2005-2007 Catalog - University of Arkansas at Monticello

2005-2007 Catalog - University of Arkansas at Monticello

2005-2007 Catalog - University of Arkansas at Monticello


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MUS 2263 Acting in Musical The<strong>at</strong>re II<br />

MUS 3273 Acting in Musical The<strong>at</strong>re III<br />

MUS 3333 History <strong>of</strong> the American Broadway Musical<br />

MUS 428V Music The<strong>at</strong>re Workshop (4 hours)<br />

Students with a concentr<strong>at</strong>ion in Music The<strong>at</strong>re must audition for the musical each spring they are in<br />

residency and accept any part <strong>of</strong>fered.<br />

Students pursuing the B.A. in music degree must also s<strong>at</strong>isfy all requirements for a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts<br />

degree as found on page 90-91.<br />

Bachelor Of Music Educ<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

Concentr<strong>at</strong>ions In Voice, Piano, And Instrumental<br />

Major Requirements: 56 hours<br />

MUS 1040 Recitals, Concerts, Productions*<br />

MUS 1072 Music Technology<br />

MUS 1012 Introduction to Theory<br />

MUS 1023 Theory I<br />

MUS 1033 Theory II<br />

MUS 2213 Theory III<br />

MUS 2223 Theory IV<br />

MUS 1061 Ear Training/Sight Singing I<br />

MUS 1091 Ear Training/Sight Singing II<br />

MUS 2231 Ear Training/Sight Singing III<br />

MUS 2241 Ear Training/Sight Singing IV<br />

MUS 3441 Woodwind Class<br />

MUS 3481 Brass Class<br />

MUS 3491 Percussion Class<br />

MUS 3501 String Class<br />

MUS 3563 Music History I<br />

MUS 3573 Music History II<br />

MUS 3413 Analysis and Music Liter<strong>at</strong>ure<br />

MUS 3583 Elementary Music Methods<br />

Major Area Applied Lessons(PMUS): 12 hours<br />

PMUS 4011 Recital/Project: 1 hour<br />

(Must be presented the semester prior to enrolling in Internship II)<br />

Major Area Ensemble: 7 hours<br />

(The major area ensemble will s<strong>at</strong>isfy the three hour PE elective requirement for teacher licensure.)<br />

*MUS 1040 must be taken each semester in residence for a total <strong>of</strong> 8 semesters.<br />

Voice Concentr<strong>at</strong>ion Requirements: 9 hours<br />

Applied Piano: (2 hours)<br />

MUS 4783 Secondary Vocal Methods<br />

MUS 4722 Choral Conducting<br />

MUS 2292 Diction for Singers<br />

Piano Concentr<strong>at</strong>ion Requirements: 10 hours<br />

Applied Voice: (2 hours)<br />

MUS 1051 Piano Repertoire<br />

MUS 4632 Piano Pedagogy<br />

MUS 4722 Choral Conducting<br />

MUS 4783 Secondary Vocal Methods<br />

Instrumental Concentr<strong>at</strong>ion Requirements: 7 hours<br />

Applied Voice: (2 hours)<br />

MUS 4613 Secondary Instrumental Methods<br />

MUS 4712 Instrumental Conducting<br />

www. uamont .edu 161

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