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may try to kill him (20:13). As noted above, Luther could sympathize with someonc<br />

called out or idolatry who could imagine that he could scarcely expect to meet up with<br />

any other believers in the true God. In this case, Abraham was surprised to find that<br />

King Abimelech, in slark contrast to Pharaoh, was at least some kind of "God-fcarer"<br />

(20:4-6) who could receive God's word, so that he in effect apologized to him<br />

(20:9-13).~~<br />

Likewise, Isaac also sojourned in Gerar--this time becausc of a famine and through<br />

the cxprcss direction and promise of blessing from the LORD (26:l-6). Here, too,<br />

Isaac claimed that his wife Rebekah was his sister because he feared for his life (267,<br />

9). Again, Isaac could well have had good reason to believe that, with many years<br />

intervening and a different King Abiinelech in Gerar, the present Philistines were not<br />

so "God-fearing" as before. Indeed, this seems to be thc case, with no mention of such<br />

intimations until it became too obvious to them that Isaac's God was richly blessing<br />

him and it would be to their distinct advanta e to negotiate a non-aggression pact with<br />

such a powerful sheikh (26:12-16,26-29). 45<br />

Abram was certainly not the only Biblical believer who resorted to a "nrinistesing<br />

lie." Luther mentioned Michal, who helped David escape from Saul and then claimed<br />

that David had threatened to kill hcr (1 Sam. 19:ll-17), Hushai's bad advice to<br />

Absalom that enabled David to quell his revolt (2 Sam. 15:34; 17:7-16), and the lie of<br />

the woman at Bahurirn which saved the sons of Abiathas and Zadok from Absalom's<br />

search party (17:17-20).~~ But there are many other masters of the "legitimate<br />

illegality:" According to the author of the Letter to the Hebrews, Moses' parcnts werc<br />

heroes of the faith along with Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, David and, of<br />

comsc, Abraham and Sarah (l 1:8-1. l, 20-21,23, 27, 31-32). This they were, not just<br />

for being saved by faith in the Gospel of the promised Saviour, but for acting<br />

courageously according to their tmst in the Lord. Jochebed risked her own lik by<br />

hiding the baby Moses in violation of Pharaoh's edict (Ex. 1:22-23).<br />

Likewise, some Christians violated laws of Adolf Hitler's totalitarian oppression<br />

to hide Jews, which involved lies, deception and falsified docuinenls. Thielicke<br />

understood thern as being in a "borderline situation" where they could employ "the<br />

eschatological c~rrective."~~ For, "frce in Christ to disobey the orders of this fallen<br />

age, they belonged already to the coining age, sustained by Divine fo~~iveness."'~<br />

These were heroes of the faith against the tyranny of the Satanic forces of evil that<br />

were attacking thc pcople of God--both the physical members of the Old Covenant<br />

and the spiritual members of the New Testament Church.<br />

47 Jacob 133-134.<br />

48 Whe~eas higher crilical commentators try to identify different sources for thc thrce accounts of rnatnarchs'<br />

danger, Cassuto explains them as a natural progression and rcpctitinn for the sake of emphasis according to<br />

oriental narrative conventions (341-344).<br />

49 AE 2:225, 292.<br />

50 Thiclicke 378, 578.<br />

5 1 S. W~ich; "'I he Use and Misuseof Scripture inEt11ics." Consen~u~, XI:3 (1985): 22; Thielicke 379-381.579-580,<br />

583, 588, 590.

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