Admission Document - BrainJuicer

Admission Document - BrainJuicer

Admission Document - BrainJuicer


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(b)<br />

(c)<br />

Special circumstances including Sale and Change of Control<br />

An option is exercisable in full (regardless of whether it has vested under the vesting schedule)<br />

where there is a sale of the Company, sale of the business of the Company, a dissolution,<br />

liquidation or winding up of the Company or a change of control of the Company (and lapses<br />

after 39 days of such an event).<br />

Termination of Employment<br />

If the individual is a bad leaver (bankrupt, prohibited by law to be a director, convicted of<br />

certain criminal offences, guilty of serious default or misconduct, serious breach of duties, or<br />

brings the Group into disrepute or prejudices the interests of the Group) or if the individual<br />

gives notice the option shall lapse. If the individual leaves for other reasons then the vested<br />

proportion of the option continues to be exercisable in accordance with the option agreement<br />

and the unvested proportion will lapse immediately.<br />

There are certain exceptions to these general rules.<br />

Yvonne Chien and Andrew Hogbin entered into compromise agreements with <strong>BrainJuicer</strong> UK<br />

which amended their option entitlements under their original grants. Details of their current<br />

option entitlements are as reflected in paragraph 2.8 of this Part VII.<br />

The options granted to the Dutch individuals provide for proportionate lapsing of their options<br />

upon termination of employment. In addition, the option granted to Julius Ladwig does not<br />

contain lapse provisions on termination of employment.<br />

An option may not be exercised after the tenth anniversary of the date of grant.<br />

6.7 Variations of Share Capital<br />

On certain variations of the ordinary share capital of the Company the Board may adjust the exercise<br />

price and the number of Ordinary Shares comprised in existing options.<br />

7. New Share Option Scheme<br />

7.1 General<br />

The Board adopted the Share Option Scheme on 17 November 2006 in order to enable employees and<br />

executive directors of the Group to acquire Ordinary Shares.<br />

The Share Option Scheme enables the grant of EMI options under Schedule 5 of the Income Tax<br />

(Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 (“Schedule 5”), the grant of unapproved options and the Board can<br />

adopt sub-plans for other countries. It is intended to adopt a sub-plan for employees in the US.<br />

7.2 Grant of options and eligibility<br />

The Board may grant unapproved options to acquire Ordinary Shares in the Company to any<br />

employees of the Group. It may grant EMI options to any employees and directors of the Group<br />

permitted by Schedule 5 who devote at least 25 hours per week or 75 per cent. of their working time<br />

to the Group. Options are granted free of charge and are non-transferable.<br />

7.3 Period for the grant of options<br />

Options may be granted within 42 days of the establishment of the Share Option Scheme or within 42<br />

days after the announcement of results or at other times (not in a close period) in exceptional<br />

circumstances.<br />

7.4 Exercise price<br />

The exercise price per Ordinary Share is determined by the Board. The exercise price may not be less<br />

than the nominal value of an Ordinary Share.<br />


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