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their places as barbers and servants." In New York City But its petit-bourgeois confusions let the capitalists easily<br />

Afrikans were the majority of the house-servants in 1830, outmaneuver it, each time herding it back to resentful acbut<br />

by 1850 Irish house-servants outnumbered the entire quiescence with skillful applications of "the carrot and the<br />

Afrikan population there.(25) The Empire was swiftly stick".<br />

moving to replace the rebellious and dangerous Afrikan<br />

proletariat by more submissive and loyal Europeans.<br />

What was the essence of the ideology of white<br />

labor? Petit-bourgeois annexationism. Lenin pointed out<br />

Even in the Deep South, urban Afrikan pro- in the great debates on the National Question that the heart<br />

letarians were increasingly replaced by loyal European im- of national oppression is annexation of the territory of the<br />

migrants. In New Orleans the draymen were all Afrikan in oppressed nation(s) by the oppressor nation. There is<br />

1830, but by 1840 were all Irish.(26) One historian points nothing abstract or mystical about this. To this new layer<br />

out: "Occupational exclusion of Blacks actually began of European labor was denied the gross privileges of the<br />

before the Civil War. In an unpublished study, Weinbaum settler bourgeoisie, who annexed whole nations. Even the<br />

has demonstrated conclusively such exclusion and decline particular privileges that so comforted the earlier Euro-<br />

(of skilled Afrikan workers-ed.) for Rochester, New Amerikan farmers and artisans-most particularly that of<br />

York, Blacks between 1840 and 1860. My own work shows "annexing" individual plots of land every time their Ema<br />

similar decline in Charleston, S.C., between 1850 and pire advanced-were denied these European wage-slaves.<br />

1860. And these trends continued in Southern cities during But, typically, their petit-bourgeois vision saw for<br />

Reconstruction. A crucial story has yet to be told. The themselves a special, better kind of wage-slavery. The<br />

1870 New Orleans city directory, Woodward pointed out, ideology of white labor held that as loyal citizens of the<br />

listed 3,460 Black carpenters, cigarmakers, painters, Empire even wage-slaves had a right to special privileges<br />

shoemakers, coopers, tailors, blacksmiths, and foundry (such as "white man's wages"), beginning with the right to<br />

hands. By 1904, less than 10 per cent of that number ap- monopolize the labor market.<br />

peared even though the New Orleans population had increased<br />

by more than 50 per cent."(27) Beneath the great We must cut sharply through the liberal<br />

events of the Civil War and Reconstruction, the genocidal camouflage concealing this question. It is insuffirestructuring<br />

of the oppressed Afrikan nation continued cient-and therefore misleading-to say that European<br />

year after year.<br />

workers wished to "discriminate against" or "exclude" or<br />

were "prejudiced against" colored workers. It was the<br />

This was clearly the work of the capitalists. But labor of Afrikan and Indian workers that created the<br />

where did the new stratum of Euro-Amerikan workers economy of the original Amerika; likewise, the economy<br />

stand on this issue? The defeat of the Slaveocracy, the of the Southwest was distilled from the toil of the Inpolitical<br />

upheavals of the great conflict, and the enormous dian/Mexicano workers, and that of Northern California<br />

expansion of European immigration had stirred and and the Pacific Northwest was built by Mexicano and<br />

heartened white labor. In both North and South local Chinese labor. Immigrant European workers proposed to<br />

unions revived and new unions began. New attempts enter an economy they hadn't built, and 'annex', so as to<br />

emerged to form effective national federations of all white speak, the jobs that the nationally oppressed had created.<br />

workers. Between 1863-73 some 130 white labor<br />

newspapers began publication.(28) The Eight Hour Day Naturally, the revisionists always want to talk<br />

movement "ran with express speed" from coast to coast in about it as a matter of white workers not sharing equally<br />

the wake of the war. During the long and bitter Depression enough-as though when a robber enters your home and<br />

of 1873-78, militant struggles broke out, ending in the takes everything you've earned, the problem is that this<br />

famous General Strike of 1877. In this last strike the white thief should "share" your property better! Since the<br />

workers won over to their side the troops sent by the ideology of white labor was annexationist and predatory,<br />

government or defeated them in bloody street fighting in it was of necessity also rabidly pro-Empire and, despite<br />

city after city. White labor in its rising cast a long shadow angry outbursts, fundamentally servile towards the<br />

over the endless banquet table of the bourgeoisie. bourgeoisie. It was not a proletarian outlook, but the<br />

degraded outlook of a would-be labor aristocracy.<br />

Truly, white labor had become a giant in size.<br />

Even in a Deep South state such as Louisiana, by the 1860 We can grasp this very concretely actually incensus<br />

white laborers made up one-third of the total settler vestigating the political rising of European labor in that<br />

population.(29) In St. Louis (then the third-largest period in relation to the nationally oppressed. Even today<br />

manufacturing center in the Empire) the 1864 census show- few comrades know how completely the establishment of<br />

ed that slightly over one-third of that city's 76,000 white the Empire in the Pacific Northwest depended upon<br />

men were workers (rivermen, factory laborers, stevedores, Chinese labor.* In fact, the Chinese predate the Amerikan<br />

etc.). In the Boston of the 1870's fully one-half of the total settler presence on the West Coast by many years.(31)<br />

white population were workers and their families, mostly When the famous Lewis & Clark expedition sent out by<br />

Irish.(30) In some Northern factory towns the proportion President Jefferson reached the Pacific in 1804, they arrivwas<br />

even higher.<br />

ed some sixteen years after the British established a major<br />

shipyard on Vancouver Bay-a shipyard manned by<br />

The ideological head on this giant body, however, Chinese shipwrights and sailors.<br />

still bore the cramped, little features of the old artisadfarmer<br />

mentality of previous generations. When this For that matter, the Spanish further South in<br />

giant was aroused by the capitalists' cuts and kicks, its - -- -.<br />

angry flailings knocked over troops and sent shock-waves *As well as the later waves of Japanese, Filipino and<br />

of fear and uncertainty spreading through settler society. 32 Korean workers.

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