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gospel truth by most settlers that in a "Free" society,<br />

where Afrikans would be faced with "competition" (their<br />

phrases) from whites, they as inferiors must perish. The<br />

comparison was usually made to the Indians-who "died<br />

out" as white farmers took their land, as whole villages<br />

were wiped out in unprovoked massacres, as hunger and<br />

disease overtook them, as they became debilitated with addiction<br />

to alcohol, as the survivors were simply driven off<br />

to concentration camps at gunpoint. Weren't free Afrikans<br />

losing their jobs already? And weren't there literally<br />

millions of new European farmers eager to take the<br />

farmland that Afrikans had lived on and developed?<br />

Nor was it just the right-wingers that looked forward<br />

to getting rid of "The Negro Problem" (as all whites<br />

referred to it). All tendencies of the Abolitionists contained<br />

not only those who defended the human rights of<br />

Afrikans, but also those who publicly or privately agreed<br />

that Afrikans must go. Gamaliel Bailey, editor of the major<br />

abolitionist journal National Era, promised his white<br />

readers that after slavery was ended all Afrikans would<br />

leave the U.S. The North's most prominent theologian,<br />

Rev. Horace Bushnell, wrote in 1839 that emancipation<br />

would be "one bright spot" to console Afrikans, who were<br />

"doomed to spin their brutish existence downward into extinction<br />

..." That extinction, he told his followers, was only<br />

Divine Will, and all for the good. Rev. Theodore Parker<br />

was one of the leading spokesmen of radical abolitionism,<br />

one who helped finance John Brown's uprising at Harper's<br />

Ferry, and who afterwards defended him from the pulpit.<br />

Yet even Parker believed in an all-white Amerika; he firmly<br />

believed that: "The strong replaces the weak. Thus, the<br />

white man kills out the red man and the black man. When<br />

slavery is abolished the African population will decline in<br />

the United States, and die out of the South as out of Northampton<br />

and Lexington. "(22)<br />

While many settlers tried to hide their genocidal<br />

longings behind the fictions of "natural law" or "Divine<br />

Will", others were more honest in saying that it would<br />

happen because Euro-Amerikans were determined to make<br />

it happen. Thus, even during the Civil War, the House of<br />

Representatives issued a report on emancipation that<br />

strongly declared: "...the highest interests of the white<br />

race, whether Anglo-Saxon, Celt, or Scandinavian, require<br />

that the whole country should be held and occupied by<br />

these races alone." In other words, they saw no contradiction<br />

between emancipation and genocide. The leading<br />

economist George M. Weston wrote in 1857 that: "When<br />

the white artisans and farmers want the room which the<br />

African occupies, they will not take it by rude force, but by<br />

gentle and gradual and peaceful processes. The Negro will<br />

disappear, perhaps to regions more congenial to him,<br />

perhaps to regions where his labor can be more useful,<br />

perhaps by some process of colonization we may yet<br />

devise; but at all events he will disappear."(23)<br />

fought to reserve the new territories and states of the West<br />

for Europeans only. This was the main forerunner of the<br />

Republican party of 1854, the first settler political party<br />

whose platform was the defeat of the "Slave Power".<br />

The Republican Party itself strongly reflected this<br />

ideology of an all-White Amerika. Although most of its<br />

leaders supported limited civil rights for Afrikans, they did<br />

so only in the context of the temporary need for Empire to<br />

treat its subjects humanely. Sen. William Seward of New<br />

York was the leading Republican spokesman before the<br />

Civil War (during which he served as Lincoln's Secretary<br />

of State). In his famous Detroit speech during the 1860<br />

campaign, he said: "The great fact is now fully realized<br />

that the African race here is a foreign and feeble element,<br />

like the Indian incapable of assimilation.. ." Both would,<br />

he promised his fellow settlers, "altogether<br />

disappear. " Lincoln himself said over and over again<br />

during his entire political career that all Afrikans would<br />

eventually have to disappear from North America. The<br />

theme of Afrikan genocide runs like a dark thread, now<br />

hidden and now visible in the violent weaving of the<br />

future, throughout settler political thought of that day.<br />

It should be remembered that while most Northern<br />

settlers opposed Afrikan slavery for these reasons by the<br />

1860's, even after the Civil War settlers promoted Indian,<br />

Mexicano and Chinese enslavement when it was useful to<br />

colonize the Southwest and West. One settler account of<br />

the Apache-U.S. wars in the Southwest reveals the use of<br />

slavery as a tool of genocide:<br />

"More than anything else, it was probably the incessant<br />

kidnapping and enslavement of their women and<br />

children that gave Apaches their mad-dog enmity toward<br />

the whites ... It was officially estimated that 2,000 Indian<br />

slaves were held by the white people of New Mexico and<br />

Arizona in 1866, after 20 years of American rule - unofficial<br />

estimates placed the figure several times higher ...<br />

'Get them back for us,' Apaches begged an Army officer<br />

in 1871, referring to 29 children just stolen by citizens of<br />

Arizona; 'our little boys will grow up slaves, and our little<br />

girls, as soon as they are large enough, will be diseased prostitutes,<br />

to get money for whoever owns them.. .' Prostitution<br />

of captured Apache girls, of which much mention is<br />

made in the 1860's and 1870's, seemed to trouble the<br />

Apaches exceedingly. "(24)<br />

So that at the same time that the U.S. was supposedly<br />

ending slavery and "Emancipating" Afrikans, the<br />

U.S. Empire was using slavery of the most barbaric kind in<br />

order to genocidally destroy the Apache. It was colonial<br />

rule and genocide that were primary.<br />

National political movements were formed by settlers<br />

to bring this day about. The Colonization movement,<br />

embodied in the American Colonization Society, organized<br />

hundreds of local chapters to press for national legislation<br />

whereby Afrikans would be removed to new colonies<br />

in Afrika, the West Indies or Central America. U.S.<br />

Presidents from Monroe in'1817 to Lincoln in 1860 endorsed<br />

the society, and the semi-colony of Liberia was started<br />

as a trial. Much larger was the Free Soil Party, which 30

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