, and Llavrd G. Tiucmper (Valparaiso, IN: Institute of Liturgical Studies, 1982) 67:<br />

"The Augsburg Confession know3 nothing ot an ahstract function of ministry apart from its concrete occurrence<br />

iri iricuniben~s of the office of the miu~stry. This parallels the notion that the gospel may not he ahstractcd from<br />

its concrete saying and doing in preaching and aacrauients."

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