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ty of Americans it was a good war, if there can be such a<br />

thing. People were more mobile and prosperous than ever<br />

before. The demands of the war brought the United States<br />

out of a deep depression, created new cities, new industries,<br />

new fortunes, a new way of life." (3)<br />

Isolated in its Western Hemispheric Empire far<br />

from the main theatres of fighting, U.S. imperialism suffered<br />

relatively little. As the Great Powers were inevitably<br />

pulled into a global war of desperation, each driven to<br />

solve its economic crisis by new conquests, Amerika hung<br />

back. It hoped, just as in World War I, to wait out much<br />

of the war and slip in near the end to take the lion's share<br />

of the kill.<br />

The millions of civilians who died from bombing<br />

raids, disease and famine in war-torn Europe, Asia, North<br />

Afrika and the Middle East have never been fully counted.<br />

The full death toll is often put at an unimaginable 60<br />

million lives. Amerika was spared all this, and emerged<br />

triumphant at the war's end with citizenry, colonies and industry<br />

completely intact. Even U.S. military forces suffered<br />

relatively lightly compared to the rest of the world.<br />

Military deaths for the major combatants are revealing:<br />

Germany-7 million; Russia-6 million; Japan-2 million;<br />

China-2 million; Great Britain-250,000; U.S.A.-400,000.<br />

More Russian soldiers died in the Battle of Stalingrad<br />

alone than total U.S. military casualties for the whole war.<br />

(4)<br />

The war boom kicked Depression out. Factories<br />

were roaring around the clock. The 16 million soldiers and<br />

sailors in the armed forces had left places everywhere for<br />

the unemployed to fill. The general prosperity that<br />

characterized Amerikan society all the way up to the 1970s<br />

began right there, in the war economy of WWII. The war<br />

years were such a prosperous upturn from the Depression<br />

that the necessary propaganda about "sacrificing for the<br />

war effort" had a farcical air to it. Lucky Strike, the biggest<br />

selling cigarette, caught the settler mood perfectly.<br />

when it changed its package color from green to white -<br />

and then announced nonsensically in big ads: "Lucky<br />

Strike green is going off to war!"<br />

Average family income went up by 50% compared<br />

to the Depression years. In New York City, average family<br />

income rose from $2,760 to $4,044 between 1938-1942.<br />

Nor was this just a paper gain. A historian of the wartime<br />

culture writes: "Production for civilian use, while<br />

diminishing, remained so high that Americans knew no<br />

serious deprivations ... At the peak of the war effort in<br />

1944, the total of all goods and services available to<br />

civilians was actually larger than it had been in 1940." (5)<br />

The number of supermarkets more than tripled<br />

between 1939 and 1944. Publishers reported book sales up<br />

40% by 1943. The parimutuel gambling take at the race<br />

tracks skyrocketed 250% from 1940 to 1944. Just between<br />

1941 and 1942 jewelry sales were up 20-100% by areas. By<br />

1944 the cash and bank accounts held by the U.S. population<br />

reached a record $140 Billion. That same year Macys<br />

department store in New York City had a sale on Pearl<br />

Harbor Day - which produced their most profitable<br />

business day ever! (6) Once again, the exceptional life of<br />

settler Amerika was renewed by war and conquest. This is<br />

the mechanism within each Amerikan cycle of internal<br />

conflict and reform. The New Deal was Hiroshima and<br />

Nagasaki as well. Consumeristic Amerika was erected on<br />

top of the 60 million deaths of World War 11.<br />

2. The Political Character of the War<br />

"In the U.S., World War 11 was the principal<br />

cause of the total breakdown of the working-class movement<br />

and its revolutionary consciousness.. .Resistance to<br />

the war would have seemed like simple common sense. If<br />

Stalin gave the order to support the U.S. war effort he was<br />

a fool. In any case, the old vanguard's support should have<br />

been for the people's struggle inside the U.S. "<br />

George Jackson<br />

In its March 29, 1939 issue the Pittsburgh Courier,<br />

one of the major Afrikan newspapers, ran an editorial on<br />

the coming world war that summed up what most colonial<br />

peoples in the world thought about it:<br />

"The 'democracies' and the 'dictatorships' are<br />

preparing to do BATTLE in the near future.<br />

"The referee is IMPERIALISM, who stands ready<br />

to award the decision to the victor.<br />

"The stake is the right to EXPLOIT the darker<br />

peoples of the world.<br />

"The audience consists of the vast MAJORITY of<br />

those who happen to be NON-WHITES.<br />

"They have NO FAVORITE, because it makes<br />

NO DIFFERENCE to them which party WINS the fight.<br />

"They are ONLY interested in the bout taking<br />

place AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.<br />

"The audience knows that the destruction of white<br />

civilization means the EMANCIPATION of colored people,<br />

and that explains why they eagerly await the opening<br />

gong.<br />

"The democracies which now CONTROL the<br />

dark world have never extended DEMOCRACY to the<br />

dark world.<br />

"THEIR meaning of democracy is for WHITE<br />

PEOPLE only, and just a EEW of them.<br />

"The dictatorships FRANKLY DECLARE that if<br />

they win THEY will do as the democracies HAVE DONE<br />

in the past.<br />

"The democracies as frankly declare that IF they<br />

win they will CONTINUE to do as they HAVE BEEN do-<br />

91 ing." (7)

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