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ed but went far beyond immediate economic issues.<br />

Nothing proved this more clearly than the spontaneous<br />

mass movement to support Ethiopia in its war against<br />

Italian imperialism.<br />

In October 1935 the Italian Empire invaded<br />

Ethiopia in a drive to expand its North Afrikan colonies<br />

(which at that time included Somali, Eritrea and Libya).<br />

Italian imperialists were especially glad at that new invasion<br />

since it gave them a chance to avenge their humiliating<br />

defeat at Adowa in 1896. Ethiopia was then, however<br />

feudalistic its society, the only actually independent nation<br />

left in Afrika. It had remained independent for the only<br />

possible reason, because it had repeatedly maintained its<br />

national integrity and had militarily repulsed European intrusions.<br />

The early Portuguese slavers had been driven off.<br />

Even when the Italian Army, 40,000 soldiers armed<br />

with rifle and artillery, invaded Ethiopia in 1896, the<br />

Ethiopian nation defeated them. These Italian divisions<br />

were surrounded and wiped out at Adowa by Emperor<br />

Menelik's 250,000 Ethiopian soldiers. The humbled Italian<br />

Empire was forced after Adowa to publicly recognize the<br />

Ethiopian borders and even to pay the Ethiopian government<br />

heavy cash reparations. So in 1935, after some years<br />

of preparatory border incidents, the Mussolini regime<br />

eagerly sent its tank divisions and airplane squadrons slicing<br />

into Ethiopia.<br />

If you had a government in the South - they'd<br />

give you the right of self-determination in the Black Belt -<br />

you got whites there. What would you do with the whites?<br />

We say the whites would be recognized on the basis of their<br />

percentage, represented on all bodies and all committees.<br />

But the Negroes at all times would be in the<br />

majority ..."( 27)<br />

It's revealing that at that time - when Afrikan<br />

communism had easily as much strength and numbers in<br />

the South a5 it did in the 1970s - they had a nationalist<br />

program. The goal of national independence very clearly<br />

made sense to the grass roots. And at that time in the early<br />

1930s the overwhelming majority of Afrikan communists<br />

in the South were proletarians.<br />

As we put back together some of the pieces of the<br />

New Afrikan story, we see even in incomplete outline that<br />

this struggle had indeed renewed itself and entered the<br />

modern period. The Afrikan proletariat had stood up, particularly<br />

in the South, and had spear-headed new industrial<br />

unionism campaigns (with or without the alliances with<br />

white workers). On the plantations the masses were starting<br />

to organize. Spontaneous resistance to the settlercolonial<br />

occupation was breaking out. The most politically<br />

conscious of all these were becoming communists, with<br />

Afrikan communism rapidly growing and taking on its<br />

vanguard role. Thousands of Afrikans stepped forward in<br />

those years to commit themselves to armed revolution,<br />

self-government through independence for the Afrikan<br />

Nation, and socialism. This was a program that had won<br />

respect amongst Afrikan people, particularly in the South.<br />

The political horizons for Afrikans had opened<br />

wide in those years. It is especially important to understand<br />

that masses of Afrikans viewed themselves as part of<br />

a world struggle, that their aims and concerns encompass-<br />

Afrikans within the U.S. Empire reacted instantly<br />

in a great uproar of anger and solidarity. Journalist Roi<br />

Ottley pointed out that there had been "no event in recent<br />

times that stirred the rank-and-file of Negroes more than<br />

the Ztalo-Ethiopian War. " It is important to grasp the full<br />

and exact significance of this political upheaval. All over<br />

the Afrikan continent and in the "New World" Afrikans<br />

were being oppressed by the European colonial powers.<br />

Why then did this one case call forth such special attention<br />

from Afrikans in the U.S. Empire? Because it involved the<br />

principle of national rights for Afrikans, the defense of<br />

Afrikan nationhood.<br />

Even the moderate political forces rallied around<br />

this most basic issue to the nationally oppressed.(28) Even<br />

someone such as Walter White, the executive secretary of<br />

the NAACP. could angrily write: "Italy, brazenly, has set<br />

fire under the powder keg of white arrogance and greed<br />

which seems destined to become an act of suicide for the<br />

so-called white world. "At its 1935 national convention the<br />

NAACP assailed "the imperialistic selfishness of all nations<br />

in their shameless aggression upon the sovereignty of<br />

other nations.. ."<br />

The defense of Afrikan nationhood was primary<br />

in everyone's mind. Dr. L.K. Williams, President of the<br />

National Baptist Convention, told a mass rally: "We do<br />

not want to see the last black empire in Afrika lose its independence<br />

and culture ..." The Fraternal Council of<br />

Negro Churches, representing the major Afrikan<br />

denominations, issued an official resolution saying:<br />

"Americans of African descent are deeply stirred in their<br />

attitudes and sympathies for Ethiopia, a Negroid people,<br />

who represent almost the only remaining example of independent<br />

government by the black race on the continent<br />

of Africa ..." So the concern was broadly shared by the<br />

Afrikan Nation as a whole - not just by some strata or<br />

107 some political sectors.

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