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John R. Wilch: ARRAM IN EGYPT: SINNER OR SAINT? 23<br />

We likewisc praise thc courage of Rahab of Jericho who risked her life 10 deceive<br />

her king by lying to his soldiers about the Israelite spies hiding in her house (Josh.<br />

2:l-7). Similarly, Jehosheba hid Prince Soash [or six years against the vengeful Queen<br />

Athaliah, and Jehosheba's husband, High Priest Jehoiada, organized a conspiracy<br />

against the lyrarltlical queen at the Temple on the Sabbath for the sake of God's people<br />

and thc truc religion (2 Kn. 1 1 : 1 - 1 X). The Israelite Ehud deceived King Eglon of Moab<br />

by hiding a sword under his clothing, drawing it out unsuspectedly with his left hand<br />

to assassinate him (Jdg. 3: 16-30). One of the "worst" deceptions was perpetrated by<br />

Jael, who took advantage of hcr family's friendly terms with King Jabin 01' HUor to<br />

entice his fleeing general, Sisera, to rest in her tent, but then murdcrcd him in his<br />

sleep--which sinister deed was rorelolcl by the LORD and praised by the prophetess<br />

Deborah (4:9, 17-21; 5:24-27).<br />

David saved his skin from the Philistines when he in desparation had fled to them<br />

from King Saul by acting as if he were insane, so that they let their enemy go (l San.<br />

21: 10-15). King Solomon deceptively threatened to dividc a surviving baby in two in<br />

order to reveal its Lrue mother--a ploy that was recognized by all Israel as proof of<br />

God's blessing of wisdom (1 Kn. 3:24-28). Queen Esther deceived Harnan by luring<br />

him to a dinner with King Xesxes, only to unmask him as the enemy of hcr Jewish<br />

people (Est. 578; 7:l-h).<br />

As the prime minister of Egypt, Joseph dcccivcd his brothers by not revealing his<br />

identity Lo them. He proceeded to increase their agony and that of their aged father by<br />

secrctly returning their money into their sacks of grain, by requiring them to bring<br />

favourite son Benjamin back with thcm, and by having his silvcr cup planted in<br />

Benjamin's sack (Gen. 42:7-38; 43:23-44:17). Israel's midwives defiantly countermanded<br />

Pharaoh's ordcrs to kill newborn baby boys of Israel and deceived him by<br />

claiming that the Israelite mothers were so healthy that they gave birth bcfore the<br />

midwives could arrive. They thereby earned the reward of the LORD (Ex. 1:16-21).<br />

Abram sprang a surprise attack at night from at lcast two sides on the camp of the<br />

Ihm kings who had defeated Sodom and taken captives, including Lot and his family<br />

(Gcn. 14: 15). For such a good purpose, Abram did not flinch at using such a sneaky<br />

manoeuvre to outwit the stronger evil foc. That this subversive device met with the<br />

LORD'S approval is made clearly obvious, particularly by Abram's being blessed in<br />

the Narnc of "God Most High, the Creator of heaven and earth" by Melchizedek, Lhe<br />

king of Salem and the "priest of God Most High" (14:18-20, see v. 22). Gideon<br />

similarly deceived a gigantic Midianite army by surrounding it with his mere 300 men<br />

and driving thcm into a panic by waving torches and blowing trumpets in [he middle<br />

of the night, so that they killed each other or were cut down as they tried to flee--an<br />

operation against Tsrael's and God's evil enemies that was initiated and carefully<br />

prepared by Divine guidance (Jdg. 6:ll-7:25).<br />

With [he LORD'S approval, Joshua deceived the asmy of Ai with an ambush in<br />

ordcr to defeat them (Josh. 8:4-27). When Moah revolted against Israel, the LORD<br />

assisted the combined army of Israel, Judah and Edom by instructing them through

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