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This remarkable editorial was accurate (however<br />

unscientific its way of putting it) as to the real world situation.<br />

The "War to Save Democracy" was an obvious lie to<br />

those who had none, whpse nations were enslaved by U.S.<br />

imperialism. While there was no real support for either<br />

German or Japanese imperialism, there was considerable<br />

satisfaction among the oppressed at seeing the arrogant<br />

Europeans being frightened out of their wits by their supposed<br />

"racial" inferiors. One South Afrikan Boer<br />

historian recalls:<br />

"It seemed possible that the Japanese might capture<br />

Madagascar and that South Africa itself might be attacked.<br />

The Cape Colored people were not at all alarmed<br />

at the prospect. Indeed, they viewed the Japanese victories<br />

with almost open jubiliation. Their sympathies and hopes<br />

were with the little yellow skinned men who had proved<br />

too smart for the British and Americans." (8)<br />

Nor was this feeling just in Afrika. In colonial India<br />

the sight of the British "master" suddenly begging his<br />

subjects to help save him from the Japanese armies, revealed<br />

to many that their oppressor was a "paper tiger." The<br />

British generals soon learned that their Indian colonial<br />

troops were more and more unwilling to fight for the<br />

British Empire. The Communist Party USA was so alarmed<br />

at Afrikan disinterejt in fighting Asians that it issued a<br />

special pamphlet for them recounting the crimes of the<br />

Japanese Empire against Ethiopia, urging Afrikans to<br />

honor "the alliance of the Negro people with the progressive<br />

sections of the white population, "<br />

The sociologist St. Clair Drake relates how even<br />

among U.S. Empire forces in the Pacific, Afrikan G.1.s<br />

would loudly root for the Japanese "zero" fighters<br />

overhead in the aerial dogfights against U.S. settler<br />

aviators. Robert F. Williams says that as a youth he heard<br />

many Afrikan veterans returning from the Pacific express<br />

sympathy for the Japanese soldiers, and even say that the<br />

Japanese tried not to fire at Afrikans. And studying the<br />

U.S. propaganda posters of dark-skinned Japanese trying<br />

to rape blond Euro-Amerlkan women, Williams saw a connection<br />

to settler propaganda against Afrikans. (9) None<br />

of this was any approval for Japanese imperialism, but an<br />

expression of disassociation from the Euro-Arnerikan oppressor.<br />

To the oppressed masses of the U.S., British,<br />

Dutch, French, German, and other Western empires, this<br />

war was not their war.<br />

It is important to deal with the nature of the U.S.<br />

involvement in the war. Outside of the shallow and obviously<br />

untrue "War for Democracy" propaganda, the<br />

two main arguments for the war were: 1. It was a war for<br />

European freedom, to defeat the Nazis and save the Soviet<br />

Union. 2. It was a just war of self-defense after the U.S.<br />

military was attacked by the Japanese Empire at Pearl<br />

Harbor (the main U.S. naval base in its Hawaiian colony).<br />

Both lines were often used together, particularly by the settler<br />

radicals.<br />

perhaps the U.S. lzmpire could have led a<br />

Ucrusade in E ~ to defeat ~ Nazism, ~ ~ but it ~ didn't. " In<br />

strict fact, German fascism was defeated by the Russian<br />

people. U.S. global strategy clearly called for stalling as<br />

long as possible in fighting Hitler, in hopes that Germany<br />

and Soviet Russia would ruin and exhaust each other. As 92<br />

late as April 1943, Soviet forces were fighting 185 Nazi<br />

divisions while the U.S. and British Empires were together<br />

fighting 6. The heart and muscle of the German Army,<br />

almost 250 divisions, got destroyed on the Eastern front<br />

against the Russian people. That's why the Russian<br />

military lost 6 million troops fighting Germany, while the<br />

U.S. lost 160,000.<br />

The Soviet Union's burden in the alliance against<br />

German imperialism was so visibly disproportionate that<br />

some Western imperialists were concerned. South Afrikan<br />

Gen. Jan Christian Smuts warned in 1943: "To the ordinary<br />

man it must appear that it is Russia who is winning<br />

the war. If this impression continues, what will be our<br />

post-war position compared to that of Russia?<br />

Finally, in the last six months of the war, the Allies<br />

landed 2 million soldiers in France in order to get in on the<br />

German surrender and control as much of Europe as possible.<br />

Those U.S. and British divisions faced a vastly inferior<br />

German opposition (only 40% as large as the Allied force),<br />

because the bulk of Hitler's forces were tied up with the<br />

main war front against Russia.<br />

During the war the Allies kept paratroop divisions<br />

in England, ready to be air-dropped into Berlin if Russia<br />

finished off the Nazis before Allied armies could even get<br />

into Germany. (10) U.S. imperialism's main concern was<br />

not to "liberate" anyone, but to dominate as much of<br />

Europe as it could once the Russian people had, at such<br />

terrible cost, defeated Hitler.<br />

Amerikan war plans included being careful not to<br />

interfere with the Nazi's genocidal sterilization of Europe.<br />

Indeed, Washington and London appreciated how convenient<br />

it was to let Hitler do their dirty work for them -<br />

getting rid of millions of undesirable Jews, Communists,<br />

socialists, trade-unionists and dissenters.. This cleaned up<br />

Europe from the iwperialist point of view. And Hitler took<br />

the weight.<br />

The Allies were notorious in blocking Jewish<br />

evacuation from the path of the oncoming Nazi conquest.<br />

Roosevelt refused to lift restrictions on Jewish immigration.<br />

As the war approached, on April 23, 1939, the U.S.<br />

State Dept. announced that quotas were so "filled" that<br />

Jewish immigration was to be halted except for special<br />

cases. Desperate German Jews were told that they had a<br />

minimum six year wait, until 1945. The New Deal's vicious<br />

attitude was displayed in their mocking statement that<br />

Jewish "applicants of Polish origin, even those who spent<br />

most of their life in Germany, will have to wait at least 50<br />

years" to obtain entry visas to the W.S.! The same day the<br />

Roosevelt Administration announced that no tourist visas<br />

to Amerika would be issued to German Jews - only those<br />

Germans with "Aryan" passports could greet the Statue of<br />

Liberty.<br />

During the war the U.S. rejected pleas from the<br />

Jewish underground that they use bombers to knock out<br />

the rail lines Lo the death camps (and even knock out the<br />

Ovens themselves). Yet, On Sept. 13,1944 the U.S. 15th Air<br />

Force bombed the I.G. Farben industrial complex right<br />

next to Auschwitz death camp (a few bombs fell in<br />

Auschwitz itself, killing 15 S.S. men and 40 other fascists).<br />

Although this proved the U.S. military's ability to strike at

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