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Chinaman always have something to eat, and he like young<br />

white girl, He! He!"* A woman's magazine warned their<br />

readers to never leave little white girls alone with Chinese<br />

servants. The settler public was solemnly alerted that the<br />

Chinese plot was to steal white workers' job and thus force<br />

the starving wives to become their concubines. The most<br />

telling sign of the decision to destroy the Chinese community<br />

was the settler realization that these Chinese looked<br />

jOst like Afrikans in "women's garments"!<br />

The ten years after the passage of the Exclusion<br />

Act saw the successful annexation of the Chinese economy<br />

on the West Coast. Tacoma and Seattle forced out their<br />

entire Chinese populations at gunpoint. In 1885 the infamous<br />

Rock Springs, Wyoming massacre took place,<br />

where over 20 Chinese miners were killed by a storm of<br />

rifle-fire as European miners enforced their take-over of<br />

all mining. Similar events happened all over the West. In<br />

1886 some 35 California towns reported that they had<br />

totally eliminated their Chinese populations.<br />

On the coast Italian immigrants burned Chinese<br />

ships and villages to take over most of the fishing industry<br />

by 1890. By that same year most of the Chinese workers in<br />

the vineyards had been replaced by Europeans. By 1894 the<br />

bulk of Chinese labor on the wheat and vegetable farms<br />

had been forced out. Step by step, as fast as they could be<br />

replaced, the Chinese who once built the foundation of the<br />

region's economy were being driven out.<br />

Who took part in this infamous campaign? Virtually<br />

the whole of the Euro-Amerikan labor movement in<br />

the U.S., including "socialists" and "Marxists". Both of<br />

the two great nationwide union federations of the 19th<br />

Century, the National Labor Union and the later Knights<br />

of Labor, played an active role.(37) The Socialist Labor<br />

Party was involved. The leading independent white labor<br />

newspaper, the Workingman's Advocate of Chicago, was<br />

edited by A. C. Cameron. He was a leader of the National<br />

Labor Union, a respected printing trades unionist, and the<br />

delegate from the N.L.U. to the 1869 Switzerland conference<br />

of the Communist First International. His paper<br />

regularly printed speeches and theoretical articles by Karl<br />

Marx and other European Communists. Yet he loudly called<br />

in his newspaper for attacks on the immigrant<br />

"Chinamen, Japanese, Malays, and Monkeys" from Asia.<br />

Even most "Marxists" who deplored the crude violence of<br />

the labor mobs, such as Adolph Doubai (one of the leading<br />

German Communist immigrants), agreed that the Chinese<br />

had to be removed from the U.S.(38) It is easy to predict<br />

that if even European "Marxists" were so strongly pulled<br />

along by the lynch mobs, the bourgeois trade union leaders<br />

had to be running like dogs at the head of the hunt. Andrew<br />

Furuseth, the founder of the Seafarers Internation<br />

Union, AFL-CIO, Pat McCarthy, leader of the San Francisco<br />

Building Trades Council, Sam Gompers, leader of<br />

the cigarmakers union and later founder of the American<br />

Federation of Labor (AFL), were just a few of the many<br />

who openly led and incited the settler terror.(39)<br />

When we say that the petit-bourgeois consciousness<br />

of European immigrant labor showed that it<br />

was a degraded stratum seeking extra-proletarian<br />

privileges, we aren't talking about a few nickels and dimes;<br />

the issue was genocide, carrying out the dirty work of the<br />

capitalists in order to reap some of the bloody fruits of national<br />

oppression. It is significant that the organizational<br />

focus of the early anti-Chinese campaign was the so-called<br />

Working Men's Party of California, which was organized<br />

by an Irish immigrant confidence-man named Dennis<br />

Kearney. Kearney was the usual corrupt, phrase-making<br />

demagogue that the white masses love so well ("I am the<br />

voice of the people. I am the dictator.. . I owe the people<br />

nothing, but they owe me a great deal.")*<br />

This sleazy party, built on the platform of wiping<br />

out Chinese labor and federal reforms to aid white workers<br />

and farmers, attracted thousands of European<br />

workers-including most of the European "socialists" in<br />

California. Before falling apart from corruption, thugism<br />

and factionism, Kearney's party captured seats in the State<br />

Assembly, the mayoralty in Sacramento, and controlled<br />

the Constitutional Convention which reformed the<br />

California Constitution. Even today settler historians.<br />

while deploring Kearney's racism, speak respectfully of the<br />

party's role in liberal reforms! Even revisionist CPUSA<br />

historians apparently feel no shame in praising this gang of<br />

de@nerates for "arousing public support for a number of<br />

important labor demands.. .forcing old established parties<br />

to listen more attentively to the demands of the common<br />

people."(40) What this shows is that if the "respectable"<br />

Euro-Amerikan trade-unionists and "Maruiqtq"<br />

were<br />

scrabbling on their knees before the bourgeoisie along with<br />

known criminals such as Kearney, then they must have had<br />

much in common (is it so different today?).<br />

The monopoly on desirable jobs that European<br />

labor had won in the West was continually "defended" by<br />

new white supremacist assaults. The campaign against<br />

Chinese was continued long into the 20th century, particularly<br />

so that its momentum could be used against<br />

*Similar "news" stories are very popular today, reminding<br />

the white masses about all the runaway white teenagers<br />

who become "captives" of Afrikan "pimps and dope<br />

dealers". When we see such themes being pushed in the<br />

bourgeois media, we should know what's behind it. 36<br />

-<br />

*Unfortunately, we have Kearneys of our own.

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