International Giant Otter Studbook Husbandry and Management

International Giant Otter Studbook Husbandry and Management

International Giant Otter Studbook Husbandry and Management


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ecommended natural furnishings, such as large logs, bamboo st<strong>and</strong>s ("man-made"<br />

or/<strong>and</strong> live growing), deep leaf piles etc. should be provided as well (see Section 4 above).<br />

Water areas must also be constructed so that they are safe for cubs <strong>and</strong> parents carrying cubs<br />

(see Section 7 above). See Section 9 for when indoor enclosures <strong>and</strong> indoor water areas are<br />

needed. See, in Section 1 above, the enclosure size that should be provided <strong>and</strong> Section 15<br />

below for toys that can be offered for additional enrichment. Note: some indoor enclosures,<br />

that connect to outdoor enclosures, do not require water areas, although all of the other<br />

enclosure conditions recommended in this manual are necessary for all indoor areas,<br />

regardless of their size.<br />

The aforementioned enclosure conditions are esp. crucial during cub-rearing for other reasons as<br />

well. When indoor <strong>and</strong>/or outdoor enclosure l<strong>and</strong> to water ratios offer smaller l<strong>and</strong><br />

proportions than recommended or/<strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>/floor surfaces are not nearly entirely covered<br />

with soft loose natural substrates (including appropriate types, qualities, <strong>and</strong> depths) or<br />

provided with sufficient size deep digging areas as recommended, the otters' ability to<br />

successfully rear cubs can be adversely affected or seriously compromised. This not only<br />

includes the ability of parents, but also any older siblings that might be present during cubrearing.<br />

(Note: older siblings help to care for their younger siblings.) This is because these<br />

inappropriate enclosure conditions can cause abnormally elevated or excessive levels of stress<br />

during cub-rearing. (See Sections 3B for an explanation <strong>and</strong> 10A & C.) It is also important to<br />

note that when otters must rear cubs in very small areas this may likely cause additional stress.<br />

At least the recommended minimum enclosure size (see Section 1 above) should be provided. It<br />

is important to remember that during cub-rearing, in cold temperatures, otter families may<br />

need to be held in indoor enclosures, without outdoor access, for as long as 4-5 months.<br />

It is necessary that enclosures are as enriched as possible during cub-rearing. Note: the<br />

enclosure provisions already discussed are the most important forms of environmental <strong>and</strong><br />

behavioral enrichment <strong>and</strong> as aforementioned, they are also necessary to maintain health <strong>and</strong><br />

promote cub-rearing success. If although, additional enrichment can be offered during<br />

rearing without disturbing the parents, this is highly advisable. For example, toys for<br />

additional enrichment that are safe for the young cubs <strong>and</strong> family members, <strong>and</strong> that can be<br />

placed in enclosures <strong>and</strong> left without removal or be removed quietly <strong>and</strong> quickly when<br />

necessary should be provided. Toys for behavioral enrichment should only be used as<br />

addition to <strong>and</strong> never as a substitute for the recommended enclosure designs <strong>and</strong><br />

furnishings.<br />

Efforts must be made to minimize stress/disturbance factors as much as possible in order to<br />

increase the possibility of cub survival. Parents must be provided with privacy <strong>and</strong> isolation<br />

from humans disturbances (visual <strong>and</strong> acoustic) <strong>and</strong> presence (zoo staff <strong>and</strong> visitors) at<br />

parturition <strong>and</strong> during cub-rearing. It is important that husb<strong>and</strong>ry practices <strong>and</strong> enclosure<br />

designs <strong>and</strong> furnishings allow for the provision of fresh food, minimized/limited enclosure<br />

cleaning, medical/emergency care necessary to ensure the survival of the animals, <strong>and</strong><br />

monitored cub progress, with no or minimal human disturbance to the otters during cubrearing.<br />

(See below for the rare cases when nestboxes, dens etc. may need to be entered so that<br />

care, essential to ensure the survival of the otters, can be given.) The recommended<br />

management methods within this manual <strong>and</strong>/or the particular “enclosure design” below<br />

are needed to provide privacy. “Enclosure design” means that otters could successfully<br />

rear their cubs when the enclosures were natural or semi-natural <strong>and</strong> expansive, at least<br />

600m² (6,458.4 ft²) or more in size, <strong>and</strong> the otters could dig their own dens underground to<br />

keep their cubs in. When the particular “enclosure design” aforementioned is provided,<br />


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