ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS

ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS

ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS


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Ovaj animirani triptih pripovijeda o usporednim svjetovima<br />

spavača, ribara i njegove žene i ptice. Njihova<br />

svakodnevica ne teče onako glatko kako bi se očekivalo.<br />

Iako naoko nemaju ništa zajedničko, tri svijeta čudesno<br />

su povezana.<br />

Na zemlji, na moru i u zraku /<br />

On Land, at Sea and in the Air<br />

Ter land, ter zee en in de lucht<br />

Nizozemska/The Netherlands / 35 mm / 1980 / 10’00’’<br />

/ This animated triptych tells the story of the<br />

parallel worlds of a sleeper, a fisherman and his wife,<br />

and a bird. Their daily lives are not as smooth as one<br />

would expect. Although it seems as if the three worlds<br />

have nothing to do with each other, they are miraculously<br />

connected at the same time.<br />

Izbor nagrada / Selected awards Srebrni medvjed/<br />

Silver Bear Berlinale 1981; Mention de qualité, Centre<br />

National de la Cinématographie, Paris 1981<br />

Režija, animacija / Director, animation Paul Driessen<br />

Sjenčanje, bojanje / Tracing, painting Esther Zacks Rostrum<br />

kamera / Rostrum camera Wim van Beelen Zvuk / Sound<br />

Ronald Nadorp Producenti / Producers Peter Brouwer, Sylvia<br />

Steinert Produkcija / Production Peter Brouwer Audio-Visual<br />

Productions izvor / print source NIAF, heuvel@niaf.nl, www.<br />

niaf.nl<br />

Jedna starica boravi kod kuće, plete, tjera muhe i s vremena<br />

na vrijeme poziva prijateljicu na čaj. U redovitim<br />

razmacima kroz njezinu kuću tutnje vlakovi. To se događa<br />

rijetko, ali njoj je posve prihvatljivo. No njezin će<br />

miran život iznenada narušiti potreba društva za većim<br />

brojem željezničkih pruga.<br />

Kućica na tračnicama<br />

/ Home on the Rails<br />

Het treinhuisje<br />

Nizozemska/The Netherlands / 35 mm / 1981 / 10’00’’<br />

/ An old woman is at home, knitting, shooing<br />

away flies and occasionally inviting a friend to tea. At<br />

regular intervals, trains come thundering through her<br />

dwelling. This is a little but apparently acceptable to her.<br />

Suddenly, this somewhat peaceful existence is further<br />

disrupted by society’s need for yet more railways.<br />

Izbor nagrada / Selected awards Mention de qualité,<br />

Centre National de la Cinématographie, Paris 1982;<br />

Grand Prix Lausanne 1983<br />

Režija, animacija / Director, animation Paul Driessen<br />

Sjenčanje, bojanje / Tracing, painting Esther Zacks, Colin<br />

Nawrot Rostrum kamera / Rostrum camera Wim van Beelen<br />

Glazba / Music Normand Roger Foley Ronald Nadorp,<br />

Marcel de Vré Producenti / Producers Peter Brouwer, Sylvia<br />

Steinert Produkcija / Production Peter Brouwer Audio-Visual<br />

Productions izvor / print source NIAF, heuvel@niaf.nl,<br />

www.niaf.nl<br />

majstori animacije / masters of animation<br />

paul driessen <br />


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