ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS

ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS

ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS


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Režija / Director Rastko Ćirić Scenarij / Screenplay Branislava Ilić Animacija / Animation tim filma Baš Čelik / Bash Tchelik<br />

Creative Team Produkcija / Production Pedro & Branko LDA Tehnika / Technique 3D kompjuter / 3D computer Trajanje /<br />

Running time 90’ PredviĐeni budžet / Estimated budget 10.384.885,00 EUR PredviĐeni završetak / Estimated release date 2015<br />

Kontakt / ContacT Pedro & Branko LDA, bneskov@clix.pt, www.loudness-films.pt<br />

baš čelik / BASH TCHELIK<br />

Rastko Ćirić<br />

Srbija, Portugal / Serbia, Portugal<br />

Baš Čelik stara je i popularna srpska bajka. Film je<br />

zamišljen kao obiteljski film s elementima horora, ali ispunjen<br />

humorom. Baš Čelik bio je slavni zlikovac koji se<br />

želio osvetiti kralju koji ga je bio zarobio. Priču će nadopuniti<br />

elementi iz drugih srpskih bajki i bića iz srpske<br />

mitologije, a njihov će izgled biti preuzet iz popularne<br />

knjige, izložbe i kratkog animiranog filma Ale i bauci<br />

(1989) Rastka Ćirića.<br />

Rastko Ćirić (1955) redovni je profesor na Fakultetu za<br />

primijenjenu umjetnost, gdje predaje ilustraciju, i profesor<br />

animacije u Filmskoj školi Dunav filma. Osnivač<br />

je predmeta Animacija i Studija za animaciju na FPU-u<br />

(2006). Od 2006. vodi Grupu za digitalnu umjetnost na<br />

Interdisciplinarnim studijima Sveučilišta za umjetnost<br />

u Beogradu. Bavi se grafikom, primijenjenom grafikom<br />

(ilustracija, logotipovi, eks libris, strip...), animacijom i<br />

glazbom. Održao je 35 samostalnih izložbi (Beograd,<br />

Novi Sad, Titograd, Vranje, Ljubljana, Kopar, Annecy,<br />

Hiroshima…), a autor je i 14 animiranih filmova i mnogih<br />

knjiga. Za svoj rad primio je brojne nagrade i priznanja.<br />

Bash Tchelik is an old, well known and popular Serbian fairy<br />

tale. It is conceived as a family entertainment movie, with<br />

elements of horror, but filled with humour. Bash Tchelik<br />

was a great villain who wanted to seek revenge from the<br />

king who had imprisoned him. The story will be combined<br />

with elements of other Serbian fairy tales, and filled with<br />

creatures from Serbian mythology, whose design will<br />

be taken from the popular book, exhibition and a short<br />

animated film Ogres and Bogies (1989) by Rastko Ćirić.<br />

Rastko Ćirić (1955) is a full professor of Illustration at<br />

the Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Arts, Belgrade.<br />

He is the founder of the subject of Animation at the FAA,<br />

Belgrade and the FAA Animation Studio (2006), and a<br />

Head of the Digital Arts Group of the Interdisciplinary<br />

Postgraduate studies at the University of Arts, Belgrade.<br />

He works in graphic design (illustration, logo, poster, exlibris,<br />

comics), art graphic, animation and music. He<br />

had 35 solo exhibitions (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Ljubljana,<br />

Kopar, Annecy, Hiroshima…), made 14 animated films<br />

and published many books. For his work he received<br />

numerous awards and prizes.<br />

animafest pro<br />


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