Week 5 - Heights Christian Church

Week 5 - Heights Christian Church

Week 5 - Heights Christian Church


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Richard Rohr: <br />

Session 5<br />

<strong>Heights</strong> <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Church</strong>, Lent, 2013<br />

Joe LaGuardia<br />

1<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

A Little Levity<br />

2<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

Opening Prayer<br />

0 “Snow Fall,” by May Sarton, Collected Poems: 1930-­‐1993 (Norton, 1992), noted in The Writer’s Almanac, 2.2.213.<br />

0 Snow Fall<br />

With no wind blowing<br />

It sifts gently down,<br />

Enclosing the world in<br />

A cool white down,<br />

A tenderness of snowing.<br />

0 It falls and falls like sleep<br />

Till wakeful eyes can close<br />

On all the waste and loss<br />

As peace comes in and ?lows,<br />

Snow-dreaming what I keep.<br />

0 Silence assumes the air<br />

And the ?ive senses all<br />

Are wafted on the fall<br />

To somewhere magical<br />

Beyond hope and despair.<br />

0 There is nothing to do<br />

But drift now, more or less<br />

On some great lovingness,<br />

On something that does bless,<br />

The silent, tender snow.<br />

3<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

From WCCM.org:<br />

And just as the mantra is the<br />

sacrament of our poverty in<br />

prayer, so in the community<br />

absolute honesty and<br />

frankness in our<br />

relationships with one<br />

another and above all with<br />

our Teacher is the sign and<br />

means of making the<br />

passover from fear to love.<br />

(JOHN MAIN)<br />

4<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

Tasks for This <strong>Week</strong><br />

0 “God is a River,” by Peter Mayer<br />

0 Email responses, if any<br />

0 Issues from last week<br />

0 Where We Are and Where <br />

We Are Going…<br />

5<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

The Seventh Theme:<br />

0 Seventh Theme: <br />

Reality is paradoxical and complementary. Non-dual <br />

thinking is the highest level of consciousness. Divine <br />

union, not private perfection, is the goal of all religion <br />

(GOAL).<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

Amnesia and <br />

Remembering<br />

0 Religion is to help us discover our True Self, NOT <br />

accumulate merits.<br />

0 Otherwise, you push enlightenment off to a future <br />

reward and punishment within which hardly anyone <br />

wins!<br />

0 We have to UNLEARN stuff (“Unless you become like <br />

little children…If you want to be perfect, go, sell…”)<br />

0 “Practice for heaven by letting go of smaller kingdoms <br />

and choosing union NOW.” You are in heaven as soon <br />

as you make this choice.<br />

0 Heaven can’t be based on excluding others<br />

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Tuesday, March 26, 13

Your Image of God…<br />

0 “If you accept a punitive notion of God who tortures those <br />

who do not love Him then you have an absurd universe <br />

where most people end up being more loving than God! <br />

0 How could Jesus ask us to forgive and heal our enemies <br />

unless “God is doing it Tirst and always.”<br />

0 We haven’t known how to include the many. The ego <br />

prefers winners and losers—an economy of merit instead <br />

of an economy of grace.<br />

0 [Don’t underestimate the power of these<br />

statements!]<br />

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Tuesday, March 26, 13

Whatever Is Simple <br />

and Beautiful<br />

0 Whatever beautiful things we can say about creation or <br />

humanity, we can say that of God multiplied to the <br />

in[inite power.<br />

0 [Say something nice to the person next to you].<br />

0 In the First Half, we can’t know all the parts of <br />

holiness; we need Elders to tell us [Examples?]<br />

0 You can grow in simplicity and not need to know it all <br />

without doubt: the sad, absurd and futile belong to life.<br />

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Tuesday, March 26, 13

Bright Sadness; Sober <br />

Happiness<br />

0 In the Second Half, there is darkness, but a “changed <br />

capacity to hold it creatively and with less anxiety.”<br />

0 You no longer play “holier than thou.”<br />

0 You pray and listen rather than react<br />

0 Law is no longer your guide; you cherish the Beatitudes<br />

0 Your life becomes spacious; you become GENERATIVE<br />

0 God is no longer small, punitive or tribal (or only male)<br />

0 You are no longer full of yourself; you become a <br />

grandparent to the world!<br />

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Tuesday, March 26, 13

Fall into Brightness<br />

11<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

Your Shadow<br />

0 De[inition: what you do not want to see and do not <br />

want others to see about yourself<br />

0 Your shadow helps your persona die<br />

0 People with huge Personas (often associated with roles <br />

like Minister, Professor, Writer, Philosopher, etc.) live <br />

out of their shadow selves and have great dif[iculty <br />

surrendering to the process of falling upward.<br />

0 Pray for one good humiliation a day!<br />

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Tuesday, March 26, 13

Shadow Work IS Falling <br />

Upward!<br />

0 Healthy self-­‐criticism helps us spiritually mature<br />

0 Growth is largely a growth in seeing and it usually <br />

makes a big leap in our [inal years, months, weeks and <br />

days of life. <br />

0 Shadow work (shadow boxing) continues throughout <br />

life, but you will become less upset by it.<br />

0 Eventually, you no longer project your fear, anger of <br />

unlived life onto terrorists, Muslims, conservatives, etc.<br />

0 You know who you are without fear of exposure; the <br />

game is over, unless you keep denying your shadow.<br />

13<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

Ken Wilber’s Hierarchy<br />

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Tuesday, March 26, 13

Don’t Hate First-­‐Half-­‐ers<br />

0 The young and institutions have to do First Half work.<br />

0 These are ego needs, NOT soul needs.<br />

0 You have to hit some kind of bottom before you can start <br />

your real spiritual journey. <br />

0 And we still have First Half needs (“even hermits have to <br />

eat!”). Holding this tension is the shape of wisdom!<br />

0 Best deTinition of church: “Where two of three are gathered <br />

in my name”—NOT the large institution, which is <br />

concerned with numbers, language, dress, laws and <br />

exclusion. [Can institutions get into the second half? Miller: <br />

“Here I stand in my silly robe!”]<br />

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Tuesday, March 26, 13

Wait for Receptive Soil<br />

0 You can bless and encourage First Half people, <br />

but you can’t join them; and they often can’t <br />

understand where you are.<br />

0 Wait for receptive soil, multipliers, change agents, <br />

contemplatives—often they are outside churches.<br />

0 Be prepared for some loneliness (whose cure is often <br />

solitude, a happy aloneness). <br />

0 This unpacking can happen naturally as we age. Even <br />

your politics can become more compassionate and <br />

inclusive!<br />

16<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

The Emerging <strong>Church</strong><br />

A sign you’re getting there!<br />

0 You can begin to see it everywhere, in new levels of <br />

af[iliation, dialogue and friendship.<br />

0 You get to be a double or triple “belonger,” (“as colonial <br />

and oppressed people have had to be in order to <br />

survive”)<br />

0 As you learn to incorporate the negative, you begin to <br />

think in “both/and” instead of “either/or” categories. <br />

0 You have done right/wrong, dualistic thinking for <br />

decades and it works in the First Half. But in the <br />

Second Half, you come to know that God creates all and <br />

loves all. This is dif[icult work!<br />

17<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

Rohr on Non-­‐Dualism (Both/<br />

And Thinking)<br />

0 See his daily meditation of January 21, 2012, in my PP on <br />

Lever and a Place to Stand, Session 1<br />

0 You no longer divide between right and wrong. It just IS. <br />

0 In the Second Half, what you avoided comes back as a true <br />

teacher and friend.<br />

0 Let life lead you into a practice of overcoming your dualistic <br />

mind or you will remain in the First Half forever and <br />

endlessly argue over facts.<br />

0 “Whole people see and create wholeness wherever they go; <br />

split people create splits…”<br />

18<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

New Slant on Ageing<br />

0 “What looks like falling can be experienced as falling <br />

upward and onward…where the soul has found its fullness <br />

and lies inside the Big Picture. It is Not loss, but gain.”<br />

0 Good people mirror goodness in us<br />

0 You do not take insults OR praise very seriously.<br />

0 You can step out of self-­‐reTlecting mirrors if you have at <br />

least one friend to ground you (could be God). <br />

0 Find at least one mirror that reveals your inner, deepest <br />

and divine image (thank you!)<br />

0 You can’t mirror yourself (or tell how well you sing)<br />

19<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

God Knows..<br />

0 -­‐-­‐That we will fall somehow. He probably sees little <br />

opportunity to unite us with himself when we have <br />

ego-­‐in[lating successes.<br />

0 Elders need to teach the young who haven’t had <br />

enough experience to know that the dying becomes the <br />

rising and the falling the standing. They’re fragile!<br />

0 God sees us as we are without judgment or distortion!<br />

0 Such perfect seeing transforms us<br />

0 All we can do is receive the loving gaze of God and return <br />

it every day. Then we’ll be free and happy every day. <br />

20<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13


In this<br />

21<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

Passing It On<br />

0 God has no trouble including, accepting, forgiving all.<br />

0 Then we can pass on his accepting gaze to others <br />

without asking if they deserve it—because we know <br />

that WE didn’t deserve it!<br />

0 No one can keep you from the Second Half of your own <br />

life except yourself; your own lack of courage, patience, <br />

and imagination will do it. <br />

0 Pain is part of the deal. Desire it. <br />

0 When we empty out, God will rush in!<br />

22<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

Come, Let Us Find out MORE <br />

Together!<br />

0 Let the capacity of our cup be increased as we dip it <br />

into the ocean which is God.<br />

0 Let us travel into silence and bathe in the void that <br />

exists when the ego is dismissed<br />

0 “Will you also go away?” “Lord to whom shall we go?”<br />

23<br />

Tuesday, March 26, 13

The Problem of Voices<br />

0 What if your next Lenten Series was presented by:<br />

1. A Witch or Warlock<br />

2. A Druid<br />

3. An LSD enthusiast<br />

4. A Fundamentalist<br />

5. An Atheist<br />

0 The truth will set you free, but it will make you miserable <br />

Tirst! Does Falling Upward sound true to you?<br />

0 Would any of the above presenters negate the First Half, <br />

Second Half insights? [See Rohr Credibility slide in #4]<br />

0 Read the last paragraphs on page 160 of Falling Upward.<br />

They cannot be summarized!<br />

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Tuesday, March 26, 13

Next Steps:<br />

0 Try another of Richard Rohr’s Books, such as his latest, <br />

Immortal Diamond<br />

0 Try a webinar or DVD from cac.org.<br />

0 Continue your meditation, either alone or with others.<br />

0 Allow yourself to follow the invitation, to be <br />

transformed!<br />

0 See the world with this new lens!<br />

Thanks for Coming!<br />

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Tuesday, March 26, 13

Closing Prayer for this Series<br />

A Trinitarian Prayer <br />

Meditation 28 of 52<br />

In the name of the Holy Formless One,<br />

In the name of the Son, who took Form,<br />

In the name of the Spirit between these Two,<br />

All things are made one.<br />

God for us, we call You Father<br />

God alongside us, we call You Jesus,<br />

God within us, we call You Holy Spirit.<br />

But these are only names. <br />

You are the Eternal Mystery that enables<br />

and holds and enlivens all things<br />

—even us and even me.<br />

Every name falls short of Your goodness and Your greatness.<br />

We can only see who You are in what is.<br />

In the beginning, now, and always. <br />

Amen<br />

—A prayer accompanying The Divine Dance (CD, MP3) on God as Trinity<br />

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Tuesday, March 26, 13

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