NYMTC Regional Pedestrian Safety Study - New York Metropolitan ...

NYMTC Regional Pedestrian Safety Study - New York Metropolitan ... NYMTC Regional Pedestrian Safety Study - New York Metropolitan ...


New Jersey Office of Governor (2006) “Governor Corzine unveils $74 million Pedestrian Safety Initiative,” Press Release, September 18, 2006. [Available at: http://www.state.nj.us/governor/news/news/approved/20060918.html] Noland, Robert (2002) Traffic Fatalities and Injuries: The Effect of Changes in Infrastructure and Other Trends, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine, London, UK. Available at: http://www.cts.cv.ic.ac.uk/documents/publications/iccts00203.pdf NYCDOT (2004) THRU Streets: An Innovative Approach to Managing Midtown Traffic, March, 2004. Available at: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/pdf/thrustreetsreport04.pdf NYCDOT & NYCDCP (1997) New York City Bicycle Master Plan, [Available at: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/html/bike/mp.shtml] NYCDOT/NYCDCP/NYCDPR (1993) NYC Greenway Plan. [Available at: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dcp/html/bike/gp.shtml] NYMTC (2004) 2004 Selected Regional Demographic Statistics. [Available at: http://www.nymtc.org/files/2004_Dem_at_a_Glance.pdf ] NYMTC Workshop (2006) Training Course on “Designing Streets for Pedestrian Safety.” Option 2B: Instructors: Michael Ronkin and Fred Ranck, Hauppauge, NY, September 25-26, 2006. Mount Vernon, NY, September 27-28, 2006. NYSDOT (2004) Highway Mileage Summary, [Available at: http://www.dot.state.ny.us/tech_serv/high/highwaym.html] NYSDOT (2004B) A Citizen’s Guide to Roundabouts, [Available at: https://www.nysdot.gov/portal/page/portal/main/roundabouts/files/roundabbrochure.pdf ] NYSDOT (2005) New York State Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan, New York State Department of Transportation and Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, July. [Available at: http://www.dot.state.ny.us/safety/chspa.html] Robert B. Noland, (2002) Traffic Fatalities And Injuries: The Effect Of Changes In Infrastructure And Other Trends, Centre for Transport Studies, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, January 25, 2002 [Available at: http://www.cts.cv.ic.ac.uk/documents/publications/iccts00203.pdf] Owens, D. A., Antonoff, R. J., & Francis, E. L. (1994) Biological Motion and Nighttime Pedestrian Conspicuousness. Human Factors, 36(4), 718-732. Oxley, J., B. N. Fildes, R.E. Dewars (2004). “Safety of Older Pedestrians,” in Transportation in an Aging Society, TRB Conference Proceedings 27, Washington, D.C., pp. 167-191. NYMTC Pedestrian Safety Study 110

Parsons Brincherhoff Quade & Douglas (2000) Regional Travel-Household Interview Survey: General Final Report, for NYMTC and NJTPA, February. [Available at: http://www.nymtc.org/project/surveys/files/fr00321.pdf] PHA Transportation Consultants (2005) Pedestrian Countdown Signal Evaluation, Final Report to City of Berkeley. [Available at: http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/transportation/Reports/PedestrianCountdownSignalReport2_July% 202005.pdf ] Robinson, B.W., L. Rodegerdts, W. Scarsborough, et al. (2000) Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, FHWA-RD-00-067, June. [Available at: http://www.tfhrc.gov/safety/00068.htm ] Safe Kids (no date) “Child Pedestrian Safety: The Problem,” [Available at: http://www.usa.safekids.org/tier3_cd.cfm?content_item_id=7570&folder_id=680] Saito, M. (2003) Efficacy of Speed Monitoring Displays in Increasing Speed Limit Compliance in Highway Work Zones, Brigham Young University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, for Utah Department of Transportation, July 2003 Saito, M. (2005) Evaluation of Four Recent Traffic Initiatives: Volume IV: Increasing Speed Limit Compliance in Reduced Speed School Zones, Brigham Young University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, for Utah Department of Transportation, June 2005. Sriver, Jeffrey J., and Young-In Kwon (1999) “Recent Pedestrian Planning Issues and Initiatives in Japan and South Korea,” in Transportation Research Record No. 1695, Transportation Research Board. [Available at: http://ekoti.koti.re.kr/project/coop.nsf/21FABC3EF680437749256DF60010102F/$file/recent.pdf Van Houten, R., Malenfant, J., Van Houten, J. & Retting, R. (1997) “Using auditory pedestrian signals to reduce pedestrian and vehicle conflicts,” in Transportation Research Record No. 1578. Washington, DC. [Available at: http://www.enhancements.org/download/trb/1578- 03.PDF#search=%22Using%20auditory%20pedestrian%20signals%20to%20reduce%20pedestri an%20and%20vehicle%20conflicts%22 ] Van Houton, Ron, and J.E. Louis Malenfant ( ) “The Animated “Eyes” Symbol as Part of the Walk Signal: An Examination of the Generality of its Effectiveness Across a Variety of Intersection Geometries and Timing Parameters,” WalkingInfo (no date) Funding Sources: Federal: Transportation. [Available at: http://www.walkinginfo.org/pp/funding/gov/index.htm] WHO (2004) World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. [Available at: http://www.who.int/world-healthday/2004/infomaterials/world_report/en/] NYMTC Pedestrian Safety Study 111

Parsons Brincherhoff Quade & Douglas (2000) <strong>Regional</strong> Travel-Household Interview Survey:<br />

General Final Report, for <strong>NYMTC</strong> and NJTPA, February. [Available at:<br />

http://www.nymtc.org/project/surveys/files/fr00321.pdf]<br />

PHA Transportation Consultants (2005) <strong>Pedestrian</strong> Countdown Signal Evaluation, Final Report<br />

to City of Berkeley. [Available at:<br />

http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/transportation/Reports/<strong>Pedestrian</strong>CountdownSignalReport2_July%<br />

202005.pdf ]<br />

Robinson, B.W., L. Rodegerdts, W. Scarsborough, et al. (2000) Roundabouts: An Informational<br />

Guide, FHWA-RD-00-067, June. [Available at: http://www.tfhrc.gov/safety/00068.htm ]<br />

Safe Kids (no date) “Child <strong>Pedestrian</strong> <strong>Safety</strong>: The Problem,” [Available at:<br />

http://www.usa.safekids.org/tier3_cd.cfm?content_item_id=7570&folder_id=680]<br />

Saito, M. (2003) Efficacy of Speed Monitoring Displays in Increasing Speed Limit Compliance<br />

in Highway Work Zones, Brigham Young University, Department of Civil and Environmental<br />

Engineering, for Utah Department of Transportation, July 2003<br />

Saito, M. (2005) Evaluation of Four Recent Traffic Initiatives: Volume IV: Increasing Speed<br />

Limit Compliance in Reduced Speed School Zones, Brigham Young University, Department of<br />

Civil and Environmental Engineering, for Utah Department of Transportation, June 2005.<br />

Sriver, Jeffrey J., and Young-In Kwon (1999) “Recent <strong>Pedestrian</strong> Planning Issues and Initiatives<br />

in Japan and South Korea,” in Transportation Research Record No. 1695, Transportation<br />

Research Board. [Available at:<br />

http://ekoti.koti.re.kr/project/coop.nsf/21FABC3EF680437749256DF60010102F/$file/recent.pdf<br />

Van Houten, R., Malenfant, J., Van Houten, J. & Retting, R. (1997) “Using auditory pedestrian<br />

signals to reduce pedestrian and vehicle conflicts,” in Transportation Research Record No.<br />

1578. Washington, DC. [Available at: http://www.enhancements.org/download/trb/1578-<br />

03.PDF#search=%22Using%20auditory%20pedestrian%20signals%20to%20reduce%20pedestri<br />

an%20and%20vehicle%20conflicts%22 ]<br />

Van Houton, Ron, and J.E. Louis Malenfant ( ) “The Animated “Eyes” Symbol as Part of the<br />

Walk Signal: An Examination of the Generality of its Effectiveness Across a Variety of<br />

Intersection Geometries and Timing Parameters,”<br />

WalkingInfo (no date) Funding Sources: Federal: Transportation. [Available at:<br />

http://www.walkinginfo.org/pp/funding/gov/index.htm]<br />

WHO (2004) World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention, World Health Organization,<br />

Geneva, Switzerland. [Available at: http://www.who.int/world-healthday/2004/infomaterials/world_report/en/]<br />

<strong>NYMTC</strong> <strong>Pedestrian</strong> <strong>Safety</strong> <strong>Study</strong> 111

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