Here - Bradford Grammar School

Here - Bradford Grammar School Here - Bradford Grammar School
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ace for life A team of over one hundred from Bradford Grammar School joined up to two and a half thousand other entrants at Lister Park’s Race for Life in June. BGS had a team of runners, joggers, walkers and supporters, consisting of pupils, former pupils, staff, parents, grandparents and the Headmaster’s wife. Many were supporting family and friends who have been touched by cancer, and raised over £1000 towards cancer charities. This was the third time the school has entered this event and the numbers continue to grow each year. Fifth Form pupil Poppy Briggs was the first finisher for the school, closely followed by Katy Boden from the Third Form. Refreshments in the Dining Hall were a welcome end to this uplifting event and gave everyone chance to share the experience. 300 bronze awards There are now over three hundred Bradford Grammar School pupils who have achieved their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award through the school’s scheme. A further fifty five have completed their Silver Award and over thirty have achieved the Gold Award. Last year ninety-eight pupils completed their Bronze Award assessed expedition and this year one hundred and seventeen Fourth Form pupils are working towards their Bronze Award. They completed their training expeditions over two weekends in May and the assessed expeditions took place in June. Gabi Swanepoel was officially the school’s three hundredth Bronze Award holder. As part of achieving her Bronze Award, Gabi helped in Ilkley’s British Heart Foundation shop for three months, reached Grade 4 at the flute and completed expeditions in Lower Wharfedale and Nidderdale. rsc chemistry olympiad The RSC Chemistry Olympiad is a national competition open to Upper Sixth Chemists. Five Bradford Grammar School students gained certificates. Well done to: Jen Bonson (Bronze), Jamie Davidson (Silver), Will Paget (Bronze) and Jamie Boden (Bronze). Ben Gaunt, a Lower Sixth student, achieved the highest mark in the school and was only four marks away from achieving gold. tae kwon do Adam Haq from the Second Form entered the 25th Traditional Tae Kwon Do Team Championships. Teams from all over the UK took part in this event and the entrants competed in individual fights. Adam successfully won many rounds to secure his place in the final of his belt category. In the final he came first and won gold. Adam trains with the Leeds TTA club who won a trophy for Best Team Spirit in the competition. He thoroughly enjoys Tae Kwon Do and will be taking his black belt grading in September. lady elizabeth kirk Lady Elizabeth Kirk, daughter of RB Graham, who was Headmaster of Bradford Grammar School from January 1939 to December 1953, visited Clock House for the first time since leaving Bradford. Lady Elizabeth lived at Clock House from the age of ten. The Junior School was the Headmaster’s house with servants and gardeners. The children loved trying to work out which rooms were which from her story. By the time of her visit they all felt they knew her and were all so excited because it felt like actually meeting a fictional character from a book, but in real life. They were spellbound and asked question after question of Lady Kirk and her sister Margaret, who seem to have been typical children squabbling, getting up to mischief and thoroughly enjoying life in the forties and early fifties. She also mentioned the friendly ghost that lives in Clock House which sent the whole of Year Five on an afternoon ghost hunt. Lady Elizabeth returned to the school to present the prizes at the Junior School Prizegiving. rounders As always rounders has proved to be a popular choice of summer activity amongst the BGS girls. In an unusual start to the season both the U13 and U14 A squads had finals to play (unfinished from last season due to the weather) against Ilkley Grammar and St Joseph’s College respectively. Both games proved to be high quality with outstanding fielding skills and tactical awareness demonstrated by all the BGS girls despite it being so early in the season. Both our teams came out victorious with the U14s beating St Joseph’s by an innings and two rounders and in a closer encounter the U13s coming out on top against Ilkley with a score of 13½ - 9. This season has produced some excellent teams at all ages including the U12s who have taken on board the tactical side of the game. school journeys The school has recently adopted Frizinghall Station. This will mean that the school has a great deal of input and control over the security, appearance and surroundings of the station. Initially there will be flower beds and boxes on display. The art work at the station will be BGS related. The school will be working with others in the community to further enhance the environment around the station. A number of Sixth Form pupils will be given free rail passes and asked Frizinghall to act as train wardens. It is hoped that this will enhance the pupils’ experience on their way to and from school. The majority of our pupils travel by train from either the Wharfe or Aire Valleys and many find it a very social end to the school day. BGS is delighted that due to an increased demand from surrounding areas school bus services are likely to be extended. Plans are being made to provide a new bus service running from Rawdon, the Ilkley service may be extended to start at Addingham and the Halifax bus route could be extended to commence at Hebden Bridge. Any pupils who wish to consider using the buses please contact Julie Smales on 01274 553750. paris Forty-one excited First and Second Form pupils and six of their teachers met at school to start a five-day visit to Paris. The first day started with the Eiffel Tower. Most of the group took the lift up to the top of the tower for the breathtaking views over the city. After lunch, a walking tour of Paris included the Ile de la Cité, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Hôtel des Invalides and the River Seine. A party of art-lovers made a detour to the Louvre museum. They managed to see some of the wonders of European art, such as Leonardo di Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Everybody enjoyed a leisurely cruise on a bateau-mouche on the River Seine. The second day in Paris began in Montmartre. Here the party saw the Sacré-Cœur and the Place du Tertre, admired the work of the street artists and enjoyed the quintessentially Parisian atmosphere. In the afternoon, a coach trip round the main sights of Paris took in the Champs Elysées and the Arc de Triomphe with its Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The group was accompanied on both days by fantastic local animateurs who helped guide the pupils round Paris and who spoke to them in French throughout the day. The final day was spent at Disneyland. The pupils enjoyed all the attractions of this theme park enormously, and there were some scary tales from the thrilling roller coaster experiences. The following day the group returned to Bradford, having learned a great deal about Paris and lots of French too. first year walk On Friday 1 June, the First Year celebrated the end of exam week with a sponsored walk to Ilkley. They managed to avoid some rather excitable bullocks and enjoyed a leisurely picnic on top of Ilkley Moor. At White Wells Mr Richards, the Ilkley town crier, greeted them in full regalia and delivered an ode, specially written for the BGS walkers. Cool, cloudy but dry weather was perfect for the day and everyone enjoyed the chance to let off steam in good company. lifeguard awards The school regularly offers pupils the opportunity to complete lifeguard training awards. The following Third and Fourth Form pupils have successfully completed the Bronze Medallion: Hamzah Mushtaq, Jacob Flavell, Frankie Williams, Elise Starling, Pippa Mack, Zoe Holmes and Matthew Handy. The following Sixth Form pupils have gained the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification: Tom Holmes, Joe Allan, Sarah Ross, Luke Kopelciw, Jack Robinson, Jacob Ellison, George Pearson. Fifth Form pupils Eve Mannings, Ed Brownlee, Fergus Walden, Jamie Woods, William Truby, Jacob Birkenhead and Jeevan Khela have also successfully gained this qualification. sporting round-up Mark Scholefield continues to play wheelchair basketball in the Superleague and First Divisions for his club, Sheffield Steelers. He played for Yorkshire U19s in the Junior League Finals and the First Division League Final play-offs. He continues to be part of the GB U22 squad, is a TASS supported athlete (Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme) and has recently taken part in the Schools Games in London. Emile Cairess ran the London Mini Marathon on 22 April: he came eighty-first out of one thousand six hundred runners and was the third British runner. Freddy Hoban has been selected to swim two events at the English Schools National Swimming Championships (400 individual medley and the 200 butterfly) and has also qualified to swim at the National Swimming Championships at Ponds Forge in Sheffield. shakespeare This year’s Great Shakespeare Debate kicked off with a first round based on the authorship debate. Lower Sixth Form pupils Matt Procter, Chris Casson and Georgie Henley were delighted to be one of the twelve teams who reached the final round, which meant two days in Stratford-upon-Avon. The students’ days were jam-packed with workshops, debates, lectures, a performance of Measure for Measure at the RSC New Theatre and a Q&A session with the actor who played the Duke. After four gruelling rounds of debate the two highest scoring teams were announced for the final; and Bradford Grammar School was one of them! In a nail-biting final the team demonstrated their skill and flair for debating: Georgie, in her first national debating competition was confident and engaging, Chris was analytical and precise in his argumentation and Matt eloquently and powerfully summarised the debate as a whole. It was a very close call and BGS did amazingly well to finish second in this national competition! usa trip The Easter holidays saw the Geography department embark on their fifth visit to the south west United States of America. Forty-three students and six staff made up the party embarking on what promised to be the trip of a lifetime. They were not to be disappointed; as the trip proved to be one of the most successful the department has enjoyed. One of many highlights was the day spent at Bryce Canyon. The beautiful weather, the brilliantly clear light and the patches of snow capping the salmon pink rock hoodoos made it a spectacular experience. The students particularly relished the two days spent in Las Vegas. They were able to explore the many attractions that the city has to offer: the Stratosphere rides, the New York New York roller coaster, the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower, the Bellagio fountains and in the evening outdoor shows. The trip also included a visit to the awesome Grand Canyon, a memorable journey by boat from Glen Dam through Red Canyon, the vertigo inducing views from Horseshoe Overlook and the brilliant colours of the rock formations and spring vegetation in Zion. girls’ tennis This term has been the most successful term for girls’ tennis since it was introduced. From U12 to U15 BGS has won all fixtures apart from two. The fixture calendar for girls’ tennis has been the busiest ever for all age groups. The girls have had two successful tours, to Stamford and Nottingham. To date we have held three invitational tournaments at BGS and have achieved the following results: 1st Senior IV won the plate competition, U15s came third, U14s IV came second, U13A came sixth, U13B came fifth and U12s came third. Congratulations to Pascale Fisher for winning the school round of the National Competition Road To Wimbledon – twelve girls entered this and Pascale beat last year’s winner Alex Christian to go through to the qualifying round at South Leeds Tennis Centre. She is through to the final Yorkshire qualifying tournament, which means she is only one event away from going to Wimbledon. The following girls have been selected to represent BGS at the prestigious Independent Schools Tennis Tournament at Eton in July: Megan Sadler, Chloe Pinkney, Courtenay Fisher, Charlotte Cottle, Libby Linfield, Krista Bennett, Lizzie Ayre, Emma Phillips, Emma Peacock, Izzy Austin, Hannah Chaudry and Amy Peacock. Good Luck Girls! royalty drops in Mr and Mrs Riley were pleased to welcome Princess Anne to Bradford Grammar School as she arrived here by helicopter during a visit to the county. It was the first time Mr Riley had greeted royalty after becoming Headmaster in January. Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal took time to speak to those waiting and waved to pupil and staff onlookers. art Junior and Senior School artists have taken part in a number of competitions and exhibitions this term. As part of the Lord Mayor’s Little Diamonds competition to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee, Junior School pupils eagerly thought of a variety of fun activities. The competition gave a selection of categories, but placed firmly on the agenda was a collaborative approach to the work. This work is on display in the Town Hall. Junior School artwork was submitted to the Saltaire Arts Trail competition and accepted to be placed on display. The pupils created a selection of pieces in an imaginative variety of media on the theme of Fun at the Fair. A selection of Senior School pupils exhibited art work at The Bowery Best of British exhibition. The students were encouraged to create art inspired by what it means to be British and how they identify with the heritage of their home. The students at BGS worked on a theme of afternoon tea. BGS art students have provided the art work currently on display in the judges’ rooms at Leeds Crown Court. Amy Peacock, Kate Robertshaw and Jonty Casson from 1SMH were winners of the First Year Design a Headdress competition. Pupils based their headdresses on carnival designs. The masks were developed from mod roc into their final shapes and then decorated with coloured tissue paper, beads and glitter. The winners received art materials which were donated by the BGS Art Forum. BGS Art Forum’s aim is for parents and pupils to enjoy art together. For more details about the forthcoming BGS Art Forum trip and the group itself, please visit their website at www. The term finished with the annual Art trip to Whitby. faiths in the city The Faiths in the City event in April was a day to remember for the Third Form. The all-day event involved a series of religious workshops from a variety of faiths. The Hindu and Classical Indian Dance workshop involved students learning about how important dance and music are within Hinduism as an expression of Hindu belief and practice. The students performed a variety of classical Hindu legends about particular gods and goddesses. The Islamic calligraphy and art workshop allowed students to creatively explore and produce Islamic art. The Buddhist workshop enabled students to practise meditation and learn about Buddhist practice and beliefs. The Christian workshop saw performances from the York based Riding Lights Theatre Company. In this workshop, students were challenged to think about Christian beliefs about Jesus and explore what it means for a young person to have a Christian faith in today’s world. The Sikh workshop focused on the music of Sikh worship. Students were able to listen to the harmonium and tabla (as well as other drums) and learn about the significance of music for the Sikh faith. At the end of the day students presented what they had learned from the workshops. There were notable dance and music performances as well as interesting presentations. national record Abby Parkinson rode in the National Junior 10 mile time trial in Sawtry. This competition is open to girls and boys who are under eighteen; therefore at fourteen Abby was one of the younger competitors. Abby put in an impressive performance to finish in second place. The School Games was a massive success for the Yorkshire Cycling Team when they became overall Inter-Regional Road Champions. Abby scored points for the team in every race, the girls got Bronze in the Team Time Trial and Abby achieved three fourth places individually. Abby found riding on the Olympic Velodrome in London an exhilerating experience. In June Abby broke the CTT National Championship Record for the U16 10 mile Time Trial taking a staggering fifty-nine seconds off the previous time. She recorded a time of 21 minutes 44 seconds which was recorded on the V718 course at South Cave, Hull. biathlon This year’s Junior School Biathlon was a great competition. It was organised in conjunction with Pentathlon GB. The pupils enjoyed swimming, running, fencing and Olympic team games including throwing, sprinting and a penalty shoot-out. Winners of each year group and budding Brownlees were: J6 Ben Moon and Milly Fewlass-Jones, J5 George Moran and Eve Wellings, J4 Eve Atkinson and Jaime Berry, J3 Naina Krishna and Ben Grimmitt, J2 Ruby Qureshi and Oliver Scales. Congratulations to all who took part and appreciated a day out in the sunshine. george galloway mp One Friday evening in May, Bradford West’s new MP, George Galloway, came to speak in school at the invitation of a number of school societies. This was an initiative by the Sixth Form, and Upper Sixth student Rowan Arthur deserves huge credit for all the work he put in to organising this successful event. Mr Galloway entertained a packed Hockney Theatre for over an hour and a half. It was excellent for our students to see such a politician at first hand and to engage with him. Their questions were intelligent and testing, often demanding a nuanced response. amsterdam This term the History Department organised a new trip to Amsterdam. Thirty pupils from the Second to Fourth Form travelled overnight on the Hull to Rotterdam ferry. The centrepiece of the trip was a visit to Anne Frank’s house. The house had a great impact on the pupils. They particularly enjoyed a very informative study session there, as well as walking round the family’s secret hideaway. Other highlights included a boat tour of Amsterdam’s canals and a visit to the Jewish Quarter. The destination proved to be a successful initiative and will be repeated in following years. peace jam PeaceJam UK is part of an international youth movement led by Nobel Peace Prize winners. This year the BGS PeaceJam Society learned about the Nobel Peace Laureate Desmond Tutu. They delivered an assembly in January to raise awareness of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, and sold wristbands around school to raise money for the charity Children of Peace. In April the PeaceJam Society went to the annual PeaceJam weekend conference at Bradford University. The students took part in a variety of workshops and activities ranging from discussion tasks and drama activities to learning the tango in a dance workshop! All workshops were based around different ways of resolving conflict. The students also had an amazing opportunity to listen to inspirational speeches given by Adolfo Esquivel, a leading Nobel Peace Laureate, as well as presenting their own projects and ideas for working for peace. They were so inspired by Adolfo Esquivel and his experiences that they came back to school and delivered an assembly to the whole school about what they had learned from the weekend. bgs at the olympics Bradford Grammar School has involvement in the Olympics from beginning to end. Mr Boden, father of Katy and Jamie Boden, both current pupils at the school, carried the Olympic torch on its very first day in the UK. Mr Boden has worked as Head of BT’s communications project for the Olympics for the past six years. The Olympic torch passed the school on 24 June on its journey from Bradford to Keighley. Former pupil Roger Mosey is Head of BBC Olympics 2012 and is responsible for the BBC’s entire delivery programme for the event. Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee are medal hopefuls in the men’s triathlon. Whilst cheering on Alistair and Jonny look out for Director of Sport, Charles Lines, who is a marshal at the event in Hyde Park. Former pupil and previous gold medallist Adrian Moorhouse is an official British Olympic Ambassador and will be commentating on the swimming events. Double Olympian and former pupil Richard Nerurkar is delighted to be spectating with his family this time round! Finally, Fourth Form pupil Jordan Murray will be playing drums in the closing ceremonies of the Olympics and the Paralympics.

ace<br />

for life<br />

A team of over one hundred from <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> joined up to two and a half thousand other<br />

entrants at Lister Park’s Race for Life in June.<br />

BGS had a team of runners, joggers, walkers and<br />

supporters, consisting of pupils, former pupils, staff,<br />

parents, grandparents and the Headmaster’s wife.<br />

Many were supporting family and friends who have<br />

been touched by cancer, and raised over £1000<br />

towards cancer charities.<br />

This was the third time the school has entered this<br />

event and the numbers continue to grow each year.<br />

Fifth Form pupil Poppy Briggs was the first finisher<br />

for the school, closely followed by Katy Boden from<br />

the Third Form. Refreshments in the Dining Hall<br />

were a welcome end to this uplifting event and gave<br />

everyone chance to share the experience.<br />

300 bronze<br />

awards<br />

There are now over three hundred <strong>Bradford</strong><br />

<strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong> pupils who have achieved<br />

their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award<br />

through the school’s scheme. A further fifty<br />

five have completed their Silver Award and<br />

over thirty have achieved the Gold Award.<br />

Last year ninety-eight pupils completed<br />

their Bronze Award assessed expedition<br />

and this year one hundred and seventeen<br />

Fourth Form pupils are working towards<br />

their Bronze Award. They completed their<br />

training expeditions over two weekends in<br />

May and the assessed expeditions took place<br />

in June.<br />

Gabi Swanepoel was officially the school’s<br />

three hundredth Bronze Award holder. As<br />

part of achieving her Bronze Award, Gabi<br />

helped in Ilkley’s British Heart Foundation<br />

shop for three months, reached Grade 4 at<br />

the flute and completed expeditions in Lower<br />

Wharfedale and Nidderdale.<br />

rsc<br />

chemistry<br />

olympiad<br />

The RSC Chemistry Olympiad is a national<br />

competition open to Upper Sixth Chemists. Five<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong> students gained<br />

certificates. Well done to: Jen Bonson (Bronze),<br />

Jamie Davidson (Silver), Will Paget (Bronze) and<br />

Jamie Boden (Bronze). Ben Gaunt, a Lower Sixth<br />

student, achieved the highest mark in the school<br />

and was only four marks away from achieving gold.<br />

tae<br />

kwon<br />

do<br />

Adam Haq from the Second Form<br />

entered the 25th Traditional Tae<br />

Kwon Do Team Championships.<br />

Teams from all over the UK took<br />

part in this event and the entrants<br />

competed in individual fights.<br />

Adam successfully won many<br />

rounds to secure his place in the<br />

final of his belt category. In the<br />

final he came first and won gold.<br />

Adam trains with the Leeds TTA<br />

club who won a trophy for Best<br />

Team Spirit in the competition. He<br />

thoroughly enjoys Tae Kwon Do and will be taking his<br />

black belt grading in September.<br />

lady<br />

elizabeth<br />

kirk<br />

Lady Elizabeth Kirk, daughter of RB Graham, who<br />

was Headmaster of <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong> from<br />

January 1939 to December 1953, visited Clock<br />

House for the first time since leaving <strong>Bradford</strong>. Lady<br />

Elizabeth lived at Clock House from the age of ten.<br />

The Junior <strong>School</strong> was the Headmaster’s house with<br />

servants and gardeners. The children loved trying<br />

to work out which rooms were which from her story.<br />

By the time of her visit they all felt they knew her<br />

and were all so excited because it felt like actually<br />

meeting a fictional character from a book, but in<br />

real life. They were spellbound and asked question<br />

after question of Lady Kirk and her sister Margaret,<br />

who seem to have been typical children squabbling,<br />

getting up to mischief and thoroughly<br />

enjoying life in the forties and early fifties.<br />

She also mentioned the friendly ghost<br />

that lives in Clock House which sent<br />

the whole of Year Five on an afternoon<br />

ghost hunt.<br />

Lady Elizabeth returned to the school<br />

to present the prizes at the Junior<br />

<strong>School</strong> Prizegiving.<br />

rounders<br />

As always rounders has proved to be<br />

a popular choice of summer activity<br />

amongst the BGS girls. In an<br />

unusual start to the season both the<br />

U13 and U14 A squads had finals<br />

to play (unfinished from last season<br />

due to the weather) against Ilkley <strong>Grammar</strong> and St<br />

Joseph’s College respectively. Both games proved<br />

to be high quality with outstanding fielding skills and<br />

tactical awareness demonstrated by all the BGS girls<br />

despite it being so early in the season. Both our<br />

teams came out victorious with the U14s beating St<br />

Joseph’s by an innings and two rounders and in a<br />

closer encounter the U13s coming out on top against<br />

Ilkley with a score of 13½ - 9.<br />

This season has produced some excellent teams at<br />

all ages including the U12s who have taken on board<br />

the tactical side of the game.<br />

school<br />

journeys<br />

The school has recently adopted Frizinghall Station.<br />

This will mean that the school has a great deal of<br />

input and control over the security, appearance and<br />

surroundings of the station. Initially there will be<br />

flower beds and boxes on display. The art work at<br />

the station will be BGS related. The school will be<br />

working with others<br />

in the community to<br />

further enhance the<br />

environment around<br />

the station.<br />

A number of Sixth<br />

Form pupils will<br />

be given free rail<br />

passes and asked<br />

Frizinghall<br />

to act as train<br />

wardens. It is<br />

hoped that this will<br />

enhance the pupils’ experience on their way to and<br />

from school. The majority of our pupils travel by train<br />

from either the Wharfe or Aire Valleys and many find it<br />

a very social end to the school day.<br />

BGS is delighted that due to an increased demand<br />

from surrounding areas school bus services are likely<br />

to be extended. Plans are being made to provide<br />

a new bus service running from Rawdon, the Ilkley<br />

service may be extended to start at Addingham<br />

and the Halifax bus route could be extended to<br />

commence at Hebden Bridge. Any pupils who wish<br />

to consider using the buses please contact Julie<br />

Smales on 01274 553750.<br />

paris<br />

Forty-one excited First and Second Form pupils and<br />

six of their teachers met at school to start a five-day<br />

visit to Paris. The first day started with the Eiffel Tower.<br />

Most of the group took the lift up to the top of the tower<br />

for the breathtaking views over the city. After lunch, a<br />

walking tour of Paris included the Ile de la Cité, Notre<br />

Dame Cathedral, the Hôtel des Invalides and the River<br />

Seine. A party of art-lovers made<br />

a detour to the Louvre museum.<br />

They managed to see some of the<br />

wonders of European art, such<br />

as Leonardo di Vinci’s Mona Lisa.<br />

Everybody enjoyed a leisurely cruise<br />

on a bateau-mouche on the River<br />

Seine.<br />

The second day in Paris began in<br />

Montmartre. <strong>Here</strong> the party saw the<br />

Sacré-Cœur and the Place du Tertre,<br />

admired the work of the street artists<br />

and enjoyed the quintessentially<br />

Parisian atmosphere. In the<br />

afternoon, a coach trip round the main<br />

sights of Paris took in the Champs<br />

Elysées and the Arc de Triomphe with<br />

its Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.<br />

The group was accompanied on both<br />

days by fantastic local animateurs who helped guide the<br />

pupils round Paris and who spoke to them in French<br />

throughout the day.<br />

The final day was spent at Disneyland. The pupils<br />

enjoyed all the attractions of this theme park enormously,<br />

and there were some scary tales from the thrilling roller<br />

coaster experiences. The following day the group<br />

returned to <strong>Bradford</strong>, having learned a great deal about<br />

Paris and lots of French too.<br />

first year walk<br />

On Friday 1 June, the First Year celebrated the end of exam week with a sponsored walk to Ilkley. They managed to<br />

avoid some rather excitable bullocks and enjoyed a leisurely picnic on top of Ilkley Moor. At White Wells Mr Richards,<br />

the Ilkley town crier, greeted them in full regalia and delivered an ode, specially written for the BGS walkers. Cool,<br />

cloudy but dry weather was perfect for the day and everyone enjoyed the chance to let off steam in good company.<br />

lifeguard<br />

awards<br />

The school regularly offers pupils the opportunity to<br />

complete lifeguard training awards. The following Third<br />

and Fourth Form pupils have successfully completed<br />

the Bronze Medallion: Hamzah Mushtaq, Jacob Flavell,<br />

Frankie Williams, Elise Starling, Pippa Mack, Zoe Holmes<br />

and Matthew Handy. The following Sixth Form pupils<br />

have gained the National Pool Lifeguard Qualification:<br />

Tom Holmes, Joe Allan, Sarah Ross, Luke Kopelciw,<br />

Jack Robinson, Jacob Ellison, George Pearson. Fifth<br />

Form pupils Eve Mannings, Ed Brownlee, Fergus<br />

Walden, Jamie Woods, William Truby, Jacob Birkenhead<br />

and Jeevan Khela have also successfully gained this<br />

qualification.<br />

sporting<br />

round-up<br />

Mark Scholefield continues to play wheelchair<br />

basketball in the Superleague and First Divisions<br />

for his club, Sheffield Steelers. He played for<br />

Yorkshire U19s in the Junior League Finals and the<br />

First Division League Final play-offs. He continues<br />

to be part of the GB U22 squad, is a TASS<br />

supported athlete (Talented Athlete Scholarship<br />

Scheme) and has recently taken part in the <strong>School</strong>s<br />

Games in London.<br />

Emile Cairess ran the London Mini Marathon on 22<br />

April: he came eighty-first out of one thousand six<br />

hundred runners and was the third British runner.<br />

Freddy Hoban has been selected to swim two<br />

events at the English <strong>School</strong>s National Swimming<br />

Championships (400 individual medley and the<br />

200 butterfly) and has also qualified to swim at<br />

the National Swimming Championships at Ponds<br />

Forge in Sheffield.<br />

shakespeare<br />

This year’s Great Shakespeare Debate kicked off with<br />

a first round based on the authorship debate. Lower<br />

Sixth Form pupils Matt Procter, Chris Casson and<br />

Georgie Henley were delighted to be one of the twelve<br />

teams who reached the final round, which meant two<br />

days in Stratford-upon-Avon. The students’ days<br />

were jam-packed with workshops, debates, lectures, a<br />

performance of Measure for Measure at the RSC New<br />

Theatre and a Q&A session with the actor who played<br />

the Duke. After four gruelling rounds of debate the two<br />

highest scoring teams were announced for the final;<br />

and <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong> was one of them! In a<br />

nail-biting final the team demonstrated their skill and<br />

flair for debating: Georgie, in her first national debating<br />

competition was confident and engaging, Chris was<br />

analytical and precise in his argumentation and Matt<br />

eloquently and powerfully summarised the debate as a<br />

whole. It was a very close call and BGS did amazingly<br />

well to finish second in this national competition!<br />

usa trip<br />

The Easter holidays saw the Geography department<br />

embark on their fifth visit to the south west United States<br />

of America. Forty-three students and six staff made up<br />

the party embarking on what promised to be the trip of<br />

a lifetime. They were not to be disappointed; as the trip<br />

proved to be one of the most successful the department<br />

has enjoyed.<br />

One of many highlights was the day spent at Bryce<br />

Canyon. The beautiful weather, the brilliantly clear light<br />

and the patches of snow capping the salmon pink rock<br />

hoodoos made it a spectacular experience. The students<br />

particularly relished the two days spent in Las Vegas.<br />

They were able to explore the many attractions that the<br />

city has to offer: the Stratosphere rides, the New York<br />

New York roller coaster, the view from the top of the Eiffel<br />

Tower, the Bellagio fountains and in the evening outdoor<br />

shows.<br />

The trip also included a visit to the awesome Grand<br />

Canyon, a memorable journey by boat from Glen Dam<br />

through Red Canyon, the vertigo inducing views from<br />

Horseshoe Overlook and the brilliant colours of the rock<br />

formations and spring vegetation in Zion.<br />

girls’ tennis<br />

This term has been the most successful term for girls’<br />

tennis since it was introduced. From U12 to U15 BGS<br />

has won all fixtures apart from two. The fixture calendar<br />

for girls’ tennis has been the busiest ever for all age<br />

groups. The girls have had two successful tours, to<br />

Stamford and Nottingham. To date we have held three<br />

invitational tournaments at BGS and have achieved<br />

the following results: 1st Senior IV won the plate<br />

competition, U15s came third, U14s IV came second,<br />

U13A came sixth, U13B came fifth and U12s came<br />

third. Congratulations to Pascale Fisher for winning<br />

the school round of the National Competition Road To<br />

Wimbledon – twelve girls entered this and Pascale beat<br />

last year’s winner Alex Christian to go through to the<br />

qualifying round at South Leeds Tennis Centre. She<br />

is through to the final Yorkshire qualifying tournament,<br />

which means she is only one event away from going to<br />

Wimbledon. The following girls have been selected to<br />

represent BGS at the prestigious Independent <strong>School</strong>s<br />

Tennis Tournament at Eton in July: Megan Sadler, Chloe<br />

Pinkney, Courtenay Fisher, Charlotte Cottle, Libby<br />

Linfield, Krista Bennett, Lizzie Ayre, Emma Phillips,<br />

Emma Peacock, Izzy Austin, Hannah Chaudry and Amy<br />

Peacock. Good Luck Girls!<br />

royalty<br />

drops in<br />

Mr and Mrs Riley were pleased to welcome Princess<br />

Anne to <strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong> as she arrived<br />

here by helicopter during a visit to the county. It<br />

was the first time Mr Riley had greeted royalty<br />

after becoming Headmaster in January. Her Royal<br />

Highness The Princess Royal took time to speak to<br />

those waiting and waved to pupil and staff onlookers.<br />

art<br />

Junior and Senior <strong>School</strong> artists have taken part in a<br />

number of competitions and exhibitions this term. As<br />

part of the Lord Mayor’s Little Diamonds competition<br />

to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee, Junior <strong>School</strong> pupils<br />

eagerly thought of a variety of fun activities.<br />

The competition gave<br />

a selection of<br />

categories, but<br />

placed firmly<br />

on the<br />

agenda was<br />

a collaborative<br />

approach to the<br />

work. This work<br />

is on display in<br />

the Town Hall.<br />

Junior <strong>School</strong><br />

artwork was<br />

submitted to the<br />

Saltaire Arts Trail<br />

competition and<br />

accepted to be<br />

placed on display.<br />

The pupils created a selection of<br />

pieces in an imaginative variety of media on the theme<br />

of Fun at the Fair.<br />

A selection of Senior <strong>School</strong> pupils exhibited art work<br />

at The Bowery Best of British exhibition. The students<br />

were encouraged to create art inspired by what it<br />

means to be British and how they identify with the<br />

heritage of their home. The students at BGS worked<br />

on a theme of afternoon tea. BGS art students have<br />

provided the art work currently on display in the<br />

judges’ rooms at Leeds Crown<br />

Court.<br />

Amy Peacock, Kate<br />

Robertshaw and Jonty<br />

Casson from 1SMH were<br />

winners of the First Year<br />

Design a Headdress<br />

competition. Pupils based<br />

their headdresses on carnival<br />

designs. The masks were<br />

developed from mod roc into<br />

their final shapes and then<br />

decorated with coloured<br />

tissue paper, beads and glitter.<br />

The winners received art<br />

materials which were donated<br />

by the BGS Art Forum. BGS Art Forum’s aim is for<br />

parents and pupils to enjoy art together. For more<br />

details about the forthcoming BGS Art Forum trip and<br />

the group itself, please visit their website at www.<br /><br />

The term finished with the annual Art trip to Whitby.<br />

faiths<br />

in the city<br />

The Faiths in the City event in April was a day to remember for the Third<br />

Form. The all-day event involved a series of religious workshops from<br />

a variety of faiths. The Hindu and Classical Indian Dance workshop<br />

involved students learning about how important dance and music are<br />

within Hinduism as an expression of Hindu belief and practice. The<br />

students performed a variety of classical Hindu legends about particular<br />

gods and goddesses. The Islamic calligraphy and art workshop allowed<br />

students to creatively explore and produce Islamic art. The Buddhist<br />

workshop enabled students to practise meditation and learn about<br />

Buddhist practice and beliefs. The Christian workshop saw performances<br />

from the York based Riding Lights Theatre Company. In this workshop,<br />

students were challenged to think about Christian beliefs about Jesus and explore what it means for a young person to<br />

have a Christian faith in today’s world. The Sikh workshop focused on the music of Sikh worship. Students were able<br />

to listen to the harmonium and tabla (as well as other drums) and learn about the significance of music for the Sikh faith.<br />

At the end of the day students presented what they had learned from the workshops. There were notable dance and<br />

music performances as well as interesting presentations.<br />

national<br />

record<br />

Abby Parkinson rode in the National Junior 10 mile time<br />

trial in Sawtry. This competition is open to girls and<br />

boys who are under eighteen; therefore at fourteen Abby<br />

was one of the younger competitors. Abby put in an<br />

impressive performance to finish in second place.<br />

The <strong>School</strong> Games was<br />

a massive success for<br />

the Yorkshire Cycling<br />

Team when they became<br />

overall Inter-Regional<br />

Road Champions. Abby<br />

scored points for the<br />

team in every race, the<br />

girls got Bronze in the<br />

Team Time Trial and<br />

Abby achieved three<br />

fourth places individually.<br />

Abby found riding on the<br />

Olympic Velodrome in<br />

London an exhilerating<br />

experience.<br />

In June Abby broke the CTT National Championship<br />

Record for the U16 10 mile Time Trial taking a staggering<br />

fifty-nine seconds off the previous time. She recorded a<br />

time of 21 minutes 44 seconds which was recorded on<br />

the V718 course at South Cave, Hull.<br />

biathlon<br />

This year’s Junior <strong>School</strong> Biathlon was a great competition. It was organised in conjunction with Pentathlon GB. The pupils<br />

enjoyed swimming, running, fencing and Olympic team games including throwing, sprinting and a penalty shoot-out.<br />

Winners of each year group and budding Brownlees were: J6 Ben Moon and Milly Fewlass-Jones, J5 George Moran<br />

and Eve Wellings, J4 Eve Atkinson and Jaime Berry, J3 Naina Krishna and Ben Grimmitt, J2 Ruby Qureshi and Oliver<br />

Scales. Congratulations to all who took part and appreciated a day out in the sunshine.<br />

george<br />

galloway mp<br />

One Friday evening in May, <strong>Bradford</strong> West’s new MP, George Galloway,<br />

came to speak in school at the invitation of a number of school societies.<br />

This was an initiative by the Sixth Form, and Upper Sixth student Rowan<br />

Arthur deserves huge credit for all the work he put in to organising this<br />

successful event. Mr Galloway entertained a packed Hockney Theatre for over<br />

an hour and a half.<br />

It was excellent for our students to see such a politician at first hand and to engage with<br />

him. Their questions were intelligent and testing, often demanding a nuanced response.<br />

amsterdam<br />

This term the History Department organised a new trip to Amsterdam. Thirty pupils from the Second to Fourth Form<br />

travelled overnight on the Hull to Rotterdam ferry. The centrepiece of the trip was a visit to Anne Frank’s house. The<br />

house had a great impact on the pupils. They particularly enjoyed a very informative study session there, as well as<br />

walking round the family’s secret hideaway.<br />

Other highlights included a boat tour of Amsterdam’s canals and a visit to the Jewish Quarter. The destination proved<br />

to be a successful initiative and will be repeated in following years.<br />

peace jam<br />

PeaceJam UK is part of an international youth<br />

movement led by Nobel Peace Prize winners. This<br />

year the BGS PeaceJam Society learned about<br />

the Nobel Peace Laureate Desmond Tutu. They<br />

delivered an assembly in January to raise awareness<br />

of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, and<br />

sold wristbands around school to raise money for<br />

the charity Children of Peace.<br />

In April the PeaceJam Society went to the annual<br />

PeaceJam weekend conference at <strong>Bradford</strong><br />

University. The students took part in a variety of<br />

workshops and activities ranging from discussion<br />

tasks and drama activities to learning the tango<br />

in a dance workshop! All workshops were based<br />

around different ways of resolving conflict. The<br />

students also had an amazing opportunity to listen<br />

to inspirational speeches given by Adolfo Esquivel, a<br />

leading Nobel Peace Laureate, as well as presenting<br />

their own projects and ideas for working for peace.<br />

They were so inspired by Adolfo Esquivel and his<br />

experiences that they came back to school and<br />

delivered an assembly to the whole school about<br />

what they had learned from the weekend.<br />

bgs at the<br />

olympics<br />

<strong>Bradford</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong> has involvement in the<br />

Olympics from beginning to end. Mr Boden, father of<br />

Katy and Jamie Boden, both current pupils at the school,<br />

carried the Olympic torch on its very first day in the UK.<br />

Mr Boden has worked as Head of BT’s communications<br />

project for the Olympics for the past six years. The<br />

Olympic torch passed the school on 24 June on its<br />

journey from <strong>Bradford</strong> to Keighley. Former pupil Roger<br />

Mosey is Head of BBC Olympics 2012 and is responsible<br />

for the BBC’s entire delivery programme for the event.<br />

Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee<br />

are medal hopefuls in the men’s<br />

triathlon. Whilst cheering on<br />

Alistair and Jonny look out for<br />

Director of Sport, Charles<br />

Lines, who is a marshal<br />

at the event in Hyde<br />

Park. Former pupil and<br />

previous gold medallist<br />

Adrian Moorhouse is an<br />

official British Olympic<br />

Ambassador and will<br />

be commentating on the<br />

swimming events. Double<br />

Olympian and former pupil<br />

Richard Nerurkar is delighted<br />

to be spectating with his<br />

family this time round!<br />

Finally, Fourth Form pupil<br />

Jordan Murray will be<br />

playing drums in the closing<br />

ceremonies of the Olympics<br />

and the Paralympics.

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