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Thornas M. W~nge~. AUGSUUKC CONFESSION TV M V<br />

Christ for the benefit of our salvation. '<br />

Faith is inner, yet it comes orily from outside by the woi-k of the Holy Spirit through<br />

external means. This twofold discussion of the acquisilion of justification and its<br />

applicalion foreshadows the relationship of articlcs IV and V in the Augsburg<br />

Confcssion.<br />


Thc most direct precursor ol' LIE doctrinal articles in the AC is the Schwnbach<br />

~rticles," so called because thcy wcrc submitted as a basis of union by the Saxoris at<br />

a conference with southern Germans at Schwabach, 16-19 October 1529. Though<br />

rejected at this confcrcnce, they were picked up in he earliest negotiations at Augsburm<br />

in May 1530.'' The Schwabach Articles prefigure the AC in their subdued polemics. 28<br />

Maurer dwells at length on the differences between these articles and Luthcr's<br />

Confession (1528), and lancnts the loss of the Trinitarian outline. 'lhis he attributes<br />

to Melanchthon's "abstract approach".21 Though "abstract" is less than accurate, the<br />

articlcs certainly show Melanchthon's systematic thinking, presenting for the first time<br />

a distinct article on justification.<br />

The older of articles surrounding that on justification suggests thc logic of this<br />

docurncnt. At least the first ten articles are co~mected by an introductory phrase which<br />

picks up on something in the preccding article. Justification (art. V) is connected to<br />

the previous article on original sin by the phrase: "Since now all mcn are sinncrs . . .<br />

it is impossible that a man worlc out by his own powers or good works that he again<br />

become righteous and godly."22 Justification is continually described as beyond Lhe<br />

powers within inan to aLPain. In fact, the harder man tries, the worse it goes for him.<br />

. . . but that the only way [weg] to righteousness and to deliverance<br />

from sin and death is as one without all mcrit or work believes in<br />

the Son of God, whv suffered fos us, etc., as we have said. Such<br />

faith [solcher glnwh] is our righteousness, for Gocl is pleased to<br />

AE 37:3hh=WA 2h:~~lh'~'~. The nature of these "other spiritual gifts" is not explained. Luther is conce~ned only<br />

with faith. The "internal-exrcmaI' [bst~r~caon is explained further below, inconnection virh the hkans urGrace.<br />

CC'A 3011':81-91; some articles are in I1KS; trans. in Reu "40-"44.<br />

On the baais of the dale of the Schwaback meeting, scholarv plw~ously assumed that these were a reworking of<br />

the Marburg Articles; ~esemcll has denio~lst~ated, however. that they had been In production already during the<br />

summer of 1529, and thus were llle fo~e~u~lne~ of the Ma~burg Articles. See the ~ntl.odnction in WA 30"':81;<br />

also Granc 15; and Wilhelm Maurer, Histor-ircrl Cornrtw~1ii1-v o~i the Aiq~Dur-R Con$ession, rrans. 11. Cieorge<br />

Andersnn (Philadelphia: Fomess. 1986) 4, 9 10.<br />

blmrer 21: "'l'hc scvcntccn Schwabach Articles depend on Luther's private confession [l5281 but lhcy are less<br />

cumprel~ensive. That stems frnln Ihc grcatcr rcstraint they maintain toward both the enthusiasts and the<br />

L~aditionalists.'<br />

Maurer 24. Maurer's predilection for Luther over Melanchtlron is evident ultimately from the fact that at the<br />

end of his commentary on Lhe AC he appends his personal suhzcription not to the A(:, hut only to Luther's 1528<br />

Confession (419).<br />

All rcfcrcnces to the Schwabach Articles are translaled by the presenl author fiom WA 30'":87-88.

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