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Srom the Law to live according to thc Gospel.<br />

Similarly, Dr. Luther did not resort to the Law or an ethical system when he<br />

exhorted Christians to live a sanctified lice. Rather, because Christ has won forgivcncss<br />

and everlasting lifc for Christians, they have bccn freed from worry about any of their<br />

personal concerns and for love and service to God and their- neighbours. When<br />

Christians are confronted by a situation demanding action on behalf of a neighbour,<br />

their primary question is not: What does the Law say? But they rather ask: How can<br />

we serve God and help our neighbour in need'?<br />

S7<br />

This includes the secondary question:<br />

If necessary, what injustice must bc overcome in order to serve God and help our<br />

neighbour? This is the Christians' principle of serving God and preventing harm to<br />

their neighbour by deed despite injustice and despite the danger they may incur for<br />

thcmsclves. Acting by this principle, for example, Israel's midwives disobeyed and<br />

deceived Pharaoh, risking punislment for themselves while saving the lives of baby<br />

boys; the Apostles disobeyed the orders of the. duly constituted authority of the<br />

Sanhcdrin by continuing to preach the Gospel ublicly (Acts 4: 18-21; 5:21,28); some<br />

Christian pastors preached against Nazi evilsp md some Christian laymen hid Jews<br />

from the Nazis.<br />

Likewise, Abram misled the Egyptians intentionally because he knew of the<br />

treachery praclised hy them (Gen. t2:12). Tn order to save his own lifc hc had to rcsort<br />

to dcccptive strategy. He did this not for his own sake, but, as the context indicates,<br />

for the sake of God's plan to bring the salvation oTHis blessing LO all the people groups<br />

of mankind (1 2:3). As we have seen in an~lnlber of Scriptural cases, God has no qualms<br />

about deceiving His enemy who, ultimately, is Satan, the arch-deceiver (see Gen.<br />

3:l-5; Jn. 8:44). Considering how God Himself employed deceptive tactics against<br />

His Satanic focs in human form, that Abram's stratagem was inspired by the Holy<br />

Spirit as Luther intimated would certainly not be an unreal possibility. Allhough<br />

Abranl knew that Sarai would be endangered, he did not yet know for sure that Cod's<br />

Promisc would be fulfilled through her as well as through himself (not until Gen.<br />

17: 16). Neither did Abrarn act without trust in God's help. The best he could do initially<br />

was Lo ensure his own safety. From thcn on, he had to leave everything--including<br />

Sarai-up to God. The LORD did not let him down, but plagued Pharaoh's household<br />

to save them both (12:17). That God did not judge Abram guilty of sin and that he<br />

acted rather in sinccrc faith is indicated by his and Sarai's leaving Egypt safely with<br />

many gifts (12: 16,20).<br />

In conclusion, there are no holds barred when dealing with "the fathcr of lies" and<br />

his human hcnchmcn who allow themselves to become his instruments of treachery<br />

and tysanny.39~l~e Cluistian must be sure that he is being led by his conscience as it<br />

57 Sec Cother, 'Ihr F~wdnrn ofn C'lil-istion, AE 31.344-5, 349,364-371.<br />

58 li.g., Hermann Sasse (''Die Kixhe und die politiaclle~i Mvlacl~le Jer Zeil" 119321, in: 112 Sratu Coifessiorzis, ed. F.<br />

W. Hopf, Berlin: Ve~lag die Spur, 1975, 251-264) dnd Paul Schneider (Der P~mligci' von Buchcrrwuld, ed.<br />

Heinrich Vugel, Berlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstdlt, n.d.).<br />

59 Hummel434: There really is no "abstract 'evil' apart from embodiment in evil pcoplc ..."

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