Ocean Mysteries – Hawaiian Monk Seal - Georgia Aquarium

Ocean Mysteries – Hawaiian Monk Seal - Georgia Aquarium

Ocean Mysteries – Hawaiian Monk Seal - Georgia Aquarium


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<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>Hawaiian</strong><br />

<strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong><br />

Activity Pack<br />

6 th <strong>–</strong> 8 th Grade<br />

Episode Description:<br />

With only 1,100 left, <strong>Hawaiian</strong> monk seals are in a battle for<br />

survival. Helping them in this fight is a group of dedicated<br />

men and women from NOAA. Follow host Jeff Corwin as he<br />

teams up with them to learn more about this native <strong>Hawaiian</strong><br />

species and how to prevent their extinction. They will travel to<br />

a remote island to examine monk seals up close and be a part<br />

of a rescue effort to save a monk seal in trouble.<br />

The following activity pack has been designed to support the <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>Mysteries</strong> programming being aired on ABC affiliate stations. The<br />

goal of this resource is to provide educators with continued learning<br />

opportunities beyond the featured episode.<br />

Contents of this activity pack include:<br />

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Crossword<br />

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Word Search<br />

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Story<br />

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Fun Facts Sheet<br />

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Resource Guide<br />

Lesson and Curriculum Links<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Aquarium</strong> Education Department 1

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Crossword<br />

Student Sheet<br />

Across<br />

2. <strong>Monk</strong> seals are critically endangered; therefore, there are numerous _____ efforts<br />

underway in Hawaii to help preserve the population.<br />

4. Human _____ and marine debris present dangers to wildlife.<br />

5. When female monk seals feel threatened, they will sometimes abandon their _____ to<br />

escape the threat.<br />

6. NOAA helps monitor the health of monk seal populations. NOAA stands for the<br />

National <strong>Ocean</strong>ic and _____ Administration.<br />

7. Wildlife _____ create safe habitats for animals living in Hawaii and surrounding<br />

waters.<br />

Down<br />

1. After sedating a monk seal, researchers collect information about the animal by<br />

drawing _____ samples and tagging them before releasing them back into the<br />

ocean.<br />

3. Workers attach a radio _____ with a GPS signal to show where monk seals are<br />

traveling to find their food.<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Aquarium</strong> Education Department 2

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Crossword<br />

Answer Sheet<br />

Across<br />

2. Conservation<br />

4. Activities<br />

5. Pups<br />

6. Atmospheric<br />

7. Sanctuaries<br />

Down<br />

1. Blood<br />

3. Transmitter<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Aquarium</strong> Education Department 3

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Word Search Student Sheet<br />

N W I K O L K C Q Z I V T E U<br />

V O N I V V R J D A T O N U B<br />

K O I C A I Z P Q N V L E C S<br />

M J C T T W P A E L X C M S K<br />

J N O I A Z A M K J J A R E R<br />

F O C O E V N H F P M N E R J<br />

Y A R R F O R Y E Q G O G A S<br />

L X U O D F Z E M D K E N Z L<br />

Z G R N T A S J S U L S A B B<br />

N Y A S E A L P T N V V D L C<br />

L B S C R J W S R T O S N R I<br />

A Z T F T Y P G L I I C E G V<br />

D E S T R U C T I O N J U N L<br />

R P A O U G M B W R N G G T W<br />

L S I R B E D F Z X K L A Z Y<br />





<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Aquarium</strong> Education Department 4

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Word Search Answer Sheet<br />

N W I K O L K C Q Z I V T E U<br />

V O N I V V R J D A T O N U B<br />

K O I C A I Z P Q N V L E C S<br />

M J C T T W P A E L X C M S K<br />

J N O I A Z A M K J J A R E R<br />

F O C O E V N H F P M N E R J<br />

Y A R R F O R Y E Q G O G A S<br />

L X U O D F Z E M D K E N Z L<br />

Z G R N T A S J S U L S A B B<br />

N Y A S E A L P T N V V D L C<br />

L B S C R J W S R T O S N R I<br />

A Z T F T Y P G L I I C E G V<br />

D E S T R U C T I O N J U N L<br />

R P A O U G M B W R N G G T W<br />

L S I R B E D F Z X K L A Z Y<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Aquarium</strong> Education Department 5

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Story Student Sheet 1<br />

Have students as a group or individually come up with the following<br />

words. Then, insert the words into the attached story and read aloud.<br />

1. Noun (continent) ___________________________________<br />

2. Noun ___________________________________<br />

3. Adjective (ending in ―ed‖) ___________________________________<br />

4. Adjective (ending in ―ed‖) ___________________________________<br />

5. Adverb ___________________________________<br />

6. Plural noun ___________________________________<br />

7. Exclamation ___________________________________<br />

8. Adjective ___________________________________<br />

9. Adjective ___________________________________<br />

10. Noun ___________________________________<br />

11. Plural noun ___________________________________<br />

12. Adjective (ending in ―ing‖) ___________________________________<br />

13. Verb ___________________________________<br />

14. Noun ___________________________________<br />

15. Noun (ocean name) ___________________________________<br />

16. Adjective ___________________________________<br />

17. Adverb ___________________________________<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Aquarium</strong> Education Department 6

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Story Student Sheet 2<br />

Monty, a <strong>Hawaiian</strong> monk seal, was visiting his cousin Mal, a Mediterranean<br />

monk seal, at his home off the coast of ____________ called Cabo Blanco. This is actually<br />

1. Noun (continent)<br />

where the only remaining ____________ of monk seals live.<br />

2. Noun<br />

When Monty first met Mal in Africa, he was _________________ to see just how<br />

3. Adjective (ending in “ed”)<br />

big Mal’s family was. Monty was ______________ to see them all living together in one<br />

4. Adjective (ending in “ed”)<br />

place. Monty’s family back in Hawaii was spread all over the islands and they<br />

__________ gathered even in small __________________.<br />

5. Adverb<br />

6. Plural noun<br />

―__________! I have never seen a seal colony before!‖ Monty told Mal.<br />

7. Exclamation<br />

―It is a very __________ home. Because there are so few seals and limited places<br />

8. Adjective<br />

left to gather, this is the last Mediterranean monk seal colony left in the world. It is very<br />

____________, but we worry that something may happen to this place.‖ Mal confessed<br />

9. Adjective<br />

to Monty.<br />

―With so much going on all the time, how do you keep up with the rest of your<br />

____________?‖<br />

10. Noun<br />

―I do not even try to keep up with my _____________, let alone the rest of my<br />

11. Plural noun<br />

family,‖ replied Mal. ―I just take care of myself. There are about 150 of us in this one<br />

place.‖<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Aquarium</strong> Education Department 7

―Well, speaking of taking care of yourself. I am ___________. Do you want to go<br />

12. Adjective (ending in “ing”)<br />

get something to ____________?‖ Monty asked. ―I don’t know about you, but I would<br />

13. Verb<br />

really like to find some fish, or even a(n) _____________ or two. I could even eat en eel if<br />

14. Noun<br />

I could find one! Those are the things that I usually eat back home. Do you have<br />

anything like that here in Africa?‖<br />

Mal replied, ―We have all of that here, but it might be a little different than what<br />

you have over in the _____________, but I love it.‖<br />

15. Noun (ocean name)<br />

Although it was very ____________ from what he was used to at home in<br />

16. Adjective<br />

Hawaii, Monty thought he was going to ____________enjoy his visit with his relatives in<br />

17. Adverb<br />

Africa.<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Aquarium</strong> Education Department 8

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Fun Facts<br />

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> monk seals prefer warm tropical waters and are primarily found in six<br />

breeding subpopulations in the Northwestern <strong>Hawaiian</strong> Islands.<br />

<strong>Monk</strong> seals get their name from the folds of skin on their head that resemble a<br />

monk's hood The <strong>Hawaiian</strong> name for monk seal is "llio holo I ka uaua" meaning<br />

"dog that runs in rough water."<br />

<strong>Monk</strong> seals typically weigh between 375 and 450 pounds and measure between 7<br />

and 7.5 feet long. Females are slightly larger than males. Pups are about 3 feet<br />

long at birth and weigh 35 pounds on average.<br />

Whiskers are used to feel vibrations in the water and help seals detect food and<br />

navigate their environment.<br />

Although they mainly eat small bony fish, monk seals have been known to eat<br />

octopi and eels.<br />

<strong>Monk</strong> seals breed and haul-out (lay) on sand, corals, and volcanic rock; they are<br />

often seen resting on beaches during the day.<br />

The <strong>Hawaiian</strong> monk seal is classified as ―Critically Endangered‖ by the<br />

International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Threats include<br />

entanglement in fishing gear, other marine debris, and habitat encroachment by<br />

humans. Entanglements limit the seal’s ability to eat and swim, thus threatening<br />

their survival.<br />

The <strong>Hawaiian</strong> monk seal is one of three species of monk seals. The others are the<br />

Mediterranean monk seal which is critically endangered and the Caribbean<br />

monk seal that is extinct.<br />

Conservation efforts are in place to raise awareness about monk seals and<br />

increase our knowledge to protect this species.<br />

Transmitters are attached to the fur of a seal to gather location and dive data.<br />

This is important for understanding the life history of the seal. These<br />

transmitters also provide important information such as dive depths, location,<br />

and feeding locations.<br />

―<strong>Seal</strong> protection zones‖ are set up to create a cautionary border for onlookers<br />

who may get too close and disturb resting monk seals.<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Aquarium</strong> Education Department 9

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong> Resource Guide<br />

Internet Resources:<br />

Defenders of Wildlife<br />

http://www.defenders.org/hawaiian-monk-seal/basic-facts<br />

Basic facts about the <strong>Hawaiian</strong> monk seal.<br />

Earth Trust<br />

http://www.earthtrust.org/wlcurric/seals.html<br />

Information includes the biology and natural history of <strong>Hawaiian</strong> monk seals, factors<br />

affecting their populations, and protective measures in effect to save them from<br />

extinction.<br />

Marine Conservation Biology Institute<br />

http://mcbi.marine-conservation.org/what/what_pdfs/sealFacts.pdf<br />

This is a fact sheet about the most endangered endemic marine mammal in America—<br />

the <strong>Hawaiian</strong> monk seal.<br />

Monachus-Guardian.Org<br />

http://www.monachus-guardian.org/index.php<br />

Fact sheets on the Mediterranean, <strong>Hawaiian</strong>, and Caribbean monk seals, their biology, behavior,<br />

habitat, history, and declining numbers.<br />

National Geographic<br />

http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/hawaiian-monk-seal/<br />

Fast facts about the <strong>Hawaiian</strong> monk seal.<br />

National <strong>Ocean</strong>ic and Atmospheric Administration - Protected Resources Division<br />

http://www.fpir.noaa.gov/PRD/prd_hms_index.html<br />

Information about the <strong>Hawaiian</strong> monk seal’s natural history, physical description,<br />

population size, and threats.<br />

Book Resources:<br />

Ching, Patrick. The hawaiian monk seal. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 1994.<br />

Kalman, Bobbie. Endangered monk seals. New York, NY: Crabtree Pub., 2004.<br />

Williams, Terrie M. The odyssey of KP2. Penguin Press HC.<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Aquarium</strong> Education Department 10

Lesson and Curriculum Links<br />

Environmental Protection Agency<br />

http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/wycd/downloads/Pacific%20Islands%20A3%20<br />

_2.6.09_.pdf<br />

―Impact of Climate Change on <strong>Hawaiian</strong> <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong>s‖ lesson plan. An interactive<br />

lesson where students will work to answer ―What possible factors have caused the<br />

<strong>Hawaiian</strong> monk seals to become endangered?‖, ―What is the ecological relationship<br />

between coral reefs and the monk seal?‖, and ―What can humans do to help increase<br />

monk seal populations?‖<br />

National Geographic<br />

http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/lessons/18/g68/ccmonkseal.html<br />

―Diving in to Save the <strong>Monk</strong> <strong>Seal</strong>‖ lesson plan. An interactive lesson where students<br />

will use the internet to learn about monk seal research and the ecosystem reserve that’s<br />

been established in part to protect the seals.<br />

Partnerships for Reform through Investigative Science and Math<br />

http://hilo.hawaii.edu/affiliates/prism/documents/<strong>Monk</strong><strong>Seal</strong>ResearchExpeditionLes<br />

sonEight.pdf<br />

Students will take a virtual research expedition to observe <strong>Hawaiian</strong> monk seals in their<br />

habitat on the shores of the Northwestern <strong>Hawaiian</strong> Islands. They will become marine<br />

scientists and collect data on what they observe during their research assignment.<br />

<strong>Georgia</strong> <strong>Aquarium</strong> Education Department 11

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