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ALP7 MH.pdf - Waahhh.com

ALP7 MH.pdf - Waahhh.com


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Endless<br />

Discovery.<br />

ALPS 7- <strong>MH</strong> -zors<br />

Lr llU<br />

,J/<br />

'IIL'<br />

II''<br />

\\72<br />

KKKP 1508<br />

fr nu:rwPu\:JtL-rrAEy<br />

tt^ t(UtoBE ArpII{E Rol.r[[ I :. 14 ! i r<br />

Kurobe.daira y'\<br />

LocarRairway I Hto?'g? xisrrrand Bus Tunnerttorrev llfJ-ff [51!;",,war {L1tt* l[''

fl<br />


- l$ltsAl ( Meats on board )<br />

*oepart by flight to Japan .0saka, Kansai<br />

Airport.<br />

Arrival KAl{SA!<br />

t-Dt -WAXAYAilA-OSAKA<br />

Ay' l ueats on toaro 1 ltuncnl<br />

tlJpon arrival Kansai airport, proceed to<br />

Wakayama Prefecture is localed on the Kii<br />

Peninsula, the largest peninsula in Japan,<br />

inthe Kaasairegion which is also home to<br />

osaka and Kyoto.<br />

*Kuroshio Market is located in Marina City,<br />

yJhere tuna cutling shows are held lhree<br />

times a day, Ylalch in awe as a gianl tuna is<br />

skilllully cut right in front of your eyes!<br />

Kuroshio Marlel is also home to many iresh<br />

seafood restaurants and souvenir shops with<br />

a wide selection of local products.<br />

tYuasa Town flourished from the 'l7th lo'lgth<br />

centuries due to soy sauce and Kinzanji miso<br />

productiofl. The lownscapes are designaled<br />

as a haditional archilectures preservation<br />

district and include many hislorical homes.<br />

You can also yisit soy sauce breweries to<br />

view lools for making soy sauce and displays<br />

of reference materials.<br />

*Proceed to visil osaka busiest street,<br />

Shinsaibashi, is famous as a lown where you<br />

will have a glimpse of the lat.st lrends.<br />

rb osAlG - KYOTO<br />

.D - GIFU l Brca';tast. Lunch )<br />

*Heading lo Kyoto to start our ciiy tour. Kyolo<br />

is virtually a living museum of Japan's greal<br />

artistic he lage.<br />

* Arashiyama Togetsu Bridge, wlst of the<br />

atlractions of Kyolo, Japan since lhe Heian<br />

morning, the Japarese v/ill be in lhis counlry<br />

hikers, boaling swimming pleasur! to<br />

crossing on the bridga near scenic<br />

mountains.<br />

i Nijo Castle was buill in 1603 as lhe Kyolo<br />

residence o, Tokugawa leyasu, the first<br />

shogur of lhe Edo Period (1603.,l86i). His<br />

grandson lemitsu <strong>com</strong>pleled lh€ castle's<br />

palace buildings 23 years later and further<br />

erpanded the caslle by adding a five story<br />

castle keep,<br />

*Then enjoy kimono show at Nishijin 0rimono<br />

Center.<br />

*The Kyoto Stalion building was construcled<br />

on the l200lh anniversary ol lhe capital's<br />

foundation in Kyolo. ll was opened to the<br />

public in '1997 and stands in perlect contrast<br />

to many foreign tourists'imag! of Kyolo as<br />

the capital of lraditional Japan.<br />

*Continue journey to Gifu for overnight slay,<br />




( Breakfast, Lunch. Dnnet )<br />

*Takayama Jinya [Hislorical Governmenl<br />

Housel - served as the government's<br />

administrative office for lhe Hida area during<br />

the Edo period. ll is lhe only remaining<br />

government otfice trom that period in Japan.<br />

The building is open to the public.<br />

* San.machi Suji - This is actually the center of<br />

the old town ol Takayama and is still a living<br />

part of the cily, despite its old buildings and<br />

quaint atmosphere. The thr€e main streels of<br />

Sanno.machi Suji (lchino-machi, Nino.machi<br />

and San.machi) are narro'rJ, and lincd with<br />

stores selling iraditional wares, craftsmen's<br />

workshops, inns and brewerirs {indicated by<br />

a ball made of cedar leaves hanging outside).<br />

*Shirakawago Village: Nestled in a rural<br />

selling reminiscenl of the old Japaa,<br />

Shirakawa-go is world-famous for iis st€eply<br />

thalch-roofed or "gassho.zukuri" style<br />

traditioflal of the finesl in craflsmanship.<br />

Then, proceed lo 0bservalion Desk to view of<br />

Shirakawago Village.<br />

t overnighl stay at Kanazawa or Toyama, .<br />



- ISAIYA (lrcakrast Lunch Dnnet)<br />

i Today an exciling day waits you.<br />

The Tateyama K!robe Alpine RoLrte has<br />

distance of 86km and goes from Takayama<br />

station on lhe Toyama Chiho Tetsudo line to<br />

llagano 0gisawa, 0n lhe way to the Alpine<br />

route, there are many scenic spots. View<br />

Takayama one of Japan's 3 Scared Mountains<br />

and has been worshipped since ancienl<br />

times. Enioy picturesque rural scenery along<br />

the Tateyama.Kurobe Alpine route via a<br />

<strong>com</strong>bination of 6 different lransportations :<br />

Taleyama cable car, highland bus, tunnel<br />

trolley bus, Kurobe cable car, Kanden lunnel<br />

bus and ropeway. Along the way pass by the<br />

350 melre high Shomyo.daki, the highest<br />

waterfall in Japan, and also Murodo ryhere a<br />

spring of 2.5 degrees Celsius gushes out<br />

even in summer. At Daikanbo thrill to a<br />

sweeping view of the majestic lJshiro-<br />

Tateytama Mountain Range, which tower likes<br />

a huge folding screen. Explore the famous<br />

Kurobe Alps, also known as the spinal core of<br />

Japan, for ils unique diversity of floras,<br />

faunas and alps scenieries. l,lert be amaze<br />

by Kurobe Dam, one of the greatesl man<br />

made wonders in the ryorld. (popularly known as<br />

"Kuroyon Dam". You ma elperience the famous Snow<br />

Cofiidor if you visil bet[een endApriland end itay).<br />

'- fte visil tg tte 5rlor cdr*tu b s&Fct b re.fpt<br />

condi'liol,t .Dd be o,E,iig ,E,iod W locd affio,iliPA,<br />

*Proceed to lsawa Hot Spring area, you able to<br />

enjoy the Japanese hot spring in the hotel.<br />


(? - J{ARlrA ra.",rr,"rl<br />

* Photo stop at the lovely Shiraito Falls.<br />

'Shkaito' means 'white thread", and lhe<br />

falling walers, about 20m high and 200m<br />

rvide, resemble hanging silke[ threads.<br />

*Gotemba Premium 0utlet - are Japafl's most<br />

popular outlet mall, located in Gotemba City<br />

al the base of Mount Fuji, notfarlrom<br />

Hakone. The mallleatur€s oyer 200 stores<br />

along with a number of restauranls, a food<br />

court and a 50 meler high ferris wheel.<br />

*Continuejourney to Tokyo lor city tour.<br />

*Asakusa Kannon Temple & Nakamise<br />

shopping street: is a 300m approach lo<br />

Sensoji Temple, is one ol the oldest shopping<br />

slreets in Japan, Thc arcade dates lrom the<br />

lale'l?lh cenlury, when localpeople vJere<br />

granted the special right to open shops along<br />

the approach lo the temple,<br />

*Proceed lo 0daiba Toyota Show room, where<br />

you can vievJ and louch Toyola newesl<br />

models and car accessories, test ddve a real<br />

car or ride an automatic electric<br />

vehicle. 0r you may do som€ shopping in<br />

odaiba Venus Fort.<br />

a After lours, kansfer lo Narita for overnight<br />

stay.<br />

rzz llARlTA - KUALA LUTPUR<br />

U I Brcaktast )l Meats on boaft )<br />

*After breakfast, transfer to airporl lor flight<br />

back to Kuala Lumpur.<br />

Depa ure<br />

Tour Fare<br />

Adult<br />

Child<br />

AiIPort & 5e(uritlTar<br />

YQ Tax o.ri*r. +.g.r<br />

Fuelsul(h.rye<br />

rY. lrronqly r.(omm.nd.Y.ry<br />

TraYellnsuran(e<br />

ACI lag!trrColhdioi re )<br />

Vira tee<br />


_ EE*-*ffi<br />

1ll (nrms )<br />

* fr H&HE*E hiltrr*4, tttr+H<br />

&sfl-r{+iffi"<br />

n*E - ililil<br />

'4. - *E rfltEE ) (+s r<br />

fi ff ilrE<br />

'ffi trE, #{t'lH9EEFlfi #dr "<br />

{nT E tt,tl EftlEHffi ,,8-Efl firzzs<br />

+t+)fEA "<br />

E tfi # dr flE^fr ffi F<br />

H+E, Ufi €'+x-8fr!ilffi mdE e H t"<br />

fiiluiEEl, ilE{nEfi*, ,ft#fr<br />

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* ^e H fi jz ti TEEfr 6, gp6 t/ *rJ fr E<br />

, Er+{i=N" E€*EHiAItrEft lJ<br />

-,1 E * H! A&6 15i' jUHilE #frfrl IEii<br />

I Rilfi fr & Ert *ffi4FI E$E HTfl 4,<br />

a fr 6,EE# 7 t fl itEftl *,tF ff "<br />

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Ftr, ffiEt+fifinffrEEAHE^ffi<br />

E*." iEEIft#Ft,tf , fd#tiH, +ilfiI<br />

,{IEiHE!6ilT8fifrH"<br />

*,i'#fT[!trffi - thE*tiftUE, *+<br />

7i+3ffi ff Efi €*IE, tsE*4Efi<br />

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,HTIEE - Eta*flfitrfl2*fit" E+<br />

t#8, Et,tffiHE-H'lf lJilrt EH<br />

, E+*ikH!#E#" &EhTfitriEFEH<br />

,[, Hdrffil, H+rIlT, #1tu4."<br />

* - *Stts+ E tH{1, EHFEEEa-fl<br />

E!{iffi" :*fle+i^][1603+, EB<br />

.,lt Hffi ki+r, *fi " €8 f; trs,500*.<br />

HIL6J4OO*[IEiEE, #EE'Ei6J"<br />

-*frfrah "Bn-qftffi" ffitB, ltt<br />

tErE+EUft qBnqft H![itF, EH<br />

fr *k * h Rt a aa a m, iq H! ffi<br />

={t*<br />

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Bfi [f ]H f A H! 4irt€fi ftt l- a- ilZ t<br />

+fi I S4EtsEt++f.]frfl +,1., tr<br />

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S. *tF, a*fl .^.FalHEsJFfl fl fi 4<br />

KU, e4.miz#Ef.i26, #4**<br />

Hff 4il, ita-f, 6EA -EnK.k Ntuh<br />

UEilEffi"<br />

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-f;n/ ilIte.+.mar<br />

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-. h#REfr'6., H dr tl, Blll #fr fl<br />

H#rutr, +tE (rtr'E ) . f,[ft (Ee<br />

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trti{r&" Ef ,l'^frffi ( aEfr "fiffi<br />

" ), &ffi, 'HdrEE" , EE{IEB<br />

ritfi +. iEtuue.r'E4aEH+" E<br />

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ffi+Eefiffifr+ttsfi, B7Et#*,<br />

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rftEFfrt-Ail?AEfi-,*fiEt<br />

It&Efrbi, tr*|fr. e+fr frHE<br />

riffiRa, E4+HH4, HE&-#n<br />

,IEitffi EryEE" ME*+E, P^fi H<br />

Eflsilfid'E, &=JtE##trE*" fi<br />

ffi EEif tnffi Fr1 ElRr=" ilE, tiG<br />

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f;n/ dl<br />

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5 -Efi +.ft*)<br />

*4I, 6HM#EEEdrfi {

LocalAgent<br />


Dep6it hu.l b. paid upon r.s€dation and tho b.t.nce<br />

mu.t b. peid 35 diys prior to d.paduE.<br />

/ full p.y..it upon ep.iion lor FIT booking<br />

/ LB. than 5 days tour r50O p/p<br />

/Ase.n, R.Sioial ............. r tO0O p/p<br />

, Jrpan, Ausirali., iddl. Eait,<br />

South Afric., il.f, Z€aland<br />

Eurcp., USA<br />

12000 p/p<br />

/ South Ane c. riloooptp..<br />


onclloohd, r bGk idmiri3ir.tion r.e RX200 per pe6on<br />

45 day. befor. depa.lure.,,,,,,.,RXl00O p.r p.rson<br />

30dlys b€tored.parlure....,,,,RI2000perpetson<br />

21days before d.parturc .. -. 504 oflourfa.e<br />


It is p.ss.nE€/6 iEsponsibility to eniure th.t they iave a<br />

valid int.m.tion.l pessport, rel.vantviss & heahh<br />

ctrliflcil€. if equiEd .nd .hpl€ tihe mlst be gMn io<br />

GTT io, vi.a . ppli.alion.<br />


Retum economycl... an ftlel on noinal group GV10 o,<br />

sp..i.l P.omo cla$ GVa, GV2. TEmrer b€t*€€n aiport<br />

ardhol.lvieveEa(Local)Hor.lac<strong>com</strong>mod.tionon<br />

(Those tnv.lling alone every etiort wi,l be mrd. ror a<br />

sharer@n b8E, or oth.diie, a single supplemeni<br />

charye applie. or tripl.-sh.E).<br />

..'.Trirl. .1E.. Iro.n i6 based on lsin bed rnh o.e roll<br />

I..ls a. indicated in the itinehry SighlseinE and r€tated<br />

Adnission les.s indi6t.d in th. 'tin.rary,<br />

Tour hr. is subiect lo chanse rithout prior notice due to<br />

cun.ncyfluclualion or incr€.s in ainaE due to oil pri@<br />


AiDortt, luel 5ucharge, ticret imunnc. (YO),yisa<br />

le€s, Portiix and se ice le.,l.undry, ercess baggag.<br />

charge, bov.hg., ioon seMce, oom it msd.nage<br />

duting the ccupancy, per.on.land baggage in3ur.nc.,<br />

gr.tuilie.lo driver and lour escort US Cu.tom<br />

Fee/lfimigEtion Td.nd all it€ms of peEonal natur.- All<br />

olths abov€ chargesshlll be born€d.ntnely bythetour<br />

memberand h subj€ct to change, E[ct.mountwitt be<br />

b.s.d on Ue due d.t€ oftick.t issue Any d{ference h.vs<br />

to b. topped up by lhe lour memher<br />

6 CHIID FARE<br />

Childiars is based on sharing room with tvo adults,<br />

Asurcharge will be inpo..d lor a child who occlpi.s a<br />

rooh rilh only one adult<br />


our <strong>com</strong>plny .nd..vour8 lo provid. ercl us iv. ground<br />

h.ndling lr.nsporlalion.nd sightBeing sedices,<br />

Horever lour membeB may be placed on. se.tinroacfi<br />

basis oper.i.d by a local < Day Tour > <strong>com</strong>pny wtere<br />

n.essary du. to itrsuffici.nt group si.e,<br />


, Enension of iicl.l must be 'nfom.d<br />

at the tine ol<br />

I Enension ol ricker is only pemitted at th€ tasr .top but<br />

3ubjectlo.idare diff.Ene & seat @nfination by the<br />

t Airpon lr.nsf6r f,ill nol be provided<br />

lnformation ><br />

9 BAGGAGE<br />

lhe conduct oflho tour or otherh.mbeB olthe tour group<br />

l0 REsP0t{stBlrrTY<br />

The oB.iirer GIT, lct.! an agenr for the tnnspon.tion<br />

coEpani€s, hol.l3 and olher princip.ls lor the tour<br />

programmes. GTT accepts no r.sponsibititytorany to..,<br />

iiiury or damag. ro,ou or your belonqinqs orEsuttins<br />

direcily lron anyoccuranc.6 beyond its controtinctuding<br />

breatdosn in.quipfient, sin ke3, th.fr, de lays, medicator<br />

cuslons regulaiioB, enctlhlions, chang. in itin€raryol<br />

schedul.sj .lc, Travel docum.nts are the Esponsibitityot<br />

p.rsonst linglhelours. Th€ organi..rs reserv€ th. dghrto<br />

aller ilineraries. tr.v.l an.nOenentsi hotet ac<strong>com</strong>modation<br />

reseryed erc, illhis is necess.ry or in llle case of io@<br />

m.j.ure, TheCompany rcs.Resthe dght to canc.lland tour<br />

prior ro depanur€ lorany re.son., jnctuding insuffcient<br />

nu'nber of participanrs Shoutd this h.ppen th. .ntire paymani<br />

will b. relunded riihoutrurth.r obliqations on ih. p.rt of ih.<br />

conplny. GTTalso rese estherightto r€quireanyrndivdu.t<br />

lo *ilhdrawtrom the lour il n b de.med that hb act ot<br />

conduci i3 d.Mmentalto or incof,patibl. ththe int.rest,<br />

harmony and *lrare ol oih.r clients and th. iour.. a whole<br />

and GTT sh.llb. under .o ludher li.bility iherafter to any<br />

such Pe6on.lo guid€3,lour hade6 or other employe€s or<br />

ag.nl ol GTT 6 aulhourised to cofimit the cohpany to.ny<br />

liabil y ,hatsosv.r and the <strong>com</strong>p.nywill not bebounded by<br />

anyslalohenl or representation unle$ I is *itinE and<br />

.igned bya man.g.menl erecutive ol the <strong>com</strong>p..y. 'n Th.<br />

special.nlickel issued is b.s.d on group travetand<br />

r€strict€d io r.speclive airline<br />

hi. sricry non+ndor..ble, non{elundabte and<br />

non{eroutable alleralDn on the routi.g or date oftravelis ar<br />

lhe Pass€nge/sown sk, l{orefund will be mad.toany<br />

peBon lor unus€d air.licket orwho do not utilEe any meat and<br />

sighlseeing lour or ac<strong>com</strong>modation not u.. in p.n or tull,<br />

, ror dE.bla! h.ndicapped individuats p....ngers, itshoutd<br />

be .c<strong>com</strong>panled by his/h.r o$ lamily Elatives ior<br />

Theorqanis.rs slrongly urgeallth. int nding passengeBio<br />

equiPlheDs€lyes u h all special car. /o. need3 they m.y<br />


Alllourh.mb€rs are encouraqedto buy travelinsuran.. (o<br />

sa,esuard lhemselv.s .gainst sictness, loss or money,<br />

cancellalion, flightdelays or lost b.ggage<br />

Assun.d rhose pr!s.,9e4'oi,rirg out tou h*e .t@.ty Grc.<br />

u4letsErd .nd ag.@ lhe tou in]fon.fions,<br />

, Dur.tioh orrour in tems oloAYS inctudE day ol<br />

depanure rnd d.y olErun, Nelth.rol th.6. aEtutl day3,<br />

I Neith.r GIT nor iL .g.nts sh.ll be or b€<strong>com</strong>. ti.bte or Bpomibte<br />

for rny l6E ordamag. suflercd hy th. rour member in conn.ction<br />

rilh . ny .ccon modatio n rEnsponaton orany other incide.t t<br />

ch.r0es $.r. ro Esuhing di6ttyor indnedtyfrom improp€r or<br />

insunicienl p.33porr visr or other docun.nts, h6rcver.dsin! or<br />

mj€ction of entry port by lhe Etev.ntauthodtls6.nd n.ither GrI<br />

norAgenlrshall b. b.<strong>com</strong>e llabt.lor.nyddition.t erp.ns.B or<br />

liabilitieE incu@d by th. tourmerber i.ctusiv. otany Eques or<br />

rclund ol llle lourpnce p.id.s a rcsutt ofih. toEging.l.use<br />

t No @lund v.lue on unutiris.d.ectorolakticket<br />

,Canerlrlion of lou du. viir rcjection rittb. chrEed<br />

..rice/dcunenDion r.*,<br />

fl.|nt*E*, ttrtt*. !;trEa*Eti.<br />

ttsEE*+?8.<br />

;AITXEBEf,!fi&E+AE6<br />

-Ii,IffrilllfiFfi[Tn<br />

E. lii+*EaBAttLfi;<br />

flaEaiJ€*1f,+!!E-<br />

,r i8$/fri/Htr<br />

flgfttfffr&t, ts*au&fi aqn"<br />

EE/ +**&(Frr). &#€rift*E*.<br />

/ EE(rtsX). u soo(SL)<br />

/ fHtr*etEH u l000rsll<br />

/ Etil;i/tx6=/+faEil{<br />

6#,+h 2000{{].)<br />

/ f,-ill 4000(s,l.)<br />

2 E,HE/iEEt/ Ui<br />

ielttitrtfl,tFtr*&tiT:<br />

flAE, R,B. ... ir 20o{a,\)<br />

15 -EFBH rx 1000(61)<br />

*AE3oTEEEH ir 2000(€,{)<br />

/ *&tr21IiEhE jH, 48fi* 50%<br />

3 tfitfr<br />

raa,aEli eE*4E6fl 6fi n2EEf, fr . 61$€[Ar4[<br />

fid(!:+dl+f,)"<br />

t[ff ESEZBUGnn6tsE Ffi ,]t,<br />

1 X'Eff<br />

*EASt*{{li(cvt0*Gv4,cv2),*l{ltaFEtiE*E. E<br />

EU -E*FrEl(sltIrfitEr?Br-4^*fr-in],<br />

E 6t!9tEA-Bifill:IEE)<br />

^^nff<br />

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T2Wisma GTT, Cangkat Eukit Bintanq (Adjacent latan Alor ),<br />

50200 Kuala Lumpur. Fax:0r-2142 9882 / 2118 7366<br />

ficketingret: 03-2118 7200 Fax 03-2118 7211<br />

(il) Sdn. Bhd<br />

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