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dustries, trades, and nationalities-it became the first truly<br />

international campaign of European workers, as the First<br />

International spread it to England, France and all of<br />

Europe. The largest single Eight-Hour demonstration was<br />

not in Europe or the U.S., however, but was in Manila;<br />

Filipino workers defied the Spanish colonial authorities<br />

and struck in a massive rally of one million. Many<br />

Afrikan, Mexicano and Chinese workers responded<br />

militantly to the call for the Eight-Hour struggle, and in<br />

some areas Afrikan workers took an early lead in stirring<br />

up action. But the campaign, instead of uniting working<br />

people, furthered disunity.<br />

7<br />

8-Hour Day Movement, New York--1872<br />

Of course, when Kennady talks about "the working<br />

population" he isn't refering to Mexicanos, Chinese,<br />

Indians, or Afrikans-he is only discussing white settlers.<br />

When he proudly points out how "every branch of skilled<br />

industry has its own union", he means unions of white<br />

workers. While he refers to these new unions taking care of<br />

"domestic differences", it is interesting that he fails to<br />

mention the trade-union role in the primary labor conflict<br />

of the time-the drive by the white unions to annex the<br />

jobs of oppressed workers. This is a curiously right-wing<br />

result from such a supposedly "class-conscious" labor<br />

campaign.<br />

This contradiction sums up the Eight-Hour struggle<br />

(and the great strike wave of 1873-77). The Eight-Hour<br />

demand was not only righteous, but it was a demand that<br />

hit home to working people across the widest variety of in-<br />

It was no coincidence that no sooner had the early<br />

victories of the Eight-Hour campaign unified and<br />

strengthened white labor in California then they began<br />

stepping up the attack against Chinese workers. Nor is it<br />

true that the Eight-Hour campaign was the work of noble,<br />

class-conscious trade-unionists, while the anti-Chinese and<br />

anti-Afrikan campaigns were the work of some totally<br />

separate bands of declassed hoodlums and bigots. Both<br />

were the acts of the same hands. All of the individual craft<br />

unions, the large federations such as the National Labor<br />

Union and the Knights of Labor, the local trades<br />

assemblies, the labor press, the left organizations such as<br />

the Socialist Labor Party and the Communist-led General<br />

German Working Men's Association, were involved in<br />

these white supremacist offensives.<br />

Unlike the experience of other nations, the Eight-<br />

Hour campaign in the U.S. Empire had an anti-democratic<br />

character, consolidating the settler masses around procapitalist<br />

politics. In regard to the pivotal struggle of Black<br />

Reconstruction, it is clear that the overwhelming majority<br />

of the Eight-Hour Day activists wcrc in the camp of the<br />

Anti-Chinese cartoon by Thomas Nast, famous "reform" cartoonist--1870<br />


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