Admission Document - BrainJuicer

Admission Document - BrainJuicer

Admission Document - BrainJuicer


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4. Articles of Association<br />

The Articles, which will be adopted as soon as reasonably practicable prior to <strong>Admission</strong> will contain,<br />

inter alia, provisions to the following effect:<br />

(a)<br />

General Meetings and votes of members<br />

(i)<br />

General meetings<br />

The board of directors shall convene and the Company shall hold general meetings as annual<br />

general meetings in accordance with the requirements of the Statutes at such time and place as<br />

the board of directors may determine. Any general meeting of the Company other than an<br />

annual general meeting shall be called an extraordinary general meeting.<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

Calling of general meetings<br />

The board of directors may whenever it thinks fit, and shall on requisition in accordance with<br />

the Statutes, proceed with proper expedition to convene an extraordinary general meeting.<br />

Notice of general meetings<br />

An annual general meeting and an extraordinary general meeting at which it is proposed to pass<br />

a special resolution or (save as provided by the Statutes) a resolution of which special notice<br />

has been given to the Company, shall be called by not fewer than twenty-one days’ notice in<br />

writing and any other extraordinary general meeting by not fewer than fourteen days’ notice in<br />

writing. The notice shall be given to the members (other than any who, under the provisions of<br />

the Articles or of any restrictions imposed on any shares, are not entitled to receive notice from<br />

the Company), to the directors and to the auditors. The board of directors may determine that<br />

persons entitled to receive notice of meetings are those persons entered on the register of<br />

members at the close of business on a day determined by the board of directors, but if the<br />

Company is a participating issuer, the day determined by the board of directors may not be<br />

more than 21 days before the date upon which the relevant notice is being sent.<br />

Proxy<br />

Shareholders need not attend a meeting of the Company in person but can do so by way of a<br />

validly appointed proxy. Proxies are appointed in accordance with the Articles. In essence, to<br />

be validly appointed, details of the proxy must be lodged at the Company’s registered office no<br />

later than 48 hours before the commencement of the relevant meeting. Failure to lodge details<br />

of the appointed proxy in accordance with the Articles could result in the vote of the proxy<br />

being excluded on any resolution and possibly to the exclusion of the proxy from the meeting<br />

unless the proxy were also a Shareholder.<br />

Corporations acting by representatives<br />

If a Shareholder is a corporation, whether or not a company, it can pass a resolution of its<br />

directors or other governing body to authorise such person as it thinks fit to act as its<br />

representative at any meeting of the Company or class of meeting of Shareholders.<br />

(b)<br />

Votes of members<br />

(i)<br />

Subject to the provisions of the Act and to any special rights or restrictions as to voting attached<br />

to any shares or class of shares or otherwise provided by the Articles, on a show of hands every<br />

member who is present in person shall have one vote and on a poll every member who is<br />

present in person or by proxy shall have one vote for every share of which he is the holder.<br />

Restriction on rights of members where calls outstanding<br />

(ii)<br />

Unless the board of directors otherwise determines, no member shall be entitled to receive any<br />

dividend or to be present and vote at a general meeting or at any separate general meeting of<br />

the holders of any class of shares either personally or by proxy, or to be reckoned in a quorum,<br />


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