We thank Ian Stewart and Vann Joines for permission to base this ...

We thank Ian Stewart and Vann Joines for permission to base this ... We thank Ian Stewart and Vann Joines for permission to base this ...


EATA Translation of TA Terminology: We thank Ian Stewart and Vann Joines for permission to base this material on the Glossary within TA Today, Lifespace Publishing. We thank SWP Publishing for their agreement to use the material from the Dutch version of TA Today, and Jacqueline van Gent for some terminology updates. Please advise any queries, updates, or additions to Julie Hay on julie@adinternational.com (in English please!). English A1 A2 A3 Activity Adapted Child Adult Ego-State Adult in the Child After Script Agitation Allower Almost Script Always Script Angular Transaction Antiscript Area Attribution Authentic Feeling Autonomy Awareness Banal Script Basic Position Behavioural Diagnosis Blamer Blocking Transaction C1 C2 C3 Dutch V1 V2 V3 Activiteit Aangepast Kind Volwassen Ego-toestand Volwassene in het Kind Nadat script Agitatie Allower Bijna script Altijd script Hoektransactie Antiscript Gebied Attributie Authentiek gevoel Autonomie Bewustheid Banaal script Basispositie Gedragsdiagnose Verwijter Blokkerende transactie K1 K2 K3

EATA Translation of TA Terminology:<br />

<strong>We</strong> <strong>thank</strong> <strong>Ian</strong> <strong>Stewart</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Vann</strong> <strong>Joines</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>permission</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>base</strong> <strong>this</strong> material on the<br />

Glossary within TA Today, Lifespace Publishing.<br />

<strong>We</strong> <strong>thank</strong> SWP Publishing <strong>for</strong> their agreement <strong>to</strong> use the material from the Dutch<br />

version of TA Today, <strong>and</strong> Jacqueline van Gent <strong>for</strong> some terminology updates.<br />

Please advise any queries, updates, or additions <strong>to</strong> Julie Hay on<br />

julie@adinternational.com (in English please!).<br />

English<br />

A1<br />

A2<br />

A3<br />

Activity<br />

Adapted Child<br />

Adult Ego-State<br />

Adult in the Child<br />

After Script<br />

Agitation<br />

Allower<br />

Almost Script<br />

Always Script<br />

Angular Transaction<br />

Antiscript<br />

Area<br />

Attribution<br />

Authentic Feeling<br />

Au<strong>to</strong>nomy<br />

Awareness<br />

Banal Script<br />

Basic Position<br />

Behavioural Diagnosis<br />

Blamer<br />

Blocking Transaction<br />

C1<br />

C2<br />

C3<br />

Dutch<br />

V1<br />

V2<br />

V3<br />

Activiteit<br />

Aangepast Kind<br />

Volwassen Ego-<strong>to</strong>est<strong>and</strong><br />

Volwassene in het Kind<br />

Nadat script<br />

Agitatie<br />

Allower<br />

Bijna script<br />

Altijd script<br />

Hoektransactie<br />

Antiscript<br />

Gebied<br />

Attributie<br />

Authentiek gevoel<br />

Au<strong>to</strong>nomie<br />

Bewustheid<br />

Banaal script<br />

Basispositie<br />

Gedragsdiagnose<br />

Verwijter<br />

Blokkerende transactie<br />

K1<br />

K2<br />


Cathexis<br />

Child ego-state<br />

Child in the Child<br />

Complementary Transaction<br />

Con<br />

Conditional Stroke<br />

Constancy Hypothesis<br />

Constant<br />

Contamination<br />

Content<br />

Contract<br />

Controlling Parent<br />

Counterfeit Stroke<br />

Counterinjunctions<br />

Counterscript<br />

Critical Parent<br />

Crossed Transaction<br />

Crossup<br />

Decision<br />

Decisional Model<br />

Delusion<br />

Despairer<br />

Discounting<br />

Discount Matrix<br />

Doing Nothing<br />

Drama Triangle<br />

Driver<br />

Duplex Transaction<br />

Early Decision<br />

Egogram<br />

Ego-state<br />

Ego-state Model<br />

Electrode<br />

Episcript<br />

Excluding<br />

Exclusion<br />

Cathexis<br />

Kind ego-<strong>to</strong>est<strong>and</strong><br />

Kind in het Kind<br />

Complementaire transactie<br />

Lokaas<br />

Voorwaardelijke Strook<br />

Constantheidshypothese<br />

Constante<br />

Contaminatie<br />

Inhoud<br />

Contract<br />

Controlerende (Kritische) Ouder<br />

Valse strook<br />

Contrainjuncties<br />

Contrascript<br />

Kritische Ouder<br />

Kruistransactie<br />

Verwarring<br />

Besluit<br />

Beslissingsmodel<br />

Wa<strong>and</strong>enkbeeld<br />

Wanhopige<br />

Miskennen<br />

Miskenningsmatrix<br />

Niets doen<br />

Dramadriehoek<br />

Driver<br />

Dubbele transactie<br />

Vroeg besluit<br />

Egogram<br />

Ego-<strong>to</strong>est<strong>and</strong><br />

Model van ego-<strong>to</strong>est<strong>and</strong>en<br />

Elektrode<br />

Episcript<br />

Uitsluitende<br />


Executive<br />

Existential Position<br />

First-Degree<br />

First-Order Model<br />

First Rule of Communication<br />

Formula G<br />

Frame of Reference<br />

Free Child<br />

Function<br />

Functional Model<br />

Gallows<br />

Game<br />

Game<br />

Game Formula<br />

Game Plan<br />

Gimmick<br />

Gr<strong>and</strong>iosity<br />

Hamartic Script<br />

His<strong>to</strong>rical Diagnosis<br />

Incapacitation<br />

Incongruity<br />

Injunctions<br />

Integrated Adult<br />

Intimacy<br />

Level<br />

Life Course<br />

Life Position<br />

Life-Script<br />

Little Professor<br />

Loser<br />

Losing Script<br />

Magical Parent<br />

Marshmallow-Throwing<br />

Martian<br />

Miniscript<br />

Mode<br />

Uitvoerende<br />

Existentiële positie<br />

Eerstegraads<br />

Model van de eerste orde<br />

Eerste regel van communicatie<br />

Spel<strong>for</strong>mule<br />

Referentiekader<br />

Vrij Kind<br />

Functie<br />

Functioneel model<br />

Galgenhumor<br />

Spel<br />

Spel<br />

Spel<strong>for</strong>mule<br />

Spelplan<br />

Zwakke plek<br />

Overdrijving<br />

Hamartisch script<br />

His<strong>to</strong>rische diagnose<br />

Onmacht<br />

Incongruentie<br />

Injuncties<br />

Geïntegreerde Volwassene<br />

Intimiteit<br />

Niveau<br />

Levensloop<br />

Levenspositie<br />

Levensscript<br />

Kleine Professor<br />

Verliezer<br />

Verliezersscript<br />

Magische Ouder<br />

Stroopsmeren<br />

Martiaans<br />

Miniscript<br />


Natural Child<br />

Negative Stroke<br />

Never Script<br />

Non-Winner<br />

Non-Winning Script<br />

Nurturing Parent<br />

Ogre (Parent)<br />

OK Corral<br />

Open-Ended Script<br />

Options<br />

Overadaption<br />

P1<br />

P2<br />

P3<br />

PAC Model<br />

Parallel Transaction<br />

Parent Ego-state<br />

Parent in the Child<br />

Passive Behaviour<br />

Passivity<br />

Pastime<br />

Payoff<br />

Permissions<br />

Persecu<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Phenomenological Diagnosis<br />

Pig Parent<br />

Plastic Stroke<br />

Positive Stroke<br />

Prejudice<br />

Primary Driver<br />

Process<br />

Program<br />

Psychological-Level Message<br />

Racket<br />

Racketeering<br />

Racket Feeling<br />

Natuurlijk Kind<br />

Negatieve strook<br />

Nooit script<br />

Niet-winnaar<br />

Niet-winnend script<br />

Voedende Ouder<br />

Menseneter (Ouder)<br />

OK Corral<br />

Script met Open Einde<br />

Opties<br />

Overaanpassing<br />

O1<br />

O2<br />

O3<br />

OVK-model<br />

Parallelle transactie<br />

Ouder ego-<strong>to</strong>est<strong>and</strong><br />

Ouder in het Kind<br />

Passief gedrag<br />

Passiviteit<br />

Tijdverdrijf<br />

Pay-off<br />

Permissies<br />

Aanklager<br />

Fenomenologische diagnose<br />

Zwijn Ouder<br />

Plastic strook<br />

Positieve strook<br />

Vooroordeel<br />

Primaire Driver<br />

Proces<br />

Programma<br />

Boodschap op psychologisch niveau<br />

Racket<br />

Racketgebruik<br />


Racket System<br />

Real Self<br />

Rebellious Child<br />

Recognition-Hunger<br />

Redecision<br />

Redefining<br />

Redefining Transaction<br />

Rescuer<br />

Response<br />

Ritual<br />

Rubberb<strong>and</strong><br />

Script<br />

Script Matrix<br />

Script Message<br />

Script Signal<br />

Scripty<br />

Second-Degree<br />

Second-Order (Structural Model)<br />

Second-Order Symbiosis<br />

Second Rule of Communication<br />

Social Diagnosis<br />

Social-Level Message<br />

Somatic Child<br />

Spontaneity<br />

Stamp<br />

Stimulus<br />

Stimulus-Hunger<br />

S<strong>to</strong>pper<br />

Stroke<br />

Stroke Bank<br />

Stroke Economy<br />

Stroke Filter<br />

Stroke Quotient<br />

Stroking Profile<br />

Structural Analysis<br />

Racketsysteem<br />

<strong>We</strong>rkelijke Zelf<br />

Rebellerend Kind<br />

Honger naar erkenning<br />

Herbesluit<br />

Herdefiniëren<br />

Herdefiniërende transactie<br />

Redder<br />

Respons<br />

Ritueel<br />

Elastiekje<br />

Script<br />

Scriptmatrix<br />

Scriptboodschap<br />

Scriptsignaal<br />

Scriptmatig<br />

Tweedegraads<br />

Model van de tweede orde (Structureel<br />

Model)<br />

Symbiose van de tweede orde<br />

Tweede regel van communicatie<br />

Sociale diagnose<br />

Boodschap op sociaal niveau<br />

Somatisch Kind<br />

Spontaniteit<br />

Zegel<br />

Stimulus (prikkel)<br />

Honger naar prikkels<br />

S<strong>to</strong>pper<br />

Strook<br />

Strookbank<br />

Strookhuishouding<br />

Strookfilter<br />

Strookquotiënt<br />

Strookprofiel<br />

Structurele analyse

Structural Model<br />

Structural Pathology<br />

Structure<br />

Sweatshirt<br />

Switch<br />

Symbiosis<br />

Tangential Transaction<br />

Third-Degree<br />

Third Rule of Communication<br />

Time-Structuring<br />

Trading Stamp<br />

Transaction<br />

Transactional Analysis<br />

Transactional Analysis<br />

Type<br />

Ulterior Transaction<br />

Unconditional Stroke<br />

Until Script<br />

Vec<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Victim<br />

Violence<br />

Winner<br />

Winning Script<br />

Witch (Parent)<br />

Withdrawal<br />

Structureel model<br />

Structurele pathologie<br />

Structuur<br />

Sweatshirt<br />

Omslag<br />

Symbiose<br />

Rakelingse transactie<br />

Derdegraads<br />

Derde regel van communicatie<br />

Tijdstructurering<br />

Zegel<br />

Transactie<br />

Transactionele analyse<br />

Transactionele analyse<br />

Soort<br />

Transactie met bijbedoelingen<br />

Onvoorwaardelijke strook<br />

Voordat script<br />

Vec<strong>to</strong>r<br />

Slach<strong>to</strong>ffer<br />

Geweld<br />

Winnaar<br />

Winnaarsscript<br />

Heks (Ouder)<br />

Zich terugtrekken

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