ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS

ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS

ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS


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Europa voli europske festivale<br />

Festivali su privilegirano mjesto za sastajanje, razmjene<br />

i spoznaje. Oni pružaju živo i pristupačno okruženje za<br />

brojne raznovrsne talente, priče i emocije koje čine europsku<br />

kinematografiju.<br />

Cilj programa MEDIA Europske Unije promocija<br />

je europske audiovizualne baštine, poticanje cirkulacije<br />

filmova izvan njihovih vlastitih granica i podizanje<br />

konkurentnosti u audiovizualnoj industriji.<br />

Program MEDIA potvrdio je kulturnu, obrazovnu,<br />

socijalnu i ekonomsku ulogu festivala sufinancirajući<br />

svake godine više od 90 festivala koji su prikazali 20<br />

tisuća europskih radova za gotovo 3 milijuna gledatelja<br />

diljem Europe.<br />

Ove godine program MEDIA slavi svoj 20.<br />

rođendan. Posebno smo ponosni na razvoj europske<br />

filmske industrije u proteklom razdoblju i na činjenicu<br />

da možemo istaknuti svoj daljnji angažman u podršci<br />

europske kinematografije u budućnosti.<br />

MEDIA sa zadovoljstvom podržava 21. izdanje<br />

Animafesta—Svjetskog festivala animiranog filma u<br />

Zagrebu. Želimo svim sudionicima ugodan i poticajan<br />

događaj.<br />

Program MEDIA<br />

Europska Unija<br />

Europe loves European Festivals<br />

A privileged place for meetings, exchanges and discovery,<br />

festivals provide a vibrant and accessible environment<br />

for the widest variety of talent, stories and emotions<br />

that constitute Europe’s cinematography.<br />

The MEDIA Programme of the European<br />

Union aims to promote European audiovisual heritage, to<br />

encourage the circulation of films outside their own borders<br />

and to foster audiovisual industry competitiveness.<br />

The MEDIA Programme acknowledges the<br />

cultural, educational, social and economic role of festivals<br />

by co-financing more than 90 festivals each year, programming<br />

more than 20 000 screenings of European<br />

works to nearly 3 million audience across Europe.<br />

This year the MEDIA programme is celebrating<br />

its 20th Birthday so we are especially proud to look back<br />

on how much the European film industry has developed<br />

over this period, and to stress our continued commitment<br />

to supporting the EU film industry in the future.<br />

MEDIA is pleased to support the 21 st edition of<br />

the World Festival of Animated Film—Animafest Zagreb<br />

and we extend our best wishes to all of the festival goers<br />

for an enjoyable and stimulating event.<br />


European Union<br />

Za više informacija o programu MEDIA posjetite naše<br />

stranice: http://ec.europa.eu/media<br />

For more information on MEDIA please visit our website:<br />


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