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whole civilizations and killed off millions of Native<br />

Amerikans to get the land and profits they wanted. We all<br />

know that when the English arrived in Virginia, for example,<br />

they encountered an urban, village-dwelling society far<br />

more skilled than they in the arts of medicine, agriculture,<br />

fishing-and government.*(lO) This civilization was<br />

reflected in a chain of three hundred Indian nations and<br />

peoples stretched from the Arctic Circle to the tip of South<br />

America, many of whom had highly developed societies.<br />

There was, in fact, a greater population in these Indian nations<br />

in 1492 than in all of Western Europe. Recent<br />

scholarly estimates indicate that at the time of Columbus<br />

there were 100 million Indians in the Hemisphere: ten<br />

million in North America, twenty-five million in Central<br />

Mexico, with an additional sixty-five million elsewhere in<br />

Central and Southern America.(l 1)<br />

These numbers have long been concealed, since they give<br />

rise to the logical question of what happened to this great<br />

mass of people. The European invaders-Spanish, Dutch,<br />

English, Portuguese, and French-simply killed off<br />

millions and millions to safeguard their conquest of the<br />

land and provide the disposable slave labor they needed to<br />

launch their "New World". Conservative Western<br />

historical estimates show that the Spanish "reduced" the<br />

Indian population of their colonies from some 50 million<br />

to only 4 million by the end of the 17th Century.(l2)<br />

And from the 10 million Indians that once inhabited<br />

North America, after four centuries of settler invasion<br />

and rule there were in 1900 perhaps 200,000-300,000<br />

surviving descendants in the U.S.A.(13) That was the very<br />

substantial down-payment towards the continuing blood<br />

price that Third-World nations have to pay to sustain the<br />

Euro-Arnerikan way of life.<br />

So when we hear that the settlers "pushed out the<br />

Indians" or "forced the Indians to leave their traditional<br />

hunting grounds", we know that these are just codephrases<br />

to refer politely to the most barbaric genocide imaginable.<br />

It could well be the greatest crime in all of human<br />

history. Only here the Adolph Eichmanns and Heinrich<br />

Himmlers had names like Benjamin Franklin and Andrew<br />

Jackson.<br />

The point is that genocide was not an accident,<br />

not an "excess", not the unintended side-effect of virile<br />

European growth. Genocide was the necessary and<br />

deliberate act of the capitalists and their settler shocktroops.<br />

The "Final Solution" to the "Indian Problem"<br />

was so widely expected by whites that it was openly spoken<br />

of as a commonplace thing. At the turn of the century a<br />

newspaper as "respectable" as the New York Times could<br />

editorially threaten that those peoples who opposed the<br />

new world capitalist order would "be extinguished like the<br />

North American Indian."(l4) Only a relative handful of<br />

Indians survived the time of the great extermination campaigns.<br />

You see, the land wasn't "empty" after all-and<br />

for Arnerika to exist the settlers had to deliberately make<br />

the land "empty".<br />

The second aspect of Colonial Amerika's foundation<br />

was, of course, slavery. It is hardly necessary to reDeat<br />

here the well-known history of that exploitation. What is<br />

necessary is to underline how universally European<br />

capitalist life was dependent upon slavery, and how this exploitation<br />

dictated the very structure of Euro-Amerikan<br />

society.<br />

The mythology of the white masses pretends that<br />

* The first government of the new U.S.A., that of the Articles<br />

of Confederation, was totally unlike any in<br />

autocratic Europe, and had been influenced by the<br />

Government of the Six-Nation Iroquois Confederation.

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