Kinetic Molecular Theory PowerPoint

Kinetic Molecular Theory PowerPoint

Kinetic Molecular Theory PowerPoint


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Gases and Phases of Matter<br />

The <strong>Kinetic</strong> <strong>Molecular</strong><br />


<strong>Kinetic</strong> Means “Moving”<br />

• <strong>Kinetic</strong> = in motion<br />

• <strong>Molecular</strong> = tiny particles<br />

• <strong>Theory</strong> = our best model for how<br />

things actually work

<strong>Kinetic</strong> <strong>Molecular</strong> <strong>Theory</strong><br />

• K<br />

• M<br />

• T<br />

• <strong>Kinetic</strong> energy is perfectly maintained in “elastic”<br />

molecular collisions. I.e., no energy is lost in collisions.<br />

There is no attraction between particles.<br />

• Molecules are in constant Motion.<br />

– Vibrational motion (solid, liquid and gas molecules all<br />

vibrate.)<br />

– Translational motion (molecules free to move past<br />

each other: liquids and gases only.)<br />

• Tiny particles called “molecules” make up all matter.

Evidence That Gases Exist<br />

• Many gases are<br />

invisible, but not all.<br />

• Iodine vapor is pink.<br />

• Chlorine gas is<br />

yellow-green.<br />

• Smoke and clouds or<br />

fog are NOT gases.

Evidence That Gases Exist<br />

• Gases have mass.<br />

• A balloon inflated<br />

with air weighs more<br />

than a non-inflated<br />

one.<br />

• Moving matter can do<br />

work. Moving air can<br />

do work. E. g. wind<br />

farms and tornadoes.

Evidence That Gases Exist<br />

• Many gases are odorless, but others are not.<br />

• E. g. Hydrogen sulfide makes rotten eggs<br />

and sulfur springs smell bad.<br />

• And of course, we have all “passed wind” at<br />

some point (although we usually won’t<br />

admit it.)

Evidence That Gases Exist<br />

• Gases occupy space,<br />

or have volume.<br />

• E. g. the inflated<br />

balloon mentioned<br />

earlier or the air in<br />

your lungs or a<br />

SCUBA tank.

Evidence That Gases Exist<br />

• Gases exert pressure on<br />

surfaces. Gas molecule<br />

collisions put force on<br />

surfaces.<br />

• P = Force/area<br />

• English system = lb/in 2<br />

• Metric system = N/m 2<br />

• 1N/m 2 = 1 Pascal<br />

• You might be astounded<br />

to learn how much force<br />

(pounds) the atmosphere<br />

around you puts on your<br />

body. Try to find out the<br />

total force on your skin<br />

surface.<br />

• Body Surface Area

Evidence That Gases Exist<br />

• Finally, a scientist named Brown discovered<br />

Brownian Motion.<br />

• When smoke particles in a closed chamber<br />

are examined under a microscope, they are<br />

seen to vibrate.<br />

• The explanation for their random movement<br />

is that the particles are constantly<br />

bombarded by moving air molecules.<br />

• Java applet for Brownian motion.

<strong>Kinetic</strong> <strong>Molecular</strong> <strong>Theory</strong><br />

• An “ideal gas” is one in which molecular<br />

collisions are perfectly elastic.<br />

• Experimentation shows us that real gases do<br />

not follow ideal behavior.<br />

• We believe that the assumption that<br />

molecular collisions are elastic is NOT<br />


<strong>Kinetic</strong> <strong>Molecular</strong> <strong>Theory</strong><br />

• Hence, there are NO IDEAL GASES.<br />

• In real gases, the molecules have some volume of<br />

their own, and there is always some degree of<br />

attraction between molecules.<br />

• Small, non-polar molecules (e. g. He) at very low<br />

pressure and high temperature approach ideal<br />

behavior, but there is still deviation.<br />

• This little applet shows how molecules might<br />

behave and change state with attraction between<br />

the particles. Phase changes with attraction between molecules.

The Gas Laws<br />

• There are several important laws you will<br />

need to know regarding gases.<br />

• These laws involve the use of several<br />

common variables.<br />

• The main variables you will need are these:<br />

– V, P, T, n, R, d and μ (Greek letter “mu”.)

Variables and Their Units<br />

• V = volume in Liters<br />

• T = temperature in Kelvins (°C + 273)<br />

• P = pressure in atmospheres (atm), mmHg, or<br />

kilopascals (kPa)<br />

• n = number of moles of gas<br />

• R = universal gas constant<br />

• d = gas density in g/L<br />

• μ = molar mass of the gas in g/mol

Boyle’s Law<br />

• Robert Boyle discovered that (at constant temperature)<br />

volume and pressure of a gas are inversely proportional.<br />

• V 1 P 1 = V 2 P 2<br />

• Simply put, as P↑, V↓ and vice versa.<br />

• Can the volume of the gas be squeezed down to zero?<br />

• No. The gas is composed of molecules and will always<br />

have some volume and mass.<br />

• As a large volume of atmospheric air is confined to the<br />

small volume of a SCUBA tank, P increases inside the<br />

tank. As V ↓, P ↑.

Charles’ Law<br />

• Jacques Charles discovered that (at constant<br />

pressure) gas volume and temperature are directly<br />

proportional.<br />

• V 1 /T 1 = V 2 /T 2<br />

• Simply put, gases expand as they get warmer and<br />

contract as they cool.<br />

• As T↑, V ↑<br />

• This is how hot air ballooning works.

Gay-Lussac’s Law<br />

• Gay-Lussac discovered that (at constant<br />

volume,) gas temperature and pressure are<br />

directly proportional.<br />

• P 1 /T 1 = P 2 /T 2<br />

• Simply put, as T↑, P↑<br />

• This is why aerosol cans say, “DO NOT<br />


The Combined Gas Law<br />

• To simplify life a bit, Boyle’s, Charles’ and<br />

Gay-Lussac’s Laws are all put together into<br />

one mathematical expression called the<br />

Combined Gas Law.<br />

• V 1 P 1 = V 2 P 2<br />

T 1 T 2<br />

• This is a very important law for you to<br />


Avogadro’s Principle<br />

• Amedeo Avogadro proposed that at equal<br />

temperature and pressure, equal volumes of<br />

all gases contain the same number of<br />

molecules.<br />

• This important idea lead to the discovery of<br />

Avogadro’s famous number (N). There are<br />

6.02 x 10 23 molecules in 1 mole of any<br />

substance.<br />

• In a practical sense, more moles = more V<br />

of gas.

The Ideal Gas Law<br />

• One factor not considered by the combined<br />

gas law is the amount (moles) of gas.<br />

• The ideal gas law takes moles into account.<br />

• PV = nRT<br />

• This equation makes an automatic<br />

correction to standard temperature and<br />

pressure. This allows us to easily work<br />

with systems that are not at STP.

Ideal Gases<br />

• Earlier, we said that there were NO ideal gases.<br />

So, what good is an ideal gas law?<br />

• We can actually make pretty CLOSE predictions<br />

using PV = nRT.<br />

• Johannes Van der Waal developed a modified<br />

version of the equation to compensate for real gas<br />

behavior. You may research van der Waal’s<br />

equation if you wish.

The Universal Gas Constant<br />

• R is the universal gas constant that corrects<br />

for systems not at STP.<br />

• The value of R varies depending on which<br />

units of pressure are being used.<br />

• R = 0.0821 L • atm/mol • K<br />

• R = 62.4 L • mmHg/mol • K<br />

• R = 8.31 L • kPa/mol • K

V, P, T and n<br />

• It is pointless to discuss the volume of a gas<br />

without discussing the moles of gas and the<br />

temperature and pressure at the same time.<br />

• An change in any one of these 4 variables<br />

affects the others. They are all interrelated.

Dalton’s Law<br />

• Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures says that<br />

in a mixture of gases, each gas exerts its<br />

own pressure as though the others were not<br />

there.<br />

• Mathematically, P T = P 1 + P 2 + P 3 + ...

The “Litter Box” Equation<br />

• A useful version of the Ideal Gas Law<br />

involves molar mass and gas density.<br />

• μ = dRT/P<br />

• If gas density (d in g/L) is known, molar<br />

mass (μ in g/mol) can easily be calculated.<br />

• We call it the “litter box” equation because<br />

a kitty says “mu”, takes a “P”, and kicks<br />

“dRT” over it. Easy to remember.

Barometers<br />

• The barometer is a device<br />

we use for measuring<br />

atmospheric air pressure.<br />

• It consists of a tube that is<br />

sealed at one end and open<br />

at the other.<br />

• The tube is filled with<br />

liquid mercury, tipped<br />

upside down and the open<br />

end placed in a dish of<br />


Barometers<br />

Torricellian<br />

Vacuum<br />

Air<br />

Glass Tube<br />

Hg<br />

760<br />

mm<br />

• Gravity pulls the mercury down<br />

slightly in the tube, creating a<br />

vacuum in the top, sealed end<br />

of the tube.<br />

• However, air pressure pushing<br />

on the surface of the mercury in<br />

the dish keeps the mercury<br />

suspended in the tube.<br />

• The higher the air pressure, the<br />

higher the column in the tube.<br />

• On a normal day at sea level,<br />

the height of the mercury will<br />

be 760mm above the level of<br />

the mercury in the dish.

A Rising Barometer<br />

• The next time the weather<br />

forecaster says the barometer is<br />

at 29.32 inches and rising, they<br />

mean the mercury column is<br />

going up in the tube.<br />

• This indicates that the air<br />

pressure is increasing.<br />

• High pressure is usually<br />

associated with cool, dry air and<br />

sunny skies.<br />

• Go ahead with your picnic<br />


A Falling Barometer<br />

• A falling barometer gets broken!<br />

Just kidding.<br />

• A falling barometer indicates low<br />

air pressure. Air near the ground is<br />

rising into the upper atmosphere.<br />

• Air from near the ground usually<br />

contains moisture (humidity). As<br />

the air rises, it cools and the<br />

moisture condenses.<br />

• The result is clouds and perhaps<br />

rain or snow.<br />

• A falling barometer often indicates<br />

stormy weather. You may want to<br />

change your picnic plans.

Review<br />

V<br />

o<br />

l<br />

u<br />

m<br />

e<br />

B<br />

D<br />

A<br />

C<br />

• Which line on the<br />

graph at the left best<br />

illustrates Boyle’s<br />

Law of pressure and<br />

volume?<br />

• If you said “D”, you<br />

are correct!<br />


Review<br />

V<br />

o<br />

l<br />

u<br />

m<br />

e<br />

B<br />

D<br />

A<br />

C<br />

• Which line on the<br />

graph shows Charles’<br />

Law, the relationship<br />

between temperature<br />

and volume?<br />

• If you said “A” you<br />

are correct.<br />


Review<br />

P<br />

r<br />

e<br />

s<br />

s<br />

u<br />

r<br />

e<br />

B<br />

D<br />

A<br />

C<br />

• Which line best<br />

illustrates Gay-<br />

Lussac’s law of<br />

pressure vs.<br />

temperature?<br />

• If you said “A” again,<br />

you are correct.<br />


Review<br />

V<br />

o<br />

l<br />

u<br />

m<br />

e<br />

B<br />

D<br />

A<br />

C<br />

• Which line best shows<br />

Avogadro’s principle<br />

involving moles of gas<br />

and volume.<br />

• Once again, “A” is the<br />

best answer.<br />

• How did you do?<br />


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