epi Information 2/2009

epi Information 2/2009

epi Information 2/2009


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38 Editorial <strong>Information</strong> 2/<strong>2009</strong><br />

Editorial<br />

T. Johnson (GB)<br />

It is with no little regret that the Editorial Committee<br />

received the news that Alison Brimelow has announced<br />

that she does not intend to stand for a further term as<br />

President of the Organisation. She has brought new<br />

ideas and thinking to the running of the Office and<br />

the patenting of inventions in Europe. The Committee<br />

does not always agree with decisions made, for example<br />

on the new arrangements for divisional applications.<br />

More divisionals could be filed as a result, rather than<br />

fewer which would probably have been the case under<br />

the old system. It is some time before Alison Brimelow<br />

steps down, there are challenges to be met before then<br />

which we are sure she will meet with her customary<br />

vigour. These include the proposal for an introduction of<br />

deferred examination, the possible re-structuring of the<br />

structure of fees paid by applicants, the debate on<br />

„raising the bar“ on patent „quality“, and many others.<br />

All these will have a bearing on the working lives of<br />

members of the <strong>epi</strong>, and no doubt Council will submit<br />

position papers at the relevant time. Our own President<br />

has been active too in trying to enhance the effect and<br />

efficiency of the <strong>epi</strong>, for example holding a Council<br />

meeting on a single day, liaising with National Groups,<br />

and consolidating contacts with sister organisations.<br />

There is no time for complacency, and never a dull<br />

moment, but batteries must be re-charged, so we take<br />

this opportunity of wishing Alison Brimelow, Kim Finnilä<br />

and all our Members a restful, reflective and well-earned<br />

holiday as the holiday season approaches!<br />

Nächster Redaktionsschluss<br />

für <strong>epi</strong> <strong>Information</strong><br />

Informieren Sie bitte den Redaktionsausschuss<br />

so früh wie möglich über<br />

das Thema, das Sie veröffentlichen<br />

möchten. Redaktionsschluss für die<br />

nächste Ausgabe der <strong>epi</strong><br />

<strong>Information</strong> ist der 17. August<br />

<strong>2009</strong>. Die Dokumente, die veröffentlicht<br />

werden sollen, müssen bis<br />

zum diesem Datum im Sekretariat<br />

eingegangen sein.<br />

Next deadline for<br />

<strong>epi</strong> <strong>Information</strong><br />

Please inform the Editorial Committee<br />

as soon as possible about the<br />

subject you want to publish. Deadline<br />

for the next issue of <strong>epi</strong><br />

<strong>Information</strong> is 17th August <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

Documents for publication should<br />

have reached the Secretariat by this<br />

date.<br />

Prochaine date limite pour<br />

<strong>epi</strong> <strong>Information</strong><br />

Veuillez informer la Commission de<br />

rédaction le plus tôt possible du sujet<br />

que vous souhaitez publier. La date<br />

limite de remise des documents pour<br />

le prochain numéro de <strong>epi</strong><br />

<strong>Information</strong> est le 17 août <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

Les textes destinés à la publication<br />

devront être reçus par le Secrétariat<br />

avant cette date.

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