NYMTC Regional Pedestrian Safety Study - New York Metropolitan ...

NYMTC Regional Pedestrian Safety Study - New York Metropolitan ...

NYMTC Regional Pedestrian Safety Study - New York Metropolitan ...


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1. Report No.<br />

2. Government Accession No.<br />


3. Recipient’s Catalog No.<br />

4. Title and Subtitle<br />

<strong>Pedestrian</strong> <strong>Safety</strong> in the <strong>NYMTC</strong> Region<br />

7. Author(s)<br />

Claire E. McKnight, Kyriacos Mouskos, Camille Kamga, Chris<br />

Hardej, and Aizaz Ahmed<br />

5. Report Date<br />

July 9, 2007<br />

6. Performing Organization Code<br />

8. Performing Organization Report No.<br />

9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No.<br />

CUNY Institute for Transportation Systems<br />

University Transportation Research Center, 138th Street & Convent<br />

Avenue, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>, NY 10031<br />

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>Metropolitan</strong> Transportation Council<br />

199 Water Street, 22 nd Fl, NY, NY 10038<br />

11. Contract or Grant No.<br />

13. Type of Report and Period Covered<br />

Research Report<br />

14. Sponsoring Agency Code<br />

15. Supplementary Notes<br />

16. Abstract<br />

According to the <strong>NYMTC</strong> <strong>Safety</strong> Advisory Working Group, pedestrian fatalities represent approximately half of all<br />

fatalities resulting from motor vehicle crashes in <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City and the other 20% occur in the suburban counties of Nassau,<br />

Suffolk, Westchester, Putnam and Rockland. Due to these high rates of incidences, a number of projects are under<br />

investigations regarding pedestrian safety. NYDOT and <strong>NYMTC</strong> sponsored a team from UTRC to embark on this type of<br />

research. The research team gathered all existing information on pedestrian safety and then recommended different strategies<br />

and technologies to <strong>NYMTC</strong> <strong>Safety</strong> Advisory Working Group. The project dealt with many different aspects concerning<br />

pedestrian safety including the current status of all ongoing efforts to high incidences of fatalities. The principal investigators<br />

in this project have identified the pedestrian safety issues and recommended counter measures in their report. The task of<br />

gathering information on the current status and ongoing efforts of pedestrian safety was conducted by interviewing local<br />

agencies and organizations within the region. There has been a background study on pedestrian safety, which provided<br />

statistics on it within the region by contrasting regional and national characteristics. The involvement of governmental and<br />

private non-profit organizations was also a major concern in the research. This was done by interviewing agencies to gather<br />

crash data. The research has given some suggestions for a better and improved pedestrian safety. These suggestions points<br />

out for a better policy and planning, new engineering methods for pedestrian path, and more improved and visible signals for<br />

pedestrian. For making pedestrian safety a prior issue, investigators have recommended for more coordination and<br />

collaborations of organizations to improve safety in the region.<br />

17. Key Words<br />

<strong>Pedestrian</strong>, safety, pedestrian safety,<br />

transportation safety, traffic calming, road<br />

crossings<br />

18. Distribution Statement<br />

No Restriction<br />

19. Security Classification (of this report)<br />

Unclassified<br />

Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-69)<br />

20. Security Classification. (of this<br />

Unclassified<br />

21. No of Pages 22. Price<br />

150 NA

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