AlPhONSE ISlANd RESORt - Tailwaters Fly Fishing Co.

AlPhONSE ISlANd RESORt - Tailwaters Fly Fishing Co.

AlPhONSE ISlANd RESORt - Tailwaters Fly Fishing Co.


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Worldwide TRAVEL SERVICES<br />


Alphonse Island Resort<br />

Travel - <strong>Fishing</strong> - Accomodations - How to Get There - When to Go - Rates - Much More<br />


© 2011 <strong>Tailwaters</strong> Travel

table of contents<br />


accomodations 30-33<br />

general description<br />

fishing information<br />

4-11<br />

How to Get There<br />

sample itinerary<br />

seasonALITY<br />

When to go<br />

non-angling activities<br />

34-37<br />

38<br />

39-41<br />

tailwaters travel services<br />

Personalized Service<br />

Perhaps our greatest asset is our hands on<br />

dedication to insuring your trip is perfectly &<br />

conveniently planned. We are not your standard<br />

9:00-5:00 travel agency. Our staff is on call to<br />

answer the most trivial of questions, lend a hand in<br />

an emergency, or help gather any last minute gear,<br />

flies, or tackle. Every trip we plan is personalized to<br />

each individuals special needs or requests, specific<br />

itinerary and seasonality. We are a small operation<br />

that succeeds because we offer the best customer<br />

service in the industry.<br />

Outfitting Guides & Pre-trip Organization<br />

When you book a trip with us you will receive one of our destination specific outfitting guides.<br />

These comprehensive packets contain everything from maps to gear & tackle recommendations,<br />

information about commercial travel arrangements, lodge policy, country information, itinerary,<br />

travel insurance and much more. Our outfitting guides have been meticulously prepared to<br />

provide you with the most informative and up to date pre-trip planning reference in the industry.<br />

Although we are always on call at the office, our outfitting guides are the ultimate go-to resource<br />

for questions or concerns about planning your trip.<br />

rates<br />

42<br />

Save Time and Money<br />

You the client dont pay a penny for our services! Our destination recommendations,<br />

organization and pre-trip planning services are completely free of charge. We can assist with<br />

every question, concern, or special request related to your adventure at zero cost!<br />

12-29<br />

terms and conditions<br />

pre-trip planning<br />

43<br />

back<br />

We Have Been There<br />

We do not send our clients to any destination we have not visited ourselves. From the remote<br />

rivers of the Kamchatka Peninsula, the marshes of Southern Louisiana, to the sandy flats of the<br />

Seychelles, we have experienced the travel involved, eaten the food, fished with the guides and<br />

know exactly what gear and tackle is most productive.<br />


Trophy Milkfish in<br />

hand... photo by:<br />

David Leake

alphonse island resort<br />


chain has an enormous diversity in geography<br />

and culture. The Seychellois<br />

are a mix of French, English, African<br />

and Asian and speak several different<br />

languages with French, English, and<br />

Creole as the predominant dialects.<br />

Geographically, it seems the islands<br />

themselves are a combination of the<br />

Caribbean and the Pacific. Some<br />

islands in the Archipelago are reminiscent<br />

of the white, powdery sand of<br />

the Bahamas or Yucatan, while others<br />

are constructed of solid granite cliffs<br />

and rocky bluffs similar to Hawaii. The<br />

flora and fauna are equally as bizarre<br />

with an abundance of bird life, exotic<br />

land creatures such as the giant land<br />

tortoise, and of course a collage of all<br />

types of marine life.<br />

seychelles<br />

location<br />

Location<br />

Seychelles<br />

Indian Ocean<br />

1000 Miles off East <strong>Co</strong>ast of Africa<br />

Destination Description:<br />

The Seychelles is still one of the world’s bestkept<br />

secrets. Over eighty-five of its one hundred<br />

fifteen islands are still uninhabited, and<br />

approximately<br />

Photo Caption<br />

fifty percent of the country is<br />

designated as national parks or reserves, preserving<br />

its natural beauty for those who visit.<br />

Ninety percent of the country’s population<br />

(80,000) lives on the capital island of Mahe,<br />

where the international airport is located.<br />

The Seychelles are located one thousand<br />

miles off the east coast of Kenya, a few degrees<br />

south of the equator and north of<br />

Madagascar in the heart of the Indian Ocean.<br />

Formerly a French settlement and a British<br />

colony since 1814, the Seychellois achieved<br />

independence in 1976 and remain a republic<br />

within the British <strong>Co</strong>mmonwealth. The island<br />

val atkinson photo<br />

4<br />


alphonse island resort<br />


booking a Trip with <strong>Tailwaters</strong><br />




alphonse island resort<br />


seychelles<br />

location<br />

Photo Caption<br />

Alphonse island resort:<br />

The Alphonse Island Resort resides on the<br />

former coconut plantation island of Alphonse<br />

at the tip of the Amirantes Group,<br />

which is a one-hour charter flight from the<br />

international airport on Mahe Island. This<br />

tiny island and five star resort is home to<br />

anglers for their week of some of the most<br />

spectacular and diverse saltwater fishing<br />

Photo on earth. Caption A few miles to the north of<br />

Alphonse is the infamous St. Francois Lagoon,<br />

the focus of the fishing program on<br />

Alphonse. St. Francois could easily most<br />

aptly be described as a large self-contained<br />

aquarium. Around every corner visitors<br />

encounter a new type of shark, dolphin,<br />

whale, sea turtle, eel, fish, or ray.<br />

The arrival into Alphonse is always a bit surreal.<br />

The island is shaped like an arrow head<br />

with the runway running down the center.<br />

When you are on approach you can see the<br />

huge surrounding reef systems that protect<br />

Alphonse and the neighboring islands of<br />

Bijoutier and St. Francois. On the<br />

interior of the coral system are<br />

the flats that meld with the reef to<br />

create the ultimate habitat for the<br />

most incredible mix of marine life.<br />

You cruise in a golf cart through dense<br />

palm and coconut trees, avoiding the occasional<br />

coconut or Giant Land Tortoise<br />

on your way to the central resort building<br />

for orientation. The property has<br />

been developed to meet very high standards<br />

and is super plush and polished. It<br />

is so strange to see such sophisticated<br />

infrastructure and accommodation on<br />

such a remote tiny little island in the middle<br />

of the Indian Ocean… Truly the most<br />

impressive fishing operation anywhere.<br />

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ooking a Trip with <strong>Tailwaters</strong><br />





alphonse island resort<br />


seychelles<br />

The <strong>Fishing</strong>:<br />

We have visited Alphonse several times<br />

over the last seven seasons and can honestly<br />

say that the quality of the fishing actually<br />

continues to improve each year. Strict<br />

enforcement of the rules governing the<br />

fishing program (fly fishing only & barbless<br />

hooks) have dramatically enhanced the<br />

long term sustainability of this remarkable<br />

fishery. It is without question the world’s<br />

greatest all around flats fishing destination<br />

– and it is totally worth the long journey<br />

to get there.<br />

Anglers at the Alphonse Island Resort fish<br />

a very well defined fishery known as the<br />

Alphonse Group. The Alphonse group is<br />

made up of three islands and their respective<br />

lagoons; Alphonse, Bijoutier, and St.<br />

Francois. While the majority of anglers’<br />

efforts are focused on St. Francois, the<br />

while island group is rich with incredible<br />

angling opportunities. The entire system is<br />

a giant conglomerate of flats and channels<br />

completely surrounded by and protected<br />

by barrier reef. All of the fishing is ‘flyfishing<br />

only’, barbless, as well as catch<br />

and release. As a result, the fishery<br />

has held up remarkably well and remains<br />

as reliable as it did back in the<br />

late nineties. In fact the bonefishing<br />

seems to be inexplicably improving<br />

with 20-30 fish morning bonefish sessions<br />

the norm for most anglers!<br />

The <strong>Fishing</strong> Day<br />

Here is the daily routine: Wake up at<br />

5:30AM… eat breakfast at 6:00AM,<br />

board the mothership, St. Francois, at<br />

7:00AM, and sail 30 minutes to the<br />

skiff moorings inside the St. Francois<br />

Lagoon. The boat ride out to St.<br />

Francois is one of the most memorable<br />

parts of the trip. Everyone is<br />

strapping on gear, rigging equipment,<br />

and game planning while caffeine and<br />

beautiful ocean wake you up. Often<br />

you will encounter yellowfin tuna or<br />

milkfish feeding, whales, manta rays,<br />

dolphins, or other sea creatures on<br />

the way out past Bijoutier (“Gilligan’s Island”)<br />

and into the lagoon. St. Francois<br />

Lagoon is a labyrinth of flats, reef, coral<br />

heads, channels, etc…. tailor made habitat<br />

for bonefish, permit, trevally, milkfish, triggerfish,<br />

sharks, rays, turtles, etc.<br />

Boat runs are never more than 10-15<br />

minutes, and your fly line will be in the<br />

water by 8:00AM at the latest. Guides<br />

always give a brief orientation and chat up<br />

the day’s game plan relative to what species<br />

you want to target, the expected tide,<br />

and fishing conditions. The game plan may<br />

consist of a morning bonefishing session<br />

followed by a walk to the reef, cruising for<br />

trevally, walking the edges harassing triggers,<br />

or hitting the channels in search of<br />

feeding milkfish. It seems every day is a<br />

different ballgame – but with so many different<br />

species around there is absolutely<br />

never a dull moment. After a full day<br />

of fishing you return to the mothership<br />

at 4:00PM, arrive at Alphonse at 5:00PM,<br />

cocktails at 6:30, dinner at 7:00, and off<br />

to bed at 9-10. This regimented routine<br />

makes the week fly by.<br />

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booking a Trip with <strong>Tailwaters</strong><br />



alphonse island resort<br />


seychelles<br />

Bonefish<br />

The majority of the areas fished for bonefish<br />

are on hard, white sand with minimal<br />

coral and grass growth. It is an idyllic setting<br />

for bonefishing with easy visibility and<br />

a nearly endless amount of targets in skinny<br />

water. Tidal fluctuations in the Seychelles<br />

are quite significant, and the day’s itinerary<br />

is built around accommodating the ebb<br />

and push of water on and off the flat. During<br />

a falling or rising tide, anglers typically<br />

wade looking for bones feeding their way<br />

on or off the flat. One unique aspect to the<br />

behavior of the bones in the St. Francois<br />

Lagoon is there does not seem to be any<br />

huge schools of fish like as often found in<br />

the Caribbean. The fish usually feed in individual<br />

pods of 2-8 fish and present themselves<br />

at predictable and incredibly frequent<br />

intervals. The population of bonefish is<br />

outstanding, easily rivaling any and all other<br />

bonefish destinations in the world. The average<br />

fish is a solid four pounds, with seven<br />

and eight-pound specimens encountered<br />

frequently. Double-digit fish are present;<br />

however should definitely be considered a<br />

real bonus trophy.<br />

Giant Trevally<br />

Many anglers are allured half way around the<br />

word to the Seychelles in search of the dozens<br />

of other species found at St. Francois.<br />

Five species of trevally are found in St. Francois<br />

with the golden, bluefin and giant trevally<br />

most prevalent. The giant trevally is about as<br />

crazed and hard fighting as any gamefish on<br />

the planet…you had better come prepared!<br />

Words cannot describe the power of a large<br />

Giant Trevally. The only way to appreciate it<br />

is to get your hands on an Abel Super 12 reel<br />

and crank down the drag to 100% and try<br />

manually to pull of some line. You are lucky<br />

to pull off one foot of line without breaking<br />

a finger. Now, consider that big GTs have<br />

completely spooled anglers with this same<br />

reel cranked down to 100% drag! You fish for<br />

GTs with super heavy gear… 80-100 pound<br />

straight fluorocarbon for your leader, 5/0 –<br />

8/0 gamugatsu hooks, and 50 pound gel spun<br />

backing is the norm. GTs over 50 pounds require<br />

you to be chasing them in a skiff as landing<br />

one of foot is nearly impossible without a<br />

14 weight. They are truly an incredible fish.<br />

“GTs” or “Jeets” (as the South Africans call<br />

them) are most often found at low tide cruising<br />

the cuts and channels around coral heads<br />

and surrounding the flats in search of unsuspecting<br />

baitfish and other prey. Half of the<br />

time anglers will cruise in the skiff looking for<br />

giant trevally, however, a walk out to a reef can<br />

also be a fruitful way to get a shot at a trevally.<br />

At low tide anglers can stand just inside the<br />

reef and scan the incoming breakers for these<br />

hunting monsters and sight cast to cruising fish<br />

in the surf. On an incoming tide, you can also<br />

find trevally on the flat in very skinny water<br />

crashing bait at warp speed. Although visually<br />

the most impressive form of feeding (huge<br />

bow wakes and rooster tails) trevally in shallow<br />

water can spook easily. No matter where<br />

you encounter the giant trevally, their pure<br />

closing speed and aggressive feeding habits will<br />

intrigue all anglers… There is simply nothing<br />

more jaw-dropping than the eat of a big G.T. –<br />

and if you are lucky you won’t get spooled!<br />

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booking a Trip with <strong>Tailwaters</strong><br />

The Giant Trevally (Caranx Ignobilis) is the true bad ass of all game<br />

fish. His round head, monster shoulders, and elaborate fins are built<br />

for speed and power, and he has no predators other than large sharks<br />

and humans. He literally eats everything, and his incredible eye-sight<br />

combines with his quickness to make him a lethal hunter. While<br />

adults spend much of their life in deeper water, fish well over 100<br />

pounds often feed on the flats in skinny water or cruise in riding<br />

the waves on the reef to ambush unsuspecting prey. There<br />

is nothing more impressive than watching through the<br />

face of a wave as a big GT surfs his way inside the<br />

reef. The combination of hurried panic to cast<br />

and huge dosage of adrenalin is very addictive.<br />

There is also no eat more impressive than the<br />

mighty G.T. The deliberate and crushing<br />

speed of the monster when he zeroes<br />

in on your fly is scary to<br />

the point where you almost<br />

don’t want him to eat it!<br />

Once you witness the<br />

spectacle that is the<br />

“GEET”, it gets in<br />

your blood, and<br />

you become<br />

obsessed<br />

with trying<br />

to find one a<br />

bigger than<br />

the<br />

last one.<br />

bit<br />

scott keller photo

GEETS...<br />


alphonse island resort<br />


seychelles<br />

Milkfish<br />

Perhaps the most intriguing species encountered<br />

in the Seychelles is the mighty milkfish.<br />

Although found throughout the Pacific<br />

and Indian Oceans, the milkfish that inhabit<br />

St. Francois are some of the largest in the<br />

world, and more importantly the guides have<br />

recently discovered how to catch them!<br />

The milkfish is similar in shape as a bonefish,<br />

only reach up to thirty pounds and possess<br />

a large sickle tale and huge eyes. When the<br />

milkfish are feeding on the surface, anglers<br />

present a grass or algae imitation and hope<br />

that one mistakes the green fly for a meal.<br />

When the fishing for milkfish is “on” success<br />

rates hooking milks are actually quite high<br />

despite the rumors of them being extremely<br />

difficult to hook. Finding them feeding in<br />

the proper fashion on the surface is the<br />

hard part, but once discovered on feeding<br />

properly they can be hooked with regularity.<br />

Over five hundred Milkfish have been caught<br />

and landed by Alphonse guests to date, with<br />

more than twice as many hooked. Some<br />

experienced guides say that at thirty pound<br />

milkfish will give a one hundred pound tarpon<br />

a run for his money, so landing them is<br />

another story!<br />

Triggerfish<br />

Other species encountered daily includes<br />

three species of triggerfish found tailing on<br />

the tidal push as well. These colorful speedsters<br />

slowly and lazily cruise feeding mainly<br />

on crabs and other crustaceans on the outside<br />

flats. The presentation to triggerfish<br />

is quite technical, and reminiscent of trout<br />

fishing. A good drift and proper current are<br />

required to “feed” triggerfish. Once they eat<br />

your fly, hold on! Triggers are aptly named<br />

for the trigger like mechanism on their dorsal<br />

which literally locks them into holes and<br />

crevices in the surrounding coral heads. If<br />

you are lucky enough to land one, make sure<br />

to have a camera.<br />

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alphonse island resort<br />

booking a Trip with <strong>Tailwaters</strong><br />



One of the most sought after species on the flats is called the Milkfish (Chanos<br />

chanos). Although we have learned a lot about how to effectively hook and land<br />

these brutes, Milks still have lore about them. There is a common misnomer that<br />

they are herbivores or vegetarians exclusively. They feed on tiny invertebrates such<br />

as plankton as well as algae. They are not filter feeders, but they do skim along with<br />

mouths wide open inhaling their food (kind of like a whale shark). The hardest part<br />

about catching a milkfish is simply being in the right place at the right time for a<br />

predictable, surface feeding event with a large enough school of targets to increase<br />

the odds (which oftentimes won’t happen for weeks on end).<br />

Most often during large spring tides, milkfish will set up almost like trout feeding<br />

into the strong tidal currents flushing food off of the flats. Lucky anglers encounter<br />

them feeding on or near the surface with mouths wide almost mindlessly<br />

vacuuming everything in their path. Although they will certainly move<br />

to avoid your fly, they will definitely not move to eat your<br />

fly. Anglers fish with algae-like deer hair or craft fur<br />

patterns tied on a #2 Gamu hook and long slow<br />

strips through a school of milkfish. If the<br />

planets align, your fly will incidentally get<br />

sucked in and off to the races you go.

alphonse island resort<br />


seychelles<br />

Guides on Alphonse<br />

The guide staff consists of a mixture<br />

of Seychellois, South African,<br />

and Americans all with extensive<br />

experience in the world of saltwater<br />

fly-fishing and in the St. Francois<br />

Lagoon. Their appearance, enthusiasm,<br />

and knowledge of the fishing<br />

and the area is very impressive and<br />

professional. There are few saltwater<br />

fishing destinations in the world<br />

with such a salty crew of world-class<br />

guides and anglers. Anglers rotate<br />

guides throughout the week and fish<br />

out of comfortable and modern 16-<br />

18 foot Mavericks and Dolphin skiffs<br />

with dry storage, cushioned seating, and<br />

reliable fifty horse Yamaha outboard motors.<br />

Safety is obviously very important in<br />

such a remote location. The guides are very<br />

capable, always wear their kill switches and<br />

ensure anglers a safe experience.<br />

Permit & Other Species<br />

Other flats species that are worth mentioning<br />

found in St. Francois are the Indopacific<br />

permit, or African Pompano (equally<br />

as spooky relative to its Atlantic cousins),<br />

enormous barracudas, all types of jacks,<br />

groupers, snappers, surgeonfish, and the<br />

colorful parrotfish. The record for flycaught<br />

species in one week at St. Francois is<br />

a ridiculous 52 species!<br />

Although Seychelles has not historically<br />

been recognized as a rich permit fishery, we<br />

are encountering and catching more and<br />

more permit each year. What was once a<br />

super bonus a handful of times each season,<br />

targeting permit is now considered part of<br />

the usual program. Bring all your fly rods<br />

because you will never know what species<br />

will present itself.<br />

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alphonse island resort<br />


Accommodations:<br />

The Island of Alphonse was formerly a working<br />

coconut plantation. Active production was<br />

ceased in the mid nineties, and the hotel was<br />

completed in December of 1999. Because the<br />

facility is designed primarily for its non-angling<br />

guests, fishermen enjoy the amenities of a five<br />

star resort. The accommodations and facilities<br />

at the Alphonse Island Resort truly are on par<br />

with some of the finest resorts found anywhere,<br />

and certainly as nice or nicer as any flats fishing<br />

destination. The grounds are perfectly manicured,<br />

the staff is attentive and professional, and<br />

facilities are immaculately clean. Because the<br />

resort is not accommodating many non-anglers<br />

this season (other than companions of fishing<br />

guests), anglers have free reign of their own private<br />

fantasy island when not fishing St. Francois.<br />

seychelles<br />

location<br />

rooms are extremely nice with granite<br />

countertops and twin sinks. The five executive<br />

chalets are similar to the standard<br />

chalets; only offer a king sized bed<br />

and a little more square footage in both<br />

the bedroom and bathroom. <strong>Co</strong>uples<br />

looking for a little more luxurious privacy<br />

usually occupy the executive chalets.<br />

Opposite the resort from the main complex<br />

is the watersports center where anglers<br />

meet guides each morning at the fishing<br />

company office and have a cocktail at the<br />

bar located at the marina following the<br />

fishing day. A modest selection of flies, tippet, leader material, hats, t-shirts, and other fishing accessories<br />

is available at the watersports center office. A bicycle is provided for each guest at the resort for<br />

traversing the island or getting a little exercise. The food and atmosphere at the resort combine a<br />

unique mixture of European, Seychellois,<br />

and African tastes, and meals are one of<br />

The resort consists of a central complex containing<br />

a restaurant, bar, kitchen, lounge area, enjoy choices from two starters, two sal-<br />

the highlights of the experience. Guests<br />

conference room, hard tennis courts, beach, ads, two entrees, and two desserts with<br />

and reception desk. There is also a small gift each dinner. The menu is very expansive<br />

shop located near the reception that has a with seafood being the dominant cuisine.<br />

Breakfast is buffet style, and lunches<br />

few local arts and forgotten necessities such<br />

as sunscreen and batteries. Located alongside are made to order from several different<br />

the main complex are twenty-five, double occupancy<br />

standard chalets and five executive and breads. Lunch is taken on the water<br />

choices of salads, sandwiches, fresh fruit,<br />

chalets – all facing the sea. Standard chalets or in the shade on board the mothership.<br />

have two twin beds. All chalets are extremely The wine and cocktail selection at dinner<br />

comfortable and luxurious with air conditioners,<br />

satellite TV, ceiling fans, mini-bar, direct and impressive.<br />

and at the Bijoutier Bar is quite expansive<br />

dial international telephone, Jacuzzi bathtub,<br />

and outdoor shower. Each chalet is beautifully Capacity:<br />

Photo Caption<br />

decorated and also has an outdoor seating 12 Anglers Maximum (Additional Rooms<br />

area and porch facing the Indian Ocean. Bath- for Non-Angling <strong>Co</strong>mpanions)<br />

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alphonse island resort<br />


seychelles<br />

Alphonse Island Resort operates on a weekly<br />

Saturday – Saturday schedule.<br />

Travel from the United States can be accomplished<br />

via London, Paris, Frankfurt, or<br />

through Dubai, UAE with Emirates Airlines.<br />

Dubai with Emirates Airlines – The Best Way to Go.<br />

Having made the trip to Seychelles several<br />

times, by far the best way to make the trip<br />

is with Emirates Airlines through Dubai.<br />

Emirates Airlines is perhaps the world’s<br />

greatest airline with new and comfortable<br />

aircraft, hospitable flight attendants,<br />

excellent food, spacious seating, incredible<br />

in-flight entertainment and very economical<br />

fares. The last two seasons we have<br />

booked fares with Emirates for less than<br />

$2000US, roundtrip from Houston with a<br />

FREE hotel stay in Dubai compliments of<br />

Emirates Airlines!<br />

After spending the night in Dubai on Friday,<br />

anglers depart with Emirates Airlines on<br />

board a direct 3 ½ -4 hour flight to Mahe,<br />

Seychelles. Once in Victoria, guests<br />

have a short layover before catching<br />

the 50 minute charter flight to<br />

Alphonse Island around 2:30PM. The<br />

island operates a beautiful twin engine<br />

Beechcraft turboprop for the flight<br />

to/from Alphonse.<br />

Sample Itinerary<br />

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Routing<br />

Thursday<br />

Depart U.S. on overnight flight to Dubai with<br />

Emirates Airlines. There are daily direct flights<br />

from Houston and New York. Flight time is<br />

approximately 15 hours.<br />

sisted through customs, and checked in for<br />

charter flight to Alphonse Island. After checking<br />

into the resort and settling into chalets,<br />

anglers are given a brief orientation discussing<br />

the next six full days of angling. Dinner and<br />

overnight at the resort.<br />

Sunday - Friday<br />

Six full days of fishing Alphonse Island and the<br />

St. Francois Lagoon.<br />

Saturday<br />

A mid-morning charter flight returns anglers<br />

to Mahe with ample time for connection with<br />

Emirates Airlines Flight departing around midnight<br />

bound for Dubai.<br />

Sunday<br />

Early morning arrival back in Dubai in time for<br />

easy connection with Emirates Airlines back<br />

to Houston or New York.<br />

Friday<br />

Arrival in Dubai mid evening around 6:00PM.<br />

Spend the night exploring the city and/or<br />

resting in a free hotel room provided by<br />

Emirates Airlines at the Millennium Hotel five<br />

minutes from the airport.<br />

Saturday<br />

Depart on mid morning, 3.5 - 4 hour flight<br />

to Mahe, Seychelles with Emirates Airlines.<br />

Upon arrival in the Seychelles, travelers are<br />

met by a representative from the resort, as-<br />

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GOING HOME...<br />

Turboprop Beechcraft provides direct 45 minute transfer to Alphonse from Mahe’s International Airport.

alphonse island resort<br />

WHEN TO GO<br />

seychelles<br />

N O N - A N G L I N G AC T I V I T I E S<br />

Although fishing is the predominant activity at the Alphonse Island Resort, there<br />

are a myriad of slow paced alternate activities for non-angling guests to choose<br />

from. Gorgeous beaches perimeter the island and a huge and beautiful freshwater<br />

swimming pool sits in the heart of the resort complex.<br />


The Alphonse Island Resort is open<br />

the months of October – May and<br />

closes down for the rainy season during<br />

the summer months. The rainy season is<br />

well defined, starting abruptly in May and<br />

concluding abruptly in September. Anglers<br />

should not be fearful of poor conditions in<br />

early October and late April.<br />

Because Alphonse Island is only seven degree<br />

south of the equator, the quality of<br />

the weather and fishing remains consistent<br />

throughout the season. The really is no<br />

“perfect time” to visit Alphonse Island while<br />

the resort is open however we always<br />

discuss tide charts for perspective weeks<br />

our clients are considering. While fishing<br />

on Alphonse and St. Francois is always spectacular,<br />

certain tides are more conducive for<br />

targeting certain species.<br />

Temperatures remain warm year round in<br />

the eighties and nineties, even at night. The<br />

heat is never unbearable and a nice tropical<br />

breeze usually keeps things pleasant. Like all<br />

tropical destinations, rainstorms and breezy<br />

conditions can pop up at anytime, however<br />

consistent bad conditions are usually most<br />

prevalent during the summer months when<br />

the fishing operation is closed.<br />

The resort has a lighted tennis court as well as several saltwater kayaks & paddleboats for<br />

those interested in a little exercise. There is an English style billiards table and a very spacious<br />

and equipped conference room/facility for business meetings. The island itself is completely<br />

uninhabited excluding the resort with several miles of well-manicured trails through<br />

the tropical jungle that are great for a jog or bike ride. On the opposite side of the island<br />

there are some remote beaches that are great for a private stroll or a little snorkeling.<br />

SCUBA: Alphonse can also arrange for a<br />

professional PADI certified dive master to<br />

be on hand to explore the lagoons incredible<br />

dive sites. A minimum of 4 divers are<br />

required for the diving program to operate,<br />

and advance notice is required.<br />

SPA SERVICE: We can arrange for a professional<br />

beautician to be on island during the week<br />

for approximately $2000US. This grants everyone<br />

in the party limitless massages as well as facials and<br />

other beauty treatments for women.<br />


FOR 2011-2012 SEASON:<br />

The resort is currently undergoing plans for<br />

a renovation project and has limited staff<br />

on hand for non-anglers. HOWEVER, as<br />

mentioned above, with some notice we can<br />

arrange for staff to be on hand for the SPA<br />

facility and scuba diving program. - Inquire<br />

for details.<br />

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alphonse island resort<br />

2011-2012 RATES<br />

7 Night / 6 Day <strong>Fishing</strong> package<br />

Standard Chalet/ Single Occupancy/Shared Guide……….......$6,990 per person<br />

Non-Angling Rates ............................................................... $4,450 per person<br />

Non-anglers must accompany another non-angler or fishing guest<br />

What’s Included<br />

Seven Nights single occupancy accommodations at the Alphonse Island Resort; Six Days of<br />

guided fishing w/ shared guide; All meals; Reception Service and Customs Assistance in Mahe;<br />

Round-trip air charter to/from Mahe/Alphonse Island<br />

Terms and <strong>Co</strong>nditions:<br />

<strong>Tailwaters</strong> Travel must adhere to the cancellation<br />

policies of the guides, outfitters and<br />

lodges which it represents. Alphonse Island<br />

Resort’s policy follows: A non-refundable 50%<br />

deposit of is required within fourteen days<br />

to confirm reservations. Full non-refundable<br />

pre-payment is due 90 days prior to departure<br />

for Alphonse Island. If a replacement<br />

client is found, payment is refundable minus a<br />

$750 per person cancellation fee. No refund<br />

seychelles<br />

will be made for unused land arrangements<br />

included in cost. Any trip booked within ninety<br />

days will require full and non-refundable<br />

payment to confirm arrangements. Refunds<br />

of deposits/payments made on credit cards<br />

will be charged a 3.5% service charge to fully<br />

compensate <strong>Tailwaters</strong> Travel for all bank<br />

charges incurred. Receipt of deposit and/or<br />

final payment is acknowledgement that registrant<br />

has read and accepts the cancellation,<br />

refund and responsibility clauses.<br />

What’s Not Included<br />

International Airfare to Mahe, Seychelles; All alcoholic beverages and soft drinks; Baggage<br />

Overweight Charges; Meals, Transportation & Accommodations in Mahe (when applicable);<br />

Guide or staff gratuity; Items purchased at the bar (beer and cocktails) or gift area; Flies and<br />

other fishing equipment; $35 <strong>Co</strong>nservation Levy payable at Check-out from Resort (Cash<br />

Only); Other expenses might include tips to baggage handlers in airports; Departure Tax;<br />

Hotel Room and general travel expenses in London or Dubai (when applicable); Items of a<br />

personal nature; Telephone Charges<br />

FREE HOTEL IN DUBAI: Travelers with a 12 hour layover in Dubai are given a free hotel stay at<br />

the Millennium Hotel only five minutes shuttle from the airport.<br />

Photo Credits: <strong>Tailwaters</strong> Travel, Val Atkinson, Robert Sinclair, <strong>Co</strong>dy Bell, Scott Matthews, David Carroum,<br />

John Bartling, John Day, George Toledo, Scott Keller, James Christmas, Vaughn Driessel<br />

T r a v e l i n s u r a n c e !<br />

Given Given the the inherent inherent strict strict refund refund policies policies<br />

associated associated with with nearly nearly all all fishing fishing packages, packages, we we<br />

cannot cannot stress stress the the importance importance of of obtaining obtaining<br />

travel travel insurance insurance to to protect protect your your investment. investment.<br />

Travelers Travelers can can obtain obtain coverage coverage for for pre-existing pre-existing<br />

health health problems problems (related (related to to yourself, yourself, your your family, family,<br />

business business partners, partners, or or your your traveling traveling partners), partners),<br />

emergency emergency evacuation, evacuation, lost lost baggage, baggage, delay, delay,<br />

life life insurance insurance packages; packages; even even “no “no questions questions<br />

asked” asked” or or “for “for work work reasons” reasons” coverage. coverage.<br />

We We will will provide provide you you with with more more detailed detailed<br />

information information about about travel travel insurance insurance from from our our<br />

sponsored sponsored provider, provider, Travel Travel Guard, Guard, when when you you<br />

book book a trip trip with with <strong>Tailwaters</strong> <strong>Tailwaters</strong> Travel. Travel.<br />

We We can can conveniently conveniently process process a very very<br />

comprehensive comprehensive insurance insurance policy policy for for you you inhoushouse<br />

after after asking asking a few few simple simple questions.<br />

in-<br />

questions.<br />



(214) (214) 219-2500 219-2500 or or (888) (888) 824-5420 824-5420<br />

42<br />


ooking a Trip with <strong>Tailwaters</strong><br />


Seriously - the best in the business!<br />

When you book a trip with us you will receive one of our destination specific outfitting guides.<br />

These comprehensive packets contain everything from maps to gear & tackle recommendations,<br />

information about commercial travel arrangements, lodge policy, country information, itinerary,<br />

travel insurance and much more. Our outfitting guides have been meticulously prepared to<br />

provide you with the most informative and up to date pre-trip planning reference in the industry.<br />

Although we are always on call at the office, our outfitting guides are the ultimate go-to resource<br />

for questions or concerns about planning your trip.<br />

<strong>Tailwaters</strong> <strong>Fly</strong> <strong>Fishing</strong> <strong>Co</strong>.<br />

2416 McKinney Ave.<br />

Dallas, Tx. 75201<br />

214.219.2500<br />

888.824-5420<br />


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