ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS

ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS

ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS


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Krokodil / Crocodile<br />

Krokodill / Kaspar Jancis<br />

Estonija/Estonia / 2009 / 17'00''<br />

Tehnika / Technique crtež na papiru, 2D animacija / drawing<br />

on paper, 2D animation Režija, scenarij, glazba, montaža /<br />

Director, screenplay, music, editing Kaspar Jancis Animacija<br />

/ Animation Tarmo Vaarmets, Ülle Metsur, Marje Ale, Annely<br />

Põldsaar, Tiina Ubar Sauter Kamera, kompjuterska grafika<br />

/ Camera, computer graphics Marje-Ly Liiv Producent /<br />

Producer Kalev Tamm Produkcija, Distribucija / Production,<br />

Distribution Eesti Joonisfilm, info@joonisfilm.ee,<br />

www.joonisfilm.ee<br />

/ Ovo je priča o bivšoj opernoj zvijezdi koja je<br />

voljom sudbine prisiljena raditi kao krokodil u kostimu od<br />

stiropora i zabavljati djecu u igraonici u trgovačkom centru.<br />

Kaspar Jancis (1975) zanima se od djetinjstva za crtanje<br />

stripova i pisanje priča koje sam i ilustrira. Filmom<br />

se počeo baviti u filmskom klubu, a kasnije je studirao<br />

animaciju pod vodstvom Priita Pärna. Debitirao je filmom<br />

Romance (1999), nakon čega su uslijedili Weitzenberg<br />

Street (2002) i Marathon (2006). Krokodil je u posljednje<br />

dvije godine osvojio glavne nagrade na festivalima<br />

u Ljubljani, Beogradu, Tallinnu, te je osvojio nagradu<br />

Cartoon d'Or za 2010. godinu.<br />

/ The story of a former opera star who must<br />

by the will of Fate work as a Crocodile in a styrofoam<br />

costume entertaining children in the playroom of a<br />

shopping mall.<br />

Since his childhood, Kaspar Jancis (1975) has been interested<br />

in drawing comics and writing stories for which<br />

he made illustrations himself. He started making films<br />

within the scope of a film club. Later he studied animation<br />

under the guidance of Priit Pärn. His debut was<br />

Romance (1999), followed by Weitzenberg Street (2002)<br />

and Marathon (2006). In past two years his Crocodile has<br />

won main awards at the festivals in Ljubljana, Belgrade,<br />

Tallinn and the Cartoon d'Or Award in 2010.<br />

/ Spektakularne automobilske potjere, žestoka<br />

talačka kriza i divlje životinje haraju gradom. Sve to i još<br />

mnogo više u Logorami!<br />

Logoramu je režirao kolektiv H5 koji čine François Alaux,<br />

Hervé de Crécy i Ludovic Houplain, redatelji brojnih<br />

glazbenih spotova i redoviti izlagači svojih radova u<br />

muzejima i galerijama. Logorama je njihov prvi kratki<br />

film, dobitnik nagrade Oscar za najbolji kratki animirani<br />

film 2010. godine.<br />

Logorama<br />

François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy, Ludovic Houplain<br />

Francuska/France / 2009 / 16'05''<br />

Tehnika / Technique 3D kompjuterska animacija / 3D<br />

computer animation Režija, scenarij / Directors, screenplay<br />

François Alaux, Ludovic Houplain, Hervé de Crécy Animacija<br />

/ Animation Julien Aubard, Guillaume Bergere, Patrice<br />

Cailhol, Damien Climent, Nicolas Deleyris, Thomas Dufour<br />

Montaža / Editing Sam Danesi, Stephen Berger Glazba / Music<br />

Human Worldwide Uloge / Cast Bob Stephenson, Sherman<br />

Augustus, Aja Evans, Joel Michaely, Matt Winston, Andrew<br />

Kevin Walker, David Fincher Producent / Producer Nicolas<br />

Schmerkin Produkcija, Distribucija / Production, Distribution<br />

Autour de Minuit, festivals@autourdeminuit.com, http://blog.<br />

autourdeminuit.com<br />

cartoon d'or 2010<br />

/ Spectacular car chases, an intense hostage<br />

crisis, wild animals rampaging through the city, and even<br />

more in Logorama!<br />

Logorama was directed within the collective H5, by<br />

François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy and Ludovic Houplain,<br />

directors of many music videos, regularly invited to exhibit<br />

their work in museums and art galleries. Logorama<br />

is their first short film, winning an Oscar for Best<br />

Animated Short in 2010.<br />


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