ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS

ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS

ANIMAFEST 2011 - katalog - HFS


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Režija / Director Tibor Banoczki Animacija / Animation Frikafilms Produkcija / Production Quark Films, Frikafilms Tehnika /<br />

Technique 2D kompjuter / 2D computer Trajanje / Running time 95’ PredviĐeni budžet / Estimated budget 3.600.000,00 EUR<br />

PredviĐeni završetak / Estimated release date 2014<br />

Kontakt / Contact Quark Films, anna@quarkfilms.com, www.quarkfilms.com<br />


Tibor Banoczki<br />

Velika Britanija, MaĐarska / United Kingdom, Hungary<br />

Temeljen na romanu Uptona Sinclaira, The Jungle govori<br />

o propalom američkom snu u osvit 20. stoljeća. Jurgis<br />

i Ona stižu iz ruralne Litve u industrijsku prijestolnicu<br />

svijeta: Chicago. Sanjaju o novom i sretnom životu, no<br />

ubrzo ih proguta najnesmiljenija, najprljavija i najnemilosrdnija<br />

gradska četvrt. Ovo je priča o masovnoj proizvodnji,<br />

migraciji i kvarnosti modernog svijeta.<br />

Tibor Banoczki (1977) magistrirao je na mađarskoj<br />

Akademiji za primijenjenu umjetnost, obrt i dizajn, specijaliziravši<br />

se za animaciju. Godine 2005. preselio se u<br />

London i upisao na Nacionalnu školu za film i televiziju,<br />

gdje je 2007. po drugi put magistrirao režiju u animaciji.<br />

Mliječni zubi, njegov diplomski film, osvojio je nagrade<br />

u Annecyu, Ottawi i PISAF-u.<br />

Based on Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle, film tells<br />

of a shattered American dream at the dawn of the 20 th<br />

Century. Jurgis and Ona arrive from rural Lithuania to<br />

the industrial capital of the world: Chicago. They dream<br />

of a new and happy life, but they soon find themselves<br />

eaten up by the most brutal, filthy and merciless district<br />

of the city. A tale of mass production, migration and<br />

modern corruption.<br />

Tibor Banoczki (1977) received a MA degree at the<br />

Hungarian Academy of Applied Arts, Craft and Design<br />

specializing in animation. In 2005 he moved to London<br />

and enrolled the National Film and Television School,<br />

where he got his second MA degree in Animation<br />

Direction in 2007. Milk Teeth, his 2007 NFTS graduation<br />

film, has won awards in Annecy, Ottawa, and PISAF.<br />

animafest pro

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