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The support movement took many forms. Clearly<br />

the leading group in the mass mobilization was the Garvey<br />

Movement's United Negro Improvement Association<br />

(U.N.I.A.). This was, we should recall, the same nationalist<br />

organization that prominent academic historians<br />

now assure us was abandoned and unimportant at that<br />

time.<br />

Captain A.L. King, head of the U.N.I.A. in New<br />

York, was the chairman of the united Afrikan support<br />

committee. J.A. Rogers, the leading intellectual of the<br />

Garvey movement in the U.S., was the main propagandist<br />

and educator for the support movement. The Afrikan<br />

united front committee involved not only the UNIA and<br />

other nationalist organizations, but the CPUSA, church<br />

leaders, Afrikan college groupings, and so on. Within<br />

several months after the invasion the Friends of Ethiopia<br />

had 106 local branches both North and South. There were<br />

mass church meetings, rallies, marches of thousands and<br />

picket lines outside Italian government offices.<br />

The national character of the movement was<br />

underlined by the fact that virtually to the last person<br />

Afrikans boycotted the well-funded and Euro-Amerikanrun<br />

international relief efforts. The American Red Cross<br />

admitted that Afrikans refused to join its Ethiopian aid<br />

campaign; Afrikans insisted on their own all-Afrikan campaign<br />

that was highly political. The political counterattack<br />

by U.S. imperialism struck at this point. Somehow the<br />

rumor kept spreading that the Ethiopians thought of<br />

themselves as "Caucasian" and that they allegedly viewed<br />

Afrikans (most especially in the U.S. Empire) with contempt.<br />

There was a demoralizing confusion from this<br />

rumor.<br />

The "Volunteer Movement" arose spontaneously<br />

throughout the Nation. Thousands upon thousands of<br />

Afrikans volunteered to go fight in Ethiopia. The Black<br />

Legion established a military training camp in rural New<br />

York, and its leaders urged Afrikans to prepare to renounce<br />

U.S. citizenship. While the "Volunteer<br />

Movement" was blocked by U.S. imperialism, its popular<br />

nature shows how powerful were the potential forces being<br />

expressed through the Ethiopian support issue. The<br />

two Afrikans from the U.S. Empire who did fight in<br />

Ethiopia (both fighter pilots) were heroes back home,<br />

whose adventures were widely followed by the Afrikan<br />

press.<br />

The conflict was fought out in miniature on the<br />

streets of Jersey City, Brooklyn and Harlem between<br />

Afrikans and pro-fascist Italian immigrants. The night of<br />

August 11, 1935 over a thousand Afrikans and Italians<br />

fought with baseball bats and rocks on the streets of Jersey<br />

City. On October 4, 1935 (the day after the main invasion<br />

began) thousands of Afrikans attacked Italian shops in<br />

Harlem and Brooklyn. On the streets the masses of ordinary<br />

Afrikans viewed their fight and the fight in Ethiopia<br />

as very close.<br />

It's indicative that in 1936 a late-night street corner<br />

rally of the African Patriotic League, called to protest<br />

Italian mass executions of Ethiopian patriots, rapidly turned<br />

into an attack on the police. Smashing Italian store windows,<br />

the crowd of 400 Afrikans marched down I.enox<br />

Ave. in Harlem looking for a particular policeman who<br />

made a point of arresting nationalists.) In the mass<br />

fighting with police that followed, the New York police<br />

started shooting after the determined crowd charged them<br />

to successfully free one of their number who had been arrested.<br />

(29) Ethiopia was close to home.<br />

To expose this lie representatives of the Ethiopian<br />

came to the U.S. At a packed Harlem meeting<br />

The great outpouring of nationalist sentiment that<br />

Of 3'000 at Rev. Adam Jr.'s<br />

accompanied the Ethiopian war was, we must emphasize,<br />

Baptist Church, Ethiopian envoy Tasfaye widespread throughout the U.S. Empire. One<br />

invoked the "lidarity<br />

Afrikan<br />

New orleans resident wrote to the Courier that the Ethiopeoples:<br />

"It ,is said that we despise Negroes. In [he first pian crisis proved that 'I.. . the time is here for the Negro to<br />

place, You are not Negroes. Who told you that you were begin to look for the higher things in life - a flag 0 ~- his<br />

Negroes? You are the sons and daughters of Africa, your own, a government of his own and complete liberty. " This<br />

motherland, which calls YOU now to aid her /as/ surviving was the developing consciousness that so threatened U.S.<br />

free black people. "<br />

imperialism.<br />

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