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1. AU references to discussions at the conference from: The African<br />

World, Vol. N, No. 5, July, 1974: "Historic ALSC ~onference<br />


2. Black Revolution. Vol. 1. No. 1. Winter 1980: "Editorial: The Party<br />

Line."<br />

I. THE HEART OF m S S<br />

1. WILLIAM BRADFORD - Of Plymouth Plantation - N.Y.. 1952. p.<br />

23<br />

2. MJLDRED GUWBELL - "Social Origins of Some Early<br />

Ameriqans". In SMITH. ed.. 17th Century America. N.Y.. 1972. p.<br />

68. Other accounts are similar. For example, see: C.E. BANKS.<br />

The Winthrop Fleet of 1630 - Cambridge. 1930: Morisan's account<br />

of Sir Walter Raleigh's second Virginia Colony of 1587 describes<br />

the coloniete as: "All were middleclass Eoghh or Irish,<br />

(MORISON, p. 657)<br />

3. CAMPBELL - op. cit.. p. 82<br />

4. Treasury Papers 47: 9-11 - Quoted in RICHARD B. MORRIS.<br />

Government and Labor In Early America. N.Y., 1946. p. 48.<br />

5. CHRISTOPHER HILL - Reformation to lndustrid Revolution - N.Y..<br />

1967. p. 48: p. 64.<br />

6. RICHARD HOFSTADTER - America at 1750 - N.Y.. 1973. p.11-12.<br />

This is but one source out of many, all essentially in agreement.<br />

7. MORRIS - op. cit., p. 48<br />

6. CAMPBELL - op. cit.. p. 83<br />

9. THEODORE ROOSEVELT - The Winning of the West - Vol. I - N.Y..<br />

1900. p. 90<br />

10. WILCOMB E. WASHBURN - "The Moral and Legal Justification<br />

for Dispossessing the Indians." In SMlTH, ed. p. 23<br />

11. Testimony of Wilbur R. Jacobs at Sioux Treaty Hearing. In R.<br />

DUNBAR ORTIZ - The Great Sioux Nation. San Francisco. 1971.<br />

p. 80, HENRY F. DOBYNS "Estimating Aboriginal American<br />

Population. An Appraisal of Techniques With a New Hemispheric<br />

Estimate." Current Anthropology, Vol. EX. No. 4. p. 395.<br />

12. PHILIP GIBSON - Quoted in HOFSTADTER - op. cit. p. 69: also see<br />

COOK & SIMPSON (1948).<br />

13. HAROLJI E. D- - Indians of North America - Chicago. 1968 -<br />

p. 804.<br />

14. N.Y. Times - May 10. 1898.<br />

15. KARL MARX - The Poverty of Philosophy - N.Y.. 1963. p. 111<br />

16. See: HOFSTADTERap. cit. p. 99: O m Y & WEATHERBY. e&.-<br />

The Negro In New York - N.Y., 1967: EDITH EVANS ASBURY.<br />

"Freed Black Farmers Tied Manhattan's Soil in the 1600s". N.Y.<br />

Times - Dec. 7, 1977.<br />

17. See: VERNER W. CRANE - The Southern Frontier. 167G1732 - Aan<br />

Arbor. 1956: ORTIZ - op. cit. p. 86.<br />

18. GARY B. NASH - Red. White. And Black. Englewood Cliffs. 1974.<br />

p. 112-113.<br />

19. ibid.<br />

20. ibid.<br />

21. SAMUEL ELIOT MORISON - The European Discovery of<br />

America: The Northern Voyages. N.Y., 1971. p. 678<br />

22. CLINTON ROSSlTER - The First American Revolution - N.Y.,<br />

1956. p. 41. 1<br />

24. ROBERT E. & B. KATHERINE BROWN - Virginia 1705-1780:<br />

Democracy or Aristocracy? East Lansing, 1964. p. 22.<br />

25. PHILIP S. FONER - Labor and the American Revolution -<br />

Westport 1976. p. 89.<br />

28. JACKSON TURNER MAIN - The Social Structure of Revolutionary<br />

America - Princeton. 1965. p. 66-67. While we use Maids finding~.<br />

it is evident that although Euro-hriktau his to ria^ have<br />

widely differing conclusions about cla~ stratification in thia<br />

period. their factual baeea are very similar.<br />

For example, James A. Henretta. in hie well-known essay,<br />

"Economic Development and Social Structure in Colonial<br />

Boston", concludes that the Colonial era was one of rapidly growing<br />

settler class inequality, with the "appearance of ...'p roletariane'."<br />

This ia an oftenquoted conclusion. Yet, a careful examination of<br />

his research shows that: 1. In rural Massachusetts of the 1770's<br />

land ownership was near-universal among the settlers (over<br />

90%); 2. Even in Boston, a major urban center, the clear majority<br />

of settler men were self-employed property-owners (60.70%): 3.<br />

Henretta himself points out that many settler men who wen,<br />

without taxable property were not poor, but had comfortable incomes<br />

and were respected enough to be elected to public office.<br />

So, although Henretta chose to stress the appearance of inequality<br />

among settlers, his own research confirms the general picture<br />

of shared privilege and an exceptional way of life for the E m<br />

Amerikan conquerers.<br />

27. HOFSTADTER - op. cit. p. 161.<br />

28. AUDREY C. LAND - Bases of the Plantation Society - N.Y.. 1969, p.<br />

105<br />

29. MORRIS - op. cit. p. 40<br />

30. KARL MARX - 18th Bnunaire ... In Selected Works [SW) - N.Y.,<br />

1980. p. 104.<br />

31. KARL MARX - Wages. Price and Profit - In SW. p. 192.<br />

32. FONER - op.cit.. p. 12.<br />

33. MORRIS - op. cit.. p. 46: BROWN 8 BROWN - op. cit.. p. 22.<br />

34. MORRIS - op. cit.. p. 45.<br />

35. KARL MARX - SW. p. 226<br />

36. FRED SHANNON - America Farmers Movements - Princeton.<br />

1957. p. 9: MORRIS. op. cit.. p. 36.<br />

37. HILL - op. cit.. p. 74.<br />

38. MORRIS - op. cit., p. 3637.<br />

39. THOMAS J. WERTENBAKER - The Shaping of Colonial Virginia -<br />

N.Y.. 1958. p. 134.<br />

40. MORRIS - op. cit.. P. 29.<br />


1. HERBERT APTHEKER - The Colonial Era. N.Y., 1959. p. 62.<br />

2. THEODORE W. ALLEN - Class Struggle a ~ d the Origins of<br />

Slavery. Somede, 1976. p. 34.<br />

3. A photograph of this plaque can be seen in: CHARLES W.H.<br />

WARNER. Road to Revolution. Richmond, 1961.<br />

4. Except as otherwise noted. events in Bacon's Rebellion are taken<br />

from WILCOMB E. WASHBURN. The Governor and the Rebel.<br />

66 Chapel Hu, 1957.

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