ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS

ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS

ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS


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osebujan<br />

svemir<br />

paula<br />

driessena<br />

driessena<br />

the remarkable<br />

universe<br />

of paul<br />

of driessen paul<br />

driessen<br />

Paul Driessen, rođen u nizozemskom gradu Nijmegenu<br />

1940, jedan je od najuspješnijih umjetnika animacije<br />

svoga vremena. Tijekom duge karijere osvojio je desetke<br />

nagrada i priznanja za svoje iznimno originalne<br />

filmove koji su se prikazivali na festivalima širom svijeta:<br />

u Hirošimi, Šangaju, Ottawi, Utrechtu, Stuttgartu<br />

i... Zagrebu.<br />

Na prvi se pogled Driessenov stil može doimati jednostavnim<br />

jer likove crta jasnim i odrješitim linijama te<br />

im dodaje što manje scenografije. No pomniji pogled<br />

otkrit će sofisticiranu slikovnost, istodobno univerzalnu<br />

i jedinstvenu, te fascinantnu animaciju koja je i dandanas<br />

izvor nadahnuća animatorima diljem svijeta.<br />

U svakom filmu Driessen stvara novi maleni<br />

svemir sa svojim vlastitim zakonima, tek neznatno sličan<br />

zbilji u kojoj živimo. Oblik igra ključnu ulogu u tim<br />

duhovitim i katkad bizarnim svjetovima. Linije, zavoji i<br />

plohe stalno mijenjaju oblik, zbog čega i njihova funkcija<br />

i značenje postaju nešto drugo. Njegov smisao za<br />

vrijeme je vrhunski. Malim pokretima i privlačnom animacijom<br />

Driessen nam golica maštu, vara očekivanja i<br />

nasmijava nas. Njegovi su filmovi humoristični, katkad<br />

bizarni, no rijetko bezbrižni. Njegove se priče odvijaju<br />

neobičnom, ali neumoljivom logikom sve dok slijed<br />

događaja ne završi s mračnim i sumornim zaključkom.<br />

Glavni lik gotovo nikada ne preživi neizbježan<br />

katastrofalni ishod na kraju filma.<br />

Za razumijevanje Driessenova izuzetnog<br />

opusa moramo se vratiti u njegovo djetinjstvo. Važan<br />

dio svog odrastanja proveo je u nizozemskom veleposlanstvu<br />

u Moskvi, gdje je njegov otac radio kao ataše u<br />

vrijeme dok se Hladni rat širio i sve čvršće stezao svijet.<br />

Nije pohađao školu s drugom djecom, nego ga je kod<br />

kuće zajedno s mlađim bratom i sestrom podučavala<br />

majka. Olovka i papir bili su njegov bijeg od učmale, gole<br />

egzistencije unutar zidova veleposlanstva. Upravo se u<br />

tim godinama izolacije krije zametak njegovih kasnijih<br />

radova, koji se ne temelje na ključnim događajima ili<br />

povijesnoj stvarnosti, već na bujnoj ali i razmjerno nepovezanoj<br />

mašti.<br />

Paul Driessen, born in Nijmegen, the Netherlands in<br />

1940, is one of the most successful animation filmmakers<br />

of his time. During his long lasting career he<br />

has received dozens and dozens of prizes and awards<br />

for his highly original work. His films are shown at festivals<br />

all over the world: Hiroshima, Shanghai, Ottawa,<br />

Utrecht, Stuttgart and… Zagreb.<br />

At first glance the style of Driessen may appear<br />

to be simple as he draws his characters with clear<br />

cut lines and as little scenery as possible. A closer look<br />

however reveals sophisticated imagery, which is universal<br />

and idiosyncratic at the same time, and stunning<br />

animations which have been and still are a source of<br />

inspiration for animation artists all over the world.<br />

In each film Driessen creates a new, little<br />

universe, with its own laws, and which bears only<br />

a mild resemblance to the reality we live in. Form<br />

plays a key role in these funny and sometimes bizarre<br />

worlds. Lines, curves and planes are constantly<br />

reshaped, transforming their function and meaning<br />

into something else. His sense of timing is superb.<br />

With small movements and eye catching animations<br />

Driessen tickles our imagination, deceives our expectations<br />

and makes us laugh. His films are humoristic,<br />

sometimes bizarre, but rarely light at heart. His stories<br />

unfold with a strange, but iron logic until the chain of<br />

events reaches its dark and grim conclusion. Almost<br />

never does the main character survive the inevitable<br />

catastrophic outcome at the end.<br />

To understand the origin of his remarkable<br />

work we have to go back to his childhood. Paul spend<br />

an important part of his growing up in the Dutch embassy<br />

in Moscow, where his father was an attaché, in<br />

a time the Cold War spread and deepened its grip on<br />

the world. Paul did not attend school with other children.<br />

His mother taught him at home, together with<br />

his younger brother and his sister. Pencil and paper<br />

were his means of escaping the monotonous, bare<br />

existence inside the embassy’s walls. These years of<br />

isolation contained the seed for much of his later work,<br />

majstori animacije / masters of animation<br />

paul driessen

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