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Tlloma~ M Wmgei: AUGSBURG CONFESSION IV & V 3 1<br />

In this way, thcrcfore, Christ is diligently shown to the people,<br />

wherefore the Father will have mercy on them, so that he certainly<br />

makes sati\laction Ibr our sms, and that on account of Chlst the<br />

Holy Spirit is givcn to thosc rcccived into grace, by whom the<br />

believ~ng elect are sanctified, guided, and watched over.<br />

Though the Holy Spirit is tied to justification, He appears as a gift rather than as<br />

the moving cause of its reception. Shot-tly aftcr this, however, the acquisition of faith<br />

is said 10 occur through hearing the Gospel, as in AC V.<br />

Under thc guiding hand of Luther, Melanchthon reworked these articles into<br />

Gennan, published in 1528 as the Instriiction for the Visitors to the Pastors i17 the<br />

Elector~~te oj'~axt,ny.10 'I%e visilations which have already taken place have unearthed<br />

a disdain for the Law and repentance.<br />

Concerning Doctrine. Among other things we find that the chicf<br />

defect in leaching is that while some do preach conceniing the faith<br />

by which we arc justified, nevcrthclcss the manner in which we<br />

attain that faith is not made sufficiently clear, and so almost all<br />

neglect the one article of Christian doctrine withuul which nu one<br />

can understand the true naturc of faith. . . . But, at the prcscnt time,<br />

many speak only of the forgiveness of sins and have little or<br />

nothing to say concerning repentance. Yet there can be no forgiveness<br />

of sins nor understanding of the naturc of such forgiveness<br />

without repentance. l l<br />

The problcm is a wrong understanding of faithbtrue justifying I'aith is only<br />

attained by the road of repentance.<br />

The "Instructions" remind us that the means cited "to obtain such faith" is dictated<br />

somewhat by the error being combattcd. In this case, "repentance" is that without<br />

which I'aith cannot be obtained. "Therefore when preaching about faith the people<br />

must continually be instructed where true faith can exisl and how we may attain to it,<br />

for true faith cannot exist where there is no true rcpcntance."12 Thc right use of the<br />

Meany of Grace is hardly neglected, however: there is constant emphasis on Confession<br />

and Absolution before receiving Communion. Though there is no separate arlicle<br />

on the Office of the Ministry, the entire document prcsumcs thc need for pastors to<br />

preach the Law and administer the Means of Grace as the solution to the crisis.<br />

10 liilte~richr der I4siturol-rz an die Pk~rhef-rr )nl Ku

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