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lohn R. Wkh: ABKAM 1.U EGYPT. SINNLK OK SAINT" 21<br />

take his beautiful wife and his possessions (see Gen. 12: 12). Indeed, because Pharaoh<br />

regarded himself as god, he could neither know or rear Ihe true God, nor receive word<br />

39<br />

fro111 Him; only plagues could impress him (12:17). Thcrcforc, Abram had to takc<br />

whalever measures were necessary to save his earthly life, since God's Promise for<br />

all peoples was bound up with his body. Rut good may come out of evil (see 50:20),<br />

SO he could hope that, although both he and Sarai could be in danger. the Lord would<br />

40<br />

so be able to influence the Egyptians that they would not come to har~n.<br />

Of course, thc Clxistian is not to bear false witness against his neighbour, and one<br />

is under obligation to God to tell the truth at all times where normal communication<br />

exists. However, our neighbour may not be enlilled to the truth if it does not concern<br />

him. Scripture warrants the conccalmcnt of tnlth from those who havc no claim upon<br />

it (Prov. 11:13).~' As Bonhoeffer puts it, "'truthfulness' does not mean the disclosure<br />

of everything that exists."42 Thus, it is correct for civil law to prevent the compelling<br />

of a witness to testify against himself. No enemy or criminal has any right to knowled e<br />

$3<br />

which can be used to do evil; no one seeking to do evil is entitled to the truth.<br />

Therefore, if a govcrnmcntal authority would use thc tnrth to do cvil, onc is not<br />

obligated to disclose it; disobedience is then justified. It was in this sense that some<br />

Christians disobeyed orders of the Nazi government in order to protecl hunted Jewish<br />

persons.44 Robert Dabney argued that, as it is justifiable for a human government to<br />

kill a murderer through capital punishment because his crime has forfeited his rights,<br />

so an unjust and malignant aggressor forfeits his rights to the truth.45 A Christian is<br />

obligated to God not to tell the truth if evil persons would usc it to steal, murder or<br />

rape (PS. W1 X). Indeed, to so aid evil persons is to make oneself an accessory to their<br />

offencc. 46<br />

When Abraham sojouined later in Gerar, he again passed Sarah off as his sister<br />

for rhe same reason as earlier in Egypt: "There is surely no rear ol' God in this place,<br />

and they will kill me beca~lse of my wifc" (Gcn. 20:2, 11). Indeed, he was afraid that<br />

wherever he would go, he could expect to be confronted with wicked evildoers who<br />

lacoh 134.<br />

Ahram's danger In Egypt and Ihc plagucs on Pharaoh and his court wcrc an went prophecy of thc suffei-ing of<br />

the Israehtes in Egypt and the 'I'm Plagues (Jacoh YO; (lassuto 336; Wcnharn 291; Flamilton 386).<br />

Rushdoony 543, 545. Thus, ~t is light for one's prrvate matters to be respected. inclnding mail and the<br />

cunSesaional. If a person \~oultl inipropr~ly handle an Itern of tiuth so that it is falsified or misused, the11 one<br />

should nor say it to that peraon at all (Trillhaas 301-302).<br />

Bonhoeffer 372. A family has the right lo preserve its own secrets from others, so that the betrayal of a secret<br />

ttuth may bc worse than the lie to preserve it (367-368).<br />

Rushdoony 543-544; Trillhaas 302; Bonhoeffer 372.<br />

[chard von We17sackcr. thc prcscnt Prccidcnt of Germany, In a spccch on thc occaslon of thc thousandth<br />

;umiversary of the City of Potsdam In a hich hc cxtollcd tllc l~ad~tional I'1.ussian virtucs ot rcspcct for thc law.<br />

loyally LO 111s Sellow citizen, and conscientio~~sness (whlch were taken advantage of by the Nazis?, expla~ned<br />

Iivw such virtues rrlay lcad LU the cunacisnlioua denial oT obed~ei~ce lo authority; tl~~s<br />

was actually p~actised<br />

against Icing Fried~ich the Great, as well as ~gainst Hitler- by office~a oT the Ninth Potsdam Infantiy Regiment<br />

(Dcirache Pi.cssc, I4 July 1993, Toronto).<br />

Cited by Rushdoony 548.<br />

Rushdnony 544.

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